Yoga Boy Needs a Break

Lee looks towards the door hoping the other guys leave him be. The thought of more makes him a little anxious. He feels so tired and weak. Thankfully they don’t come in this time. They just beckon their partners to come as the job is done.

With the burglars fleeing, Lee is left cold naked and wet on the floor. His breathing is still rapid and shallow. He thinks about how he could run away before Nile returns. But he just can’t concentrate, he’s so high on the experience he has just had.

He clambers to his feet. Shaking and trembling with a mixture of pleasure and adrenaline he slowly makes his way to the door. He peers out and can see his front door is wide open showcasing his house to the buy high street.

His tiredness wins, he stumbles naked to the front door, much to the delight and shock of passers by. The giggles and finger pointing make rock hard again. “What is wrong with me” he wonders. A group of girls stop to laugh in absolute shock. A couple do a double take as he closes the door to a chorus of “oh my gods”and “did you see thats”.

Before he can turn and walk to the kitchen there is a loud hard knock at the door. He looks through the peephole. It’s the group of girls all sniggering and trying to be serious.

He considers leaving them hanging. But they might want yoga classes. God knows he needs the money. He opens the door shielding his body behind it. They know he is naked, their hungry eyes scan the whole picture ready to devour whatever they can see.

“Can I help you ladies?” He tried to sound interested but it didn’t seem to matter. They all bundled in through the door. As the door slammed the he tried to hide his groin with both hands.

“You can’t, but WE will help you” All 5 women stared at his cock laughing. “You cant help us with that thing trust us. But with that thing,” pointing at his still leaking ass, “you can help someone we know!” They all roared with laughter. Cackling witches he thought. They circled him. One groped his ample ass as she bit her lip. He didnt bother resisting. He was so tired.

“Look, we have this,” the ring leader paused, “friend, if you want to call him that. He has a house abroad he normally invites guys, like you,” pointing to his ass again, “to visit. What do you think lil’ sissy bubble but?” The witches screeched with laughter again. His cock was up for it apparently. One of the women walked towards him slowly. Her heels clicked hard on the wood floor. “You should get on your knees.” None of the women were smiling or laughing now. Again, he didn’t even bother resisting. He wanted to kneel anyway he was so tired he convinced himself. She lifted her skirt and stood with her legs a little wider than shoulder width apart. She wore no underwear. Her big hanging lips glistened in the hallway lights, with a big drip of liquid hanging from between them.

“Your pecker down there between your skinny little bitch legs wouldnt even get us started. We need real dick! Like real ones, you know?” She looked knowingly into his eyes. “You like them big too don’t you lil guy?” The sniggers started again. “Don’t worry, we have just the ticket.” She began to write on a piece of paper torn from a notepad in her handbag. Finished, she scrunched the piece of paper up, leaned down exposing her huge cleavage and stuffed the paper into Lee’s mouth. She winked and with that, all 5 left the building not without one last humiliating insult. At the top of her lungs, one of the women shouted “Can you believe how tiny his cock is? No wonder he prefers BBC up that big round arse of his!”

He closed and locked the door before anymore feet found their way inside. He looked at his still rock hard cock. At nearly 6 inches, only nearly mind you, it wasn’t the worst. But it was not Niles, Vinces or Cams. They all had big ol’ cocks. The ones that swing between legs! The ones that catches eyes in the street and breaths in the bedroom.

He spat the paper out into his hand and unfurled it. It read Leon, then a foreign number.

He text it without hesitation. “Hi this is Lee, your friends gave me your number. They said you wanted to invite me over to your place abroad somewhere?! Not sure if they were playing with you or me lol. ” Delivered 1607.

He grabbed a sandwich from the fridge and ate it so fast he got felt heartburn almost immediately. Glugging some water he walked naked to the bathroom at the opposite end of the hallway. The cum was now running down his legs and on the back of his balls. He showered quickly avoiding the urge in his cock to wank.

He dried and threw on some sweats and picked up his phone to check if had a reply. No notifications. He couldn’t help check further. Read 1637. It was now 1647 he thought. 10 minutes and no reply. Not likely to get one now.


His eyes inspected his phone immediately. The number for Leon showed on screen with the word ‘Photo’ and an icon next to it. His heart raced. He could hardly open the picture fast enough. His eyes widened at the the picture. It was a photo of a piece of paper which had writing on it. But Lee’s eyes filtered this fact and saw only that the paper was laid over one very erect penis. The no penis was actually visible but the paper clearly say on a naked man who was very very well endowed. The white paper contrasted against his skin making it much more noticeable to Lee.

Lee finally realised the text on the paper was the purpose of the photo. It was an address and 2 questions. The address was for somewhere he had never heard of. He hastily opened maps on his phone. It was on an island in the middle of the Atlantic. How the fuck do I get there? He thought.

He read the questions. ‘1) How big is your ass around in inches? 2) When will you get here?’

He wasn’t sure the answer to either. He’d never measured his ass! Numbers were not his speciality he had to admit. And when he would get there was a mystery, if he ever could. He’d only just found out this was a place 30 seconds ago now he needed travel arrangements. Fuck those witches.

He poured over the internet for flights and finally came across exactly what he needed. The main problem he had with actually booking them though, was the ridiculous price. £2’492 return. He had about £175 in his account.

He text Leon to say sadly he could not afford it. Delivered 1701.

He went back into his studio and checked what needed to be cleaned. He had 10 clients due in first thing tomorrow and he couldn’t have any evidence of earlier.

He mopped the cum and returned the mop and bucket to the utility room off the kitchen, put his clothes in the washing basket.


He fumbled his phone back out his pocket. “Photo” from same number as before. He opened. It was a booking confirmation and itinerary. He didn’t quite understand what he was looking at until he saw the town name of the address he was sent by Leon.

“He’s booked my flight?!” The disbelief in his voice echoed in the small room. He felt weak. He felt taken advantage of. He was as hard as a rock again…