Outer Banks Vacation

Hi folks,

Lana here. It’s been a while. Sorry about that. Here’s a contest entry for Summer Lovin’ 21. This started straight and went incest in a heartbeat. Don’t ask me how. I never understand how my stories end up the way they do. This story is set in my erotic universe. I hope you recognise some returning characters, all a little older, and yet still so very naughty.

I hope you enjoy,


Lana Ocean


August 2021


Part 1 – How It Started

My family has vacationed in the Outer Banks (OBX), North Carolina, for as long as I remember. I remember so many hot stuffy drives down the interstate highways, sitting in the back of a station wagon, looking backwards. Cars crept at a snail’s pace and the exhaust and heat would become unbearable. It was only the excitement of being back on the beach that would keep me smiling.

We used to have a golden retriever. She would sit with me in the back, tongue out, and sniffing the air. She and I would play on the beach chasing seagulls and barking at the waves. I would get severely burned by the sun and my mom would put Nivea cream on me. That always stung.

Reddish-brown hair, thick glasses, skinny as a rake, heavily freckled, and with a laugh that often embarrassed me. I was awkward then, incapable of having a meaningful conversation with anyone, and kept to my sci-fi and fantasy novels, and dreamt of going into space with a space shuttle. I played dungeons and dragons and video games with my two friends from high school, and talked about girls, and how we would solve all the world’s problems.

Today, I’m nineteen. I look almost the same as I did when I was thirteen, just a little taller. I’m still a full-time nerd. I have zero social skills. And women scare me just about as much as I worship the ground they walk on. I’m in college taking computer science, and my social life is no different than it was at home. I was promised sex in college. It never happened.

In August, just two weeks before I was to return to college, my mom and dad took me and my little sister back to OBX and the little sandbar town of Nags Head. I watched the fields go by outside the window, listening to music on my phone with earphones, and wished our dog Daisy was still alive. Beside me, my eighteen-year-old sister Samantha was texting nonstop with her friends. The AC was on, the sky was clear of any clouds, and I wanted to be anywhere but here.

For years we had been using a beach house that belongs to my dad’s boss. We would take it over and live there for two weeks every summer. I knew everything there was to do in OBX. From the Wright Brother’s to Duck Donuts to where to get the best boiled shrimp. I had done it all over the years. Now it was about sitting around doing nothing for two weeks, packing up, and heading home.

I was not looking forward to returning to college. It was just more school–certainly with a lot more freedom–but it was still only about deadlines and projects and tests. Lots of tests. And professors who clearly would rather be anywhere but in front of a class teaching.

I was starting to get a sense of what my future adult life would be like. Forever alone, watching sci-fi movies, and arguing over who the best superhero was. All while writing endless code to let people do something better than before.

I sighed when the car ground to halt in traffic. Getting into OBX was always a chore. Getting out was also a chore. Traffic is terrible. One way in and one way out. More or less. It was always this way. It’s part of the OBX experience. You just had to accept it.

Beside my window, in the inside lane, a Ford Focus stopped beside us. I had my head against the glass, and I adjusted the glasses on my face. The driver of the Focus was a woman who looked to be only a few years younger than mom. Maybe forty? She looked terrific and she was singing to something on her radio by the looks of it. Her shoulders were bare, but I could see she wore some kind of dress thing. She had on movie star sunglasses and her hair was dirty blond and she was checking out her face on her sun visor mirror.

I watched her, happy for any entertainment. I was listening to some blues and hoping my mind would shut down for another hour to escape the torture of the drive. I didn’t have to move my head. I could watch her with almost no effort. Perfect for my generation.

She was a delight. She was belting out tunes and then hammering her steering wheel like a drum set. I reached up and pulled an earphone free from my left ear and through the window I could hear she was listening to. My mouth opened a little in surprise. She was listening to Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO. At the time, it was new, and I didn’t expect to see someone my mom’s age listening to it.

Just then her face turned, and she was looking right at me. I froze. Her face lit up with a smile that stretched from ear to ear with perfect white teeth. Then she started singing the words at me and bopping her head from side to side. I could only stare.

Then she threw her head back and laughed. It was infectious and I smiled back at her. She pulled off her shades and then blew me a kiss and winked at me. She was gorgeous and her smile was memorable.

Then we pulled away and she was lost to me.

I sighed and put my earphones back in and lost myself in some Muddy Waters. My mom always said I had an old soul. I don’t know about that, but I love the blues. The older the better. I closed my eyes and lost myself to the sounds of guitar making my heart bleed.

The beach house had been renovated last year after we had used it. We walked around and oohed and aahed at all the changes. The kitchen was state of the art. The TV room was massive with a full theatre style seating to watch movies when the weather turned bad. For me the most exciting thing was the room I always claimed had been spruced up and I had a better view of the beach and ocean.

Mom screeched and we ran outside to see her jumping up and down and pointing at the large hot tub. Mom and dad hugged and giggled, and my sister Sam and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes. Hot tubs are not my thing. It’s too hot. Too jetty. They’re for making people soup.

For two days I wandered the area after I would wake at noon. I saw familiar faces and waved at the occasional person who waved at me. Over a decade of staying here meant meeting and knowing all the same people who came here every year at the same time.

I should mention that none of the people who came here every year had kids my age. I was always alone. My sister had her vacation friend Tina to hang with. They had already bonded and were running the beaches and looking for boys, as Sam said trying to get a rise out of me. I just ignored her and went back to my book.

My record reading at the beach house was twelve novels. That happened three years ago. The weather had turned nasty, and we were house bound for a week. Then the AC died. I’m the only one with fond memories of that vacation. I had checked the weather for our stay. Hot and sunny. One day maybe for rain, but that was it.

On day three mom woke me at eleven and threw my swim shorts at me.

“Wake up, Kevin! Get your ass out of bed and get outside!”

I mumbled something and pulled my pillow over my head, while lying on my back.

In seconds mom had yanked it away. “Get up! For God’s sake! This is your last time to enjoy yourself before college starts. Get outside. Do something. Anything! Your dad and I are sick of seeing you moping around.”

When I refused to move, mom grabbed my one thin sheet and pulled it off of me. I immediately covered my groin and woke up fully in a heartbeat. “Mom! Jesus, fuck! I’m naked here!”

Mom had dropped the sheet and whirled away from me and held her face. “Oh my God! I’m so sorry! I didn’t see anything! I didn’t!”

She fled the room and I lay there.

I heard a noise and looked up and saw Sam checking me out from the doorway. I kept my hands over my junk and glared at her. “Sam! Get out!”

She smirked at me and sauntered away.

I hate my life.

Part 2 — Out and About

Two hours later I wandered the beach alone. OBX has a hard surf. It will smash you hard if you aren’t watching. I avoid the water here. When I was just a kid a wave had hit me from behind and when my face and chest smashed into the sand the water had tried to bend me backwards. I had heard something crack. Dad didn’t believe me. Today my back still hurts.

I knew every inch of this place. Nothing interested me anymore. Other than the girls lying suntanning or running around with their tits bouncing so nicely to my eyes. I always looked for the women who untied their tops and lay on their fronts. Sometimes, they would lift up, forgetting they were exposed, and I would get to enjoy the lovely sight of tits. When I was younger it was enough to fulfil my fantasies well past our vacation.

Now I found myself drawn to their asses. I walked the beach and watched them all. I rated them mentally and looked for the perfect pair of cheeks. I had turned around and was walking back when I spotted an ass that seemed perfect. I moved closer to see it better. The woman was lying on her back with her top untied. Her breasts mashed out underneath her and I could see side-boob.

Perfect, I thought.

She had her head turned away from me and I could watch unobserved. I couldn’t tell her age, but she looked very fit and already tanned. Her blond hair was tied up high in a bun to expose her neck to the sun. Her skin glistened with tanning oil. She was a bronze beauty.

And her ass. It was perfect. It was full and round and jutted into the air, held by some kind of artificial gravity. She wore a white two-piece, and the back of her bottoms was nothing more than a triangle about the size of a Dorito chip. She was practically naked.

My cock thickened with excitement, and I stood there gawking at this woman for who knows how long. I was captivated.

Then she turned her head to rest it on the other side. She had on massive movie star sunglasses, and it tweaked some forgotten memory. I stared at her trying to remember when she lifted her head a little to obviously stare at me. I was caught, but like a poor animal hit with headlights, I remained staring.

Her lips curled into a slow smile. She shifted and rose up on to her elbows. Her breasts swung free and exposed to my eyes. She lifted her lower right leg and bounced it. The ripples swept over her ass cheeks, through her body and shook her tits.

“Come here,” she said.

I stared at her.

“Come. Here,” she repeated. “Now.”

Her voice was unexpected. It was sort of gravelly. A little deeper than you would expect to hear. My feet moved and I slowly walked toward her.


I lowered myself to the sand and sat cross-legged about two feet from her. She stared at me for a long time, and I stared at her ass and tits. Her nipples were really large. Right there in front of me to see. My cock grew harder and in shock I realised I wasn’t even hiding it. My hands fumbled and I pressed them down on my erection.

The woman rolled onto her side facing me. I watched her breasts move and jiggle and finally settle. They were gorgeous. She reached up and removed her sunglasses and right away I recognised her. She was the woman in the car next to us on the highway. She was giving me a strange sort of smile I didn’t recognise. She popped one of the legs of her sunglasses into her mouth and looked me over.

“You always stare at women’s tits?” she asked.

“Uh, no,” I managed to say.

“You’re still staring at them.”

I looked away and then found my eyes slowly returning. I had no control.

“Do you like them?”



I blinked at her. “Why?”

“Yes, why. What is it about them that makes you have that erection?”

I felt heat rush to my face. Being a ginger, it’s really noticeable. I pressed down harder on my erection to hide it better. It was impossible. I pulled my swim shorts a little lower so the head of my cock wouldn’t poke out. It was dangerously close to that now.

“How long is your cock?” she asked.

“Pardon?” My head swam. I was so confused. I really didn’t know what was happening. I knew deep down she was fucking with me. People always fuck around with me. I’m a little naïve, but only because I trust people too easily.

“How long is your penis? Six? Seven inches?”

I looked down at my groin. “Um, seven.”

The woman made a small squeal sound and then twisted on her towel until she was sitting up cross-legged like me. Her tits swung free, and I was pleased to see they hung like tear drops. I adored breasts like that. I also noticed her bikini bottoms were wedged between her labia. I could see trimmed hairs glinting blond in the sunlight.

“Let me see it!” she ordered, smiling excitedly.

I had originally though her forty at least in the car. Close up, I could see I was probably right. She was in her mid-forties if my mom is any reflection of her age. There was something about her looks that captivated me. She was stunning. Suddenly I wanted to fuck the shit out of her and never stop fucking her. My cock grew painfully hard, and the head slipped under the lower hem of my shorts. I moved to cover it, but she yelled at me.

“Don’t! Let me see! Come on! You’ve seen my tits and judging by your eyes you’ve been checking out my muffin. Share! Wait, how old are you exactly?”

“Um, nineteen…”

She clapped her hands, and I watched her tits jiggle and jostle. “Perfect! Show me!”

I looked around the beach. There was no one within fifty feet. Everyone was watching the water or suntanning with earphones inserted. I moved my hands away from my groin and my cock pushed out under my shorts until my cockhead and a little bit more was exposed.

“Oh my God,” she breathed and stared at my cock.

I figured this would be the point where she would screech and call me a pervert and turn me in. What I didn’t expect was what she said next.

She looked around quickly and then beckoned me closer. “Closer. I want to see it better.”

I figured she would probably pull out a knife and cut it off and so I hesitated.

“Closer! Come on!” She inched closer to me. Her tits did their magic act again. My eyes were drawn to her pussy. The bikini bottom had pulled to the side a little and I swear I was looking at her vagina opening now.

I looked around once more and then crabbed my ass across the sand toward her until I was within easy reach of her hands. My level of sexual excitement was rising fast and hard. I was captivated by this woman. She was exposing herself to me. Knowingly. And wanting to see my package. I had fantasised about something like this so many times.

I knew it wouldn’t last. She would tear me down, tear me up, and toss me aside telling me what a joke I was. I braced for it and waited for it.

Instead, her hand reached out slowly and took my cockhead into her soft grip.

“It’s so hard and hot,” she murmured. Her eyes fluttered a little and she inched closer to me. I could smell her suntan oil. The coconut smell made everything more erotic to me. “I’m going to put it in my mouth, is that okay?” She looked quickly up at me, and I could only stare at her.

What did she just say?

She bent over my cock until I could only see the top of her head. I heard her sniff and then I am positive I heard a small moan.

In a moment my cockhead was in her mouth. Her warm wet mouth engulfed my head and her tongue swirled around it and probed my cockhole.

I came hard, erupting into her mouth. I could no more stop it than stop the sun rising in the morning. I came hard and forcibly. Jets erupted into this stranger’s mouth. She kept her lips clamped around my shaft and I heard her gurgle.

Too soon, my orgasm ended and with a pop sound, she pulled her mouth off my cock. She leaned back and then opened her mouth to me. I could see the inside swimming with my spunk. She closed her mouth and swallowed and then smacked her lips and wiped the corners of her mouth.

“Delicious, thank you,” she said.

I stared at her in wonder. What the fuck was going on?

“Same time tomorrow?” she asked.

“Uh, what?”

“Come back tomorrow. I’ll blow you again if you like. Try to last a little longer though next time, okay?”

I nodded and remained sitting there staring at her tits, pussy and the mouth that had just swallowed my load.

“Shoo!” she said and made little motions with her hands.

I staggered to my feet and my cock shrank back inside my swim shorts. Cum leaked and ran down my thigh. The woman put her sunglasses back on and lay back down and resumed her suntanning. I stood there for another minute and then took a few steps away. When she didn’t react, I moved farther away and then found myself running back full speed to the beach house.

The only intimacy I had ever had with a woman was a French kiss under a blanket at a party when I was thirteen.

Now a woman had put my cock in her mouth and swallowed my cum.

I ran up to my room and jerked off twice. Her words kept returning to me. Come back tomorrow, she had said.

The next day I jerked off before I left the house. I was nervous and excited and jerking off cleared my head a little. I ran most of the way and slowed down when I was near where she had been. I passed another beach house and saw a Ford Focus in the driveway. It was her car from the highway. She lived only ten houses down from me.

I followed the access path to the beach and there she was. In the same place, lying on her front suntanning. I walked up slowly and then stood there unsure of what to say. What do you say in these kinds of situations? I had no idea and standing there seemed safe.

After a long moment I realised she had no idea I was there. I made a small sound, but she ignored me.

“Um, hi?” I said finally, a little louder.

She started a little and then rose up on her elbows. As before, her tits swung under her seductively. “Hey, you. A little early, aren’t you?”

She was right. I was at least thirty-minutes earlier than yesterday. I nodded.

She chuckled and then sat up, swinging her legs under her. She sat as only a woman can, her legs out to the side. “What’s your name, anyway?”


“Kelly. Pleased to meet you.”

I looked around the beach. There were way more people here than yesterday. I heard a sigh and looked back at her.

“You want that blow job I promised you, don’t you?”

I stared at her. I had no idea how to respond. Yes, I wanted that. That’s all I wanted. It was all I had thought about since yesterday. Like ALL that I had thought about.

She laughed then. “I forgot what boys are like. My fault. Help me up,” she said and held out a hand.

I grabbed it and helped pull her upright. She kind of tripped somehow and ended up pressed up against me. She laughed and pressed herself harder against me. I felt her hand slip under the waistband of my swim shorts, and she grasped my hardening cock.

“Ah, there it is, my little friend,” she murmured with her mouth close to my ear. It sent shivers through me. “But not so little, hmm?” She stroked me and I was lost to her. I would do anything for her now. Anything. “I want to see this better. Follow me.”

She pulled away and pulled her hand out of my shorts. She started walking away toward her beach house. She must have assumed I would follow because she never looked back once. I followed her along the boards laid out over the sand and up to the house. We walked through long beach grass and through a gate in her fence.

Once through the gate, I could see a lovely rock garden had been set up. I saw a hot tub and small wading pool, and what looked like a beach bar. Beside the pool were two lounge chairs stretched out to be almost flat.

She went to the bar and opened a fridge. “Beer?” she asked.

I shook my head. I was only nineteen.

“Right, underage. How exciting,” she murmured and pulled out one of the bottled drinks my mom drank. My dad calls them girly drinks. She took a swig and then sauntered over to me. My eyes were locked on her exposed tits. They were still stunning.

She reached down with one hand and took my right one. She lifted it and pressed it palm first against her left breast.

I gasped at just how soft and warm it was. Her nipple pressed against my palm, and I squeezed gently. I watched in awe as my fingers pressed into her flesh. So soft and yet so firm. My left hand rose and grasped her other tit and squeezed.

She laughed and took a swig of her bottled drink.

“Are you a virgin?” she asked.

I nodded and kept squeezing her tits. I could do this all day. And planned on it.

Suddenly she dropped to her knees in front of me, pulling my hands off her tits. She reached up and grabbed my waistband of the shorts and jerked them down.

My cock, already hard with feeling her tits, sprung forward and rose until it was pointing up.

“Oh my God,” she said, her face inches from my cock. “It stands straight up! I haven’t seen that in years!”

I was about to ask her what was going to happen when she wrapped a hand around my shaft and squeezed my cock.

“So hard. Look at it. It’s beautiful. What a cock!” she looked up at me. “This is a wonderful cock, Kevin.”

I was about to thank her when she sucked my cock into her mouth until it hit her hand. Half my cock was in her mouth and the sensation of hot and wet almost had me swooning. My legs shook and I had a hard time remembering how to stand. She pulled her mouth off with a loud slurp and then licked my shaft from just above my balls to my head.

Pre-cum erupted and poured freely. I watched amazed as she licked it off my cockhead. I shuddered at the pleasure.

Then my cock was back in her mouth, and she started bopping her head up and down the length. Her tongue swirled and flicked. My cum surged hard and fast. I grunted and fought my orgasm. I lasted thirty seconds this time and found a voice to warn her.

“I’m cuming!” I grunted.

She kept her mouth locked on my cock and my orgasm rocketed through me. I cried out with the pleasure and tried to jam my cock deeper in her mouth. She held the base and stopped me and took all my cum, jet after jet. I came a lot this time and filled her mouth. Cum leaked from the corners of her mouth and she just hummed and took it all.

I could feel her jaw move as she swallowed. Soon she was sucking hard on my cock and squeezing it. “Every drop, give it to me…”

She kept at it until my cock shrank. She popped my cock free and smiled up at me. I could cum coating her teeth and tongue.

“You, young man, are delicious! Thank you! Same time tomorrow?”

I nodded and she smiled and rose. She looked at me for a long moment and then surprised me by kissing my cheek.

“So cute. See you tomorrow.”

She turned me then and swatted my bum. I walked away toward the gate and looked back at her. She waved at me with her fingers and took a drink from her bottle. She arched her eyebrows at me and mimed pulling up pants.

I looked down and realised I had walked ten feet with my shorts around my ankles. I leaned over and pulled them up and was soon back on the beach walking back to my house.

This was the best vacation ever. Sadly, there were only eleven days left.

Part 3 — It’s All Downhill — Uphill? – From Here

For the next two days she blew me exactly the same way. I would walk up to her backyard; she would drop my shorts and blow me to orgasm in less than one minute. I was lasting longer but not by much.

Mom and dad had noticed I was leaving the house every day and congratulated me. I was showing promise, they said. I smiled to myself and then noticed my sister glaring at me. She knew something was up, she just didn’t know what.

The next day, as I was happily returning to see Kelly for my daily blow job I happened to glance back and saw my sister trying to follow me. I cursed her under my breath and veered off my path and stayed clear of Kelly’s.

Damn my sister! She’s fucking this all up!

I know OBX better than most people. I thought I could shake her and lose her. And I thought I had. I knocked on the gate to Kelly’s and she let me in.

“You look all sweaty. What’s up?”

“Nothing,” I said.

She watched me for a long moment. “You don’t say much, do you?”

I shook my head.

“Want a blow job?” she grinned at me.

I nodded my head.

In no time, my shorts were at my ankles, and I was back in Kelly’s mouth. I sighed with relief. I was lasting longer. I had jerked off shortly before leaving the house this morning. I was certain I would last much longer today.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?” screeched the unmistakeable voice of my sister.

Kelly in shock, pulled off my cock, just as my orgasm hit. I blasted cum freely into the air. It jetted over Kelly’s head and then hit her forehead. I fumbled for my cock with Kelly to control it. I looked over at the gate and saw my sister staring in horror as her brother ejaculated semen just about everywhere like a faulty firehose. Ropes flew and landed wherever. I was grunting and groaning, and Kelly was laughing up a storm. She thought this was hilarious.

I was mortified.

After that it was a little chaotic. Sam was yelling at me and calling me various names that all compared me to various farm animals. Kelly grabbed a drink at her bar and sipped it and watched it all.

Meanwhile I was still standing with my cock out. Cum dripped freely and for some reason my erection wouldn’t go away. My sister had her hands on her hips and was right in my face yelling. After a but she realised my cock was pointing right at her and she backed up and looked at Kelly for the first time.

“And who the fuck are you?” she blurted at Kelly.

“My. Such manners. I’m Kelly.”

“And that’s supposed to matter? I don’t care who the fuck you are! What are you doing with my brother?”

Kelly smirked and looked at me for a moment. “Your sister?”

I nodded.

“Both of you. Come back tomorrow. Same time.”

I pulled up my shorts and started toward the gate.

“Where the fuck are you going?” yelled my sister.

“Home. When Kelly says go, you go.”

“This is some serious fucked up shit!”

I nodded and walked out. After a time, my sister left too, and walked beside me.

After listening to her yell at me for a couple of minutes more I stopped and stared at her. “What’s your fucking problem?”

“My problem? That woman sucked your dick!”

“Yeah. She did. It’s fucking awesome.”

“You’re a pig!”

My rage exploded from me. I don’t remember ever feeling anger like that before. I put my face right in my sister’s face. “Fuck you. If you don’t fucking understand what is going on, then too fucking bad. This has nothing to do with you. Nothing, do you understand? This is mine. MINE! So shut the fuck up!”

I turned and stomped away a few feet and then spun around. “And if you say ANYTHING. And I mean ANYTHING about this to mom and dad I will fucking tell them about you eating out Cindy!”

Sam sputtered. “Cindy? What? What are you talking about?”

I glared at her. “July. She slept over. You two had sex all night.”

I turned and walked home.

Later that night, Sam crept into my room. She sat on the corner of my bed and picked at her pyjama bottoms. She would pick up the material from her knee and then drop it. I lay back on my bed propped up against the headboard and was reading a great novel. I was already annoyed with the interruption.

“She said for us both to come by tomorrow,” she finally said.

“Yes, she did. I don’t want you to come.”

She sat in silence for a long moment before she stirred and glanced quickly at me. I saw her eyes drop to my crotch.

“You have a really big dick.”

I nodded. I was starting to accept that. Kelly was starting to boost my confidence.

“How many times has she done that to you?”

I was getting annoyed. “You mean suck my cock and swallow my cum? Lots of times.”

“Don’t be gross!”

“Gross? You think sucking cock is gross?”

She nodded.

“Your problem. Not mine. Now get out.”

“How did you know about Cindy?”

I dropped my book into my lap. “I heard you. Your room is next to mine.”

“We were super quiet!”

“No. You weren’t. You called out her name like a dozen times. You’re lucky mom and dad were downstairs.”

“Why didn’t you say something?”

“Jesus, Sam. What would I say? And to who? You? Say Sam, how was it eating Cindy’s pussy?”

Sam lowered her head before she answered. “It was pretty awesome, actually.”

I sighed. “So, are you like a lesbian now?”

Sam nodded.

That stopped me. I stared at her and saw just how sad she looked.

“That’s okay, Sam,” I said. “I am, too.”

Sam looked up at that and saw my smirk. She stared at me with what looked like horror for a moment and then snorted. “Ass.”

“It is okay, Sam. You do you. Don’t worry about anything. What people might think or whatever. Fuck, I dunno what to say here other than I’m happy for you. If that makes you tick, who am I to say anything?”

Sam stared at me for a while longer and then her chin trembled, and she flew into my arms crying. I held her and rubbed her back until she stopped.

“Thanks, big brother,” she mumbled into my shoulder.

“No problem, little sis.”

* * *

The next day we both showed up at Kelly’s gate. We knocked and then walked through and stopped in our tracks.

Kelly was lounging on one of the recliners. She was buck naked and had her legs spread and was thrusting a dildo into her pussy. She smiled over at us and beckoned us closer.

“Come. Watch me for a little bit.”

We didn’t move and Sam and I exchanged a look of what the fuck.

“Watch me pleasure myself. I love to expose myself. Come closer.”

My cock led the way, and I took Sam’s hand and pulled her along. I couldn’t tear my eyes from watching her toy plunge into her pussy. I wanted to be that toy. I wanted to lick it. I wanted to plunge it into her.

As if reading my mind, she pulled it free and held it out to me. “You do it,” she ordered.

Sam rose and started to back away as I took the dildo into my hand. It glistened with Kelly’s juices. I could smell her, and my cock strained painfully in my shorts. My mouth watered and I swallowed.

“Look at both of you swallowing spit,” grinned Kelly and looked from me to Sam.

Sam took another step back.

Kelly tutted. “No dear, stay where you are. Do you want to help your brother pleasure me? About time he did. I’ve blown him five times now and he has never once offered to get me off. Every day he leaves, and I pull out Mister Cock here and pleasure myself. Today I decided enough. Time for my fun. Fair is fair, no?”

Kelly patted the recliner between her spread legs.

“Sit right here you two. Now.”

Her last word was clearly an order and we sat quickly fighting for space on the recliner. When I was sure no one was watching me, I gave the dildo a little lick and tasted my first taste of real pussy. It was intoxicating and I wanted more.

Kelly was focused on Sam. “How old are you, dear?”


“How lovely. Now watch your brother fuck my pussy with Mister Cock, okay?”

Sam hesitated then nodded once.

Kelly looked at me. “If you are done licking my juices from the dildo, would you please fuck me with it?”

I looked at the dildo in my hand and felt my face go a little red. “I… I don’t know what to do…”

A look of understanding crossed Kelly’s face and in that moment, I appreciated her more than anything. She reached out a hand and took mine holding the dildo. “I’ll help you. Let me move your hand. Just follow my lead. You’ll get the hang of it soon enough.” She twisted something on the dildo, and it vibrated lightly. She spread her legs a little more and with her hand pulled the dildo in my hand toward her pussy. Just before it touched her, she stopped and looked at me.

“Is this the first pussy you’ve seen?” she asked.

I nodded.

“Oh my,” she said. “Wow. Okay. Let me explain it to you, okay?”

Sam snorted and Kelly raised an eyebrow at her.

“And do you know everything there is about cock, young woman?”

Sam looked startled and then shook her head.

“Then less judging your brother. There is always a first time. This is his.” She looked back at me. “Now pay attention…”

She then started to describe in detail everything I needed to know about her pussy. Sam was paying close attention, too. She licked her lips when she didn’t know she was doing it. I bet that Kelly had seen that. Nothing escaped her, it seemed.

“You see how wet I am, Sam and Kevin?” she asked as she spread her labia. I could see rivulets of her juices leaking from her vagina. I could smell it. My mouth watered.

“Have a taste…” murmured Kelly.

“What!” said Sam and I at the same time.

“Both of you. Have a taste.”

I didn’t need a second invitation. I leaned forward, and just as Kelly had described it to me, I licked her from vagina, up through her folds, and circled her clit. I sucked in her juices and swallowed them down. I was in heaven. Pussy tasted better than I ever imagined.

“Oh, good boy,” moaned Kelly. “Just like that. Do it again.”

I repeated it and this time remained licking and circling her clitoris. Kelly moaned and her hands pressed gently on my head and pushed me in closer. I lapped and swallowed her juices. There was no end to it. Kelly was breathing heavy, and I thought I might make her cum when she pushed my head away.

“Sam, your turn,” ordered Kelly.

To my surprise, Sam didn’t hesitate. She dove right in, and Kelly exclaimed loudly.

“Oh wow, you’ve done this before. Good girl. Eat my pussy. That’s it. Kevin get the dildo ready. No, wait, Kevin join your sister. Both of you at the same time. Eat me…”

Sam moved a little to the side and I tentatively pushed my face closer. I reached out with my tongue but couldn’t reach. In time, Kelly got us sorted, and my sister and me lay with our heads together lapping at Kelly’s pussy.

Kelly became very vocal. And dirty talk spewed from her mouth.

“Oh, my fucking God. Two people eating my cunt. Fuuuuuck. That’s it. Ungh. One on my clit, the other… yes! That’s it! Eat my cunt! EAT MY CUNT! Oh fuck. Two teens eating my pussy… Jesus.”

This went on for a long time. Afterward, Sam said Kelly came about a dozen times. I couldn’t tell. Not exactly, but I think I figured it out. Women don’t come like men. At all.

My head and tongue were beyond sore eating out Kelly. I don’t know how long it was, but it felt like hours. In a moment of inspiration, I remembered the dildo. I grabbed it and while Sam was licking her clit, I pushed the dildo deep into Kelly. Kelly froze for a long second and then I remembered the vibration and turned it on while it was still deep inside her. Kelly exploded.

It was all I could do to keep the dildo inside her.

Then Sam did something disgusting. She moved from Kelly’s clit and tongued her asshole instead. Kelly exploded again and I felt liquid splash my hand holding the vibrator.

It took Kelly a long time to return to earth. When she did, she thanked us. Had me stand up and then sucked my cock right in front of my sister. I came in just over a minute, proud of myself. Sam watched it all very closely and I found it a bit of a turn on.

After I came and Kelly swallowed, Kelly ordered Sam onto the recliner and then pulled down my sister’s shorts. Before it could sink in that I was staring at my sister’s perfectly bald pussy, I was watching Kelly eat her out. I learned so much just watching Kelly go to work.

Afterward Sam said she came at least four times.

That night my sister and I watched porn to learn more about what Kelly was teaching us. We wanted to surprise her and make her happy.

Sam hesitated before leaving.

“You’re hard, aren’t you?”

I nodded. Watching porn with your sister will do that.

“Are you going to jerk off?”

I nodded.

“Can I watch?”

I nodded. I wanted that.

And so, I did. I pulled out my cock and started stroking it. Sam asked questions about it, and I answered as best I could. In time, she was plunging her fingers deep into her pussy watching me as I watched her.

We both came, said goodnight and she left for her own bed.

This was definitely the best vacation ever.

* * *

I had always assumed that Kelly was going to be in OBX for two weeks. She wasn’t. She was only here for a week. When we showed up back at her place, she said she only had two more nights. She laughed when she saw the disappointment on our faces.

“Well, we’ll need to make this a memorable night then, won’t we? How about you spend the night?”

Sam and I stared at each other. “The whole night?”

“Yes, will that be a problem?”

I hesitated. I had no idea how to convince mom and dad to let us stay over here. Or how to explain anything. I didn’t think it was possible. It was Sam who answered.

“Yeah. We can. Are you going to fuck my brother?”

Kelly smiled at me. “Only if he wants to.”

Sam squealed. “Oh, he does! Absolutely! Oh my God, I can’t wait to watch that!”

Kelly smiled at us. She does that a lot. “A sister wants to watch her brother lose his virginity. That is so… wow. I’m soaking wet.”

Sam pulled me closer. “Here’s what we do…”

* * *

Sam somehow convinced my parents that we were staying with her friend Tina and her younger brother. We were going to stay up all night playing some new video game and hang out. Mom and dad seemed thrilled with this and after we left the house, Sam confided in me that mom and dad had been dying to try out the hot tub without us rug rats to witness.

I’m a little slow on the uptake sometimes. At my baffled look, Sam swatted me.

“They’re gonna fuck like rabbits in there, stupid!” she admonished me. “Hello? A night without us hanging around ruining the mood?”

That sunk in and I stopped in my tracks and suddenly images of my dad fucking mom filled my thoughts. I shuddered and hurried to catch up with Sam.

Kelly met us at the gate and gave us each firm hugs. I thoroughly enjoyed the feel of her breasts pressed up against me, and I lowered my hands to cup her perfect ass. I pulled her in tight and pressed my hardening cock against her groin. She pulled her head back to look into my eyes for a moment before kissing me.

We had never really kissed like this before. Her luscious soft lips found mine with a hunger. The tip of her tongue probed my lips and I parted them almost by instinct. Her tongue slipped past my lips and probed my mouth. My tongue responded and touched hers. A thrill went through me from my toes to the hair that stood up on my neck. I responded and drove my tongue into her mouth. Kelly squawked and pulled her mouth free.

“Easy tiger. Gentle. Just the tip, okay?” she purred and then giggled at some joke I failed to understand.

Kelly pulled out of my grasp and went over to Sam and hugged her. She looked over her shoulder and winked at me.

“Watch this,” she said and before my eyes she started kissing my sister. I watched Sam melt into Kelly’s embrace. Their lips merged and I watched their tongues touch and dart and probe. It was incredibly erotic to me. Their hands roamed and caressed each other. Their eyes were open and staring into each other.

My erection sprung to painful lengths. I almost panted in my desire. Kelly was so hot and watching my sister French kissing her with such passion was an immense turn on. I watched Kelly’s hand slide around to disappear down the front of Sam’s shorts and Sam shuddered and started kissing Kelly with more vigour.

While I was watching, Kelly’s eyes shot to mine. She lifted her hand rubbing my sister’s ass and beckoned me closer. I stepped toward her, and Kelly pulled her hand free from Sam’s pussy and then lifted her dripping fingers to my mouth. I didn’t hesitate. I sucked her fingers into my mouth and moaned at the sweet musky flavour of my sister’s pussy. I sucked on those fingers like I was starving.

Sam broke the kiss and turned her head to watch me. Her eyes went wide and then her small frame shuddered in pleasure. Kelly had taken her other hand and was playing with Sam’s pussy.

“That’s it, baby,” murmured Kelly. “Taste your sister.” She pulled her fingers from my mouth, and I teetered forward trying to keep them in my mouth. Kelly played with Sam for a moment and then returned them to my waiting mouth. I sucked the juices free, and Sam and I moaned at the same time.

Kelly’s hand dropped to my shorts and found the head of my cock where it hung hard and throbbing below the hem of my left leg. She wiped her finger across the tip, causing me to lurch with the intense pleasure. She raised her hand and showed Sam and me all the precum she had scooped up. She slowly moved her fingers toward Sam’s mouth and as I watched Sam’s lips parted and Kelly began to wipe my precum all over her lips.

Sam let her and her eyes fluttered with some internal pleasure. I couldn’t’ believe what I was watching. Then Kelly slipped her fingers into Sam’s mouth and Sam sucked my precum free. In moments Kelly and Sam were kissing again, with Kelly licking my precum off her lips.

Sam moaned. “That tastes so good.”

Kelly nodded and then broke the kiss. “Okay, wow. That’s pretty exciting. But we need to slow down. Come on, boys and girls. Let’s hit the beach!” Kelly danced away and disappeared into her house.

Sam rocked in place with Kelly’s sudden departure. I reached out and grabbed her arm to steady her. She spun in place and was suddenly standing right in front of me. Her lips glistened and I watched her tongue dart out and lick at my remaining precum.

In a moment we were kissing. Our tongues danced and her juices and my precum mixed in our mouths. My hand shot down under the waistband of her shorts at the same time hers did the same to mine. I slipped two fingers into her folds and felt my fingers flood with her juices. Her hand found my cock and stroked it painfully. But I didn’t care. We kissed and stroked our private parts. In my mind I was fully aware this was my little sister. I knew how wrong it was.

It made me want it more. I frigged her pussy, and she stroked my shaft and then we clung to each other, teeth crashing together, as our orgasms flooded our bodies. My cock shot cum straight down to splash on Sam’s bare feet. Her pussy spasmed around my fingers and then gripped them tight for a moment. Juices flooded my fingers and ran down between her thighs.

We moaned and pressed our bodies together.

We screamed and broke apart when cold water sprayed all over us. We sputtered and backed up and found Kelly hosing us down with a garden hose.

“Enough, you two! Look at all that wasted cum! Go clean up and get ready for the beach. I have towels inside. Now scoot!” She put her thumb over the end of the hose and directed a stronger spray at us and chased us with it into the house.

Sam and I slammed the patio door closed and water hit it with force. We could hear Kelly laughing. And we smiled at each other.

Then our smiles faltered, and we looked at each other.

“What are we doing, Kevin?” whispered Sam. I could see the fright in her eyes. They probably mimicked mine.

“I don’t know.”

“I’m a little scared. This isn’t right.”

“No, it’s not.”

Sam looked at me and said nothing. Then she stepped forward and kissed me gently on the lips. Her hand reached down and found my dripping cock head. Cum still spilled freely. She rubbed the head and I shuddered. Then she dropped to her knees, pulled my shorts down, and my cock was in her mouth.

I stared down as pleasure rippled through me. Sam had no idea what she was doing but she wanted it. She sucked hard and then popped my cock free. She smacked her lips and then looked up at me.

“It’s not gross at all. Not what I expected. Tina said it tasted like pee. She’s an idiot.”

My cock was standing straight up now. It glistened with my sister’s spit and shone.

Sam stood and then hugged me, squeezing me hard. “I don’t want to worry about it right now. I’ve never felt more alive than I do right now.”

“Me, too,” I murmured into her neck. I kissed her nape and then ran my tongue up to her ear lobe. Sam shuddered against me.

“I’m so horny right now,” she whispered and moaned when I sucked her ear lobe into my mouth.

I nodded.

The patio door flew open.

“Enough! Get ready! Let’s go! We’ll be fucking all night so put it to rest!”

Sam looked at me in fright. Kelly saw it and chuckled.

“Yeah, I said fucking. All of us. All night. So, save that cum, young man. You’re going to be giving your sister and I all you can make. Now git!”

Eventually we made it to the beach. Kelly pulled us into the water, and we swam in the waves, careful to stay clear of the shore and the heavy breakers. We groped each other under the water, and I marvelled at just how much my life had changed over the past few days. This was a summer to remember.

Thoughts of the evening kept creeping into my thoughts, and I sported an almost constant erection. Sam kept squeezing it and that only made it worse.

When we finally relaxed on the beach, I found that Kelly had put up a beach umbrella to shade Sam and me. We were both red-haired, freckled, and prone to sunburns. Kelly applied lotion to our skin and that was lovely.

Kelly insisted we both apply her tanning oil, and we did taking liberties to touch her everywhere. Sam fingered her discretely for a moment and we watched Kelly shudder with a small orgasm. She pulled off her top, we oiled her breasts only for her to flop onto her beach blanket on her front.

“Let me suntan. Amuse yourselves…” she murmured into the towel.

I brought out my book and Sam lay back beside Kelly but in the shade. I opened my book and started reading. It was hard to focus with two gorgeous women beside me. I reached out and placed my hand on my sister’s breast and she flashed me a smile.

Emboldened I pulled the small material away and admired my sister’s soft, small breast. Her nipple was small and a sort of strawberry colour. They weren’t like Kelly’s at all. Kelly had prominent nipples with large areola studded with little bumps. My sister’s nipples were actually more like my own, except raised more and with the nipples slightly larger and thicker.

I fingered her nipple and felt it stiffen. Her nipple grew taut and the skin around it wrinkled slightly. I leaned over and put it in my mouth. My sister’s hand flew to my head to hold me there and I suckled her for a moment. I popped it free and covered her back up.

“Kevin?” whispered Sam.


“I want you to fuck me later. Please?”

I wanted that more than anything. I realised I wanted that more than fucking Kelly. “Okay.”

Kelly chuckled into the towel.

I held Sam’s hand and she squeezed it.

“I’m a virgin, Kevin,” added Sam, ignoring Kelly. “I want you to be my first.”

“You’ll be my first, too.”

Kelly lifted her head to look at us. “Jesus, this is hot as fuck. I cannot wait to tell Don and Angela about this.”

I blinked at that. “Who are Don and Angela?”

“My husband and wife,” she answered and chuckled.

Sam frowned at Kelly. “What? How is that possible?”

“It’s not. They’re married. I’m divorced. We all live together in Virginia Beach.”

I had no idea how to respond to that.

Kelly laughed. “Don’t worry about it. Depending on how tonight goes, you might find out first-hand.”

* * *

We spent an hour more on the beach. Kelly finally declared her suntanning needs completed and we wandered the beach. Kelly insisted we have ice cream and dragged us to Fatboyz Ice Cream shop. With cones in hand, we walked out on Jennette’s Pier and enjoyed the view.

Kelly kept insisting I drink pineapple juice. Sam smirked and agreed. I didn’t argue and we watched some people fishing off the pier.

I wasn’t interested in any view but the figures of my two women. I admired their bodies and the differences. I knew that I would be having full sex with them. I knew they wanted me and my cock. I also knew just how horribly wrong it all was. That made it all the more exciting.

Kelly said she was hungry and dragged us to the Blue Moon Beach Grill. Kelly ordered for us and soon we were devouring a bunch of starters. Kelly insisted we just eat starters and soon plates of PEI mussels in bleu cheese, seared scallops, and buffalo shrimp were laid out. Kelly ordered a Blue Moon Margarita and Sam and I ordered sweet tea.

We started back to Kelly’s beach house when her phone rang in her beach bag. She pulled it out, apologised to us, saw who it was on the phone and squealed. She answered the phone.

“Don! How are you, baby?”

We couldn’t hear the other side of the conversation. This had to be her pseudo-husband or whomever.

“Yes, the house is spectacular. Tell Angela its perfect. She’s there now? Put her on!”

She waited a moment.

“Angela! Baby! The house is perfect! Yes… yes… no trouble at all… yes, it was just where you said it would be.”

Sam and I exchanged looks and kept walking beside Kelly.

“You won’t believe this… hush a second… you won’t believe this. I’ve met a brother and sister and… stop interrupting! Yes, a brother and sister. We’re gonna fuck like crazy tonight! What’s that? Hold on, I’ll ask…”

Kelly put the phone down and looked at us. “Angela wants me to record tonight. Will that be okay?”

We both heard noises from the phone. Kelly put it back to her ear. “Not record? Live stream? What’s that?”

I knew and told her.

“Kevin knows how to set it up!” Kelly pecked me on the cheek. “Yes, he’s a dear. Nineteen and his cock points straight up! Yes! Straight up!”

Angela on the other side was saying something and Kelly nodded along.

“His sister is eighteen. Both virgins. At least for now.”

Sam and I exchanged another look. We were uncomfortable with Kelly divulging our activities. Especially just how depraved it was. Kelly caught our look and waved a hand at us.

“Yes, beautiful cock, tasty cum. What’s that? The sister is sweet as candy. Yes, delicious. She’s bi. Thinks she’s a lesbian. Yeah. Haha!” Kelly chortled for a bit and a few people walking near us smiled at her infectious laugh. “I’ll see how it goes tonight. You’ll watch of course. Yes, and if all is well, I’ll extend an invitation. Okay, thanks Angela. I love you sweetheart. Put Don back on.”

Kelly waggled her eyebrows at us and then turned her attention back to her phone. “Hey lover, I miss you. I know… Yes, I needed the break. It’s been perfect. I can’t wait to get back in your arms, baby. I miss that cock of yours. Tonight? Yeah, I’m pretty excited.” Kelly stopped at looked at us while still on the phone. “I’m gonna rock their worlds. They have no idea what’s in store for them. I’ll know they’re ready when his sister fucks his ass. Haha! Yup! Just like we did to you, baby!”

Sam gripped my arm tight and squeezed. When I looked at her, I couldn’t tell if she was disgusted or excited. My mind was trying to understand what Kelly had just said about my ass…

Kelly said her goodbyes and hung up. She turned to us and winked. “Tonight, is going to be awesome! Hurry. I want to get home and naked.”

Kelly surprised us then by jogging away from us toward her house. Sam grabbed my hand, and we took off after her. When we caught up, we slowed to a walk and Kelly took each of hands in the middle and we strolled along the beach.

“Um, Kelly,” I started to say. “What’s this about live streaming and Sam fucking my ass…”

Kelly gripped my hand tighter. “Just fun stuff. Trust me, okay? I know this is a lot to take it, but I am about to open your world up to amazing possibilities. You just need to go with it, okay?”

“But my ass?”

Kelly laughed deep and long. “Baby, you’re gonna crave this after. When Sam fucks your ass, you’re gonna see stars.”

“But my ass?”

“Jesus, Kevin. Trust me. It’s your erogenous zone. You are gonna have the most powerful orgasm of your life. And I can’t wait to taste the cum from that. So delicious. Sam, what do you think?”

I looked past Kelly to Sam. She looked at me and then averted her eyes. Kelly shook her hand in hers.

“Be honest,” ordered Kelly.

“Um,” began Sam meekly. “I think I would like that.”

“You think, or you know?” demanded Kelly.

“Know,” was the meek answer.

“Thought so, come on. We’re almost home and my pussy is on fire!” Kelly shrieked in joy and pulled us after her. Our beach bags flopped around, and our sandals slapped the boardwalk. People cleared out of our way and in no time, we banged through Kelly’s gate.

* * *

Kelly told us to go wash up and pay particular attention to our anus and rectum. She was explicit in her instructions and Sam, and I blushed furiously. But we obeyed her and took separate showers as per Kelly’s instructions.

I was sporting an almost constant erection. Anytime I went near the girls they would swipe at my precum and suck it off their fingers. Kelly made us drinks and told us not to tell anyone. I had my first gin and tonic and loved it. Sam had something with tequila and lime. After the one drink, Kelly cut us off and we lay around laughing and tipsy until Sam and I fell asleep.

When we woke, it was close to sunset. I could smell food cooking and stirred. We were inside the house but in the day room. It was a large sunroom with large section couches that wrapped around the room. One wall had a massive projection television, and the floor was carpeted and covered in pillows of all shapes and sizes.

Sam was snuggled up against me, and drool ran from the corner of her mouth to my tee-shirt. I shook her gently, but she remained asleep. I could feel her warm breath on my neck with her soft breathing. Her red hair was wild and unruly. Her freckles covered her face and gave her a beautiful character. I realised that I was seeing my sister as the beautiful woman she was. I kissed her nose.

I sensed a motion and looked up to find Kelly standing beside me watching us.

“You two make a cute couple.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Um, that’s not possible.”

Kelly sat on a cushion, and I could look her directly in the eye. “Yes, it is. I know many couples who are brother and sister. Mother and son. Father and daughter. Mother and daughter. Father and son.”

“That’s disgusting!”

“Look at your sister again. The way you just were and tell me it’s disgusting again. I dare you.”

I looked at Sam and felt my heart swell.

“And there you go. Told you. I only have one piece of advice.”

“What’s that?”

“Don’t get her pregnant. Ever. Promise?”


“I’m on the pill,” murmured Sam in my arms.

Kelly beamed a smile. “See? Perfect?”

I sighed.

“Get up you two. Time for supper. Come and get it.”

That piqued my interest and the smell of food that had been so tantalising became all the more real and I needed to eat.

“After dinner I need you to look at the streaming equipment and get it ready for tonight, okay?”

“Yeah, no problem.”

I shook Sam.



“Are you okay with all this?”

“I think so.”

“And with fucking me?”


“Okay, good. I can’t wait. I’m really excited about it.”

“You are?”

“Yeah. I’ve been checking you out for a long time. I would sneak into your bedroom and look at your penis.”

“You what?”

Sam giggled. “I did. Many times. I even kissed it once. Right on the tip.”

I lay there pondering that.

“I really like Kelly. She’s good for us.”


Sam’s hand found my erection and she stroked it under my shorts. “I think tonight we are going to do a lot of things. And this,” she squeezed my cock. “is going to be inside me. I can’t wait…”

A shadow appeared over us, and we looked up to see Kelly glaring down at us. “Fuck, you two! Get up!”

Dinner was wonderful. Kelly wasn’t that bad of a cook and certainly better than mom. We ate and laughed, and Sam and I had a glass of wine each. In time, Sam and I couldn’t stop looking at each other and Kelly sighed.

“You two need to get this out of your system. You ready?”

Sam and I both nodded.

“Great, Sam come with me. Kevin, go check out the video equipment and stuff in the main bedroom, okay? I left a note there about how to connect to Angela, okay?”

“Okay, sure,” I replied and got up and went into the bedroom which I found with no problem.

Up against the far wall was a massive bed. It was larger than a King. The back wall behind the bed and the ceiling were covered in mirrors. Unlit candles were laid out everywhere. There was a small bar fridge and an upright wardrobe. Opposite the bed was a television that exceeded my understanding of television sizes. It was at least six feet wide.

Positioned near the bed were three video cameras with cables snaking off to a cabinet under the television. I opened the cabinet and saw a MacIntosh computer connected to a variety of video and audio equipment. I smiled when I recognised everything and soon had the cameras on and feeding the computer. I found three other cameras mounted in the ceiling and on both sides of the padded headboard. I also found metal rings attached to the bedframe at each corner.

Once the computer booted, I found some prominent icons and loaded them up. The television flashed and then filled with the image of two people, a man, and a stunningly gorgeous woman, sitting up in bed, covered with a loose sheet. They were smiling at the camera.

They waved and then surprised me by speaking.

“Hi! You must be Kevin. I’m Donald and this is my first wife, Angela. Pleasure to meet you!”

“Um, hi? Can you hear me? Can you see me?” I turned and looked at the cameras in the room.

“Oh, yes, we can,” replied the blond. Her tits were defying gravity under her sheet. As I watched I could see she was doing something under the sheet in the area of Donald’s groin. “Where’s our wife Kelly?”

I gawked at the screen. “She’s really your wife?”

Donald grinned. “Sort of. Angela here is the only legal one. Kelly is our not so legal wife.”

“Um, that’s… incredible.”

“Oh darling,” purred Angela, and the sound of her voice was like electricity to my nineteen-year-old sexual brain. “She more than just incredible. But you know that already, don’t you?”

I nodded.

Angela looked at Donald with a quick smile. “Kelly said you were quiet.”

I hesitated and nodded again.

Donald laughed. “Yup. No problem. So where is she?”

“She’s with my sister in another room. Doing something. I dunno what.”

Donald’s expression turned a little more serious. “She’s probably getting her ready. You and your sister are virgins, correct?”

I felt heat rush to my face. “Um, yeah.”

It appeared to me that Donald’s face softened a little. “She’s getting her ready, Kevin. It’s a pretty big deal for women.”

Angela scoffed. “For some. Not all. Sounds like your sister is already familiar with toys, Kevin.”

I wasn’t sure but nodded anyway.

They regarded me for a long moment. “Are you ready for this?” asked Donald.

I thought and nodded again.

“Tell me why,” he asked and smiled.

I noticed that the sheet in front of Angela’s groin was also now moving. A wet spot had appeared over Donald’s groin. Angela was definitely stroking him.

“I dunno why. I just am. I want this more than anything.”

“You love your sister,” he replied. “We don’t doubt that. But loving your sister and loving your sister are two different things.”

I studied the two people on the screen. I had no idea who they were but somehow, they were in my life and about to watch me have sex for the first time. With my sister. Suddenly I didn’t trust them.

“What do you two get out of this? What is this anyway?”

Angela and Donald looked at each other for a long moment. It was Angela who answered.

“Honey, I run the largest sex club in the world. I have clients from all walks of life. The rich mostly. Artists. Musicians. Dancers. Movie stars. Depending on how this goes, you might be introduced to that world. If that interests you.”

“I don’t understand. Sex club? For perverts?”

Donald frowned on the screen. “No, not perverts. At least not by our standards. We just enjoy carnal activities. If it helps, I was sort of exactly where you are today. Too many questions, lacking trust, apprehensive. I learned to trust these two women, Angela, and Kelly. Listen we won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do. We can even turn off the cameras.” Angela frowned at this. “No harm no foul. It’s just this is an opportunity for Angela and me to watch something beautiful. I promise you we won’t keep any footage if you don’t want us to.

“I know you have zero reason to trust us. But you can. Listen, I…” He stopped talking and looked at Angela. “Hon, can we take this sheet off?”

Angela smiled and threw back the sheet. I was staring at her gorgeous body and spread legs. Donald was fingering her lightly and she was stroking his rather engorged cock. Donald sighed in relief.

“Much better. Now, sit back and relax and watch us for a while. It might help take the edge off.”

Donald smiled at Angela and suddenly they started making out. Slowly and intimately. I had never watched porn like this before and knowing it was live and real had my cock throbbing. They kissed and fondled each other. They slipped into a 69 and I was watching Donald on top of Angela eating her out.

I sat on the bed and watched captivated. They changed positions and Donald was behind Angela and driving his cock deep inside her. Angela was moaning loudly.

At that moment Kelly and Sam walked in. My eyes locked on Sam. She was wearing lingerie and it accented her gorgeous body better than ever. The bra pushed up her tits but left the nipples exposed. Her panties were lace and I could see they were crotchless. Her hair was tied up and she had a light covering of makeup that accented her face in the most erotic way possible. She was a sight to behold, and I found myself standing up.

Sam only had eyes for me, and she searched my face and then seemed pleased with what she saw.

“I told you!” whispered Kelly rather loudly. “See that look in his face? He only sees you.”

Sam beamed at me. She was so beautiful in that moment. I must have said something because a smile broke her face and her dazzling teeth sparkled at me. She heard a moan and looked toward the television.

“Oh my God! What’s that?” she cried out.

Donald and Angela looked at the camera. “Hi Samantha. We’re Don and Angela. Thanks for inviting to watch this. Kelly, darling, we miss you. Come home soon,” replied Donald, still thrusting into Angela.

Kelly stood in front of the television. “My loves. Look at you guys going at it.”

“Are they having sex right now? For real?” shrieked Sam. She looked distraught and I rushed to her side.

“I know, Sam. Its weird as fuck. But they seem nice.”

Sam continued to stare at the screen watching. “Pull it out,” she whispered to no one.

Donald heard her and grinned. He pulled out his cock and we could all see how wet it was, and hard, and long. “This what you want to see?”

Sam approached the television to get a better look. “It’s huge!”

Angela tutted. “Put it back.”

Donald obliged her and started thrusting again. Angela closed her eyes and seemed to lose herself in her husband’s attention. She reached between her legs and played with her pussy.

“So good…” moaned Angela.

Kelly was undressing which took less than five seconds. Then she stood naked in front of the television. “God, I want to join you guys…”

Angela chuckled. “Baby you have two wonderful people right there to pleasure.”

“It’s not you guys! But yeah, pretty hot. I can find them, can’t I?” she bragged.

Angela was gripping the bedsheet with both hands. I could see the white on her knuckles. “Ungh. Yes. Yes, you can.”

Kelly beamed a smile at us. “I have a knack for finding sexual people.”

I was staring at the sex on the screen, Kelly’s fantastic figure right before me, and my sister dressed in clothes that left nothing to the imagination. I was the only one dressed. I fixed that immediately. My cock, finally free of the confines of my short, sprang forward and up.

Angela was watching and I saw her eyes open wide. “Oh my God, its standing straight up!”

Donald looked at my junk and grunted. “I seem to remember those days…”

Sam was looking at my cock in another way. She licked her lips and Kelly saw.

“Okay baby. You ready? Just go with it until its time. Enjoy yourself. We’ll stop before penetration, okay? Get you ready. Alright?”

Sam just nodded and took a step toward me.

Honestly, you won’t believe me, but the moment her attention shifted solely to me, my attention was likewise focused. I only had eyes for Sam. I stepped toward her, and she took another step and then we were in each other’s arms, kissing and caressing each other with our hands. I felt like I had come home. To where I belonged. The room and the audience faded away and then it was just Sam and me.

It was a bit of a blur. I remember everything we did, just not all the details. It’s a memory full of fluffy white kittens, and sensual touches, and wetness and hardness, and mouths and every part of her body either in my hands or on my mouth.

We ended up on the bed still kissing. We manually stimulated our fun bits until her scent reached my nostrils. A hunger overcame me, and I found myself between her legs and taking my first taste directly from her pussy. She was more than wet. When my tongue slipped between her folds, liquid filled my mouth in a torrent. She was soaking wet. And hot. And sweet. Her clit sat engorged and gleaming, and I sucked on it sending her into her first orgasm.

Watching the footage later I saw that Kelly had joined us and was holding Sam’s hand. Later Kelly would be the little vixen whose mouth and hands were exactly where they were needed.

No sooner had she come then Sam pushed me away onto my back and I found my cock deep in her mouth. Kelly slowed her down and told her what to do. Me? I was lost in the pleasure watching my sister suck my cock with such attention. Kelly would demonstrate and I loved those moments, too. But it was Sam lowering her open mouth willingly and hungrily around my cock that had me bursting.

I wasn’t going to last long and said so.

Kelly laughed. “Make him cum, Sam. He’s nineteen. He’ll make more soon enough. Drain him, baby. Take it all, but save a little for me, okay?”

Sam sped up and my orgasm started at the back of my head and travelled down my spine and erupted out of my cock to be swallowed by my gorgeous sexy sister. I could feel and see her throat convulse and she moaned around my ejaculation. My cock pulsed in her mouth and jet after jet splashed against her tongue and throat. I cried out in pleasure and caught Angela and Donald watching us totally engrossed in our sex.

Sam pulled me free from her mouth and grinned up at me. “First… urgh…” she tried to say but her mouth still had a copious amount of cum in it. Kelly swooped in and put her mouth below Sam’s.

“Feed me, Sam. Share that delicious cum with me…”

Sam grinned and opened her mouth. She used her tantalising tongue to push a large glob of cum into Kelly’s waiting mouth. Kelly slurped it up and follow a string of cum back up to Sam’s mouth and French kissed her.

I heard Angela in the background. “So sexy, baby.”

Her mouth empty Sam stopped kissing Kelly and crawled up my body to kiss me. I could taste the faint taste of my cum, but coming from Sam, I wanted it. We kissed for a long time. Kelly sucked my cock and kept it up and ready. My hands cupped Sam’s ass and I savoured the soft flesh and their heat.

My finger traced the crack of her ass and she shuddered against me. Emboldened I dragged my fingertips over her asshole and over her wet pussy lips. I felt Kelly shift and a tongue lapped at my finger beside Sam’s asshole. Kelly grabbed one of my fingers and guided it into Sam’s ass.

Sam moaned and her pelvis pressed against mine. She straddled me and I felt her pussy, hot and wet, press up against my cock. I slowly worked my fingertip in and out of her ass and her kissing grew feverish.

Soon, Kelly’s tongue joined my fingers and Sam was treated to a complete crotch lick from Kelly. Sam stopped kissing me to enjoy the feeling and narrated it for me. I looked up at the mirror on the ceiling and could see Kelly on all fours behind Sam with her face buried in the crack of her ass.

“Kevin! Oh! Your finger in my ass feels so good! A little deeper! Yaas! That’s it. Oh God! Kelly is licking my…” she sucked air through her teeth. “Licking my clit! So good! Ah, my pussy is on fire. She’s licking my slit.”

I felt Kelly licking my finger where it penetrated Sam’s asshole. Suddenly my finger could move in and out much easier.

“Oh fuck!” squealed Sam. “Your finger in my ass is the best thing ever. Deeper! Fuck!”

I had my finger in her ass up to the second knuckle. Kelly’s tongue was lapping at everything and adding so much more pleasure. I glanced at the screen and was stunned to see Angela in a reverse cowboy with Donald’s cock buried in her ass.

“He’s fucking her ass!” I exclaimed.

Kelly chuckled but didn’t stop her administrations. Sam twisted her head to look back and spied what was going on in the screen.

“Oh my God!” she said. “He is! Does it hurt, Angela?”

Angela shook her head, and we could all see the pleasure there. “First time maybe. But it goes away and is replaced by… something else… wonderful… Oh baby fuck my ass!”

Sam came again. A sudden shuddering explosion of pleasure. She screeched and the noise was like music to my ears. I had pleasured her to orgasm. Again. I always wanted to do that for her. Kelly stopped and gently pulled my finger free of Sam’s ass. Then Kelly sucked on my finger.

I found that hot. “She’s sucking on my finger that was in your ass…”

Sam moaned. “Oh my God. I never thought sex could be this amazing.”

I held Sam until she recovered. Kelly had kept me up and ready by licking at my ball sack. Each lick was electric and the pleasure off the scales. I could enjoy just having my balls licked for months. Years.

Sam finally stirred and rolled off me, nearly kicking Kelly in the head.

Kelly wasted no time and lifted my ass off the bed. She pushed my legs back and suddenly my ass crack was exposed for all to see. In the next moment, Kelly licked my asshole and I moaned.

Sam looked up and then down and grinned at me. She scuttled down the bed and suddenly I had two tongues licking my entire groin. Special attention was placed on my asshole, taint, and balls. This was my new favourite.

Looking up at the mirror I could see my girls hungrily eating out my ass. Their butts rose in the air and gave Donald and Angela the perfect view. Sam looked up at me at one moment and blew a loose strand of hair away from her face. Her face was wet with spit, but her grin just made her more beautiful to me. She moved behind Kelly and started doing the same thing to her. Kelly moaned around her tongue buried deep into my asshole.

I came. My cum shot high into the air and landed who knows where. It rained cum. Kelly continued to eat my ass as I came, and I grabbed my cock and pushed it over her head and my cum rained down on her. Sam heard me cum and crawled over Kelly to get at my cum. Hoovering it up with her mouth and tongue. She sucked and licked it out of Kelly’s hair. Kelly not once stopped eating my ass.

Sam drove her mouth down over my cock and I hissed with the sensitivity. She sucked hard and pulled out some remaining cum based on her cheer. Kelly finally left my ass and swapped cum once more with Sam.

More groping and cuddling followed. And then we grew still for a time. Kelly rolled off the bed and Sam and I held hands. On the television, Angela was fucking Donald’s ass with a strap-on. Sam and I watched for a time.

“I’m gonna do that to you,” whispered Sam.

“Okay,” I said.

Sam rolled on to her side and stared into my face. “That’s it? Okay? No argument?”

I shook my head. I didn’t realise then that Angela and Donald were listening very closely. “No, Sam. I’ll do anything for you. Anything you want. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. I know you won’t hurt me. And if this gives you pleasure, then why would I stop that?”

Sam was kissing me again. And then she was on top of me, and we ground our groins together. She stayed on top, running the show, and our groins ground longer and longer until I could feel the tip of my cock running through the folds of her pussy.

“Are you sure?” I whispered up at her.

“Yes, dummy. I want you to be my first, and me yours. I’m so ready. More than ready.”

“Okay then. I want this, Sam.”

“Me too, brother. Always you.”

With that, she reached between us, lined up my cock to her vagina, and just like that I was inside her.

I had expected more resistance. Pain from her. Blood. Screeching. Something.

Instead, she moaned deeply and froze for a time. Then her hips rose a fraction and I felt my cock rubbing along the entire inside of her vagina. I had never felt anything like that before. It was almost too much pleasure. My cock was exactly where it belonged. Inside the one place it was designed to be. She lowered herself and hissed in pleasure.

“Kevin? Kevin?” cried out my sister.

I reached up and held her face, so she was staring down at me. “Shh. It’s okay.”

“Kevin? Its so good. It feels so amazing. Its you! You inside me! My big brother! This is what I always dreamed of! And it feels so good!”

She rose and lowered herself again. Then again. There was no one else in the world except the two of us. We found a rhythm and settled into the pleasure. It was powerful. Mind blowing. We each rose to new heights of pleasure and were soon screaming each other’s name. Tears tracked down her face and then she froze for a moment. Rode me hard and then cried out.

“I’m cuming, Kevin! I’m fucking cuming! So hard! Cum with me! Cum with me!”

And I did. Her orgasm hit and mine followed right behind. My cock spasmed and I relished the feeling of cuming inside a woman exactly where it belonged. My cock lurched almost painfully draining my balls dry. I would never truly cum again the same way as that first time inside my sister. Every piece of me came inside her that day. I left my heart and soul inside her. I wanted it to last forever.

I became aware of my surroundings soon after. I heard crying and looked over to see Kelly crying beside us on the bed. I looked at the screen and Angela was sobbing into Donald’s shoulder. His eyes looked a little wet.

“What’s going on? Why is everyone crying?”

Kelly hitched a sob and recovered. “That was perfect. So beautiful. Your love is so strong. So strong. Right Angela?”

I looked to the screen and Angela only nodded, keeping her face buried in her husband’s neck.

Donald grinned at me.

“Welcome to the club, son.”

The End