Woodland Landing on a Short Cock

With all my continuous personal problems I made up my mind, when I entered college that I would have a plan. This worked to my advantage; I studied hard; I took the classes that I needed, graduated with a degree in accounting and picked up extra courses that I thought would help with my career in the postal service.

With My Best Friend’s Mom

My name is Danny Maxwell. I just turned nineteen years old. I am the oldest in my high school graduating class. I just started school late as my mother did not think that I was ready to start school at five years of age. I was told that when I was about two or three years old that I would […]

Winter Break

We had always been close, and I knew that I would have a hard time not seeing her for a few months. Of course, we planned to keep in touch with facetime, texting, etc., but it was just going to be different. On more than one occasion our friendship had been more of a romantic attraction or rather high school […]

Winter Treat

We’re having a real cold snap. O.K., maybe up north nobody’d call it COLD, but for us down here it’s about as cold as it gets. And we completely freak out about it too; stocking up on supplies as if a hurricane’s coming, battening down hatches, taking plants off the balcony, running faucets on trickle overnight. Schools close, people leave […]

With Joan at the Hotel

We met at a time, when chatting on the internet was text-only, and transmitting pictures via e-mail was still somewhat revolutionary. I was a student and single, and Joan was a married mom of two, with an abusive and jealous husband. On her free time and when he was working his shifts, she had started to roam the internet – […]

Win or Lose

I guess it’s a case of “be careful what you wish for” but I’m not really complaining, since what I wished for, ultimately, was a better sex life. I certainly got that, but it wasn’t exactly what I thought it would be when I was wishing for it. My wife, Lily, and I have been married for a long time […]

Willing Submission to a Dickgirl

I had had my eyes on her for a long time, Elizabeth. She worked for a financial firm in the same skyscraper as I, and so we often crossed paths in the elevator or when entering and exiting the building. I was just a lowly salesman for a small sales firm, and so she was far more wealthy than I. […]

Willing Cuck-Slut Husband

Waking up, he walked naked (as required by her very strict rules) into the kitchen to make coffee, his wife of 15 years already gone to work. Even though she was nearing 50, she still had a hot body that men were more than willing to sample, 5′ 2″ and 125 pounds. She had fairly large tits with huge nipples […]

William’s Watery Encounter

It was the last night in Mexico and the hot and sunny day had transformed into a muggy night. William and his friends had spent the week of spring break exploring the villages around the Yucatán peninsula. On the last night they decided to book themselves a hostel room in Mexico City so that they could get to their early […]

Will Work for Panties

Life is too short to go through it stupid and careless. I guess that you can be either one thing or the other and you will not inflict too much damage on yourself, but the combination of the two can prove tragic. For instance, if you are going to raid your aunt’s underwear hamper on a holiday visit – stupid […]