Payment Guaranteed

Like all women, I went through the stages of experimentation, in codes of conduct, morals, smoking, and drinking, when I was in high school, and as I entered the more formal grown up world of the single girl, on the make. It is no surprise to you, I’m sure, that sex and drinking was something that I liked, and wanted […]

Pay to Play

“What do you mean, that game is fifty cents to play? Are you on crack?” The short, wiry young man was poised on his toes, trying to intimidate me. Luckily, he was shorter than I am…and I have a thing for Hispanic guys. I kept my cool. “Dude, trust me. This is so worth it. You’ll see.”

Pavlov’s Passion

Joseph lay Mandy on her back on the bed. He gently ran his fingertips across her brow, down her cheeks, along her neck, across her bare shoulders, and part way down her arms. He stopped briefly to remove his phone from his pocket, turn on some romantic music, and set it on the night stand. Mood set, Joseph returned his […]

Paul’s Problem

Paul was a vice president at the Activity Company Pty Ltd. It was the largest gaming software company in the southern hemisphere. At the age of 34, he was also the youngest executive the company had. He was young, handsome and had the body of a Greek god. Naturally, this bred a lot of resentment in the workplace. It was […]

Pass It On

PART ONE ‘Buses are such wonderful inventions,’ thought Sidney Q. Wickington as walked from the ticket counter toward the departure area. ‘Where else do you get to spend hour upon hour with total strangers, none of whom particularly cares to know you, none of whom will even think about you after they disembark? It’s absolutely perfect for me!’ Taking his […]

Part-Time Tech

Ms. Susan Allen had started working at the school at the start of the term. She had a rather quotidian look about her. He had exchanged a few words with her in the teacher’s lounge and in the hallway. He liked her smile. She approached him after school. “I heard you are good with computers. Can you take a look […]

Party Favors

We were going to the performance of a stage hypnotist. My roommate, Leslie, had been given two tickets — for free — by some guy she met in a mall. He told her he was a ‘front man’ for the hypnotist and that giving away the tickets was some kind of media thing. A lot of folks would have simply […]

Your Bedtime Story…

It all started with Gemma, or at least that was what everyone thought until it was too late. The ostensible study session in the common room had devolved into a conversation about everyone’s worst slumber party experience, and just after Ami finished with hers (“and her mom came in with something she called ‘Better Than Pizza’, and it had this […]

The Cul-de-Sac

The wooded cul-de-sac sat hidden in a residential area about forty minutes from the city. It was in a middle-class town that urban sprawl was slowly but surely having its way with, and an attractive location for our young couple to purchase their first home. “This is gonna be great Mindy, we’ll have little ones running around here inside a […]

Shark and the Minnow

Joanne was hummed happily to herself. The mark that walked through the door had a smoking body and seemed to be as dumb as a bag of rocks. She knew she needed an extra memory card for the camera. She hoped to really show this whore how to fuck. Giving a fake name like Dixie Mae, in her sweet Southern […]