My Mother in Law’s Rebirth

Author’s Notes: It has been some time since I last posted a story. I actually wrote this story more than a year ago but have only now submitted it. I have made only minor edits to the version I recently found.

The story is probably unfinished but I don’t know if I’ll ever continue or conclude it.

I hope you enjoy it.


My father in law was a dickhead. Let’s get that right out in the open to start. That fact still does not excuse what my mother in law did to me. Let me fill you in with some background to properly frame my sad tale of woe.

I met Tina, short for Christina, when I was in college. We didn’t start dating until we were both seniors. Vivacious would be a good place to start her description. Tina was always up, always in a good mood, always seeing the positive. She was a ‘people person’ and everyone just naturally gravitated to her. We were part of a large group of friends who came together and jelled in our freshman year.

Over three years we did many things together as a group, skiing, concerts, spring breaks and going to, or hosting parties. Tina was commonly at the center of everything and if she wasn’t her two roommates were. Now, to be truthful, any one or all of the guys in the group probably lusted after Tina at one point or another. I think it was a continuous state for a few of them. I had a Tina ‘phase’ at the start of sophomore year but it was over pretty quick.

From time to time a couple would pair off to do something on their own but it was just a friends thing. Like you needed a date for a faculty dinner type of thing. As our college careers progressed about a third of the members began dating someone from outside the group. It was intimidating for these new guys or gals to integrate with this long time set of friends so it could be awkward. Usually though, we just saw less of that person as they spent more time with their new one on one relationship.

So it was strange at the very end of our junior year, and I mean the very end, exams were over and we were packing up to go home, when I sensed that I was getting signals of interest from Tina. I wasn’t the best looking guy of the group, not the tallest, not the smartest and didn’t have the best body. I was, in just about every way, within the group and among the population as a whole, average.

True, I was smart enough and I was athletic enough but I think that my one strength was I might have been one of the funnier members of the group. I could generally make every body feel good and find humor in their lives. I believe that is what caught Tina’s eye. I could make her laugh.

We became an item our senior year, we still hung with the group but the dynamic changed a bit because of us being together. After graduation we both took jobs in the same city and eventually quit trying to sustain false pretenses and moved in together. Twenty months after graduating I asked her to marry me and she said yes. We were married a year later.

I first met Frank and Lisa during Parents Weekend of our sophomore year. It was an informal gathering of our ‘gang’ arranged to allow the parents to meet the people behind the names they heard so often. With parents, brothers and sisters in attendance the gathering was just a little shy of 50 people. I think I spoke with Tina’s parents less than five minutes. They seemed nice enough to me as parents go. She never even met mine that year.

By spring of senior year we each went out to dinner with the other’s parents one time when they came up to visit. My parents liked Tina immediately. I wasn’t so sure about Tina’s parents’ opinion of me. Frank was a lawyer who now worked in some nebulously related legal field that was never fully described to me. He was stand offish and our conversations were brief and trite. I figured he just wouldn’t be happy with any guy who he suspected was fucking his oldest daughter. Lisa seemed to think a little better of me. She was pleasant, if reserved, and asked questions that suggested a real interest in me.

We saw the parents again at graduation. We made time to share the event with each family and then spent the rest of the day with our own families. Our parents spent very little time with each other, I don’t think they had many common points of interest.

After the engagement I spent a number of weekends at Tina’s family home as preparations were made. I never felt truly comfortable there. Tina had two younger sisters and it was a constant competition among the three for attention, from their parents and also from me. Very awkward when a college freshman sister of your fiancee is trying to capture your interest by flirting with you all the time. When other people were around Evie was constantly near to me, using double entendre as a code and saying things like “Well, what does Ken think about that idea?” as if she were the only one interested in my opinion.

When other people weren’t around Evie would go bra less, wear the sluttiest outfits, rub against or touch me or ask my advice about sex related things. My only means of escape in these situations was to seek out Frank and hang with him. Not that hanging with him meant interaction. Most of the times I was with him he was hammered by three in the afternoon and remained that way until he went to bed around midnight. He was gruff and rude to everyone, his daughters, his wife, the paperboy, not just me. He never spoke to me first, never welcomed me to the house, nothing. I would have been offended but he was the same with everyone, even his purported golf buddies.

Lisa warmed up to me when the engagement occurred. She remained a very prim and proper woman though. Always dressed like the prime example of the suburban housewife with modest, non-revealing clothes. She apparently did not drink, I never heard her swear and she was gracious, even if falsely so, to everyone. I always received a chaste kiss on the cheek when I arrived and a quick hug when I left.

Frank managed to remain sober to walk his first born down the aisle but was well on his way to being sloshed before the receiving line at the reception was done. He spent the majority of his time on a bar stool and there was no Daddy/Daughter dance even though I danced with my mother and with Lisa and Tina danced with my dad.

Exactly one week after the wedding Lisa filed for divorce. Tina and I weren’t even back from our honeymoon in Cancun when she filed. Frank was out of the house the next day. Lisa pretty much wiped him out in the divorce. There were rumors of infidelity on Frank’s part, perhaps multiple incidences. I found out that Frank had been disbarred during Tina’s senior year of high school and was essentially working as a paralegal from then on.

There were even some nasty rumors, communicated in very hushed tones, of incest. Wagging tongues held that Frank had tried with each of his three daughters and had maybe succeeded with Evie, having failed with the first two. A particularly messy pile of crap to hit a newly wed bride on the return from her honeymoon. It definitely put a downer on the start of our married relationship.

Post divorce Lisa seemed to bloom. I never saw her sad about it and in fact she was the happiest I’d ever seen her, including our wedding day. She went hard into aerobics and Pilates and appeared to loose some weight. She started wearing a whole new wardrobe that was far more form fitting and revealing and featured high heels of all varieties all the time. Pumps, sandals and boots, all with nothing less than a 4″ and most with a 5″ heel were her constant footwear. Except for her workout sneakers I never saw her in anything else.

Initially, Tina and I went to see her mom once, often twice a month to show our support. It didn’t appear to me that Lisa needed support, unless it was an under wire bra to hold up a pair of huge boobs that she had somehow hidden from view up until the divorce. I seemed to run into her every Saturday morning as she was returning from one of her workouts in tight yoga wear that left nothing to the imagination. Seams worked their way into her ass crack and provided an unmistakable camel toe. Material was stretched to its advisable limit over her ass, thighs and boobs. After a post workout shower she was in skinny jeans and a tight sweater or blouse, tight shorts and a tighter top or a skirt cut mid thigh or higher. And always with high heels on her feet, even high wedge sandals in the summer.

Six months after the divorce Lisa came to stay with us for a week after having some ‘work done’ at a clinic nearby. I assumed she was going for a tummy tuck or a face lift or liposuction. I was wrong. After losing about 15 pounds everything was great but ‘the girls’ were drooping a bit too much so she had them reduced from a D to a C to ‘tighten them up’, as she herself told me the morning after she came home from her procedure when Tina had run out to the grocery store and I brought Lisa her breakfast.

Now is the appropriate time to describe Lisa. When I first met her you might be tempted to call her ‘dumpy’. She was more or less shapeless, with mousy brown hair styled short and little makeup that made her look any more appealing. Six months post divorce she was a different woman. She was still 5’4″ but now weighed about 120 pounds. Her body had curves, and I do mean curves, in all the right places and in all the right proportions. She was Goldilocks, because physically everything about her was juuust right. She was pretty, many compared her to Gwyneth Paltrow, complete with blonde hair (dyed, of course but still soft and silky), often in a pony tail, blue eyes and a nice smile.

For the first few days post procedure she was mostly in her room, our guest room, and she was pretty heavily bandaged around her chest. The Wednesday after her Friday surgery Tina took her in for a follow up and the bandages came off. She came home wearing some sort of bra that was especially good for post breast surgery so that she would ‘settle’ naturally. (I assume these bras were made primarily for women who had breast augmentations, not reductions but I guess the principle was the same.) The swelling was expected to be gone in another week and she could then be fitted for a new bras.

How do I know these things? Hang on, I’ll tell you shortly.

Once she returned on Wednesday she was out and about. While her tops were not particularly clinging her bottoms pretty much made up for it. She wore the tightest pants, jeans or leggings imaginable. It must have been one hell of an effort getting any pair of those on and off. Of course, the heels were back as well. And so was the meticulously, albeit sparsely, applied makeup. Wednesday afternoon she drove herself to the nail salon for a mani – pedi. At dinner that night Lisa was looking damn good. She was very happy and was actually looking forward to her 44th birthday party in the next month.

I think it would be absolutely appropriate to describe Lisa as a MILF or a Cougar. She pushed the line right up to the edge between sexy and slutty but never crossed it. One thing that kept her on the better side of that line was the quality of the clothes she purchased. Well made, high end designer names, not cheap, trashy shit.

The second Thursday after her surgery she was declared fully healed. Tina had already missed some work and had an important meeting she could not reschedule so, since I’m in sales, with a flexible schedule and work from an office in our home, I was enlisted to take Lisa to the appointment. Now, you may ask, she’s been driving herself for a week why didn’t she just drive herself? Damn good question. But when two women gang up on you asking you to do something and one of them is your wife and the other is your wife’s mother, you cave pretty quickly and just say yes.


Lisa strolled from the exam room into the waiting room all smiles. “All healed,” she announced to the room though she was only looking at me. Slipping her arm through mine and clutching it with her other hand she declared, “Let’s go shopping!” as we walked out of the doctor’s office.

I started to protest, since I hadn’t signed up to go shopping, only to ferry her to and from the appointment. I didn’t get very far with my argument.

“Oh, c’mon, Ken. I can’t wear this compression bra for another minute. I need to get properly fitted for some new bras. And it would be nice to have a man’s opinion on how things look,” she pleaded. Then her voice took on a different, more sexual tone, “I promise I’ll make it fun for you.”

When I relented, yet again, she gave me a big smile and a peck on the cheek. “Oh, this’ll be great. I’ll tell everybody you’re my boy toy and I can’t buy anything unless it meets with your approval! Take off your ring and put it in your pocket!”

I nearly went off the road. My mother in law, whom you would presume would have her daughter’s best interests at heart, was suggesting I take off the ring I had been wearing for less than seven months and pretend I wasn’t married. Is this the kind of precedent most mothers would want to be setting with their son in laws? I think not.

My ring stayed right where it was. Lisa didn’t seem to mind either way, she just kept smiling (or maybe leering) at me with a devilish glint in her eye.

As we pulled onto the main shopping street of the toniest suburb I looked at all of the expensive stores with designer names. Lisa, apparently, was in her element.

We parked in a lot behind the stores on one side of the street and Lisa took my hand to lead me to the first stop on what I feared would be a long afternoon’s trek. Her high heel pumps click clacked on the cement beside me and her ponytail swung in rhythm behind her as she briskly moved to her first objective. I had heard of La Perla before but I had never been near one. I don’t think my wife ever paid more than $50 for a bra. Every item in this store seemed to be at least $100 with many well over $250.

Lisa disappeared into a fitting room with a sales woman and after a few moments I heard the saleswoman say, “You’re a perfect 32C, Mrs. Stanton.”

So much for client confidentiality. And Stanton was her maiden name. What was with the Mrs.?

Lisa then wandered about the sales floor looking at different bras on the racks. Once she had a handful of them she retreated back to the the fitting room. A few minutes later the door opened a little and she peered around the edge at me.

“Ken, honey. Could you come her for a minute and help me?” she trilled like some sweet song bird.

As I grudgingly made my way over to her I asked, “What do you need, Lisa?”

When I reached the door she opened it wider, grabbed my wrist and yanked me inside. I was so caught off guard I stumbled into the little room and she shut the door behind us.

I was staring at the floor as she spoke to me, “I need your opinion. Now you’ll have to look at me,” she huffed as two finger nails came to rest under my chin and tilted my head up.

I’m pretty sure it’s a law that mother in laws are not allowed to be in lingerie, especially expensive lingerie, alone with their son in laws. I know that mother in laws are not supposed to look as good to their son in laws as Lisa looked at that moment.

A black lace bra covered her breasts with the details placed strategically over the nipples so they could not be seen. There was a hell of a lot of nice fucking cleavage in view, however. And a trim little body with a flat stomach and a little green jewel dangling from her navel.

“Shit! Lisa, I shouldn’t be here with you like this.”

“Nonsense, my boy. I need the opinion of a healthy, red blooded, American male. This is important to me,” she appealed, giving me a doe eye look and rubbing a hand on my chest. “I need to feel good about myself again. Please?”

I sighed and allowed my eyes to devour her chest and abdomen. “Lisa, in all honesty, you look fabulous. I can’t believe that you had your breasts reduced because those look big, but not too big for your frame.”

Baseball, taxes, raw sewage, as I spoke I was trying to think of anything that might keep my traitorous penis from swelling in my pants. I think one of the Ten Commandments is ‘Thou shalt not pop a boner when looking at your mother in law.’

I was headed straight to Hell.

I looked back into her eyes and I saw genuine relief and appreciation.

Softly she uttered, “Thank you for that, Ken. It means a lot to me. Even when you’re getting rid of a shit heel like Frank divorce is still a hard thing after you’ve been married for 25 years. You question a lot about yourself, your self image takes a beating. Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it, Lisa. You have nothing to worry about in the image department. You truly look so much better since your divorce. It’s like you were hiding your light under a bushel basket. It’s nice to see you shining now.” I was trying to reassure her and let her know she was very attractive. I gave her a small peck on the cheek.

Big mistake on my part.

Her eyes lit up. “OK, shoo. I’m buying this one in three colors. Now I need to try on some others so don’t go far.”

I nearly hit myself in the face in my haste to open the door and escape. The saleswoman, a 28 – 30 year old smokin’ hottie gave me a knowing smile. “Don’t be embarrassed. Husbands and boyfriends go into the fitting rooms in all the time.”

Husbands? Boyfriends? OK, I believe that. How about son in laws, Miss July? How about them, huh?

“Ken, honey?” the door was cracked open behind me and Lisa summoned me again. I didn’t look at the saleswoman as I turned and entered.

“Holy shit, Lisa!” I blurted out. A devious smile crept across her face. The bra she was now wearing was some wisps of sheer fabric that only semi contained her boobs and gave a full view of her nipples, which I duly noted, were erect and pressed against the gossamer thin material. Her boobs threatened to spill out of the demi cups at any moments.

Something else was straining against some fabric. Thank goodness it was denim because my dong would have torn through lesser stuff in its effort to become fully engorged. I wanted to put my hands on Lisa’s hips and pull her succulent body to me, burying my face in the spectacular tit flesh on display.

Lisa raised her hands to her breasts and and ran two long, red nailed fingers over and around each nipple. I heard her draw her breath in a hiss as she toyed with the rubbery points of her teats. “Do you think my nipples might show through this bra under a blouse or a dress?” she purred.

Somehow the filter between my brain and my mouth was still working because instead of saying, “Fuck, yeah. Those pokies will likely rip through that bra in minutes and probably shred the blouse, too.’ I merely said, “Uh, yeah.”

I have a way with words.

A wicked smile now crossed Lisa’s face. “Good, that’s what I want.” She took a step toward me and pressed her boobs on my ribs.

“I hope you can feel them, too!”

You could feel them. I was feeling them. This was fucking torture. Her small hand stroked over my erection through my jeans.

“I like it when you can feel hard things through fabric.”

My mouth was dry and there was a lump like a tennis ball in my throat. “Jesus, Lisa!” I squawked.

“You need to get out. I’m going to try on one more bra and I can’t be showing you the goods, can I?” she teased.

I blew past the saleswoman and out the door. I bought some silly named bottled water at a price higher per ounce than heroin and returned to the shop after downing one to relieve my throat. As I returned to the shop I heard, “Welcome back, Mr. Stanton.” from the high priced escort masquerading as a sales person.

‘Mr. Stanton?’ Where’d she get that idea?

That greeting was followed by, “Oh, there you are honey. I’m just going to put this all on my card, OK?” as Lisa departed the fitting room and headed to the register.

Several thousand dollars later I held a bag with La Perla printed on it as I walked to the next crime scene with Lisa holding my hand. My mind replayed the scene of her teasing her nipples in the dressing room and something now registered in my brain. Lisa had her diamond engagement and wedding rings on her left hand. I hadn’t seen her wearing those since the divorce.

Half a dozen shops and three hours later Lisa now had some new blouses, sweaters and dresses to fit her ‘reduced’ boobs and I had seven more bags. Lisa had also kissed me on the cheek several times as she was thanking me for helping her and being such a good sport. An elderly lady in one of the shops cleared her throat and swiped her finger across her cheek while looking at me. I looked in the mirror and saw two well defined prints of Lisa’s lips on my jaw.

As I went to wipe them off, Lisa stopped my hand. “No, don’t. I want all these other cougars and sluts to know you’re mine.”


We were headed back to the car when a shoe store suddenly leapt out in our path and made it impossible for us to go any further. Or at least that’s what it seemed like as Lisa squealed, “Ooooohhh, shoes!”

In we went. I collapsed in a chair as she picked up pair after pair to look at. Time seemed to crawl but eventually she sat in the chair next to me and a clerk appeared with a long box. He was a bit of a nebbish with a squirrelly look about him. He sat on that little stool thing in front of Lisa and made a production of removing her pumps. I swear he bent lower and sniffed as each shoe came off.

Pulling the lid off the box, he extracted one gleaming, black leather, Michael Kors, spike heeled boot with a small platform. With a ridiculous flourish he unzipped the boot, cradled it while Lisa slipped her foot inside and zipped it up. He then repeated everything for the other one. Lisa stood and walked around a little in the boots. At this point she was already wearing one of the La Perla demi bras and a new silk blouse. With her jeans tucked into the boots, her nipples tenting the blouse and her ass curved like a two half moons she looked fucking hot. Hotter than Miss July back at La Perla. Guys would be lining up to pay to fuck her!

Lisa stepped in front of me and jammed one foot onto the edge of my chair at my crotch. “What do you think, honey. Do you like them?” she asked with that devious smile, again.

I just let my head fall into my hand and shook it back and forth. “Yes,” I sighed in exasperation.

Now, in addition to all the shopping bags, I was laden with the boot box under an arm as we made it back to the car. I placed all of her purchases in the back seat and fell into the driver’s seat.

“Ken, I really do appreciate you doing this for me. I hope my daughter realizes what she has in you,” she said wistfully.

“Lisa, I’m happy to do it. I’m glad you’re letting the real you shine after all you’ve been through,” I answered sincerely.

“You’re a sweet man.” And with that she took my face in her hands and kissed me on lips. No tongue, but much longer and far more passionately than a regular mother in law – son in law kiss.

I was too stunned to react and just started the car.

She seemed to deflate somewhat and looking out the window she sighed, “Let’s go home.”

As we drove I noticed her slip the rings off her left hand and drop them in a little bag and then into her purse.


Dinner that night was an interesting affair. Tina was running late so Lisa and I joined up to make dinner. She looked fabulous in her tight jeans, new bra and blouse and high heels. Her hair was back in a high pony tail, her lips looked moist and soft with a light lip gloss, and her eyes danced and twinkled. In short she looked self-assured, beautiful, sexy.

I have a few descriptions of women I’m attracted to. Beautiful is one, sexy is another, slutty, hot, smart, attractive, delicious, curvy, confident, and the like are others. Sometimes I combine two because it better paints the picture. Like a woman who is obviously trying hard to get attention, and likely more, might be described as ‘slutty hot’. A voluptuous woman might be ‘deliciously curvy’. I had never put three together before. By describing Lisa as ‘self-assured beautiful sexy’ I had placed her in a class all by herself.

As we moved around the kitchen preparing the food I could not stop myself from looking at her. Her body was an eye magnet. Every time she caught me looking she just smiled a big, happy smile and went back to what she was doing without comment. Except for one time.

“We better not let you use any sharp objects, you could mortally wound yourself with your lack of concentration,” she teased, followed by a little laugh as she removed a knife from my hand. I just stared at her lips wondering what she tasted like.

Tina arrived shortly before the meal was ready surprising both of when she spoke. Leaning against the door frame to the kitchen she, “Well, isn’t this a lovely domestic scene.”

I whipped around and almost ran over to kiss and hug her. “Hi, hon. Welcome home, dinner will be ready in ten minutes.”

We sat at the kitchen table to eat, Lisa with a glass of wine, Tina and I with water. Tina opened conversation by asking Lisa how everything went today.

Positively glowing, her eyes almost radiating light of their own and smiling whenever she wasn’t forming words Lisa answered, “Perfect. The doctor said I am 100% healed and that everything went better than he anticipated. My boobs took the natural shape I had before I got pregnant. And, Ken was a dear as he escorted me around to stores so I could start a new wardrobe.”

Knowing my distaste for shopping, my wife raised an eyebrow as she looked at me. Turning to Lisa she asked, “He was? How many stores did you visit?”

“Oh, eight or ten, I don’t remember,’ Lisa said distractedly, waving her hand like she was waving away a fly.

Tina looked at me again and mouthed ‘Eight or ten?’

I rolled my eyes and tried to silently communicate my pain.

Lisa caught us and piped up, “Oh, he was such a plus. He helped me choose some items, you know how good it is to get a man’s opinion on how things look. He volunteered to carry my bags. It was delightful to have him along, it made shopping even more enjoyable.”

As we undressed for bed, Tina thanked me. “I appreciate you taking care of my mother today. I’m sure it wasn’t fun for you, but this was a really big step for her as she becomes a whole person again after what my father did to her. He really sucked the life out of her.”

I replied with my best, “no problem, happy to help” response and assumed the subject was over. I was feeling pretty horny after watching Lisa all day and hoped Tina and I might get ‘a little something’ going between the sheets.

Then Tina launched her follow up question. “What stores did you go to?”

I tried to deflect. “I don’t remember. We went to that main street in Riverdale with all the expensive places.”

“Mom always liked nice clothes even though dad stopped letting her buy them.”

Trying to hold up my side of the conversation and move it away from details of today I asked, “How is she able to afford them now?”

“Before he lost his license, my dad was a partner in one of the biggest law firms in the state. He had been with the firm almost twenty five years, the last twenty as a partner. He was one of the biggest producers in the place and apparently his bonuses were huge, millions of dollars for many years. He wasn’t an idiot and he didn’t let us live extravagantly. He turned most of the money over to an investment advisor. At the time of the divorce he was worth $42 million. Mom got $28 million, the house, a car and all of Kate and Evie’s college paid for.”

I would never have guessed the magnitude of the money involved. “Damn, your mother better be careful. Attractive and rich; hucksters, sleazeballs and gigolos will be lining up to take a shot at her!”

Foolishly I had redirected the conversation back to Lisa.

“Attractive, huh?” Tina probed, her eyes locked on me and arms folded across her lovely, but smaller than her mother’s, chest.

From my statement expressing concern for her mother’s well being she focuses on one word – attractive. She silently waited me out, forcing me to speak.

“Yes, your mother is attractive. I’m sure many men her age will be interested in her when they find out she’s single.” I hoped I had covered my tracks well enough.

“So how did you help her today? What outfits did you help her pick out?” she inquired, like a prosecuting attorney with a reluctant witness.

“Uh, some blouses, dresses a few things like that. She just asked which colors I preferred, stuff like that,” I mumbled trying to mollify Tina.

She was like a dog on a bone. “Did she try on items and ask for your opinion?”

“A few things.” I figured less was more.

“So if I was to ask her if she showed you any of the new bras I know she bought today because she’s been dying to do that for the last week she’d tell me you didn’t see any?”

I figured honesty is the best policy. “She asked my opinion on two different bras. As quickly as I could I told her both of them were fine.”

“Thanks, honey,” Tina smiled and the kissed me on the lips, “For both helping my mother and for telling the truth. I appreciate it.”

Crawling between the covers she yawned, “I’m beat. I need sleep. See you in the morning. Love you.” She air kissed and rolled onto her side.

No ‘little something’ tonight.


The next day was Friday and I had sales calls scheduled for the morning. While driving between appointments my phone rang with Tina’s ring tone. Punching the button on the steering wheel I answered cheerfully, “Hey, hon. What’s up?”

“You’re not going to fucking believe this.” (Uh oh, Tina didn’t swear much, only when she was pissed.) “I just found out that I’m going to the sales conference in Houston next week. I fly out on Sunday and won’t be back until Saturday,” she ranted.

“Well, that sucks. I thought you got out of that?”

“I did but then fucking Lenny Sears starts spouting his mouth off about how I should be there, I’m one of the senior product managers, blah, blah, blah. And Terry Carleton ate it up with a spoon. Twenty minutes later they had my flights and room booked,” she fumed. I could feel the heat of her annoyance via the Bluetooth connection.

Terry Carleton was a sore point with both of us. He had hit on Tina multiple times and seemed never to be deterred by her strong rebuffs of his advances. As the head of the eastern division of her company he was a powerful guy in the organization. He also happened to be a serial philanderer whose wife knew of his infidelity and didn’t care because she was fucking every one from the pool boy to several of Terry’s friends. Both Tina and I could see that given an opening like the softie Lenny Sears had tossed, Carleton would grab it and run. Tina had no chance to avoid going.

“Well, shit, hon,” I said, trying to commiserate and console.

“I’ve got to go and get shit planned out. See you at home tonight.”

I bought a bottle of her favorite wine for dinner that night. As the three of us sat around the table and Tina poured out her story, Lisa patted her hand softly.

“Well, I’m sorry, dear. Maybe you should pack a taser to keep that Terry guy off of you,” she tried to joke.

Tina replied with small, mostly forced laugh, “Yeah, that or a shotgun!”

“And don’t worry, Tina, I know I was planning on going home tomorrow but I’ll stay another week to take care of Ken.” Lisa looked at me and smiled as she closed her hand over the top of mine. I swear her eyes looked like a jungle cat about to sink it’s claws into it’s prey.

“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” Tina and I said in almost perfect unison.

“Nonsense, I have no where I need to be. Both your sisters are away at school. I can return a favor and see to all of Ken’s needs,” she squeezed my hand making her inference seem clear to me. In an effort to cover herself she continued sweetly, “I’ll make sure he’s not eating frozen dinners every night, that he has clean underwear and that his clothes match when he leaves for work.”

I sat there silently.

“Thanks, Mom, that would be nice. At least I won’t feel so guilty about leaving Ken alone if you’re here to take care him,” Tina relaxed a little. Her eyes closed as she lifted her wine glass to take a long sip.

Lisa leaned closer to me and whispered, “I’ll take care of you in every way.” She followed with a wink and a lick of her lips.

After dinner I went to the kitchen to put the dishes in the dishwasher. When I came into the family room Tina and Lisa were on the couch, wineglasses and a fresh bottle of wine on the coffee table.

“We picked out a movie, come watch it with us,” Tina said sweetly, patting the open space next to her. As I plunked my ass down on the cushion I became acutely aware that Lisa was on the other side of me as she shifted closer so that her thigh and hip touched mine. When I looked over at her she just gave me a not so innocent smile and then took a sip of her wine.

They had selected some relatively new Rom-Com and I quickly learned that their choice was heavily influenced by the male lead whom both described as ‘hot’. Tina snuggled up next to me and lay her head on my shoulder only moving to drink her wine. I refilled her glass twice.

Remember when you were a kid and you’d be around your parents or other adults when a subject, like sex, came up and you felt extremely uncomfortable? One of the things that triggered that discomfort in me as a kid was when I was watching something on TV or video with my parents in the room and a sexy scene came on. I wanted to run, just get out of there rather than sit through the scene in the awkward silence.

Though the male lead had been shirtless already in the movie, and both of my viewing companions had commented on his nice body, including his ‘sexy abs’, there had not been any sexual situation yet. I was unprepared for the cringe worthy scene that appeared as the female lead shed everything but her panties to lure the male lead to bed and unspecified but implied sex ensued.

Tina was no help in lightening the mood as she was now asleep (passed out?) and snoring cutely on my shoulder. I thought she was hitting the wine pretty hard, though it was understandable given that she was facing a week on the road with her lecherous boss. Lisa was wide awake. In the glow of the screen, as the couple went at each other, I could see that Lisa’s nipples had swollen and were tenting her blouse. The betrayer in my pants, already interested in the rack of the leading actress took Lisa’s arousal as a ‘go’ signal and began to swell in my pants.

Lisa turned to me, brushing both nipples across my arm, and whispered, “That guy has nothing on you. I know how good you look in a bathing suit or your running shorts. And I’m sure you’ve got him beat where it really counts.”

Her breath was light, wine scented puffs as she spoke, tingling the hairs on my neck. Her hand slipped over my stomach and down to my crotch as she whispered. She cupped my package and then stroked her fingers along my growing rod. “Oooooo,” she breathed into my ear, “You have him beat by a lot.”

I couldn’t do much about her teasing without disturbing Tina. I did grab her by the wrist and placed her hand in her lap hissing a terse, “Behave!” at her.

“I like it when you’re firm and telling me what to do. Maybe I deserve a spanking for misbehaving,” she teased me.

“Tina, honey,” I said, gently shaking her awake. “C’mon honey, you need to get to bed. You’re tired, had a little bit more to drink than you needed and you’ve got a long week next week.”

Like a sleepy eight year old she slurred, “Awright. Carry me,” holding her arms out to me. I picked her up and carried her upstairs to our bedroom. Lisa’s eyes tracked me out of the room.


Saturday was hectic and the three of us were moving in different directions all day. Lisa went to two classes at the local franchise of the fitness club she belonged to. I did the usual Saturday things like getting a haircut, going to the dump and mowing the lawn. Tina prepared the clothes she would need for the upcoming trip, had her hair trimmed, nails done and stopped at the grocery store.

By six we were all tired and hungry. We grilled some burgers and had those with salad, sitting on the porch but with the fading light and the coming of fall it was too cool to stay outside for long. I put the dishes in the dishwasher, tinkered about in the garage for half an hour and then headed upstairs to read. Tina was already in bed, reading so I picked up my book and joined her.

About nine Lisa knocked softly on the door and said she was going to bed.

“Goodnight, Mom,” Tina called out and we heard her pad off down the hall.


Sunday started slow, with Lisa making breakfast for us. She wore a pair of stretch workout pants that came to just below her knees and a short, fleece bathrobe that fell just below her ass. After breakfast she went out to ‘pick up a few things’ and I took advantage of having the house to ourselves to drag Tina upstairs and into the shower.

As she entered the en suite bathroom from our bedroom I had a small towel draped over my arm as I said, “Welcome to the barbershop.”

Tina giggled that delightful, unfettered giggle that I love so much. We had somehow, I can’t remember how, code named one of my favorite intimate activities “the Barbershop”. Tina kept her nether region completely shaved. When we first started dating she shaved every Friday morning, then when we moved in together about every other day or three days. As her workload grew the frequency of her attending to her stubble decreased, so I offered to do it. Shortly thereafter the code word Barbershop was initiated.

I loved shaving Tina. I made it into a process including lathering her with a heavily moisturized shaving gel made for women’s sensitive parts, a fresh blade in her razor (which she also used on her legs) and my laser focus as I worked so that I wouldn’t nick her at all. We conducted this exercise in the shower. Tina sat on the built in bench and I knelt before her. It was intimate, it was special, it was loving and it made us both horny as hell. The fingers on my free hand probed, pushed and spread her skin as I drew the razor over her. I always worked from the bottom to the top because she would release a copious flow of juice that would clear the shaving cream from its path. My method required me to lightly pinch the hood of her clit to both protect it and to create tension on her skin for a close shave. Each time I pinched and moved her clit she let out a sigh, a moan or an ‘Oooooo’.

Once she was shaved to my satisfaction I rinsed her with the hand held spray and then buried my face in her perfectly smooth cleft. I would eat her to one, and often two or three, orgasms before we exited and dried off. I then spread some sinfully expensive skin conditioner on her before I pounded the hell out of her tight little hairless snatch. Tina called it ‘moisturizing her inside skin”.

We both worked up a sweat that morning and had to return to the shower to wash everything all over again. By the time we were dried and dressed Lisa had returned and Tina needed to go to the airport. I carried her bags to the car and held the door for her as she stepped into the garage.

“Mom’s going to ride with us,” she announced as she slipped into the passenger seat. Lisa popped into the back seat and shut her door. I started up, backed out and headed for the airport, a 40 minute drive away.

We said our ‘goodbyes’ and “I love yous’ at the curb as we hugged and kissed. We each got in a good grope of the other and then off Tina went through the electric doors to check in for her flight. When I returned to the driver’s seat Lisa was already in the front. Pulling away from the curb I couldn’t help but notice she made no attempt to disguise her removing her wedding and engagement rings from the pouch in her purse and slipping them on.

She placed her left hand on my right arm and tittered, “Oh, this is going to be such a fun week. It’ll be like we’re both newlyweds all over again.”

In response to my questioning glare she said, “I’m going to take such good care of you this week you won’t even know Tina is gone.”

I pulled over into the cell phone lot and stopped the car. “Lisa, I don’t know what’s gotten into you but I’m married to a woman I love, a woman who just happens to be your daughter and I’m not going to do anything to screw that up.”

Having laid down the law I put the car in gear and pulled back onto the airport exit road.

Apparently, despite having been married to a lawyer, laws meant nothing to Lisa.

“You are soooo cute when you get all stern and forceful. I really do think I’ll enjoy being spanked by you! Ken, honey, I have you all to myself for a week. There is no way I’m not going to enjoy myself every way I can. So you can protest all you want, you can try to be as strong as you think you are, but you should save your energy for other, more enjoyable, things we can do together. Now, be a good pretend husband and take us to Cimini’s for dinner, my treat.”

I was shocked, flabbergasted, too stunned to speak. I stopped and plugged the address for Cimini’s into the navigation and drove in silence while Lisa rested her hand on my thigh.

Once out of the car Lisa held my hand, her fingers entwining with mine. I hadn’t taken much notice of her outfit since she was seated in the car both times I was out and I wasn’t looking over at her, in fact I was trying to ignore her, as I drove.

She had on a simple white silk blouse that fit her perfectly, the lace of her white bra showed when the fabric lay against her chest. The blouse had a deep vee to it that displayed a generous amount of her cleavage. She wore a tight, black leather skirt that hugged her ass and thighs like a second skin. Her toned legs were in black stockings with a seam running perfectly straight up the back of her legs. On her feet were a pair of glossy, patent leather, spike heel, platform pumps.

Had she not been my mother in law I would have been extremely proud to be showing her off on my arm as we walked into the restaurant. She attracted a fair amount of attention as we were greeted by the hostess and even more as we were led to our table.

“Miss, could we have a booth,” Lisa asked politely. The hostess smiled a plastic smile and led us to a booth along the far wall. As we slid in from opposite sides Lisa continued to slide until she was tightly pressed to my side from knee to ribcage. The hostess took our drink order and drifted away.

“Ken, you haven’t said anything about how I look. A woman likes to know that her appearance pleases her man, you know.”

Her man? Uh, oh, here we go. “Lisa, I’m only going to say this because I know Tina wants me to be pleasant with you and to be supportive as you work past your divorce.” I took a deep breath. “You look fantastic. You’re face is so radiant and pretty since you unloaded fucking Frank. Your clothes are tastefully sexy and you have the body to wear them. In short, you are what my friends used to call a ‘stone cold fox’.”

Her face reflected a variety of emotions as I progressed through my speech. At first she showed, nervous anticipation, relief, happiness and then, I’m pretty sure, love. Her eyes welled up with tears and she looked away from me as she took a sip of her water. When she turned back to me her eyes were still moist and her voice quavered as she spoke softly to me.

“You are a truly sweet man, Ken. Those are are the nicest words anyone has said to me in years. Frank was horrible to me over the past ten years, constantly tearing me down and never letting me go anywhere or enjoy myself. Thank you.”

She leaned up toward me and placed a chaste kiss on my cheek, even rubbing her lipstick away with her thumb after.

“I don’t believe these other guys who have come on to me lately,” she continued. “They don’t seem sincere to me. I trust you and I feel you have my best interests at heart. You’re a good man and I feel safe when I’m with you. I know I’m playing a silly little girl’s game by pretending we’re married but it feels nice to be by your side.”

What could I say? Obviously, she was at a vulnerable point in her life, trying to reestablish who she was. If I made her feel safe while she explored then I had the responsibility to help her.

“Well,” I hesitated, “I was just saying to Tina the other day that I hope you’d be careful. You are an attractive woman and if word gets out that you are an attractive, wealthy woman you’ll have no end of slime balls trying to run some game on you.”

She scooched closer to me on the banquette and lifted my arm over her shoulder. “OK, so is it alright if we have dinner and you’re my guy? My possessive guy who wants everyone to know I’m taken?” she laughed delightfully.

“Yes, sweetheart,” I said, playing along with her fantasy, “No one’s getting near my woman tonight.”

We had an enjoyable dinner, taking about light subjects and a serious one or two, like when she was going to have her first grandchild. She was touching me throughout the meal in a familiar way, on my arm, my shoulder, my thigh. Once I felt her fingers toying with the hair on the back of my head.

We left and walked to the car holding hands again and laughing. I couldn’t help but look at her toned legs as she slid into the car while I held the door for her. We just listened to music on the ride home. I opened her door in the garage and as she shifted and took my hand to exit the car, I caught a good view of the sky blue lace panties she wore. I can’t say she was teasing me when I was already looking.

I opened the door to the house, flicked on the light and closed the door behind us. When I turned she basically attacked me. She threw her arms around my neck and pulled my head towards hers and then locked her lips to mine. Her tongue probed across my lips seeking to invade. She ground her crotch against my leg.

I struggled to separate us and I stared at her with a stupid look on my face.

“Lisa? What… are you doing?”

“I’m kissing my husband after a lovely dinner out together,” she stated with no shame or apology. She held my hands in hers. “I told you I feel safe with you and I want to feel all the things I’ve missed for the past decade. Please, Ken, I need you. I need you to make me feel like a woman, a desirable woman, again. I don’t think I could take it if you rejected me.”

Well, shit! Now what do I do? I know what my cock wanted to do. If there had been any question regarding his intentions there were none after that kiss. “Come sit next to me,” I said as I walked to the couch.

When she sat beside me I wrapped my arms around her and set my lips on hers. I tried to kiss her with restrained passion, whatever the fuck that means. She whimpered a little as she leaned into the kiss and stroked my head.

I broke the kiss and looked her in the eye. “Does that let you know that you are a desirable woman?” I asked.

She swallowed, smiled and responded, “Yes, it does. Can I have some more, please?”

I put my hands on her shoulders and stopped her advance. “Lisa, you’re beautiful, you’re sexy, and you’re not both of those things for a 44 year old woman, you are both of those things for any age woman. But I’m married, married to your daughter! I can’t do what you want me to do, no matter how much you might need it and I might want it.”

She looked down, sad to be rebuffed. “I know you’re married, I know it’s my daughter you’re married to. I’m not trying to steal you away from her. I’m not trying to break you two apart. I want you two to give me grandchildren. That’s what makes this safe. For you it can be just doing something nice for your wife’s mother, keeping both women happy because you have such a good relationship. For me it’s a way to feel like a whole woman again without any risk. I know you won’t hurt me and when this silly, pretend week is over it’ll be no different than helping me repair something broken at my house or buy a new car, you know guy things. Please, Ken, I really need this, I really need you.”

I was having trouble following the logic. Somehow this seemed waaaay above the level of changing a few light bulbs or helping her buy a car. But she was looking at me with hurt and a little bit of fear in her eyes. I didn’t have the heart to ask her ‘What if Tina or I get hurt? What if I can’t just put this silly, pretend week behind me when it’s over? What if I can’t hide this from Tina?’ What if? What if?

I tried to reason with her, to strike a bargain that would reaffirm her as a complete woman while not getting me in too deep. “How about this?” I proposed, “We’ll kiss a little here on the couch, first because I want to help you and make you feel good about yourself and second because you’re a really good kisser. Then we’ll go to bed and get a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow we can talk about this some more, OK?”

I watched her entire body relax, I hadn’t realized how tense she was as she tried to persuade me. Then I saw a sweet smile light up her face. “OK, we’ll just kiss here on the couch then go to bed and talk more tomorrow. Thank you,” she said, clearly relieved.

She hugged me, pressing her cheek to my chest and I surrounded her with my arms and drew her in closer. This I could do, I could make her feel safe and loved. Without thinking I kissed the top of her head, a gesture I often make when my wife is upset or needs some reassurance from me. It was just a natural reaction.

Lisa then wriggled a little so I loosened my grip on her allowing her to get up on her knees. She cradled my face in her hands and then slowly lowered her face to mine. The kiss was tender and warm. I parted my lips even before her tongue came looking and I found my answer to what she tasted like. She tasted good, sweet, exciting, and new.

The kiss intensified as our tongues explored and our lips meshed. At one point she gently bit my lip and pulled at it. Her fingers raked through my hair. She lifted a knee and straddled my thigh. My hands went to her leather covered ass, clutching and compressing the full, soft flesh. Lisa moaned into my mouth and thrust her breasts against my chest.

This was rapidly evolving into one hell of a make out session. If I didn’t know better one of our parents was due to break it up at any moment.

Her fingers pleasantly woven into my hair, she turned my head and kissed her way across my cheek to my jaw and then my ear. She sucked and nibbled on my earlobe and breathed huskily into my ear, “Ken.”

It wasn’t a sigh, it wasn’t a tease, it wasn’t a thank you. What it was was lust, craving, need. My lips went to her neck, I caught a whiff of her light perfume as I nuzzled the soft skin. I kissed her, I nipped lightly and I ran my tongue along her hairline behind her ear.

“Oh, Ken,” she breathed. This time it was oh so clear that she was turned on, she was in heat. It snapped me back to reality.

“Lisa,” I almost shouted as I stood up and spilled her onto the couch. I hung my head. With shame in my voice I spoke, “I can’t control myself. You make me want to do things with you that I know I shouldn’t. Doesn’t that confirm how much of a woman you are?”

“Tell me what you want to do with me,” she goaded in a sultry tone.

I turned away from her, too embarrassed at my weakness as I quietly answered, “I want to fuck you.”

The silence hung between us forever, or so it seemed. However long it was I could hear her move behind me and then felt her body compress against my back as her arms came around my waist. “Thank you, Ken. I know that was hard but it is the most ego building, most honest thing you could say. Let’s go to bed.”

She trailed me up the stairs and went to her room as I went to mine. I only turned on the light in the shower so I could brush my teeth. I undressed to my boxers, ignoring the large wet spot on the front where the traitor had leaked in anticipation of what could not be. Flicking off the light I shuffled to the bed and crawled in, pulling the covers over me.

Sleep would not come. My mind was whirling with thoughts but I couldn’t make even one of them hold still long enough to get a grip on it. It was like a blender was spinning in my head, mixing all my thoughts into one, like ingredients in a smoothie. My body was jacked up on adrenaline from the kisses and the knowledge of what could have easily happened between Lisa and me. I was so disjointed that it wasn’t until I felt the covers being pulled back that I was aware that Lisa had entered the room.

“Lisa, what are you doing?” My voice was weak, displaying my confusion and the conflict inside me.

“I’m doing what we said. I’m going to bed,” she replied, no care or worry in her voice, as if it were as natural as breathing.

I sat up. “Lisa, you know I meant you in your bed and me in mine.” I tried to sound firm.

“No, you said ‘we’ll go to bed’. You said it several times. It was clear to me that you meant together.” Again, her voice was even, no concern or doubt in it.

“I’m sorry if I wasn’t clear, but you need to sleep in your own bed,” I stated flatly, working very hard to keep any note of accepting her position from my voice.

As if I hadn’t spoken I felt the mattress move as she sat and then lay down. The covers drew across my hip as she pulled them over her. “Ken, we’re just going to sleep here. I just need to feel you next to me, to have you hold me so I can sleep. I’ve had trouble sleeping since the divorce was final. I don’t like being alone. It’s part of why I stayed here instead of going home. I didn’t want to be all by myself in that stupid house. Please, can’t you just hold me?” She was pleading with me again. In the dark, with only the tone of her voice, I couldn’t read whether she was playing me or if she was sincere.

I was too tired to fight it, and, if I’m honest, there was a part of me (besides the traitor in my boxers) that wanted to feel her sexy body against mine. With an exasperated sigh, as much for show as real, I lay down. She was on her side, facing away from me and I spooned myself to her back.

Less than a minute passed and she reached behind her, searching. When she touched my arm she clasped it in her hand and drew it over her. I let my hand rest on the mattress in front of her, trying hard to not touch any part of her. But seconds later her hand pulled mine to her breast and and I naturally closed my paw over it. Her nipple hardened in nanoseconds and tried to bore its way into my palm.

Lisa let a satisfied “Mmmmmmmm,” drift from her lips.

Like the Grinch’s heart, the betrayer swelled to greater than normal size and nestled in the lush groove of her ass. Lisa wiggled backward, surrounding my tumescent shaft with more flesh of her exquisite ass. She sighed contentedly as I lay frozen, afraid to move. I felt as much as heard her breathing become regular as she drifted off to sleep.

I couldn’t see the clock from my position but knowing the time would have only made things worse as I lay awake, afraid of what I might do in my sleep. Eventually, hours later, sleep overtook me and I was dead to the world with my mother in law held tight to me.


I don’t function well when I haven’t slept. Add to that the miasma throughout my brain from the prior evening’s events and it should be no surprise that it took me a while to wake up. It felt as though I was climbing an endless dark stairway trying to reach a small window of light way at the top. My senses incrementally returned like an old computer slowly booting up.

Suddenly I was wide awake! I felt warmth and wetness on my dick. I heard slurping sounds. I saw my mother in law sucking my penis!

“Lisa!” I yelled loud enough to be heard four houses away.

Her head jolted up and away from my pole and she looked me in the eye. Her hand, however, continued to stroke up and down my slick rod.

“It’s OK, Ken,” she soothed, “I know you’ve been hard since we left Tina at the airport. Let me take care of this.” She resumed sliding her lips over my cock and sucking me.

It was over. I was done. I had a hot as fuck, horny woman in my bed, sliding her sweet mouth up and down my engorged phallus and stroking it with her dainty hand with the long, manicured red nails. I had no fight left in me and I had a shitload of backed up sperm. No contest. I lay back and let my mother in law suck the essence from me.

She tried to take me deep twice and gagged heavily both times. Between gasps she rasped, “Sorry,” after the second attempt.

She may have been out of practice but in her prime she must have been a champion at giving head because she was driving me to explosion. Her tongue swirled around the head; it traced along the ridge at the edge of my helmet; it danced like a ballerina along the little trough under the tip.

“Lisa,” I said with and urgency in my voice.

“Mmmm hmmm,” she answered without missing a beat. The vibrations adding a new element to my excitement.

“Lisa, I’m going to cum.”

“Mmmm hmmm,” she answered again and that sent me over the edge.

In my head I pictured a gelatinous glob of white bursting from me like a flowing mass. I’m sure it was just a long, thick stream of my spunk. She pulled back so that her lips held only the head and she gagged a little when my first eruption shot into her. I heard her swallowing hard as the second and third pulses let more baby batter fly into her mouth. Though I know the volume decreased with each spasm she couldn’t swallow fast enough and my white cream spilled from her lips and bubbles appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Her hand never stopped stroking, milking me of every drop possible. I had to push her away and grab her hand to make her stop when my head became too sensitive to receive any more stimulation and my balls felt like they were shrunken to to half their normal size.

Lisa was smiling like crazy as she wiped the residue from her chin into her mouth and swallowed it all. “God how I missed that,” she laughed between breaths. “I’m out of practice so I’m sorry I couldn’t take all of you and I wasn’t ready for the amount you produce so sorry some spilled out.”

I looked at her in disbelief. Her hair was mussed, she had no make up on, there was a sheen of my cum on her chin and drops on her nightie.

“You look gorgeous right now,” I gushed. “Don’t apologize, that was amazing what you just did. Any man would relish you going down on him like that.”

For the first time since I’d known her, she blushed. “I know I can do better with a little practice. You taste really good, and it’s not just because I haven’t tasted cum in a decade. Your cum is yummy.”

As if to emphasize her point she leaned down and licked two drops off my stomach and the last dribble from my slit.

“Come here,” I said, my arms wide open to her. “I hope you can get the stains out of that sexy negligee.”

“I bought this yesterday to wear for you. It matches my panties.” She lifted the hem of the top. I thought she was just going to show me her panties but she pulled it over her head and off entirely.

I stared. My eyes were riveted to her boobs. Lisa looked down at her chest and then back at me with concern on her face.

“Is something wrong? Are they uneven?” she asked with a tremor in her voice.

“I am speechless. I have never seen a more perfect set of breasts in my life. The size, the shape, the color of your areola and your nipples, the size and shape of your nipples – absolutely, fucking perfect.”

She was elated and I could hear it in her voice. “They’re yours, for the rest of the week they’re yours. Any time you want them, anything you want to do with them, hold ’em, squeeze ’em, mash ’em, maul ’em, suck ’em, bite ’em, they’re yours. I almost came last night when I finally got your hand on one. I’ve missed this so much.”

“Come here,” I said again, and this time I was the one pleading. She crawled up and lay her body on top of mine. Her breasts squished and flattened against my chest as I kissed her. I tucked her hair behind her ears and then held her in my arms. “They feel every bit as good as they look.”

She kissed me. “I can’t tell you how good it feels to rub them on a man’s skin again. I like the way your muscles feel against them.”

I laughed, “Yeah, well just don’t cut my skin with those hard nipples of yours.”

“What, these little things,” she joked as she raised up and swayed her tits, making her nipples dance over my chest.

I captured her boobs in my hands, trapping the nipples between my thumbs and forefingers and toying with them.

“OOOOOOOO, yessss,” she cried out. “Ken, that feels so good.”

I released her chest and pulled her in for another kiss. “Lisa, what are your plans for the day?” I asked.

She was perplexed. “My plans? Hunh? What do you mean?”

“Cancel anything you had on your schedule for today. We are going to spend the day having sex, only stopping to drink, eat and clean up for the next round. You win. You’re just too sexy for me to resist. I want you, every piece and part of you. I’m going to devour you and then I’m going to do it again.”

She shuddered. Her entire body quivered. Her eyelids fluttered and she sucked in a sharp breath. After a moment she looked me and said, “Oh my god, Ken. I just had a small orgasm. I came from just your words. Holy crap!”

With a devilish look in my eye I said, “Oh are you going to be fun. I’m going to play your body like damn Stradivarius!”