Jed Goes Camping with His Sister

“I was so looking forward to it. Why do you have to be so clumsy?”

“Jed, you make it sound as if I did it on purpose.”

Of course she hadn’t, and I was being a jerk. When the woman you love, badly sprains her ankle while out walking, you give her sympathy, and not abuse.

A heartfelt sorry from me, followed by a hug, got a big smile from her. We were now OK again.

An hour later, I was still disappointed about tomorrow’s camping trip being cancelled, but I was doing my best not to show it. And I still hadn’t plucked up the courage to tell Jess. She wouldn’t be happy, and she would probably find some way of blaming me for Lizzy’s misfortune, even though that would be completely irrational. However, when I did eventually call my Sister, she was surprisingly calm about it.

“It’s no big deal, we can always go camping on another weekend. I’m just glad that her ankle isn’t broken.”

While we were eating our evening meal Lizzy was quiet, and I could tell that there was something on her mind. I didn’t ask her what it was, because I knew that when she’s ready, she’ll tell me. We’d almost finished eating, when she did.

“I’ve been thinking about your camping trip. You can still go.”

“But what about your ankle?”

“I can hobble about on it, and I’m sure that if I ask my Mother to stay with me while you are away, she will say yes, even though it’s short notice.”

I wanted to go, but it didn’t seem right. I would be away having a good time, while she was at home, unable to walk properly.

“No, I’ll stay here and help you.”

We then had an argument. She was insisting that I go, while I was insisting that I would be staying. It got heated, until, after realizing how silly I was being, I stopped.

After putting my hands up, as if surrendering, I said, “OK, you win,” and then, after kissing her on the cheek, “Thanks.”

As expected, her Mother was happy to come and stay while I was away. And Jess was delighted that the trip was now back on.

“So just you and me Bro. And don’t forget, I’m in charge.”

That wasn’t news to me, because she was always in charge. As usual, she had planned the camping trip, and she would decide the itinerary. I’m twenty five years old, and Jess is only twenty, but she’s the leader. I don’t mind, despite being older than her, I’m happy to follow.

We were in bed for nine thirty, because tomorrow was an early start for me.

“What time is Jess picking you up at?”

“Six, and if I’m not ready I’ll be in trouble.”

“Try not to wake me up.”

“I’ll be as quiet as a mouse.”

“You’d better be. Mother is coming over at eight, and I’d like to still be asleep when she arrives.”

I then turned over, so that my back was against her. It was so that she would think that I wanted to sleep. But I didn’t. I was in a playful mood, probably because of the excitement of going away for the weekend, so I was going to make her believe that I wasn’t interested in having sex. As expected, it wasn’t long before she spoke again.

“Don’t even think about sleeping before you’ve fucked me.”

With my back still towards her, I calmly said, “What about your injury?”

“It’s my ankle that’s sprained, not my pussy.”

That was funny, but I managed not to laugh. If I was careful I’d be able to tease her a bit more.

“I’ve got a long day tomorrow. I need to sleep.”

“And you’ve got a long cock. I need it inside me.”

I was going to say more, but before I could, she poked me in the ribs, and it was painful. I quickly turned over before she could do it again.

This time when her hand was on me, it wasn’t to inflict pain, it was to stimulate me, because it was now on my cock.

“You thought that you were being funny, pretending that you weren’t interested, but you were just being pathetic. I’ll forgive you, but only if you make me come, and more than once.”

There are many things I love about Lizzy. That’s why I married her. For example, she has brains as well as beauty, and she has a wicked sense of humour. And nobody makes a better cheesecake than her, and that’s important to me. But top of the list is her enjoyment of sex. She’s a woman that likes to fuck, and often. At times I have difficulty keeping up with her. So I knew that before I went away, she wasn’t going to let me just turn over and go to sleep. But that wasn’t a problem, because I was as eager to do it as she was.

We were now passionately kissing, and my hands were on her tits. She has a slim body, that’s best described as petite, so her breasts aren’t mountains. However, as always, they were big enough to excite me. And because she was only twenty two years old, they were wonderfully firm.

“Suck my tits.”

As soon as my mouth was on her nipple, she moaned, and her hand that was on my cock, started to move faster. But I wasn’t worried that she would make me come. She has done this now so many times that she was an expert. She was stroking my cock with a speed that was exciting me, but well below the level that was needed to finish me off.

I was now giving both her nipples the attention that they needed, one in my mouth, and the other was being tweaked by my fingers. But soon she’d want more than that, she would want her pussy to join in. And surprisingly, it was minutes rather than seconds before that happened.

“Finger my wet pussy.”

I did, and she was right. What I’d done to her tits had certainly got her juices flowing. My two fingers were sliding in an out of her with ease, so I added another. That made her gasp. I knew what the next thing that she’d want me to do to her was, so I didn’t need to wait for her to ask, I just did it. And when I did, she purred.

“I like that, do it again, but harder.”

This time when I rubbed her clit my touch was firmer, and her response was a low moan. A third stroke of her little pearl got another moan from her, but a lot louder than the previous one. She was coming to the boil.


Did she mean the finger on her clit or the three that were inside her?

My guess was that it was her clit that needed more, but in case it wasn’t, all my fingers were now moving speedily.

That got the response from her that I expected. More noise and more movement. Her moaning was now almost off the scale, and she was pushing her pussy against my fingers.

“Fuck, I’m going to come.”

I had to smile. There was surprise in her voice, as if what I was doing to her wasn’t going to eventually make her climax.

And what a climax it was! I was proud of my contribution towards it, but I couldn’t just stay still and admire it, I needed to act. What she expected now, was for me to get my cock into her as quickly as possible, preferably while she was still in it. Then I was to fuck her hard. No holding back.

While I parted her legs she was still, but entering her made her animated again. And when I was fully in her, she grunted. Then I started fucking her. Long hard strokes.

“You can do much better than that.”

It was a challenge, and I was up for it. Each stroke was now my best, ending with my balls slapping against her.

I only managed to keep going for a minute at the most, but it was enough for both of us. She got there first, and two strokes later I joined her. I was completely satisfied, and she was as well. However, when I return, after being away for three nights, both of us would be desperate to do it again.

I got up at five thirty, and when Jess arrived at six, I was ready.

“Do you want a coffee before we leave?”

That got a quick no from her, followed by, “I’ll drive.”

That suited both of us. She preferred to drive, and I was always happy to be a passenger.

When we were in the car, about to set off, she asked, “Did you pack everything?”


“Including your sleeping bag?”

Then she giggled. Why was that funny? Before I could ask, she said, “Read this.”

She was now on her phone, sending me something. As soon as I received it I opened her text, then I clicked on the link. It took me to a story, ‘Camping with my Sister’. It was on a website that I hadn’t heard of before, but the name of it contained the word sex, so the story was going to be pornographic.

“When you’ve finished reading it you’ll know why I asked you about the sleeping bag.”

As she drove off, I started. To say that I was curious was the understatement of the year, so I was reading it quickly. The first part was setting the scene. Like us, it was two siblings on a camping trip. Amusingly, called Jack and Jill. When they arrive at the camp site, and unpack, there’s only one sleeping bag. Jack has forgotten to pack his. And that’s why Jess had asked me if I’d brought mine with me. Up to that point it was a story that a child could read, but at night, when they share Jill’s sleeping bag, it became adult only.

When I’d finished reading it, I put my phone down. It had been hot stuff, and it had aroused me. Our camping trip would be enjoyable, but not as enjoyable as theirs!

“So what did you think of it?”

I decided to play it down. It would feel uncomfortable telling my Sister that I’d enjoyed a story about incest, particularly one that was about siblings on a camping trip.

In a casual manner, I said, “It was OK. Some spelling mistakes and a bit of bad grammar, but that didn’t distract from the story.”

She laughed and then she said, “Just OK? And only you would point out the errors, rather than just enjoy it. It’s been written to excite, and not to win a literary prize. It’s porn, not high art.”

Thankfully, she left it at that. No more questions from her about what I’d just read. As we continued on our long journey, I kept going back to the story, thinking about what had happened between Jack and Jill.

It was a cold night, so they had no option but to share the one sleeping bag. And, because their clothes were wet, after both of them had fallen into a river, they were naked. It wasn’t believable. Didn’t they have any spare clothes? But the writing, and the story, got better when they were together in the sleeping bag.

“I need to pee.”

That brought me out of my daydream. My stomach was starting to rumble. If we were going to have to stop somewhere so that she could use the restroom, we might as well eat.

“Can you wait? That burger place we like is only a few miles away.”

“OK, if I get desperate then I’ll cross my legs.”

I hoped that she was joking, but it wouldn’t surprise me if she could still drive while her legs were crossed. My Sister is a very resourceful person.

It took us fifteen minutes to get to it. As soon as we were parked, she was out of the car and hurrying to the restroom. Half an hour later, we were back on the road, and my stomach was no longer rumbling.

Both of us like camping, and it’s what we have done from an early age. Occasionally, a family holiday would be in a hotel, but most of the time it’s been camping in remote places. Now that our parents are older, they no longer join us, but Lizzy has taken their place. She’s as keen as we are. If it wasn’t for her sprained ankle, then she’d be with us now. And where we were driving to was one of our favourite places that we have been to several times before.

We got there with only half an hour of daylight left, but that wasn’t a problem. Within twenty minutes we’d pitched the tent. We’d done it so many times before, we could do it in our sleep. Now all we needed to do was to get the rest of the stuff from the car. Jess did that while I searched for fallen branches to make a fire.

It didn’t take me long. I was back within ten minutes, with enough wood under my arm for tonight and tomorrow morning. Jess was waiting for me, and she looked worried.

“We have a problem.”

“The tent is near an anthill?”

She shook her head. I was relieved. We’d done that once before, only discovering that in the middle of the night, when they’d invaded our tent. It had been a nightmare getting rid of them.

“It’s worse than that.”


“I wish it was,” then after hesitating, she added, “I didn’t bring my sleeping bag. I must have left it in the kitchen. I’m sorry, I should have made sure that I’d packed it.”

She had to be joking. Next she would be saying that we needed to find a river, so that we could fall into it, and get our clothes wet.

“What are we going to do?”

When I heard the anguish in her voice, I realized that she’d really left it at home, and that she obviously hadn’t done it on purpose. I wasn’t happy, but getting angry with her wasn’t going to help the situation. I needed to stay calm.

Twenty minutes later we were drinking coffee together, and laughing about it. The problem was now no longer a problem. And it had been easy to solve. My sleeping bag could be completely unzipped, turning it into a blanket. We’d sleep together, with it covering us. And because our clothes weren’t wet, we wouldn’t be naked!

When it was bedtime, we undressed in the tent, with our backs to each other, and then we quickly got under the sleeping bag that was now being used as a blanket. It covered both of us, but only just.

Jess said, “This is cosy.”

It certainly was. We were going to spend the night close together in just our underwear.

“Yes it is, but next time make sure that you bring your sleeping bag.”

“OK Jack.”

Jack? Then I remembered the story that she’d asked me to read.

“Very funny. Now let’s try to get to sleep.”

She managed it easily, falling asleep in a matter of minutes. But after half an hour I was still awake. I couldn’t get the story out of my head. It was Jess’s fault, because when she’d called me Jack, I’d started thinking about their first night together.

They were in one sleeping bag, and both of them were naked. You didn’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure out what was going to eventually happen. They were going to fuck. But surprisingly, the author hadn’t gone straight to it, they had built up the suspense. The writing had been good, making you believe that it was real, rather than fiction. And some of it had even been funny. When his erect cock had prodded her in the back, Jill had responded with, “Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you pleased to see me?”

Despite it not being original, and the fact that Jack was naked, so he didn’t have any pockets, it still amused me.

Eventually, after some time, I felt myself drifting off.

I’d liked that part of the story, but I didn’t like it when it happened for real. I’d woken up in the middle of the night, and I was spooning Jess. And worse, my fully erect cock was prodding her. I quickly moved away. Thankfully she was still asleep. But now I was worried about going back to sleep, in case it happened again. Somehow I managed to put it out of my mind, and as soon as my cock was limp, I was falling off asleep.

The next time when I woke, I wasn’t spooning her, and I wasn’t prodding her, but it was her turn to be doing something that was inappropriate. And she was worse than I’d been. We were facing each other, and her hand was inside my boxers, with her fingers tightly wrapped around my stiff cock. I couldn’t believe it.

Her rhythmic breathing, and occasional snore, told me that she was still asleep. If I was careful I could remove her hand without waking her, and that would avoid any embarrassment for both of us. But I was reluctant to do that, and the reason for my reluctance was simple. I was enjoying her hand being on my cock.

I’ve always been envious of my Sister. My looks are passable, but she’s beautiful. And she’d been lucky in getting Mother’s slim figure, while I got Father’s heavy frame. Physically she’s a lot like Lizzy, except she’s a cup size bigger. A psychologist might speculate that I was attracted to Lizzy because she reminded me of my Sister. As uncomfortable as that would be, I’d find it difficult to disagree with them. Up to now I’d been happy to just admire her, to appreciate her beauty from a distance. And that’s how it should be between siblings.

But her slim fingers, gripping my engorged cock, was a game changer!

I was now staying perfectly still so as not to disturb her. I wanted her hand to stay where it was for as long as possible. Any sudden movement might end this and I didn’t want that to happen.

There then was a sudden movement, but it was from her and not me. She’d moved closer, so close that her breasts were squashed against my chest, and I could feel her breath on my face. If I was to move my head, we’d be able to kiss. My excitement had gone up a level, and not just because she was now so near to me, but also because her hand was still on my cock, and it was now slowly moving up and down.

It lasted for a minute at the most, but while she was doing it I was in heaven. Slow sensuous strokes of the full length of my cock. Any longer and I would have come.

It had ended as it had started, suddenly. She just removed her hand, and then she turned over. Then she muttered a single word. It was Jack. That was telling. She must have been dreaming about the story. In it, Jill had stroked Jack’s unrealistic twelve inch cock. I couldn’t match that, but I was still proud of my eight inches. Hopefully, while we were still camping, she would dream again, and it would be about the end of the story, when Jill lets Jack fuck her with his monster cock. And while she did, she would think that I was him again, and so she would open her legs for me!

In the morning I was the first to wake. By the time Jess was up, breakfast was ready.

When I handed her a coffee, she said, “I slept well last night. What about you?”

“It was OK.”

But the time when I was awake, and her hand was on my cock, was a lot better than just OK.

“And I had a really vivid dream.”

I already knew that, and what she’d dreamt about, but it would be exciting to get more details from her.

“Tell me about it.”

“I’m not sure that I should. It was X-rated.”

“In that case I definitely want to hear it.”

That made her laugh, but when she’d finished, she still seemed reluctant to tell me.

“Don’t make me beg.”

That got a chuckle from her, and then she started telling me.

“It was part of that Jack and Jill story. They are in the sleeping bag, and he gets aroused. She notices his big cock, and that gets her excited.”

“And you were watching this?”

“No, it was better than that. I was Jill.”

And without her realizing it, I had been Jack.

“Wasn’t his cock extremely large?”

“Yes, twelve inches.”

Then she stopped, but I wanted to hear more.

“What happened next?”

“You can guess the rest.”

I could, and I was going to tell her.

“He put his big cock deep up your little pussy, and then he fucked you hard.”

I could see in her face that my explicit words had shocked her, and she was silent for a few seconds before speaking again.

“Yes,” and then, to my surprise, she added, “And I enjoyed it.”

This was exciting me, so I was going to get out of her as much as I could.

“Did you manage to take all of his cock, and did you come?”

“No, it was too big for me. But he did make me climax.”

So far she’d answered all of my questions, but I had another one, and it was as personal as you can get. I was going to ask it, even though I wasn’t expecting her to give me an answer.

“How many inches can you take.”

For a second or two, her eyes widened. That wasn’t surprising, because her Brother had just asked her how big her pussy was. But would she answer me? She did, and with more detail than I had expected.

“Seven inches, but if you get me very excited, then eight is OK.”

Her saying ‘you’ in that sentence, had sent more blood into my cock, and if she was to now look at my crotch she would see an impressive bulge.

Then the conversation was ended, with her saying, “I need to pee,” and then quickly getting up, and looking for somewhere private to do it.

When she returned, there was no more talk about her dream. But I had a feeling that before our camping trip ended, Jack and Jill would feature again!

At nine o’clock we set off on our hike. It was fifteen miles over difficult terrain. It was a circular route, starting and ending at our tent. We hadn’t done it before, but Jess had estimated that it would take six to seven hours. After four hours, when we stopped to eat, we were only at the mid-point. I mentioned that to her, but she wasn’t concerned.

“Don’t worry, the second half is easier.”

I wasn’t worried, but I also wasn’t sure that I believed her. I’d seen the route on the map, and there was still a lot of high ground left. Nothing too difficult, but it would slow us down. However, I didn’t say anything. If I was to question or criticise her, then she would take offence, and she would also make me do the planning for tomorrow’s walk. And that was something that I didn’t want to do.

Coincidences can be amusing, but you’ll go a long way before you’ll find one as funny as the one we experienced during the second part of our walk.

We met two other hikers, and like us, they were Brother and Sister. We chatted with them for a few minutes, and then we continued on our way. When we were out of earshot of them, both of us burst out laughing, and it was a while before we’d finished.

“When he told us that they were called Jack and Jill, I nearly wet myself.”

I could believe that, because I’d had to summon up all of my willpower to stop myself from laughing.

“What are the odds of that happening, a zillion to one?”

I nodded. I had no idea how large a zillion was, but it sounded like a big number.

I asked, “Do you think that they are the Jack and Jill from the story?”

She shook her head, and then she said, “No way, I looked at the tight shorts he was wearing. He doesn’t have a twelve inch cock.”

That got us laughing again.

When we got back to our tent, Jess was quick to point out that she’d been right. The second part had been easier than the first. We’d completed it in three hours, making the total time seven hours. And that had been enough for me.

Before we had our evening meal, I read my book. It was the latest blockbuster that everybody was raving about. It wasn’t as good as all the glowing reviews it had received, but it was keeping me entertained. While I was reading, Jess was busy doing the preparation for tomorrow. If it was up to me I’d just stay in the tent and finish my book, but Jess was the boss, so we’d be hiking again.

True campers live off the land, catching and killing small animals, such as rabbits, and foraging in the woods for vegetation that can be eaten. As satisfying as that would be, it’s not for us. We have brought all our food with us. If by chance we were to come across a small furry animal, my Sister would want to take it home and keep it as a pet, rather than eat it.

It was my turn to cook. When I say cook, I really mean heat up something from a can. Tonight it was beef curry and rice. And it was delicious.

When it got to nine o’clock I was yawning, and she was tired as well, because when I suggested that it was time for bed, she didn’t complain.

As before, we undressed together, but this time while we were doing it we weren’t facing away from each other, and so I had managed to get a good look at her in just her underwear. And the bra and panties that she was wearing were very revealing.

While I was waiting to fall asleep, I was thinking about what I’d just seen, and unsurprisingly it was making my cock hard. Jess didn’t currently have a boyfriend, but when she did, he would get to enjoy the gorgeous body that was now next to me, and I would be jealous.

I’d almost drifted off to sleep, when she spoke.

“The straps on my bra are irritating me, I’m going to take it off. Do you mind?”

Now I was never going to be able to get to sleep, because I would be too excited.

“No,” and then as a joke, I said, “And if you’d feel more comfortable without them, then take your panties off as well.”

“OK I will.”

I then waited for her to laugh, but she didn’t. However, what she did do though, after taking her bra off, was do what I had suggested. That surprised and shocked me in equal measures. She was now completely naked, and I wished that I could measure my cock, because it had never been as big as this before.

I was now waiting for her to turn over, and when she did we would be doing all the things that Jack and Jill had done in the story. She hadn’t taken her underwear off so that she could be more comfortable, she’d done it so that we could fuck.

But I was wrong, and the loud snoring that was coming from her was proof of that. I was going to have to jerk off. If I didn’t, then I was never going to be able to get to sleep. But I was wrong again, because shortly after I was also asleep.

I hadn’t slept for long, before I was awake again. And my cock was rock hard. It needed some urgent attention, and only pussy was going to satisfy it. Fortunately, there was a naked one next to me, and unless I was mistaken, it was available. If she hadn’t been tired from the long walk, she wouldn’t have suddenly fallen asleep, and we would have already had sex.

I was now as certain as I could be that my Sister wanted us to fuck. Leaving her sleeping bag at home hadn’t been accidental, she’d done it on purpose. I was impressed with her acting when she’d told me it wasn’t in the car. She’d been convincing, and so I’d believed her. And her asking me to read that story was for one reason, and for one reason only. It was her way of telling me that she wanted us to become Jack and Jill.

However, I’d been wrong about lots of things in my life. And this could be another one of them. But just lying next to her, and not doing anything, was never going to give me an answer. I needed to act.

After spooning her, I put my hand over her, placing it on her breast. It was wonderfully firm, and then I played with her nipple. It responded by quickly swelling. It was a lot bigger than Lizzy’s rosebud nipples, and I longed to get it into my mouth. While I continued playing with it, she started to make a noise. Low moans at first, but then louder. And then she turned over. She was awake. I was about to say something. To ask her if she wanted me to stop, but she was the first to speak.

“Don’t say anything now, we can talk about it after you’ve fucked me.”

I was now grinning like a Cheshire cat.

My Sister had stopped playing games with me. She had told me what she wanted me to do to her, and out of all the things that I’d like to do to her, that was at the top of my list!

If my cock could have its way then we’d go straight to fucking without any foreplay. But I was still in charge, so it would have to wait.

When I sucked on her ripe nipple, she gasped, and that encouraged me to keep on doing it. She had nice nipples, not just longer than Lizzy’s but also thicker. And I liked the feel of her other one when I rolled it between my finger and thumb.

“That’s nice.”

Nice? It should be better than that. I needed to up my game. I was now sucking harder, taking into my mouth not just her nipple, but part of her breast as well. And rolling of the other nipple had now been replaced by pulling.

“That’s good.”

I’d have preferred wonderful, or even amazing, but I was happy with good.

After switching nipples several times, I was eager for something else, and that was her pussy.

When I stopped sucking on her, and I raised my head, she was pushing it back down, but I resisted. She was going to do it again, but when she felt my hand go between her legs she stopped.

“I want you to finger my little pussy.”

That made me smile, because I didn’t need her to tell me that. That was my intention. And very soon I’d find out if her pussy was really small.

I started with one, and even though her pussy was very wet, there was resistance pushing it in. When I made it two, she gasped. Lizzy is tight, but my Sister was in a different league to her. I wanted to make it three, but that might be too much for her now. I’ll do it later on when she’s loosened up.

“Jill’s little pussy managed to take three fingers. I want the same as her.”

Was that in the story? I wasn’t sure. I’d only read it once, so I couldn’t remember all of the details. But I’d take her word for it, and I’d do what she’d asked.

I managed it, but I had to push hard. The expression on her face while I was doing it said pain, but she didn’t ask me to stop. And when they were fully in, up to the knuckles, she gave a deep sigh, as if she was relieved that it was over. But it wasn’t, because I was now going to fuck her with them.

At first it was uncomfortable for her, and I almost stopped, but then it was as if a switch was flicked. Pain suddenly becoming pleasure, and grimacing being replaced by moaning. Now both of us were enjoying it.

There are some things from the Jack and Jill story that have stuck in my mind. His unbelievable twelve inch cock being one of them. Another was her climaxing four times in one hour, and all of them big ones. That had been silly, and no matter how skilled a lover I was, there was no way Jess was going to get the same. But making her come twice, first with my fingers, and then with my big cock, was achievable. So with that aim in mind, as well as continuing to finger her, I started rubbing her clit.

“Jill likes that.”

She’d become the woman from the story. I’m OK with whatever is needed to get herself off. And if she was now thinking of me as Jack rather than Jed, then that’s also OK, as long as she isn’t expecting twelve inches. If she is, then she is going to be disappointed, because I only have a pathetic eight inches!

All my fingers were doing a good job, and what she was thinking about would also be helping, because her climax was on the horizon, and it was approaching at speed.

“Make me come,” and just to make it clear that she was desperate, she quickly added, “And hurry up.”

The finger that was on her clit was now doing its best to make that happen. Seconds later, she was in it.

She wasn’t going to get the four that Jill had managed, but her first one was at least the equal of any of Jill’s.

I was impressed, and also pleased with myself for giving it to her. When Lizzy comes, she’s loud, but my Sister was even louder. And it lasted a long time.

As soon as she was still, I said, “Did Jill like that?”

That made her giggle.

“She always likes it, and I do as well. At night, when I’m in bed playing with myself, I read that story. Most times I reach it before I get to the end of it.”

My Sister telling me what she thinks about while she polishes her little pearl was interesting, and I’d like to hear more. But not now. My cock has been patient all this time. It didn’t complain when her tits and pussy were being stimulated. But now it needs some attention, and it’s not just going to join in, it’s going to be the star of the show!

Without asking her, I was parting her legs. She didn’t say anything, but her helping me by raising her knees high, told me that she was as eager as I was to fuck.

It had been a good idea to finger her with three fingers, because that had made it easier for my cock to go in now. But she was still tight, and I had to push hard. When I stopped I had two inches in reserve. In fiction, a big cock always goes fully in straight away. In real life that rarely happens. The woman needs time to get used to it before getting all of it. Jill getting Jack’s twelve inches on the first stroke wasn’t just unbelievable, it was laughable.

I was now fucking her. Not with my full length, but what she was getting was enough to excite her. Then, because I couldn’t hold back any longer, I gave her a full stroke. When I was as deep in her as I could get, with my balls slapping against her, she gave an almighty groan. But I didn’t give her any time to recover before doing it again, and this time her groan was even louder.

“Fuck, this is even better than I thought it would be.”

That was nice to hear, and her reward for complimenting me was a stroke that was so hard, it was almost brutal.

Jack had ploughed into Jill for twenty minutes, or was it twenty five? Even if it was only twenty, there was no way I was going to get anywhere near that time. But I didn’t need to. I was getting close, and Jess wasn’t far off as well. She was now making the same noises that she had made shortly before her first climax, so that was telling me that her second one was imminent.

But it still took me by surprise.

“My Brother has made me come!”

She’d shouted it out, so loud, that it was almost deafening. If there had been anybody outside our tent then they would have clearly heard her. It was a big one. Her back was arched and she was rapidly moving her head from side to side. I was smiling. Mission accomplished, because I’d given her a second climax. But if I didn’t hurry up I’d be left hanging.

I managed it, but only just. Her orgasm had ended and she’d asked me to stop. I did stop, but only because I’d started to spurt. It was long and satisfying, everything that you want a climax to be.

For a while afterwards we just cuddled, without either of us saying anything. I’d just fucked my Sister so I should have been racked with guilt, but I wasn’t. I’d committed the ultimate taboo, incest, and rather than be worried about it, I was looking forward to doing it again. The sex had been wonderful, and it had satisfied my needs. I had no regrets, but I did realize that it had changed our relationship. Now we were no longer just siblings, we were also lovers. And there was no way of going back to as it was between us before this camping trip, even if we wanted to.

I was drifting off to sleep, when she said, “That was nice.”

I playfully prodded her, and she yelped as if she was in pain.

“OK, it was good.”

After threatening her with another prod, she told me what she really thought about our very intimate time together.

“It was wonderful. And do you like my story?”

Her story? It took me a few seconds to fully understand the significance of what she’d just said. And when I did, I laughed loudly, and for a long time. I’d realized that she was the author of the Jack and Jill story!

I could hear the pride in her voice when she said, “I wrote it a couple of months ago, and I enjoyed doing it.”

It all made sense to me now. Jack and Jill were us, Jed and Jess.

“So have you been planning this for a while?”

“No. Lizzy not being able to come with us gave me the opportunity, and I decided to go for it. I thought that after you’d read my story, and we were sleeping together because I’d deliberately left my sleeping bag at home, something would happen.”

“Wouldn’t it have been easier, and simpler, to just tell me what you wanted?”

She shook her head, and then I got a look from her that I’d seen many times before, and it was easy to read. She couldn’t believe what I’d just said. And thinking more about it was making me realize that it was a stupid thing to say. I might have said no, perhaps even being appalled, and that would have been very embarrassing for her. It had to be done this way, getting me to sleep with her, and hoping that it would lead to something.

Then I had a sudden thought.

“Was Lizzy in on this?”

“No, but I wish she was. She really has a sprained ankle. And I’d like to take the credit for the two hikers, Jack and Jill. But they weren’t part of my master plan. Meeting them was just a coincidence.”

I asked, “So what happens now?”

After giving it some thought, I got her answer.

“For the rest of the trip we fuck like crazy. I like it doggy style, so we’ll do that. And I want to show you how good I am at cock sucking. You’ll be pleased to hear that I always swallow.”

I was.

“When we get home we’ll need to be careful.”

Good, like me, she didn’t want to stop when the camping trip ends.

“And when I get some time I’m going to write a second chapter. It’s what happens when they are back home. Linda, Jack’s wife, finds out that they have been fucking. And rather than being angry, she is excited.”

I quickly chipped in with, “Does it end with a threesome?”

After laughing, she said, “Yes.”

That got me thinking. On the camping trip we’d become Jack and Jill. Two siblings that fuck. When Jess writes chapter two, would Lizzy become Linda, and the three in a bed really happen?

I hope so!

Thanks for reading my story.

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