Cum Again

Her hazel eyes wide and wild, her lengthy auburn hair disheveled, her nostrils flaring, her skin glistening, her body twisting, she rode the tumultuous waves of yet another climax, the penis gag unfortunately muffling her voice yet fortunately unable to silence her. Each uncontrolled, instinctive, primal movement of her pale lithe body caused the bed to squeal in protest, the […]

Cum Bubbles

The alarm started to beep at 7:30 on a Tuesday morning. Time to begin another day. I stopped the alarm from beeping and headed to the kitchen where I put on a pot of coffee. Once the coffee was brewing I went to the bathroom and peed. I left the door open, as master allowed me no privacy. Once I […]

Cum for Me Baby Girl

We had been talking online for a few days. Getting to know each other. An experienced dominant and an inexperienced submissive. The chemistry was there, trust was building and a connection growing deeper. I had slowly been completing tasks for you. Sharing pictures of my body. Videos of me pulling my nipples and rubbing my clit. I was enjoying experimenting […]

Cum For Me Little One

It takes a couple of seconds for my mind to register that his hand has stopped landing. My body continues to tense and move, working through the sting that’s still lingering deep in my heated flesh. My body gradually stills, but is far from calm as I begin to feel the freeze of delicious apprehension.

Cum For Me Princess

As instructed, I sit on the edge of the bed. Black corset, matching thong, garter belt, thigh high stockings and black heels. My hair is down and curled. Just the way he likes it. Mascara on my lashes and a hint of blush on my cheeks. He loves a little blush on my face. Especially when he’s the cause. The […]

Cuffed With No Key

At the time of these events which occurred late September, three summers ago, I had just turned 38 years old. I was (and still am) working in a law office in North Houston. Both of my sons had returned to college, so Jim and I were ’empty nesters’ and had a little extra freedom around the house. To celebrate the […]


Ophelia’s smile was radiant, though even she knew that it held no real interest in the topics being discussed at the restaurant table. Her boyfriend’s friends were a real bore. They seemed to be able to babble on for days about such mundane subjects like crocket or the latest fashion of men’s socks. She didn’t even try to hold in […]

Pleasuring Sir

I see his car slide up beside mine. I’ve been waiting a while, stewing in my own breath hitching cravings. I’m all desire and primitive need. He turns off the engine and cocks his head with that look he always gives me as if asserting his dominance with just one gaze – a shot across the bow to test my […]

Having a Bad Few Days

‘Jesus Christ,’ I muttered under my breath, slamming the kitchen cupboard shut. ‘Everything OK, Baby?’ He came into the kitchen behind me, leaning against the doorframe and crossing his arms across his chest. He looked incredibly handsome in his dark grey suit trousers and navy button-down shirt and he hadn’t taken his black work shoes off yet, but despite how […]

The Bondage of Marriage

Even in Toronto, spring air contained magic. In it, Kenneth Weston could smell the vague deep-fried aromas of Spadina and Chinatown, the street dirt, the perfume, the nightclubs, the drunken arousal of a city waking up from a long, cold winter. It was after dark, and Victoria was off to the hospital to another call. Kenneth didn’t mind the time […]