Nyx and Zane

I remember everything from that night as clear as the star’s sheen in the bar backyard of hotel ‘Costa Del Lussa’ in one of the largest mobster-gang hubs of New York. My silver heels clattered against the lavish marble flooring leading to the French corridors. My mission was easy that night, as compared to the rather lethal ones I had […]

The Reporter

“Geoff. Can’t you give this online piece to someone else? It’s just fucking weird.” I asked desperately, but Geoff, my boss, wasn’t budging. He was an ageing, balding, sleaze-bag of a man, but hey, it was hard to get work in this city. Like many young journalists, I had dreams. I wanted to make it big, I wanted to be […]


I wanted a nice relaxing day at home on Halloween after being stiffed last year by a girl I was talking to. She was using me for my money and didn’t give anything in return. I went to that party knowing no one and she left me there to go flirt with other guys. I said fuck it and left […]


She’s in there waiting for me. That’s kinda all I know. There were no hints of what might transpire tonight in her brief text message. Just a simple terse, ‘Are you free tonight round 8? If so, just answer yes and be here on time.’ I’m wearing the black t-shirt she once indicated she liked. And ripped Versace jeans. The […]

Helping Sir Relax

“Its been a long day my pet.” Sir says as walks through the door. I have dinner made, the game on, the house clean, and nothing on besides my collar and my lacy, emerald green chemise. As Sir gets settled, I take the time to make his plate and serve him at his favorite spot on the couch. I see […]


Bethany read the words again. The text message was simple enough. It was the one he used whenever inviting her to let him control the evening, to submit to him. She had done it several times before, and she trusted him to give her an experience to remember. And enjoy. It wouldn’t necessarily be safe. Well, it would be physically […]

The Connoisseur

I keep a brownstone in the city for… entertaining. I mention it because there’s a game I like to play when I bring a woman there for the first time. Oh, she knows she’s there for sex. Raw, passionate, primal. We’ve talked and flirted enough that my intentions have become abundantly clear. She’s confessed her deepest, most secret fantasies to […]

My Lovely Subby Hubby

I suppose I have always been a strong personality, even my parents found me difficult to control when I was a teenager, and men have always had the same problem ever since, unless, of course, they like to be mildly dominated. I like to control. No, I need to control, and now as a mature woman of forty five I […]

Journal of Bound Euphoria

She was absolutely stunning. Her long, black hair fell past her shoulders, barely covering her breasts. I could feel my heart beating faster as she drew closer, and even more once I noticed the crop in her hand. Her hand brushed my cheek as I met her deep brown eyes- and she smiled. A soft, reassuring smile that took all […]

A Double Sleepover

Marc told me on Thursday lunchtime he had a manager from one of the Midlands offices coming up for a meeting, he was bringing his PA who was also his girl friend/sub/slave not over sure what her actual title is. Marc had stayed with them a few times and she bed warmed for him, as i will for his friend. […]