Misty Gets a Red Rump

All the characters or references to others engaged in sexual acts are 18 years or older, as is made clear in the text.

This story examines what things would be like if human’s sexual behaviors and social order evolved to be like those of Bonobos, instead of the behaviors and order we live with today.

If you are unfamiliar with bonobo society or sexual swelling of female genitalia during estrus, do a google search. It will add to understanding of the story. Obviously this is not a one for one copy of bonobo society, but my own take off using it as a launch pad.

Misty woke up in the communal sleeping room, next to her sister Chloe. She snuggled up tight to her, not wanting to get out of bed yet. Just a minute more. She rubbed her clit against Chloe’s swollen bottom. Mmmm…she felt an instant sense of calmness, bonding. It would help today. From what she had read she knew such behaviors generated oxytocin, among other things. Whatever the reason for it, she was flooded with such a wonderful feeling of love, happiness, and bonding.

She wished she could stay in bed and could rub herself against Chloe longer, and do even more, but she didn’t have time. As a finishing touch she reached around and played with Chloe’s clit. Chloe made little moaning noises in her a half sleep. Yes, she would have to come back later and keep going at this.

She got up as quietly as she could so as to not awake the others. She did hear a fair number of moans and sighs, indicating others were also awake or half awake, and rubbing and humping each other. It was how everyone started the day.

Misty was both excited and nervous. She had a big job interview today for a position she really wanted. Getting out of bed she looked at her rump. It was not red, though it was starting to get quite swollen. Good thing it wasn’t red. She was going to have enough troubles today, without being in heat as well. She dressed in a conservative suit. Not too casual, but not too dressy either. Her breasts, genitals and bottom were modestly exposed. The perfect balance she thought.

She was too nervous to eat much and soon found herself in her car headed off to her interview. She entered the building and tried not to look around too much or get anyone’s attention. She didn’t want to get diverted and find herself humping a bunch of people to try to calm herself down.

Luckily the elevator was empty. She exited the elevator and walked over to the receptionist desk. A pretty female was sitting behind it. Misty considered asking for some tension release from the woman, but thought it probably was inappropriate given the circumstances. The woman told her to take a seat, and she would be called in shortly.

Misty sat down and fidgeted, bit her nails, until the receptionist told her to go right in. She got up and went to the door to Ms. Barker’s office. Before entering she composed herself, touched her breasts, and adjusted the openings of her dress around her vagina and bottom. Yes, she was prepared as best she could. She put a smile on her face. As she entered she saw Ms. Barker sitting at her desk busily looking at the computer in front of her. Then she looked up, saw Misty.

“Oh, Miss Wilde. So good to see you.”

Ms. Barker got up from behind her desk and approached Misty. They eyed each other for well over a minute. Ms. Barker could see Misty was very nervous, that she needed soothing. She also saw that Misty’s rear was swollen, though not red yet. It would be in a few days no doubt. She knew Misty was pretty wired even so.

She approached Misty, and took her over to one of the numerous couches in her office. She had Misty lie back with her legs open, then lowered herself until their genitals came into contact. Ms. Barker rubbed her vagina, her genital sack, her clit, against Misty’s parts. Misty felt herself drift away, comforted. She knew Ms. Barker was the Alpha female in this situation and she needed to submit to whatever the woman wanted to do to her. But it soon became clear, Ms. Barker only wanted to comfort her, reassure her that everything would be ok. She was telling her that they were both in the general sisterhood of women, she was here to help. It wasn’t aggressive at all. Misty calmed down enormously.

“Ok, I am ready now,” Misty said with a trembling voice.

“Are you sure? I can keep going if it will help,” said Ms. Barker.

Misty actually did want more. Much more. If she could, she wanted Ms. Barker to take her, keep rubbing her until she orgasmed. Misty felt her vagina walls twitching, her clit getting hot and electric.

“No, I am fine now,” Misty lied. She wanted to make a good impression. Starting off as coming off too easy, willing and anxious to be the bosses fuck toy, was not the impression she wanted to give. She had much more to offer. Wanted much more. So though it was difficult, she indicated she was ready for the interview.

Ms. Barker looked into her eyes a long time. She could sense this woman wanted more. She also wanted more. But that would have to come later if she hired her. First she needed to know if she had a brain, a personality, could do the job. Reluctantly she got off of Misty.

“Sit down then, and let’s talk. Tell me about yourself. Why you want this job.”

For the next hour the two of them talked. Misty felt reasonably calm and was able to reply to all the questions asked her in an intelligent fashion. By the end she felt very confident she would get the job.

After the interview, Ms. Barker got up and walked Misty to the door. She kissed her very sweetly and played with Misty’s tits, stroked her pussy playfully, putting her fingers into her, and stroked her clit.

“We will contact you soon and tell you our answer. Have a wonderful day.”

Misty gave her one last kiss and left. Misty was very high on what had just happened. She had a tremendous amount of built up tension to dissipate. She wanted in fact to have sex with anyone and everyone she ran into. She went out and offered her pussy to the receptionist to lick briefly before leaving.

The receptionist giggled, “I hope you get the job. If not, here’s my number.”

She asked for Misty’s phone and entered her contact information. She was from a colony that lived not too far from Misty’s.

As she went down the elevator she had thoughts of going home, being with her sisters. But that was a long drive, she needed to dissipate her built up energy quickly, immediately, or she was going to have to masturbate herself about 100 times in a row. She wanted something better than that.

As she exited the building she looked around for possibilities. She saw a coffee shop, hair salon, dress shop. No none of those would do. Then she saw a bar and sex club just down the street. Misty had only been to a sex club a few times before, but she thought it might be just the place she needed. It was early in the day, but maybe there would be someone there to scratch her itch. She could feel her genital protuberance swelling just at the thought.

It was hot and extremely bright outside. As she opened the club door she felt a wash of cold air hit her, then loud pulsing music. As she walked in she could barely see it was so dark. Then her eyes adjusted. When she could see, she knew she had made the right choice. The place was packed, she could see people engaged at humping, rubbing, kissing, fucking. Oh, yeah, just what she wanted.

She had hardly made it ten feet inside the door before a woman came up to her, wanting attention. They each sized each other up, trying to figure out who was the dominant one. They looked into each other’s eyes. Misty felt dominant and had the urge to take the woman down. They found a nearby couch and the woman lay back on her back and Misty got on top of her, between her legs. Their vaginas and clits were rubbing against each other very nicely. The woman looked at Misty in a way indicating she was both enjoying it and wanted Misty to rub harder. Misty got the message and rubbed her at a frantic rate until they both orgasmed. It didn’t take long. Though it was very good, it actually only made Misty more charged up. Fuck. I need more. Right now.

Misty didn’t have to wait long. As she was getting off the female she felt a penis going into her. Was she up for a fucking by a male? Usually she would have punched the guy in the nose. But her pussy was screaming to have something inside it. Oh yes!! What the hell. Why not. She let the male ride her and lost her mind to it. She found herself wanting to feel the hot, hard cock filling her up and ream her out. She wanted to feel cum shooting into her pussy. Hot and sticky. She arched her back, purred. Pushed back into him. Soon she was growling and howling. Her pussy drooling a river of juices. The male was nailing her hard now and she felt him swelling, swelling, and then shoot a jet of hot cum deep inside her. She responded with every nerve and muscle trembling and shaking, jolted with electricity. She couldn’t see as her eyes rotated up into her brain. That fuck was getting her there, but still not enough. She needed oh so much more.

No sooner had she regained consciousness than she felt tongues lapping at her. Several females were eagerly licking up the cum dripping out of her. This was heaven to Misty. Lick, lick, lick. The tongues were wonderful. She got on her back and let them go at her. She had it been in the club for at most 15 minutes and had a two nice fucks, and now licked out. But those were not even close to satisfying her yet, her itch only itched more.

She sought out numerous other females to rub against, for comfort. As she paired up, and sometimes with many females, there was a lot of grooming, purring, stroking, and kissing. They were telling each other in a non-verbally way that they were there for each other. Support each other through whatever trials they were going through. Would go through. Sometimes they wanted more than just comfort though.

Nothing was as important sexually to her as being with her sisters, except having sex with a huge silverback. Her sisters provided her with comfort, security, and could also blow her head off when she came, which was often. Besides rubbing against each other, there was a lot of mutual grooming, chitter chatter. It was a language really that only they understood. They protected each other, provided for each other.

Humping unknown females though was a part of everyday life too. How one interacted, greeted each other, determined who was dominant, kept society on an even keel. Taking it even further happened all the time too. Well, that was what made life worth living. The more the merrier. And when in estrus the desire was overpowering.

Males on the other hand, were used to burn off sexual energy that was very difficult to do any other way. For the most part she avoided doing younger males. By that she meant males 18 to around 30, before they were fully physically mature, sorted out who was dominant.. They were so foolish, immature idiots, inept. Today’s little fuck with an unknown male was very very unusual. What the hell was she thinking. That couldn’t, shouldn’t happen again. She must have been really wound up today because of the interview. Pathetically desperate. She was actually surprised she let it happened. Usually she would push the younger males away. And if that didn’t work, her sisters or other females would chase them off. No, she preferred mature males. Silverbacks. Big, strong and with a lot of experience. As the males matured they competed against each other for dominance. The best of the best were strong, had amazing sexual prowess, endurance, huge cocks. Women dreamed about being with them. They could do things to them, take them to places that the stupid younger males had no chance of doing.

The brown haired males were largely ignored by the females in the club, but occasionally were able to sneak a cock into a female who tolerated the behavior for a short time as long as things didn’t go too far. Mostly they had to make do with doing each other or themselves. They had their own small corner for that purpose, or when desperate went to the basement glory holes. She saw some rubbing their cocks together, rubbing scrotums. All males had huge testicles. Huge testicles, BALLS. They had evolved that way to have sex with multiply females. Misty couldn’t help but feel a little sad for them though. She was so happy she had been born a female. We control just about everything she thought. The males are good for fucking, having babies, and dying in inter group wars, which almost never happened now. The matriarchs made sure of that. The men were more trophies, an anachronism of a by gone era. But they were fun to have sex with. The right ones, at the right time. Even the thought of fucking a silverback made her growl and her pussy drip.

She let one of the females take her, get in between her legs and ride her fast and hard, their genitals rubbing at a very fast clip. Misty’s face made all kinds of wonderful ecstatic contortions as she got higher and higher. She was screeching and panting to the point of almost passing out before cumming.

The female jumped off her as soon as they both came and immediately started rubbing herself off on another female right next to Misty. Misty watched them fucking very intently, and masturbated herself, rubbing her clit frantically, cumming at the same time as the pair. Her pussy and clit were burning for more action.

She bumped into a female and smelled the unmistakable scent of cum. Misty threw the woman to the floor and spread her legs open. She could see the cum leaking out of the woman’s slit. Mmmmmm….She licked the sticky goo, stuck her tongue deep inside the woman’s vagina. She swallowed the savory hot cum and smacked her lips wanting more. She kept licking the woman until there was nothing left.

She knew that male cum had evolved to both taste amazingly good, and also be very, very addictive. Very addictive. Neurochemicals were released in the brain once the cum was tasted that drove the recipient into a wild compulsive lust to want more. And Misty wanted more. A lot more.

The taste of the cum had driven her mad. She was panting and could feel herself losing control of reason. She went over to the bar and downed two shots very quickly. She felt the hot liquid burn its way down her throat and she felt a flush run through her body. Soon her already low threshold of inhibition was nonexistent. She made her way over to the stairs that led down to the glory hole area. Even though she knew this was the lowest of the low behavior to indulge in, she couldn’t help herself.

When she got to the bottom of the stairs she saw a maze of walls stretching out in all directions. Some walls had holes where male cocks protruded and others walls where female’s bottoms stuck out, some face up some face down. Almost all the bottoms were brilliant red and swollen to the max. And there were even some areas where male bottoms stuck out. And there were areas for females who wanted anal. Even to Misty who thought she’d seen everything, it was quite shocking.

Everywhere she looked she saw males and females going at it. Males were pounding away furiously into female pussies. No sooner would one finish than another take his place. Males were also rubbing their cocks against other cocks until they came or were down on their knees sucking sucking, sucking, sucking. There seemed to be an endless supply of males, which was not all that surprising as the majority of them had no other recourse at all to having sex with females other than this. Misty knew they were probably all brown haired males behind those walls, but at least she couldn’t actually see them. All she really wanted was their cocks, their cum anyway. Which was why she avoided all the brown hairs around her. Creepy to actually see them, be near them. She made sure none got too close to her, though it was unavoidable. She snipped at a few who tried to put their cocks into her. She was embarrassed to even be down here, but she had to eat cum. Her mind was overtaken with the desire for it.

The females weren’t to be outdone by the males. They also were sucking cocks at a frantic rate, and pushing their bottoms into them was well. Misty saw quite a few holding cocks like vibrators and flicking the head over their clits until they orgasmed. Again, she was sure if they saw who they were actually having sex with they would faint, but the glory holes made it acceptable. Perhaps even the forbidden nature of it, made it more exciting for some. She even saw a few males and females licking both male and female asses, something that wasn’t ever done publicly. Misty wasn’t quite that far gone yet.

She started by lining up behind males fucking females. As soon as they shot their load into the females pussy, she got down on her knees and licked the cum dripping out the pussies sticking out of the wall. She got the idea of getting in line behind 3, 4, 5 males. By the time she got to the front of the line, the exposed pussy was gushing cum. So much cum. The huge balls on the males made a lot of cum. It dripped and glopped out. Plop, plop, plop. There was a big pool building up on the floor. Misty turned her head upside down with her mouth open and let it flow in. Some of it fell on her face too. Hot, so hot and sticky. Then she attacked the pussy with her tongue. She locked her lips against the pussy lips and sucked on it like a straw. Huge quantities of cum filled her mouth. She got into so much she would lose track of time. She gargled the cum, ran it around in her mouth with her tongue. Eventually those in line behind her got impatient and start yelling at her to give other people a chance. She reluctantly stopped and got into another line and repeated the whole thing all over again. Instead of being satiated by eating the cum, it only drove her to want more. She was literally out of her mind. If there had been a gallon bucket of cum in front of her she would have gladly consumed all of it.

After licking cum out of a good half dozen pussies, she felt the urge to suck off a real cock. She knew it was from the drug effect of the cum, otherwise she would never suck a brown backs cock. But now it was all she could think about. She really wanted the sensation of cum shooting into her mouth. She could imagine it vividly. Want…want…want….I want it

She turned around to the look at the wall behind her. So many to choose from. She finally settled on a nice looking one a good eight inches long and thick. She wrapped her two hands around it. The tip stuck out behind her hands and she took it into her mouth. Mmmmm…nice and warm, hard. She didn’t move on it at first, just sucked it. She loved sucking. She often sucked on her sisters nipples. She loved the feeling of the soft hot skin in her mouth. She closed her eyes and just sucked on it, like her mother’s breast. She felt the cock swelling and swelling, get harder and harder, hotter and hotter.

She came out of her reverie and began moving her head back and forth, pumping her hands. Now she wanted to feel cum shooting into her mouth, taste it, swallow it. She picked up the pace, desperate now to make the cock in her mouth cum. Cum damn it. She jerked and sucked on it using every trick she could think of. The cock swelled even more and then twitched, pulsed. Oh yes! She jerked and sucked even harder and was rewarded by an intense jet of cum, then pulse after pulse. Oh god, that is so good. She sucked it dry. She felt the cock being pulled back. She was sad it was over. But then she sensed another cock poking into her face. She grabbed hold of it. Fuck yes. She stroked it until it was hard then sucked it off too. Cum was dripping on her lips, running down her chin. She used her fingers to collect it and suck it off. She sucked her fingers like a cock.

She needed another cock though. More cum. More cum. More cum. Her mind was saying to her endlessly. She saw another cock sticking out and eagerly took it into her mouth and sucked on it in her drug induced ecstasy. Cum filled her mouth. Then she sucked off another cock. And another cock. And another. And other……another……she only stopped when her jaw was so sore she couldn’t keep going, though she wanted to more, more…..

She looked at her watch. Shit. She had been here for hours. She needed to get back to the compound. Her itch didn’t itch as bad now. Though she looked at another cock and really wanted it. Fuck. Oh well. She got to her feet. She had cum splatters all over her face, clothes, and body. She went upstairs and cleaned up in the bathroom as best she could. She just hoped she could get to her quarters, showered and changed before any of her sisters saw her.

Even though not 100% satisfied she knew she needed to go home. She went outside. The bright sun and lack of loud music made a shocking contrast. She found a pair of sunglasses in her purse and put them on. Now where did I leave the car? Oh yeah, over there. She wove her way over to it slightly tipsy from all the drinks she had consumed at the bar. She was good enough to get home, just barely. She would just have to be careful.

She drove very slowly home and after what seemed like a torturously long time she pulled up to her parking place. By a miracle she was able to sneak in, and take a quick shower. It was so hot outside. She felt like going to the pool. She was sure most of her troop that weren’t at work would be there. She went to her closet, and found a swim wrap to wear to the pool. No one wore anything when they swam or lounged at the pool usually, just to walk around the compound, and sometimes not even then. She got a different pair of sunglasses and a hat for the sun.

She walked through the large housing complex then out to the pool area. A good 40 or 50 women were there. The shallow end of the pool were mostly mothers and children. Though Moms principally looked after their own children, all the women, especially the other mothers, treated every child as their own. Many of the children were in day care, their mothers off at work. Love and affection, attention to safety, occupied everyone’s minds and action.

The other end of the pool, the women who didn’t have children lay in the sun, swam in the pool. The women were mostly in groups of twos, threes, fours, or even more, bonding with each other. Gentle rubbing and fingering, fondling, kissing, grooming, nibbling, purring, and talking. No one went “totally” wild out here. If full on sex was in play they generally took it to another area. That is not to say, that not much was happening. But it was every day behavior. No one thought it inappropriate or weird to see two females licking each other out, or fingering each other. That was just normal friendly bonding behavior.

Misty took off her cover-up and lay face down on a lounger, feeling the sun beaming down on her. Before too long she felt hands massaging her back, her bottom and genital protuberance, her legs.

“Hi Misty. How did the interview go? Oh and by the way, what the heck have you been up to? You had sex with a male? Who? Are you crazy? Tell me all about it.”

Shit, it was one of her sisters, Rebecca. Why did she have to find her right now? Misty loved Rebecca. Well, truth be known, she loved all her sisters, the ones old enough for that sort of thing. She was embarrassed that Rebecca had caught her with the scent of cum still on her.

“The interview went well I think. Ms. Barker liked me. I could feel it when we tribbed. And well afterwards, I blew off some steam. I was so pent up from the pressure. And my estrus is coming too, soon. It was stupid I know, but you know how that is sometimes.”

Rebecca certainly knew what Misty was talking about, as every woman knew that urge. She couldn’t be too hard on Misty, though she felt like lecturing her to be more careful.

“Nice. In fact I know exactly. I have the feeling right now in fact.”

Misty rotated her body and head around to get a good look at Rebecca. Lowered her sunglasses. Her rump was huge and brilliant red. Also, she looked very nervous and agitated. She was actually playing with her vagina and clit as Misty watched.

“Oh, I see. What are you going to do about it?”

“Well, I was hoping you could help me. I have arranged to visit Dad’s house tomorrow night for some fun. There will be a lot of silverbacks there to choose from. We could go together and do some. I am sure Dad would love to see you. You are one of his favorites.”

“Are you still on the pill or looking to get pregnant?” Misty wanted to know what she was getting herself into.

“I’m still on the pill. But I am fucking super horny. And I mean super out of my mind horny. I need you to keep me from fucking every male there and making a fool out of myself.”

Misty knew the feeling. She had had a red rump many many times. It was both an amazing feeling and disturbing. Rebecca’s was particularly brilliant. Misty knew it totally takes over every thought. Every single thought. All you can think of is having a man’s penis up your rump and cum flowing out of your pussy. Or the very least rubbing up against every single thing in sight. She suddenly felt sorry for Rebecca. The only other thing that could keep Rebecca from fucking every male and female she could get her hands on, constantly, and continuously, for the next few days, was to lock herself up.

“You sure? We could stay in one of “the rooms” together until you cool down.”

“No, I really want to go to Dad’s, and do some fine Silverback cock. I really want to fuck.” Rebecca rubbed her clit and vagina even harder and faster. Misty was thinking, poor girl. Yes, she needs this, but also needs to stay out of trouble. It might take several sisters in fact working together to pull this off. Rebecca clearly wasn’t thinking straight.

“Ok, I’m in, but I’m bringing Chloe, and Samantha too, maybe others. With us there we should be able to both protect you and let you get what you need. Tonight I will stay with you and try to get you through it. Check yourself into a room after dinner and I’ll be there.”

“Thanks Misty. I think I will actually check myself in now or I am going to get into trrouble. I will see you later.” With that Rebecca left and walked into the building. Misty watched, getting very excited looking at Rebecca’s flaming red ass and genitals. God I want that, she was thinking.

Misty spent the rest of the afternoon very calmly lying on a lounger, soaking in the sun, or doing easy laps in the pool. She took an amazingly, wonderful shower afterward. She loved the feeling of the water cascading down her hair, down her body. She stood there a long time enjoying the sensation.

She joined a dozen or more of her sisters for dinner. They weren’t all her full sisters. Most had other mothers, or fathers. No one really knew how many children her Father had sired. A lot. Many many hundreds. As often the women had a number of lovers it was difficult to know who the father was. But the silver backs got by far most of the women, so there were only a certain number of fathers to choose from really. Lesser men had to do to each other or themselves, until hopefully one day they would be old enough, get enough wealth, be powerful enough to be able to mate. Most never did. The females were very choosey. Though matings and pregnancies with lesser males was not unknown, most women wouldn’t settle for such a thing.

Which was not to say that the females didn’t have sex with lesser males. They just did to a much less, and usually just a quick poke. But almost never had children with them. The women protected themselves with the pill, so as to not have children by them. A disaster for the women and the child if it happened. There was usually rumors and scuttlebutt that followed them around. Shame. Money, prestige, power, protection, were everything. The matriarchs made sure everyone knew children with high ranking males was preferred. But honestly they didn’t need much in the way of rules or guidance. The majority of women went crazy around the silverbacks, and practically threw up when approached by the lesser men. It was deeply ingrained in their DNA.

Misty and her sisters had everything provided for them from birth. It came from their Mothers and the Matriarchs, their wealth, their power. They were expected to work when they got older. But they had no worries really.

The females controlled everything ultimately. The money flowed through and was controlled by the matriarchs. The men had their own compounds, made their own hierarchy. They worked hard too, and were rewarded for their efforts. The men for the most part were good for three things now, work, sex, and babies. And even the women had to admit sex with a man was different, and often their libido, their hormones demanded a real penis be inserted into them.

There were a lot of women however that never felt this urge. They just wanted and did females. The matriarchs were totally ok with this. As long as things stayed in balance, everyone was happy, and the stress was low. They strove for a perfect society of peace and happiness, where people could live the dream they wanted. No one could remember the last war.

At dinner all her sisters seemed to be twittering at once. It was enough of a buzz to give one a headache. Misty was lost in a dream, thinking about what she hoped would be her new job, and especially Ms. Barker. She imagined Ms. Barker taking her someplace special for a weekend, maybe longer and the two of them spending most of the time in bed, their genitals in constant contact. Misty had a quivery, shivery sensation run through her at the thought of it.

“Misty. Misty. Are you ok?”

Someone was shaking her. She came out of her dream state to see Chloe sitting next to her, with her hand in her shoulder.

“Uh….yea….I’m ok. Just a little tired. It’s been a long day.” Chloe seemed satisfied with the answer and went back to eating and chatting to her other sisters.

Misty didn’t feel like eating anymore and signaled to the wait staff to clean up. She leaned over to Chloe and said, “Rebecca’s got a bad case of the heats. I’m going to stay with her tonight in one of the rooms. Don’t wait up for me.”

“Good luck. I don’t envy you.” Chloe laughed. It could be difficult dealing with a female in full on estrus. “Well, unless she wants you really really bad, then I do envy you.” More laughter.

Misty said good night to everyone at the table and headed off to “the rooms”. Misty checked in at the wings desk, looked at the computer screen. Yes, Rebecca had checked herself in just after their talk this afternoon, room 12. Rebecca had approved Misty to visit her, so she logged herself in, and got a pass and key. She walked down the corridor until she found room 12, and used the key to get in. There was no way out now, until she buzzed someone to open the door. She would be locked in with Rebecca.

She opened the door and entered. First thing she heard was a whimpering moan. She looked across the room and saw Rebecca furious pounding her bottom against a dildo mounted to a pole.

“Fuck, Misty. What took you so long? I am fucking going crazy. I am so fucking horny. Fuck me. Funk me. Fuck me.” Rebecca started to howl and screech. She got down on her hands and knees, ass facing Misty. She arched her back, poking her swollen brilliant red bottom up at Misty.

“Please put me out of my misery, Fuck me.”

Misty looked along one of walls, where all kinds of sex toys hung. She saw just the right strap on dildo she wanted and went over and put it on. It wouldn’t be as good as a cock, but would have to do for now. Rebecca was frantic, waiting. Panting, cursing.

Misty got behind Rebecca and held the dildo so she could guide it into Rebecca’s dripping vagina. As it entered Rebecca she arched her back even more.

“Yes, yes, yes. Deeper, deeper, shove it into me Misty. God that is so good. Ride me.” Rebecca started to howl, yell and scream. She rotated her bottom, shoved it up against Misty, seeking to take the dildo all the way in.

“Is there a bigger one? I really need a bigger one. I am fucking desperate Misty.”

Misty looked over at the wall of toys. Indeed there were bigger ones. Some were truly enormous. She pulled out of Rebecca and went over and gathered up a few. Before strapping a new one she experimented shoving each one into Rebecca’s cunt first, from smallest to biggest.

“How about now?” She shoved one larger than the first.

“Bigger. Much bigger. Fuck I need to feel filled.

Misty skipped the next size up and went much bigger.

“Now?” As she slid the huge dildo into her using her hands.

“Close, keep going.”

Misty couldn’t believe Rebecca needed anything bigger, but she jumped two more sizes. This was well over easily 2 and 1/2 inches in diameter and over 10 inches long.

“How about this one?”

“Fuck yeah. Oooooooo. Use that one. Shit.”

Misty swapped out the dildo she was using for the new one and put the tip into Rebecca. Then more and more and more.

“Oh yes, sister. Do me!” Rebecca began to buck and howl and bounce back against the giant dildo. Misty was amazed as almost the full length disappeared inside Rebecca. Rebecca was making sounds that Misty had never heard before coming from her, and that was saying a lot. Misty grabbed Rebecca’s bottom and decided, what the hell, if she was going to fuck Rebecca she was really going to fuck her hard, and maybe it would calm the wild heat that was obviously boiling inside her. Misty thrust into her with an almost angry passion. Take that, and that, and that. She was pounding Rebecca fast and deep.

Just when Misty thought she would take this to a crescendo, she heard a voice behind her.

“May I join in?”

Misty recognized the voice of her sister Chloe.

“I think you’re too late for that.” Misty said between thrusts.

“Come on, stop. I want to be a part of it. Be with my sisters.”

Misty was distracted enough that she stopped. Rebecca screeched, “Keep going, keep going, don’t stop now. Fuck me.”

Chloe laughed, “Oh we will.” She went up to Rebecca’s face and gave her a long kiss. “Turn over sis.” While Rebecca was doing this Chloe got a vibrator and a bottle of lube off the wall.

Rebecca reluctantly swung around. Chloe got behind her back and propped her up against her chest.

“Ok, Misty. Fist her. I will hold her up and play with her.”

Rebecca started purring again. Spread her legs open, began toying with her pussy lips, pulling them open for Misty. Chloe handed Misty the lube.

Misty got between Rebecca’s legs, and shot a bunch of lube into Rebecca and over her own right hand. She put her fingers together in a cone shape and pushed her fingers in and out of Rebecca vagina slowly, little by little going deeper and deeper. Rebecca’s eyes began to glaze over and had a dreamy look to them. Misty had her whole hand inside Rebecca. It felt very warm and wet, tight around her fist. She made a fist and pumped her hand inside of Rebecca who had now begun to make those odd screaming sounds again.

Meanwhile Chloe sucked on Rebecca’s neck, played with her breasts, pinched her nipples. When she thought Rebecca was really into the fisting, she reached down and put the vibe right on her clit. Rebecca launched into the air, but Chloe kept her pinned down. Rebecca now was helpless to the intense sensations Misty and Chloe were giving her. All she could do was submit. Shock waves of intense electricity jolted her. Her clit was literally a live wire feeding into her, as the vibrator buzzed on it. Misty’s fist felt like it was inside her whole body. So fucking good. It wasn’t long before the amount of energy built to the point it discharged, and she was flopping around like a fish. Misty pulled her hand out and Rebecca shot a huge jet of liquid out of her. It sprayed all around the room and soaked Misty. It only made Rebecca writhe around all the more.

It took many minutes before Rebecca body stopped shaking. She was finally able to mumble, “Thank you,” before falling asleep. Misty and Chloe lifted her up onto the large platform bed in the room. It took a while to clean the room and themselves up, then they got in the bed themselves. Misty and Chloe humped each other gently, stroked each other’s clits, and kissed before falling asleep. The three sisters were all in a pile together, holding each other through the night.

When they woke up the next morning they were a little disoriented at first, then remembered the previous night. Rebecca was fairly calm now but knew as the day wore on she would be right back to being super horny again. Surely it couldn’t be as bad as yesterday. She had never been that horny before, ever.

Misty was ready to push the button to release them, so they could go to breakfast, when she felt a hot flash run through her. Shit. She looked down and back, and sure enough her rump was even bigger, pink. Not red yet, but in a few days she would be a hot mess just like Rebecca.

“Are you still planning to go to Dad’s tonight?” asked Misty. “I really don’t think it would be a good idea.” She pointed to her bottom.

Rebecca laughed, “All the more reason. You will want it more than anything, even before you are fully red.”

“That’s what I am worried about.” Misty couldn’t help laughing too, though. She pushed the button and asked the attendant to open the door. After assuring the attendant that everything was ok, Rebecca would behave, the door opened. The three sisters made their way to the common room to get something to eat.

Their sisters took one look at them and knew something interesting had gone in last night.

“So what have you guys been up to? You weren’t in the sleeping quarters last night. By the looks of you I’d say Rebecca had some real fun last night. Can you do the same to me next time?” Sister Samantha said, with a smirk on her face.

The three sisters slumped down in their seats and didn’t respond. All they wanted was food, and get on with the day.

“Oh, I see. Harsh. Well, don’t look to me next time you need help.”

This seemed to click something in Misty’s mind. “Sorry sis. It was a long rough night. Rebecca was a crazy woman. Actually I do need your help. We are going over to Dad’s tonight and want to know if you will go with us. We really need to go as a group. Will you come with us? You are guaranteed some of the best fucking ever. I’m going to ask around and see if any of the other sisters want to go too. What do you say?”

Samantha thought about it and said, “Well, I can’t pass up an invitation to Dad’s. Last time I went I couldn’t sit down for days, and cum was dripping from me for a week.” She was lost in thought and laughing at the memory of it. “Count me in.”

“Great. We will all go over by limo after dinner. Dress hot.” said Misty.

Samantha was still dreaming of the last time. “Oh, I will. You can count on it.” She was playing with her clit now.

“Ok, later sis. Try to save something for tonight.” Misty laughed. But she knew it was hopeless. Samantha was already making grimacing faces and screeches. Misty could only hope she kept her masturbation count fairly low so her clit had some fire power left for the evening.

After breakfast she went back to her private quarters and sat down at her desk and turned on her computer. There was a message from Ms. Barker informing her she got the job. Be ready to start next Monday. Misty was ecstatic. She needed to find a few of her sisters and celebrate.

Before going she also sent invitations to a lot of her sisters about tonight’s action. She cc’d her Dad, Mom, and the matriarchs.

She went to one of the common lounging areas. She found Jill and Lauren. She told them about getting the new job. They told her they were still looking themselves, but had some good prospects. They wanted to be close to Misty, let her know how much they loved her. She spent the next few hours very gently rubbing herself against them, hugging, kissing, grooming. She avoided doing more, thinking of what was going to happen later. With that thought she invited them to go to Dad’s house later. They both accepted.

Then she thought it best to get some sleep for the night ahead. She was exhausted. She slept all afternoon and awoke ready for anything. She looked at her rump. Not red yet, pink and fucking huge. She could at least still think straight, and not be totally obsessed.

She checked her messages and saw a lot of her sisters wanted to go tonight. And Dad wrote, not to worry, he had enough males to keep everyone happy, no matter how many came. Though to play it safe he would invite a lot of males from the neighboring compound.

She went down to dinner, and afterwards she got together all the sisters that would be going to Dad’s. They were all dressed in their party clothes, which is to say, they didn’t have much on at all. Dresses with cutouts for the breasts, vagina, ass. Lots of jewelry, high heels, or boots. Some of them had spent the afternoon in the beauty salon and had gorgeous hairdos. Nails painted bright. They ordered up a two limos to take them over.

They arrived at their Dad’s compound and were led into a sitting area for drinks and hors d’oeuvres. Servants brought in trays of tasty finger foods and wine. Other drinks could be ordered at the bar. One of the preferred drinks were shots of semen. Dad had very expensive bottles of superior Silverback semen. The sisters were tossing them back left and right, and were soon going out of their minds in a drug induced state of desire. They were more than ready to find some silverback males to fuck and suck. It was all they were talking about. There was a lot of mutual masturbation going on. Misty was thinking we better get to the males soon or it would be too late. The women would be fucking themselves crazy. Just as she thought this they were escorted into the adjoining room.

They entered the room and found thirty or more male silverbacks sitting on couches, standing in small groups talking. These were cream of the crop of silverbacks selected especially by their Dad for their pleasure. They were all wearing party clothes, exposing their chest and with cutout crotches and bottoms. Misty’s father came up to the sisters, most of who were his daughters. He hugged and kissed everyone down the line.

“Welcome. We have been eagerly awaiting you. We are all yours. I am sure you will find someone, someones you like. Have at it.”

The women spread out, walked around the room. Indeed, their father had assembled a wonderful collection of males. They inspected each one closely. Rebecca, never one to be shy was examining all the male’s cocks, stroking a few to get an idea how big they might grow. She had her eye on one of the silverbacks in particular.

“I think I will start with this one.” She looked over at her Father.

“That is Xavier. He is, I have been told, amazing to be with. Well you can see that yourself.” Dad pointed to his cock which hung down half way to his knees.

Rebecca didn’t seem done though. She walked around the room some more.

“And him.”

“That’s Roberto. Anyone else?”

“Yes, actually. Keep them coming until I tell you to stop. Let me pick another 3 or 4 to start with.” She went around the room picking one after the other.

“Becca, leave some for us.” Samantha laughed. She was sitting on the lap of a huge silverback, grooming his hair.

Misty couldn’t decide. She wanted just about all of them. Each one was different in some intriguing way. She couldn’t help wondering what it would feel like to fuck him, or him, or him, as she looked from one to the other. If Father had invited them they had to be powerful, strong, and excellent in the nest.

She couldn’t decide and finally said, “Father, pick one for me.” She knew that it wasn’t that long ago that is how all the partners were selected. She wanted to please her Father, who she loved and respected.

In the past, the matriarchs decided beforehand, or the host of the gathering, the head patriarch, who would go with who. But during the last few decades things had changed. The women were deciding now, on their own, who they wanted to fuck, and incredibly the males were even starting to get the right to refuse. That was still very uncommon though.

Jill had already found a sliver back and was leading him up the stairs. “I know him. One of my brothers. We used to play together.” She seemed very excited by the prospect. Misty knew the feeling well. Reuniting with former troop mates, especially brothers, one played with as a youth, usually worked out well. Fucking brothers was very common.

Misty’s Father scanned the room until he found someone he felt was best for her, and to be honest, him. There was a lot of social jostling and fighting for females and reproductive rights between the males. The women knew little about this, but some men got an advantage over others. The new, women get to choose, rules had thrown everything into chaos. Whenever possible though, the old boy network still ruled. Undoubtedly whoever Misty’s Father choose, he owed or wanted a favor from them.

He took her hand and led her over to magnificent specimen. His hair was groomed perfectly in a popular new do, His muscles rippled everywhere from head to toe. His chest strong and chiseled. His cock hung low and thick. Misty felt her groin burn with desire, and flush of wetness building between her legs.

“This is Max. Max, this is my daughter Misty.” Why don’t we go upstairs and all get aquatinted.” Her Father looked around the room. Everyone seemed to have found someone or more than one. A few couples or groups were exploring each other to see if they wanted to take it further.

Chloe was licking the tip of reddish gray males cock, sizing it up, seeing if it was what she wanted. Another male was behind her, teasing her cunt with the end of his cock.

“Just say the word and you can have the rest of it.”

Chloe purred. She was close to a decision. One or the other. Or both. For now she would just keep licking.

Several of the sisters were doing each other as a group of males watched on. The sisters had rubbed each other’s pussies together and were now licking each other out. They weren’t going to be doing any of in the males tonight, silverback or no. They wanted to keep a clear head in case their other sisters got too involved in the wrong way and needed bailing out. A phone call away and they could have dozens of other females here to help. They hoped things didn’t go that direction, but better safe than sorry.

Misty’s Father took Misty and Max upstairs to a common sex nest room. Best he thought to start here. It was dark in the room. Moans, groins, purrs and howls could be heard. The three of them found a nice large couch/ bed to lie down on. Other couples, groups were making love around them on beds at different levels scattered across the room.

Misty wanted to do her Father first. It was only right and proper, to show him honor and love. He would not cum in her this early in the night, but certainly give her a good riding and they would bond together strongly from it. Misty’s Father sat up on the edge of the couch portion with his cock standing high. Misty straddled him and slowly lowered herself down onto his massive cock. The one that had made her. She chanted a prayer to the forces of life, of love, of family. She bounced on him, felt him deep inside her. Felt him grow longer, thicker, harder, and hotter.

“Thank you Father, for giving me life. Feel what you have made. Enjoy your work. I am your daughter. I make love to you. Make love to me.”

Misty then waited for her Father to pick her up as per the custom, impaled on his cock, hanging on his neck.

“Deep within you, feel the stalk of life. From it you grew. From within you another will grow. I give you to another.”

Misty felt a second cock go into her from behind. It was extremely tight in there, but also wonderful.

“From my life you grew.” her Father said

“From you, to me, to him.” Misty said.

“It goes on,” Max said.

“Links in the chain,” they all said together.

“Bless me Father.” Misty said.

“Take him, with my blessing.” Father said.

“Will you have me?” Max said.

“Yes, with my Father’s blessing, I am ready to receive you,” Misty said.

“Links in a chain.” They all said together.

Misty knew one day she would perhaps say this in a solemn way, in front of witnesses, her sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers if she wanted a particular male to inseminate her to get pregnant. The ceremony dated back to before anyone’s memory or writing. It was tradition. Though somewhat shunned these days, Misty still liked the tradition and tried to start all her silverback fucks this way if possible, when her father was around. Though not for insemination, it showed respect to have her father formally give her to a lover. It was always a powerful moment to her.

Misty felt her Father’s cock come out, while Max’s went further in.

“I will leave you two to it,” her Father said. He kissed Misty on the lips.

No doubt he would seek out other sisters to perform the ceremony with. Very likely at the end he would find one to cum inside, along with the new lover. With the pill, Father was fucking everyone in sight these days, sisters, daughters, cousins, aunts. The lucky woman would most certainly tell everyone tomorrow of her special status.

But now Misty really wanted to be fucked. Her desire was driving her mad. She felt fortunate though she wasn’t as crazed as Rebecca. In a day or two though. What would she do then, when she literally lost her mind?

Misty got on her hands and knees, arched her back up so her bottom, her cunt was sticking up in the air. Her head was tilted back. Fuck yea, take me. Max was enormous compared to her. Despite females controlling things normally, this was one time Misty just wanted to be taken, used, fucked into the ground. Max apparently knew this, and pounded her bottom. His big cock felt wonderful up inside her. She found herself howling, panting. Fill me up. Fill me up. Pound me. Deeper. Deeper, Faster. Misty was trembling now, ready to cum. So was Max. He gushed inside of her as he gripped her bottom tight. Oh fuck yes. She ground her bottom back against him.

She felt Max’s cock come out of her, and almost immediately another go inside her. Yes, yes, yes!!!

“Your Father sent me over.”

If anything the new cock was bigger. Misty braced herself for another fucking. She couldn’t get enough of it. Oh my god, it was so good. She felt more cum shooting into her.

After the second fucking she searched the room until she found Rebecca. She got down on the bed with her. They kissed and licked each other’s cunts out, swallowing down the cum. Then Misty got on her back, Rebecca on her hands and knees, their faces together so they could kiss.

Rebecca yelled, “Ok guys, whose next? What are you waiting for, don’t disappoint us. We are the Dom’s daughters. Show your host respect and fuck us as we deserve. Only the best.”

Rebecca’s bottom was flaming red. She could have been fucked by every male in the compound and it still wouldn’t have been enough. She was motioning and corralling every male that came by, and wasn’t satisfied until they had shot a load into her. She was screaming and howling up a storm. She had probably sucked off another dozen cocks besides, sharing the cum in her mouth with Misty. They each shared the cum in their pussies with each other. It only made them want more.

And it kept on going on and on. One after the other. Cock after cock. Misty let the silverbacks pound her and fill her with their cum. She wanted it bad. And she wasn’t even red rumped yet. The silverback group that her father had collected for them didn’t disappoint.

Eventually most of the sisters got together, lay around in a pile, rubbing and kissing each other, and occasionally would signal for one of males patiently waiting at the edge stroking themselves to join them.

They all watched as a large silverback humped Jill, cheering on the show. He was easily three times her size it was something to see. Some of them laughed so hard they peed themselves.

Three or four of them at a time would tease, play, suck, stroke, ride, a single male. Such fun play toys. They were laughing and giggling, teasing each other. They played with one silverback after another. Making more outrageous dares all the time.

“Come on Samantha! Suck it harder! Bet you can’t make him cum in under a minute. Go!!!!”

She was able to do it. Opening her mouth at the end to prove there was cum in it.

Then they had one stroke himself off in Lauren’s mouth. Then had the idea.

“I wonder how much cum she can take in her mouth?”

They signaled male after make to jerk off into her wide open mouth. Turned out 27 was the number. Dad seemed to have an unlimited number of studs for them to play with. He must have been able to get hundreds by the look of it. Eventually they were brown backs. But by this time they didn’t care.

They had a race between Emily and Ann to see who could get the most cocks to cum in them in 15 minutes. Emily won with 19. She preloaded the men first by sucking and stroking them before having them go inside her. She also had one of the tightest vaginas of all the sisters, which helped.

Joan just lay face down over the back of a couch with her brilliant red rump sticking up and took on all takers, even brown backs, which found their way over somehow from another area. The other sisters chased them away from their own pile, unless they had a particular game that required a lot of males, then they called them over. They tried to reason with Joan, but she told her sisters to get lost, she wanted to set a new personal record. Dozens of males were lined up behind her ready to cum into her flaming red bottom. She was loving every second of it.

“Joan is going to regret that in the morning when she sobers up.” Jill said. Though by the look of it, a lot of them were thinking they might want to try that someday when they were really drunk and had a red rump.

In another room Misty found Roberta, who was being propped up by a few of her sisters and choosing male after male to fuck her and to suck off. She was like a queen directing things. She only choose the best of the best of the silverbacks to fuck and suck. The rejects she directed to her sisters who lay around her. These sisters also stroked and played with Roberta, licked the cum out of Roberta’s pussy as it was filled. She was surrounded by both females and males indulging her every whim. She had men stroking off into cups which she passed out to her submissive sisters as gifts. She demanded some sisters to engage in sex with men or women as she watched and made comments. She also had men fuck men. A mini orgy was going on around her. With a motion of her finger another silverback would approach her and slide into her waiting pussy, pump away until he came.

Roberta was one of Misty’s older sisters who had come with her own posse of sisters. Someday Misty would be able to get this kind of attention too. She was very jealous. For now she could only sit and watch, get high on looking at it, the scent of cum, and masturbate herself.

They hadn’t had so much fun together in a long time. But even crazy sex driven party females eventually get tired and the things began to wind down. Amazingly even at the end Rebecca was still getting fucked and wanted more. They had to pull her away. Dad ordered up a couple of limos to take them home. They stumbled out of the cars and somehow made it back to the sleeping nest. A few had to be dragged in hanging off of helpful attendants.

The next day was hell. Major headaches, very sore pussies, and thoughts of even for them it had been a bit much. The conversation at lunch, was hilarious though. Lots of teasing and reliving every moment of the night before. And who got fucked and creamed into by Dad. Samantha put up her hand.

“He’s still got it. The best of the night by far.”

All the other sisters were envious. Maybe next time they would be the chosen one.

Misty went to the bathroom. As she was finishing up she looked down. Fuck! Wow! I have never been this red before. And despite all that had gone on the night before she felt that feeling. She howled. The next few days were she was going to have an itch that no amount of scratching could stop.

She already found herself rubbing her clit. She had no choice in the matter. It would be the first of countless orgasms she would have over the next few days.

Help, help, help.

“Chloe!!! Rebecca!!!”…