Missing in Action

Flick was, as ever, beautifully dressed. She had a very natural elegance and knew exactly how to dress simply but to maximum effect. “Where the hell have you been?” “As my agent, aren’t you supposed to know that?” “Indeed I am, so explain.”

A Sorority Girl Seduction

Alicia let her friend Kate convince her to join a sorority to be invited to the best parties while in college. It was rush week at the sorority they were pledging themselves to and had to do uncomfortable things. Everything that the girls of Alpha Delta Pi made them do while pledging was sexual in one form or another. Last […]

Cold Showers

“What are you doing up?” I asked, making no movement to better cover myself with the towel. I shivered slightly, but still refrained from wrapping the linen around me. If she was going to open the bathroom door without knocking, then I was making no effort toward privacy either.  

My Bestfriend

“Don’t forget we have an early start tomorrow girls!” my dad called out as he pushed the door open a crack. “Ok thanks!” I breathed, the door shutting as I heard him walk down the hall to his room. Mom was already in bed, tired after preparing for our road trip to the cabin. We went as a family every […]

Two Ships

I was driving to Vegas from Dallas to party for the week. I had everything I needed. Bikini, a couple pairs of shorts, new tops, new shoes, lingerie. Everything. Well, everything but the charger cord to my phone which crapped out as I was using it for directions. I didn’t even think about it until it was too late. The […]

An Out Of Body Experience

This weekend, after a long chat on the phone with my friend, Val, and a masturbating session, later on, I fell asleep and had a sort of Out-of-Body erotic dream. It was so vivid that I remember every single detail. While I laid there in deep slumber in the middle of a queen-size bed draped with pale-yellow sheets, I saw […]

Giselle’s Date

Giselle was getting dressed up for her date. She wore a lacy red corset, matching red lacy tanga style panties, and matching red stockings. Her pubic region had been waxed bare and smooth, she wanted her date to be fully lust-driven. She checked the time, it was almost ready. She knew what awaited her in the bedroom, and she shivered […]

Pushing Buttons

Megan resisted the urge to check her makeup again. She was nervous and fidgety, sitting at the table, unsure what to do with herself. She pulled her phone out of her handbag again, something to do while she waited, her eyes watching the restaurant, scanning to make sure her date hadn’t arrived. The room was filled with tables of couples […]

House Sitting

“Alright, kitty cats. You’re free to dig in.” I set the heavy bag of pet food down and sighed. My chores were almost complete. Giving the fish their dinner was last, then I could relax. Jen’s house was full of animals and plants that needed tending to. House sitting for her wasn’t so bad, but leaving work only to have […]

Nicole and Kate: Beginnings

Nicole had recently turned 18 and her life was as busy as ever with school, soccer, tennis, applying to college, friends, and volunteer work. Sometimes she wondered if she was too busy for her own good, but she considered herself lucky to have a supportive family and some close and faithful friends. Over the past year or so, Nicole also […]