I Know That I Won’t Keep You

Last part of Trilogy — ‘Lives Briefly Set Aflame’ & ‘So Much More than a Memory.’


Melanie had answered the call on her iPhone while looking out onto the street below; her small house lay off the busier thoroughfares that became choked with rush hour traffic and blighted the picturesque scene of half-timbered houses, varied gables and the pavements cobbled, as you might find it on a film set. The Normandy town, she now lived in, was one repeated elsewhere in the province; the ravages of the last war all cleared away.

She didn’t revisit that history, be it in books, films or a trip to the coastline to the north. She’d had her fill of that in school when she lived in Caen. She had moved to her new home some two years ago. The phone-call that she had just taken brought the time, spent there, back into the sharpest focus.

She sat back on the cushions of the window seat and closed her eyes for a moment. There was time to consider what she had heard Alain, her nephew, tell her. She would be at work on time, as she always was.

He had confounded her for his devotion during their brief affair two years ago; a time when he was graduating from the university. Reunions, and a resumption of what had been discovered, had not played out as she had dared to hope; but she understood the reasons why only too well. A woman of forty-three really had to be out of the top drawer to gain, and then hold, the attention of a twenty-three-year-old. It was laughable to even think it, let alone remember that it was exactly what had happened.

‘Melanie, it is to my shame that I have not been with you as we once were,’ he had said, his voice as deep and persuasive as ever,. ‘The times I spent with you have not been forgotten…never will be.’

‘It was the same for me, but I understand…I did so then, but I had to move home.’ The place had been too big for her and, besides, it held too many memories of how their affair had burst into life.

He had hesitated in asking it of her. ‘May I make it all up to you…spend a long weekend in your company…be as discreet as we were before?’

She had been slow to answer. She had felt her heart beat a little quicker at the thought of having him with her for three days and enough nights to know that it would exhaust her beyond measure, but she would be pleasured again and put an end, as before, to a drought in her emotional life. Passion would again overcome propriety.

‘How can I refuse you, chéri?’

His answering laugh had captivated her. ‘I hoped that you might say it like that!’

She had refrained from answering directly, but it was how she felt on hearing from him, and they talked excitedly about the arrangements to be made. Her lover, from those times, would find her changed in appearance, but as hungry to have him in her bed as before, their hunger for each other never quite satisfied. The humdrum would be replaced by the passionate; the prosaic way of life she had again fallen into, as no man claimed her attention, would be forgotten for the time he was with her.

‘We…we live for the day as we once did, Mel…I can’t say it in any other way. I hope that you understand?’

‘I do, Alain…I do.’

She had not told him that she also forgave him for saying it. They had always been honest with each other. Their relationship, and their age differences, along with how far from each other they lived, decided it for them.



She fussed over her appearance once more and looked in the vanity mirror, set into the back of the sun-visor on the driver’s side of the car, She fingered out her auburn hair, the central parting still rebellious and her hair looking somewhat windswept but studiously so. It had ‘volume’, as some women’s magazines might write to describe it.

Her lips had a light pink colour; her eyebrows neatly plucked and naturally curved. She noted, again, that her face had become slender from the diet she followed, her colourful smock dress shaping her and cool for a balmy, late summer evening, the clouds up above her already having an orange tinge. They suggested that the weather would be fine for them tomorrow.

She was startled by her phone trembling and singing out its merry tone.

‘Hallo…Melanie Deschamps…’

‘Alain Coderre…’ she heard him laugh. ‘How formal you sound!’

‘Sorry, I was distracted…’

‘I think we both will be. I will arrive in ten minutes…’

‘I’m at the station car park. I have time to see which platform you arrive at. Don’t walk past and miss the lady in the light blue…flowery dress, will you?’

‘As if I’d do that…I’m looking at a picture of us dancing on the promenade one night when we went out the last time I was really with you.’

‘I have it too. I cannot believe it is so long since we were together like that…”

‘And we will be again…soon.’

She heard it in his voice. They would again break all the rules. Her assured young lover, from those times, would soon be with her and the emotional roller-coaster ride would begin all over again.

Modesty, and the crush of travellers, kept them from an overt display of joy to see each other again. They hugged and kissed in the formal ways of it, yet their hands griped fiercely, and they uttered hot words as the embraced for only a moment.

‘You wonder…just look at you,’ he murmured, appreciation evident his eyes.

She basked in his attention and felt the thrill of anticipation course through her body. She loved to see his captivating smile and the creases at each side of Alain’s mouth; how his brown hair had its strands of blonde and how it too had a parting, not unlike hers, and how it fell across his forehead, to one side. He tugged at his jacket as his suit bag hung from one shoulder.

‘I’ll lead the way, shall I?’ she suggested happily, her eyes taking him in. ‘I…I understand the reasons, but…I don’t know how we’ve not been together since the last time. How we kept away from each other.’

Alain threaded his arm through hers, possessively. He soon clutched her hand as they walked. He stood somewhat taller, and Melanie could so easily be mistaken for his mother, a thought that now disconcerted him as he looked at Melanie and saw a slender woman, more so than he remembered. But what she brought, so captivatingly shaped by her dress, was what he did remember and ached to know of again.



Her bed had fresh linen and the room bore traces of the scented candles that she had burned for two days and after she had come home from work, all of it done in keen anticipation for his company again; Alain’s behaviour in the car, his questing caresses, matching the ache of longing that she felt to know of him.

She had gotten through the day somehow; rushed home to shower and change. She had felt like a pubescent schoolgirl in the unreality of what she, a grown woman, was doing…dreaming about their reunion; Alan’s touches to her thigh, as she drove them home, impossible to resist and her efforts at restraining him futile. She’d reached over and felt the hard swell in his trousers and brazenly worked it as far as her driving allowed.

It was feral and wanton behaviour, and it went so well with their bubbly, excited chatter. They knew what would happen the minute the door was closed, and they were in her house, its strangeness to him lending their reunion added spice.

Melanie slewed the car to a stop, close to the house, her residents parking ticket buying her that space. She squirmed on feeling his fingers on her neck then the slow tug on the zip fastening.

‘Behave…for only a moment longer!’ she laughed and scooted away. He was at her shoulder as the security light came on and bathed them, for a moment only, before they stumbled into the house, the door being slammed shut behind them, she casting her handbag and keys onto the hall table, Alain dropping his bag on the floor.

‘I ache for you…you!’ he kissed to her skin as her dress was unfastened and his hands soon slipping around her body, under her dress and cupped the tumble of her heavy, pendulous breasts. He felt the softness of her bra’s fabric and how her nipples strained against this barrier to his questing touches.

‘You make me into someone else!’ she gasped on meeting his deepening, open-mouthed kisses.

She didn’t want to give him a BJ, but to fuck; to have him lick and finger her out before he takes her and puts that hard length of flesh in her body and makes his aunt feel wanted again; to have her behave like someone else; someone who has lost her senses except one, that of having this young man’s body claim her and to have him lose his seed in her and have no cares. She’s way past that happening. She wants to forget how empty she’s felt and for far too long. She has had no one even flirt with her and break down the barriers she had again put up after Alain had gone. She wants to be pleasured ad to share again in the frenzy of a fuck…to really do that with him and be taken out of herself.

She has thought of little else all day and now here he is, his hands on her body and her dress loose and hanging off her shoulders.

‘Upstairs…in my bed!’

Sh e had felt the wetness between her legs, a response to how her mind had continually strayed to these hungry thoughts of them getting together again. She had felt as if she was trapped in a vortex that was dragging her down into its swirling waves. She’d found it difficult to focus and had wanted the hours to pass quickly and to be out of her colleagues company and in the arms of her lover. Only then would the ache finally be satisfied, and her emptiness filled.

They laughed and stumbled up the stairs, their hands on each other as hungering kisses were feverishly exchanged and snorts of pleasure on the air as they fell on the bed. Alain pushed her legs up and ravenously plugged her opening with his tongue, his mouth offering sucking kisses before he plunged his penis into her body. He succeeded i9n that with uncommon and practised ease.

‘Together…together, Melanie!’

‘Yes….yes!’ She was so wet and pulled on him; struggled to free her legs from his grip and to caress his body with them before they were hooked behind his back. She pushed up and felt his lean hips crash against her fleshy belly and hips. He had yet to claim her breasts. She felt his breaths of effort on them, no more.

The head of his penis stretched and caressed her opening and the walls of her vagina; plumbed her in long sinuous, steady and stretching strokes that became intense and only too purposeful. He left no part of her unclaimed and moved quicker and quicker…slower and slower…deeper and deeper…then grazing her opening, the swollen tip of his penis at the edge and all of his actions a beguiling promise of what would again follow.

She finally felt his lips tug on her hard nipples and held his head to her breasts, even as his movements finally touched her forbidden spot.

‘You’ll break me…fill me!’ She cried out as they coupled furiously and gave no respite from the offering of their bodies to each other, nor from the massage of their hands and skins; what his long length of flesh buried in her aroused and her dragging clamping hold on it.

‘Melanie…Melanie,’ she heard him groan, and knew that he was at the edge and that he toiled to prevent the urge to come.

‘Not yet!’

It would be too soon although she too could so easily be tipped over the edge. She ached for him to please her some more; drew him down until she lay on him and he could take his pleasure on the heavy sway of her breasts and do that as she leant forward to brush her nipples over his skin. They wanted to please each other; they ached to lose their minds and bodies in the sharing of their orgasms.

She stifled his soft groans and loved to hear the squelchy sounds that they made. She could not resist him as he made her lie back and again shoved that wondrous penis into her body. They fucked and he gave her no respite, and she held nothing back, as her bed creaked and rocked; her feet thrashing on the covers as she felt the pulsing pleasure from that pole caressing her insides until he took a deep, unsteady breath.

‘Not yet!’ she yelled again, even as the delight of pain that his mouth bestowed on her trembling, jerking breasts took a hold on her and his lips pulling on them and her nipples.

‘Oh yes…now…now!’

She worked him until he burst; expelled his jetting streams into her and she offered no respite but wanted to feel it all as she too climaxed; embraced him fiercely and yelled out to him as her body shuddered and she had no control over it.

‘Alain! Forbidden love is ours…make these moments last!’

He understood but chose not to answer; simply gloried in her fleshy body and the last of the drugging waves of pleasure that she had again brought to him. Many hours would be spent in pursuing so much pleasure in her bed or wherever, and whenever, the mood overwhelmed them. They had known of such times some time ago.

Now, on their first night, was not the time to finally say goodbye to what they both wanted to share as a reprise for all that had gone before.