Cam Mom

I suppose that I should have expected this when I asked for their help. I did understand where their shock would come from. After all, what I asked them to help me with was a really big surprise. The problem is that I am not really talented with technology, and I really didn’t know who else to go to. Well, […]

The Christmas Party

Christmas parties were always the same. This one wasn’t even with Dan’s co-workers, but he’d come out at the behest of his wife, Noel. Cheesy music blared from the speakers in the stuffy banquet hall, the more contemporary releases being notably more offensive than the usual stuff. The hall was littered with round tables that forced conversation had been decorated […]

Poolside Penetration

The glow of the midday sun was shining down on my glistening body while I soaked up rays next to the pool. The frozen mojito in my glass cooled my fingertips. And the presence of my husband Luis next to me warmed my heart. The past months had been busy for us both, and we’d only now gotten a chance […]

Remembering the Good ‘ol Days

This digital age we live in is a true godsend. We are able to practically live our entire lives online. We can shop, do our banking, stay in touch with friends…you name it, almost everything and anything imaginable is at our finger tips. Personally, for me, the greatest benefit to this digital age we live in is our instant access […]

Sue Set Free: More Fun at Work

I’ve been working on settling in to the open marriage thing. Obviously women do better in these situations than most men do, but I’m still a little jealous about my husband, Dave, and his mistress. He’s been mostly living vicariously through me though, and that keeps him away from his mistress.

A Magical Evening with Melina

I was picking up my briefcase to get ready to leave my office when the phone started ringing. An implosive hollowness was enunciated inside me when I heard Melina’s voice on the other end of the line, who was inviting me to a dinner, she was very specific when she said that it was a matter of strict etiquette and […]

The Bookseller

I whistled tunelessly as I unlocked the door to my little bookstore. The bell rang as I pushed my way in. My hands were full of two boxes of new inventory and my big shoulder purse got hung up on the doorknob. I cursed in most unladylike fashion and freed myself. I let the boxes thump down on the front […]

Game Night (Short Story)

“Lena, Marcus is on his way” I hear Cole yell at me as I walk by our room. I hear the sound of gunshots as I see Cole slip back on his headset and flip on his microphone to let his teammates know he was back on line. I walk into the room, knowing there was no need to sneak […]

Private School

When I graduated from college I was looking for a teaching job (actually I thought of it as a “position”) in secondary education. I have wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember even though some would think of it as a women’s profession. I feel strongly that there are few more important pursuits than giving […]

Empty Nesters

I met April Davis about a year after I had graduated from law school and started working for a large firm. April worked for a tech company that had made a vague contract to supply an online platform to a doctors’ group. Although April had received her Master’s in Computer Science only a couple of years earlier, she led the […]