The Perverse Japanese Game Show

Dave had a few ideas on what he could expect during his short trip to Japan. Though he had never visited before, he knew that Japan was infamous for their weird game shows and inventive pop culture. He wasn’t particularly interested in any of that. The only reason he had taken a trip to Japan was to visit his step-daughter, Roxy. This is why he was so taken aback when the option to participate in some obscure game show had presented itself.

Roxy was a senior in college and had been studying abroad for almost the entirety of her last year. She had begged her step-father to come visit so she could show off the Japanese culture and hotspots that she had been taking in for the past few months.

She was staying in Shibuya, and after showing her dad the sights in the city, she also took him to see Mount Fuji from a distance, which was barely visible through-out a dense fog, and an Otaku town called Akihabara that she enjoyed frequenting. It was on those streets that Dave and her daughter were approached by a zany looking character.

The man was wearing wacky, colorful garb and was holding a gold painted microphone. Behind the man, appeared another man in a funny animal costume that was holding a large camera on his shoulder.

“Oy!” The man with the microphone asked, “Americans?”

Dave hated being approached by salesmen or the like. As he approached the age of forty, he had become impatient with strangers and decided that these people were up to something he didn’t care for. He began shaking his hand out in front of him as a polite way to decline to listen to them, but then noticed how Roxy’s face had lit up.

“Yes!” she replied to the two men.

“Oohhh!!! Very good!” The man with the mic said enthusiastically.

At that point, Dave felt like he had to go along. His step-daughter laughed at the wackiness of the man.

“You are… famiree?” The man asked with his strong asian accent.

Dave chuckled and grabbed his daughter’s shoulder while saying, “Yes. I’m her father.”

“Ohh!” The man said excitedly. “You are perfect for our game! Come pray and earn money!”

While clapping her hands together and looking giddy, Roxy smiled and said, “How fun! Dad, wouldn’t that be fun?”

Dave rubbed his forehead and was clearly not as interested as Roxy was.

“Is it on TV or something?” Dave asked the man while gesturing towards the cameraman.

The man nodded and replied in his stereotypical asian accent, “Yes, yes. Is on Japa-fun!” They pay to watch it, and it is why we pay you to pray the game!”

“What kind of game is it?” Roxy asked with eyes wide in excitement.

“Is exciting! Many charrenges” The man replied, “It is fast. It is fun, and we pay you each two-thousand dowwers!”

Roxy slapped her dad’s chest.

“Yeah, but, you still didn’t tell us what kind of -” Dave was interrupted by the man.

He grabbed Dave’s wrist and started guiding towards a building while saying, “Come! Come! Prease, I show you!”

“Oh crap… Roxy are you sure about this?” He asked her nervously while chuckling.

“Come on, Dad!” she said and followed behind while placing her hands on his shoulders and laughing. “How bad can it be?”

For the next ten minutes, the two of them were brought through several hallways, signed some waivers that were all written in Japanese, and were taken into a small studio that was basically a big room with some expected objects set up. These included lighting props, cameras, and boom mics hanging from the ceiling. The room had white tiled floor and no windows. Dave also noticed various props that must have been used for the game show. There was something that looked like a Pommel horse, something that looked like a cushy see-saw, and there was also what looked like two shower stalls placed about ten feet away from each other.

Dave started to get nervous, because nothing seemed to make any sense about the room. At least, not compared to any game show that he was used to seeing. The two of them were separated by a few set workers who were also in costumes, and Dave could hear one of them ask his daughter, “You are over eighteen?”

He shrugged it off, guessing that most game shows require consenting adults as participants. He wasn’t surprised that they had to ask her though, because he knew that his daughter looked a few years younger than most 21-year-olds. He didn’t like thinking about it for too long, but he thought that Roxy had grown up to become a beautiful young woman who was bound to make some guy lucky one day. She would typically either wear her long, thick brown hair up in a ponytail, or would have it curled. When it was wavy like that, it reminded Dave of a flowing waterfall that went down and around her head. Dave always thought she looked beautiful when her hair was down and had those waves in it, and she just so happened to have her hair done that way during his visit.

She also was short in stature, being just barely over 5 feet in height. She wasn’t fat by any means, but she had healthy curves that often accentuated her thighs, hips, and butt. Her chest was busty enough that Dave always felt awkward giving her hugs, because her boobs were always the first thing he would feel being mashed up against his chest. He knew that it was wrong for thinking about them, but he couldn’t help but notice how they felt each and every time that they hugged each other. He always brushed off that feeling of awkwardness, because after all, he was a typical man, and she wasn’t technically his daughter. Besides, he knew that most men are hardwired for that sort of thing anyway.

After being guided into a small changing room and being thrown some strange clothes while the Japanese people shouted instructions at him, he deduced that he was to change into the costume. A man stood there as he stripped down to his underwear. As Dave went to put on the costume, the man shouted at him in an indication to take off his underwear as well. Dave turned his back to the man and obliged him, though he was beginning to feel more and more regret in agreeing to do the game. After zipping up the costume, he looked down to realize how silly he looked. He was wearing pants that were tight and colorful, similar to what a gymnast would wear. Right at his crotch, was the face of an elephant with it’s big dumpy ears made from a fabric hanging down on either side. The strangest part though he thought, was that his flaccid penis was tucked perfectly into the only space it could go, an inside pocket of the pants, and that the pocket was shaped and decorated as the trunk of the elephant.

‘What the…” Dave said to himself as he slapped the side of the elephant’s trunk to confirm that his penis was indeed filling out the shape of the loose fabric trunk. Though Dave was shirtless, the Japanese man walked over and pointed out that the costume had suspenders. After Dave wrapped them over his shoulders, he now only felt partially exposed, being that only his shoulders and arms were bare. Dave wondered what kind of costume his daughter was having to change into, and hoped that it was at least more appropriate than his own costume.

Dave was then guided back out and was placed in one of the half open shower stalls. The helpers took shackles and clamped each of them around his ankles and wrists.

“Woah, woah! What is this for?” Dave asked the men.

Suddenly the cheesy host appeared again and replied to him, “Easy! Is all part of the show. We do it aww the time!”

Dave looked down and noticed that the chains to his feet were bolted to the floor and only gave him enough slack to shuffle around in one place. The chains to his wrists were coming from the ceiling and were luckily long enough that his arm’s movements weren’t restricted as much. He had never been in any situation like that, and it made him feel like a criminal.

“Guys… I don’t know about-” Dave began to say before getting cut off by his attention being drawn to his step-daughter entering.

She was wearing a tight, form-fitted dress that barely reached halfway down her thighs. The top of the dress was strapless and stretched across her chest like a tube top. As she was guided over to take her place in the other open shower stall, she would try hiking down her dress because of how awkwardly short it was. As she waved to her step-dad nervously and abashed at her attire, Dave noticed that she was also barefoot, and that her cute toes were painted a bright red color that coincidently matched the dress that she had on.

“This is kinda weird, right?” She asked him rhetorically.

Dave felt ashamed that blood was beginning to rush to his penis. He knew that it wasn’t right to be turned on by his daughter’s appearance no matter what she was wearing, but it had been a very long time since he had seen any woman wearing something as skimpy as the dress she had on. He had to convince himself that it would be hard for any man not to be turned on by how sexy she looked.

“Wow, Dad. You look ridiculous,” she said while laughing and looking him up and down.

Dave smiled anxiously while looking down at his outfit to say agreeingly, “I know! I feel silly!”

He then realized that the elephant’s trunk was bouncing from side to side with his movements, and remembered that his dick was quite obviously inside of it. He went to cover his crotch before Roxy could notice. Luckily, it appeared that her attention was drawn elsewhere.

They shackled her in a similar way as her father, except that her shackles were pink and fuzzy. They slowly raised up the chains connected to her wrists until she was practically forced onto her tippy toes. Dave saw her dress consequently get hiked up until the bottom was just mere inches away from her hips. Dave cursed in his head and realized that the show was probably going to be a little perverse. He only hoped that things wouldn’t be taken too far. He tried to stay positive and imagined that hopefully soon, his step-daughter and him would be laughing about it all.

“Hey, Dad,” she said from the other stall while chuckling nervously, “I don’t know what’s about to happen, but… no matter what happens, thanks for going along, and I love you!”

Dave smirked and was cut off while trying to reply, “Sure thing, kiddo. I love -”

Suddenly, some corny sounding game music began playing and the host was seen taking the center of the room while shouting in Japanese to the many cameras. Dave noticed that at all times, there was a camera pointed at himself and another pointed at his daughter.

Dave took a deep breath and said in his mind, Here we go…

The host went around the room gesturing to the two contestants, and throughout his untranslatable ramblings, Dave could at least make out some words that were said in broken English like, “Father,” “Daughter,” and “Americans.”

A few helpers entered the room in costumes and masks. One of them wheeled out a strange looking exercise bike, while another one had a large ball of gnarled up rope. The rope was handed to Dave, while the exercise bike was parked near Roxy. As one person hopped on the bike to take position, another walked over to Roxy and started blowing a party horn at various parts of her body. The paper attached to the end of the horn would unravel and tickle her skin. She giggled light-heartedly and played along for the show, trying to hide her anxiousness. The man with the party horn then produced scissors and snipped at the bottom of her dress. He then took a strand and pulled on it to place the end of it on the back wheel of the bike. It became obvious to them that the bike was meant to pull on the string and possibly unravel her dress.

“Wait, what?!” She asked nervously, “Are they… Are they serious?”

The host then approached Dave and pointed to the knotted up rope in his hands. The host said, “Rules of game, simple! You untie! The bike stop! Ready?”

Dave knew that it would be no easy task, because there were at least a hundred knots.

“That’s impossible!” he exclaimed.

“Ichi! Ni! San!” The host shouted and a whistle was heard.

As they had expected, the person on the bike began pedaling and the string from the bottom of her dress began wrapping around the back wheel, unraveling her dress slowly. Her dress was obviously designed to be done this way, because the string could be seen going from left to right and back to repeat again with ease.

“Oh my god! This is messed up!” Roxy said to herself while trying to squirm out of her handcuffs with little success.

As Dave began turning the knotted ball around frantically to find a loose end, he heard his daughter say, “You can do it, Dad!”

He appreciated the encouragement, and for a moment, thought he might have a chance. His spirit was broken though when he looked up at his daughter to find that her dress had already shortened enough that he could see the very bottom of an ass cheek. He knew that in less than a minute, her crotch would be exposed. He remembered that he was asked not to wear any underwear and was curious to know if she was asked to do the same. He wasn’t sure that he could handle seeing his step-daughter’s muff for the first time. He decided that he would try to look away just in case.

“Are you wearing anything else?” Dave had to practically shout to ask her across the commotion and wacky noises that filled the room for the game show, “Like, underneath?”

She was flustered by what was going on so she stammered to shout back, “Uh – I – yeah! I am!”

Thank god, Dave thought to himself. He felt better knowing that she at least had underwear on. It had been years since he had seen her in a bikini, and figured it couldn’t be any different than that.

Minutes passed that felt like days to Dave, and he had still only gotten a dozen knots out so far. Meanwhile, the once red dress that Roxy wore looked more like a tight t-shirt now. When Dave glanced up to see her progress, he couldn’t help but do a double take. Her small, pink and frilly panties could now be seen completely and Dave realized that he was wrong. It was nothing like a bikini. Her camel toe could be seen through her panties, and they didn’t leave much to the imagination.

The man with the party horn appeared again and began blowing it against her bare legs and panties while she writhed in her bound state upon her toes. A fake laugh track could be heard almost constantly throughout the chaos.

“Ah!” Roxy screamed and tried to shoo away the strange man, “Stop that!”

Dave found it harder and harder to concentrate on untying the knots, and he still had more than half of it to go. The host approached Dave and began speaking in Japanese again. The man pointed to Roxy and was clearly asking questions that Dave didn’t understand. As Dave looked up to see why he was pointing, he noticed that the dress was now well above her belly button, and that a small belly-button piercing could be seen.

I didn’t know she had that, Dave said to himself.

Dave then followed her body up to meet with her eyes. For a good while, they stared at each other as if trying to read each other’s thoughts. Her beautiful eyes now looked less joyful as before, and more so towards showing helplessness and humiliation. She bit her bottom lip and winced at the fact that the dress was nearly up to her breasts now.

The host then laughed, took one of his hands and started tapping upward on the bottom of the elephant trunk on Dave’s pants while Dave struggled to continue holding the knot in both hands. It was impossible to ignore that the man was slapping Dave’s now semi-erect penis.

“Hey! Hey!” Dave shouted at the man, now feeling a bit violated. He then noticed by Roxy’s gaze that she was then curiously transfixed on the elephant trunk as if trying to figure out what it was.

Dave tried to say over all of the noise of the show, “Oh! No, babe! Don’t look-”

It was too late. She had put two and two together and realized that her father’s hard-on was the elephant’s trunk. She gasped and looked away in shock. Dave knew her mind must have been racing. Perhaps she felt weird knowing that she had uncontrollably caused her step-dad to get a boner. Dave noticed that she had glanced back as if to make sure she hadn’t imagined it.

Determined to change her train of thought, Dave admitted his failure over the challenge. “Honey? I’m sorry but I can’t do it! These knots are impossible!”

While making a point not to look down at her father’s crotch again, she said, “That’s okay. I know…”

She grimaced and groaned in the last moments of the stage in knowing that she would soon be forced to stand in her underwear for the cameras.

“Is this really on TV?” She asked the host.

He laughed and said, “Yes! It is rive TV! Very popurawr!”

To Dave’s relief once again, her breasts underneath the dress appeared to be covered by a tight, white tube top. However, just like the underwear, the tube top material was thin enough that her nipples could be seen poking out from beneath. With only a few layers of strands left, Dave gave up on the knot and waited for the dress to be completely unwound.

Whistles and a siren went off as the host said, “Stage one! Fail!”

Stage one? Dave repeated in his mind.

Roxy must have been thinking the same thing because she said it outloud as well.

The helpers then came back to carry the bike and knotted rope away. Meanwhile the host said something in Japanese and it seemed obvious that they had cut to a commercial because people began running around to clear and reset objects around the set.

Dave went back to covering his “trunk” with his hands and looked to see how Roxy was holding up. It was definitely a strange sight, having to see his step-daughter helplessly bound in front of him. He looked her down, starting with the pink fuzzy shackles around her wrists. Her bare arms, he had seen a thousand times, but he realized that he had never seen her shaved armpits before. Oddly, it was a sight that made her appear more vulnerable. He noticed her nervous gaze, and her wavy brown hair that nearly reached down to the tube top. As he looked down at her chest, he could tell that her boobs were being forced together because of the tube top. He wondered why the fabric was so thin that it almost looked like paper. He then looked at her shimmering belly-button piercing that served as a beauty mark for her toned stomach, then he checked out the frilly edged panties that hugged her wide hips.

Jesus, Dave thought. This would have been a lot easier if she didn’t have an awesome body.

Dave then turned his attention to what was being set up in front of him, and had no idea what it could possibly be. Almost directly in the middle of him and his step-daughter, was a turret-like device on top of a tripod that was wired up and had hoses running to it. The barrel of the device was quite long and was pointed in Roxy’s direction. Then in between the barrel and Dave was a large metal ring that was also on it’s own tripod.

“Why did we agree to this, Roxy?” Dave asked in an attempt to lighten both of their moods.

She managed to chuckle in sarcasm while shaking her head, “I don’t know… It’s my fault, really. I was just thinking of the money.”

Then the show must have returned from commercial, because the corny music started playing again and the host returned to the center of the room. He had a long metal rod in his hand and he gestured it towards Dave first. Then he pointed it towards Roxy while explaining what must have been the rules to the next game to the Japanese audience. The host then walked over to the turret-like device and pushed a button. After a few seconds, a liquid came shooting out of the barrel continuously and ricocheted off the ceiling.

“Woooo!!!” the host exclaimed in a silly manner while trying to point and control the barrel.

“What the hell?! Roxy shouted because she thought she was going to get hit with the liquid. She kept blinking wildly to protect her eyes and to her relief, the host only hit one of her arms temporarily while aiming the barrel directly over her head. For a while she still felt like she was going to get hit in the face with the liquid at any second.

“What is that!?” she screamed while trying to writhe her way out of her cuffs.

As the liquid continued to splash against the back of the shower stall several feet over her head, Dave tried to figure out what it could be. The liquid was nearly as clear as water, but was much thicker. Droplets would splash and slowly stream down Roxy’s arms, and because of their thick and shimmering consistency, Dave guessed that it was a type of oil. In fact, he was almost positive at that point that it was mineral oil. The barrel that was shooting it was a quarter-diameter of a typical garden hose, so the stream was much smaller and appeared to be quite powerful.

After the host had stopped laughing hysterically, he waited for Roxy to realize that she was relatively safe from the stream of oil shooting out of the mounted device. She couldn’t stop blinking out of natural instinct though. The host then walked over to Dave and explained the rules to them both in english, though it was hard for Roxy to hear over the splashing of the oil behind her head.

“This is the next game,” the tackily dressed host said, “Hored stick in ring for three minutes. You hit ring, the gun hit daughter. Ready?”

Dave shook his head and replied, “No! I’m not… What do you mean ‘hits’ her?”

The host put the thin and long metal rod in Dave’s hands and guided them up so that he was holding the rod out horizontally in front of him with his arms outstretched. The host then scooted the tripod with the metal circle attached closer to Dave so that the ring was placed halfway down the length of the stick. After seeing electrical wires running from the ring to the gun that was shooting the liquid, Dave suddenly understood that if he let the stick hit the ring, it would direct the gun down and towards his daughter. He wasn’t entirely sure why it would be such a bad thing though, because it was just oil.

Then the host shouted into the camera, “Stage two! Go!” and dramatic music started playing.

Even though it didn’t seem like a big deal if Dave were to fail, he decided he would try his best to make it through the three minutes. He wanted to redeem himself in front of his step-daughter after failing on the last challenge. He tried to ignore the fact that his penis was still mostly erect for everyone to notice inside the fabric elephant’s nose.

Roxy looked down in an effort to hide her face from the oil droplets that were being splashed off the back of the stall, she took a second to encourage her dad after noticing how hard he was trying.

“You’re doing great, Dad!”

“Don’t worry baby-girl, I got it this time!” Dave said enthusiastically. Thirty seconds had already passed and he felt like he was going to ace the challenge.

He found renewed strength after realizing why he wouldn’t want the oil to hit her. Some of the droplets of oil had eventually made their way down her body and had reached her tube top, and at each spot that the oil hit, that spot of the white top was deteriorating. It had become obvious to him now that the tube top was just layers of thin paper, and should the oil douse her, the paper would dissolve and her chest would become exposed to everyone.

“Oh… Shit,” Dave said after realizing the importance of keeping his arms straight out in front of him with the rod.

Dave’s face became hot, and as the corny game show music continued to play, he thought for sure he had gotten dropped into a nightmare.

“Dad? What’s wrong?” Roxy shouted over the music after seeing his face.

Suddenly, a young, Japanese woman had entered and placed herself in front of Dave. She was wearing a black cat costume that reminded him of some of the sexy halloween costumes he would see in stores each year. The cute asian woman’s outfit showed off her slender legs. She had a cute black tail, cat ears on top of her hair, and she even had whiskers painted onto her face. She raised up all ten of her fingers for Dave to see as if to show off the long, fake black nails that she had on.

“Okay…” Dave said in defiance. He knew she was there as a distraction, and he wasn’t planning to let himself fail his daughter again.

A minute had almost elapsed, and thankfully for Dave, Roxy was still only getting hit by ricocheting drops of oil as the stream continued to splash overhead.

The host was determined to make things harder for Dave and shouted something for the game show to the woman in the cat costume. The woman then slipped behind Dave, wedging herself against his back and the back of the stall. She then began teasing Dave by slowly slipping the suspenders of his costume off of his shoulders. After the top half of his costume fell, exposing his chest, the cat woman began lightly pinching Dave’s nipples, and in a cutesy voice, she said playfully, “Meeeow.”

“Jesus! Lady?!” Dave shouted at the stranger. He was so distracted and disturbed at having his nipples fondled that he accidently let the stick touch the ring for a second before regaining his composure. A loud klaxon was heard that startled Dave and Roxy, and suddenly the tube that was shooting the oil began to move automatically, aiming the tip of the barrel downwards slightly. Though Dave only faltered for a second, the movement’s that the turret made lasted twice as long. As a result, the stream of oil was now directly hitting the top of her head.

She shrieked a little, thinking that the oil was going to hit her in the face, but it didn’t. It only began drenching her hair and then dripped away off her shoulders. Dave felt sorry after seeing her wide-eyed and with her mouth open as if she was struggling to breath amidst the oil dripping down around her face. Some parts of her white tube top started changing colors as they became more saturated by the oil.

“Dad! Please!” Roxy pleaded.

A terrible string of events came next for the father-daughter duo. The cat woman behind Dave began tickling up and down his sides which simultaneously caused his dick to harden more and his concentration to weaken. As he wriggled to get away from her tickle attacks, he knew that his hard penis was causing the elephant trunk to slap around uncontrollably and he only hoped that Roxy wasn’t watching.

He accidentally hit the ring again, and the stream of oil dropped and began hitting Roxy directly in the face. She turned her head so that the oil was hitting her cheek instead. It was spreading in all directions upon contact.

“Ah!” She screamed at the force of the oil hitting her face. To Dave, it sort of looked torturous.

Continuing to struggle, her father had hit the ring once again, which caused the stream of oil to target the space between her neck and chest instead. It was only then that she could face forward again and look down to realize what her step-father had put together earlier. She saw that her tube top was beginning to dissolve with the oil and that the top half of her breasts could be seen already. She gasped and looked directly into her father’s eyes for any sign that he could help her, but she saw that he was battling with other problems.

“Oh…my god!” Dave exclaimed. The cute cat woman behind his back had started rubbing his stomach with the nails of one hand while rubbing her other hand against his dick from the outside of his costume. He couldn’t contain himself and shook, which caused the stick to hit the ring again. The stream of oil was then directed down again and began hitting Roxy directly in between her breasts.

Roxy gasped because she knew what would happen next. Her face was already turning a bright red as she stammered, “Oh! Oh- no… wait! Dad! Do something!”

But he couldn’t. Her paper-thin bra was dissolving too quickly, and feeling as if time had slowed in that instant, Dave watched helplessly as his daughter’s boobs began the inevitable fate of popping out of the tube top. The top dissolved right in the center where the oil was hitting it with it’s forceful stream. As the rest of the top snapped back like a rubber band and disappeared, her boobs fell down and outwards. It was the first time Dave had ever seen his step-daughter’s bare, C-sized, perky tits before, and they looked almost exactly as he had imagined they would.

“Oh my god!!!” she exclaimed in embarrassment.

With her breasts now completely exposed, Roxy kept trying to squirm her way out of the cuffs that were bound around her wrists while the oil continued to splash against her chest until her entire body was practically covered in oil. The shimmering oil caused her skin to look silky and smooth.

“Dad! This is so embarrassing!” Roxy said while holding back tears.

Dave kept his position as long as he could while the woman behind him continued to stroke his penis from outside of his pants. He was waiting, expecting the host to stop the challenge. Instead, there was what felt like a lifetime of his step-daughter squirming while her boobs were getting hammered by the oil. He looked up and noticed that one-and-a-half minutes had elapsed on the clock.

“What’s going on?” She asked.

The fake laugh track could be heard again.

Dave answered while struggling to keep his arms stiff to keep from hitting the ring again, “I guess we still have another minute! Hang on Roxy!”

The cat woman behind Dave unexpectedly wrapped all of her fingers around the rest of Dave’s costume and pulled it down aggressively. His erect penis shot out of the pants like a catapult as she pulled them off, and the pants ended up in a scrunched up mess around his knees. Dave felt beyond embarrassed that his penis and balls were now completely out in the open, and at the same time he felt helpless because he didn’t want to fail his step-daughter. He shouted in surprise while hitting the ring once more.

Roxy gasped, and Dave heard some silly sound effects play along with the laugh track again.

Roxy didn’t even notice that the cannon had moved again and was now shooting the oil directly at her belly button. She was still a little stunned after seeing her step-dad’s erect dick being slung out from beneath his costume.

“Roxy! Don’t, honey!” Was all that Dave could think to say to try and redirect her attention.

The host could be heard enthusiastically shouting in Japanese to the cameras.

As Roxy looked down to avert her gaze, Dave noticed why the challenge was still going. Evidently, her pink panties were made out of the same paper-like material as her tube top was. As she became completely soaked in the mineral oil, her panties had turned from light pink to dark and were starting to dissolve.

There was still at least thirty seconds left on the clock, and after Roxy realized that her panties were disappearing, she was beginning to feel like it was hopeless. The people that ran the game show knew that this would happen to her.

“No!” She screamed. She tried to sink as low as possible to give herself more time, knocking her knees together in the process.

While Dave tried to fight against his arm muscles aching from holding out the rod inside of the circle, the cute Japanese woman who had pulled down Dave’s costume had wrapped one of her dainty hands with long black fingernails around his cock and was stroking it slowly.

Oh god! That feels great, Dave thought to himself, but my daughter is the last person I would want seeing this! This is so fucked up…”

With the index finger of her other hand, the cat woman started playing with his butthole from behind which caused Dave to shout “Woah!” in surprise.

Even though it was out of the line of sight from Roxy, she could tell from the woman’s smiling face and her dad’s wide eyes that the woman had done something that shocked him. She watched her dad’s eyes roll back and his body involuntarily flinch which caused him to hit the ring again with the stick. The cannon started to move downwards again, directing the oil towards her crotch.

“Ohhh!” Roxy groaned in apprehension. The left strap of her panties had broken and for a moment, her vagina was only being covered by a small triangular piece of fabric being held up by the other strap. But it too fell away from her hips next, leaving her naked body completely exposed and covered in the shimmering oil. Dave dropped the stick and relaxed his arms knowing that he failed the challenge again. Amidst getting pleasured by the japanese woman’s hands, he couldn’t look away from the sight of seeing his step-daughter completely nude and with her nearly clean-shaven pussy tied up in front of him. The oil accentuated her smooth skin, and as he continued to get a handjob from behind, Dave found himself at the edge of orgasm. He tried his best to hold back because it was obviously something he didn’t want his step-daughter to witness.

A siren could be heard and as the cannon stopped shooting oil, several men with masks came in and began hitting Roxy with the ends of party horns over her naked body while the host shouted something in Japanese triumphantly. It was like adding insult to injury. She tried as much as she could to escape or hide her private parts but it was impossible.

In Japanese, the host and other set workers began counting down the time remaining on the clock. Dave noticed that he only had seconds to go. Unfortunately, he was so close to coming that the countdown in combination with his beautiful naked step-daughter in front of him only exacerbated the problem.

He couldn’t help it. It felt like the worst possible time as Dave felt the beginning of an inevitable ejaculation, yet because of the awkward circumstances, it also had the beginnings of what could be the best orgasm he had ever experienced. Though Roxy looked directly into his eyes to silently plead for help in her vulnerable state, she could only watch her dad’s body stiffen while his eyes closed in ecstasy. Moments later, he moaned and began to ejaculate. The Japanese woman behind him continued to smile whilst following through with his orgasm by continuing to stroke his cock as he ejaculated. He started tightening his kegel muscles and as a result could feel himself tighten his butthole around the cat woman’s finger. Some of his cum dripped down to the ground, while the rest covered her hands and after Dave’s orgasm had subsided, she finally let go and began to step out from behind him.

As Dave remained strung up and unable to do anything, he noticed that his step-daughter was still watching him, even while his dick hung down and began to go limp. He felt ashamed that she had seen him give in to the stranger. For the first time since the show began, the set was quiet enough that they could hear each other without yelling over the noise.

He stammered, “I’m so – I’m so sorry Roxy…”

She pursed her lips and continued to wiggle her body in hopes that her chains would become loose. “It’s okay, Dad,” she replied as if trying to give him some relief, “It’s not your fault.”

Dave appreciated the sentiment, but he knew that it was more complicated than that. He knew that it had to have been as awkward for her as it was for him.

“Last Stage! Coming up!” The host said as the game show music kicked in again. He said something in Japanese and again, it looked like the show was cutting to commercial, because a bunch of set helpers came back in and started working quickly to change things around.

To Dave’s relief, he saw that Roxy was getting her chains loosened and they began unlocking her cuffs. She went to cover her privates while another set worker brought her a towel to wrap up in.

Thank god… Dave thought to himself. He didn’t care what the last round was at that point, because he knew it couldn’t be worse than what had just transpired.

As Dave’s chains began to loosen, a set worker wrapped a blindfold around his head so that he couldn’t see anything. “Seriously?!” he shouted. He was then guided to lay back onto a table. They put a towel over his crotch to cover his jewels, and then shackled his limbs back in place so that he couldn’t move from his spot. He was in the very least relieved that he didn’t have to stand anymore and that his privates were covered up. It did make him feel as if he was being detained like a mentally ill patient in a hospital, and made him nervous for what could possibly come next.

Though he was blinded and secured for the next stage, Dave could hear some more commotion going on around him. He felt workers rubbing up against the table and shouting in Japanese to each other. He also heard his daughter say, “Wait, are you guys kidding?!”

Dave called out to her, “Roxy? What’s going on?”

To him, it sounded like she was struggling mildly and replied, “Dad? It’s not good! If you can, just -” Her voice was then muffled as if she was being restrained or had her mouth covered. He could hear her trying to talk through it, “Mpphh, mmmnnn!”

“Roxy?!” Dave shouted in concern. Roughly a minute went by with Dave only hearing Roxy’s muffled voice and commotion from the set helpers.

Suddenly, the game show music cut on again and the host could be heard talking enthusiastically. Dave was confused and worried about what would happen next, especially since he couldn’t see what they were setting up for next. The host then got closer to Dave and said in his broken English, “Last stage! For doubbah the money or four-thousand american bucks, you just have to finish!”

As if waiting for Dave to agree or disagree, there was silence from the host. Dave asked, “So if I quit, we won’t get the money? Is that what you are saying?”

“Yes!” the host answered.

Even though he knew Roxy couldn’t give her reply, Dave knew that they had already made it this far, and that she wanted the money. He nodded and replied, “Ah… fuck! Seriously? Uhhh… Why not? Roxy, we’ve already made it this far, right babe?!”

Some more corny sound effects began to play and Dave had his blindfold removed. He was immediately shocked to see that his step-daughter was being suspended directly above his head. She was still completely naked with her skin shimmering in oil from the last challenge, but now, she was bound with ropes so that her arms were tied behind her back and each leg was tied so that her heels were almost touching her butt. There were more ropes tied around her ankles that were pulling them up and outwards slightly. Without being able to close her legs, it was as if she was forced to take a kneeling position in mid air. She was elevated so high that her head was almost touching the ceiling, which appeared to be around two stories high.

“Oh my god! Roxy?! Are you okay?!” Dave shouted in shock.

She couldn’t reply with anything more than muffled moans and whimpers, because she was also being gagged by the same rope that restrained her arms and legs.

Dave looked around at his own state and noticed that the table he was laying on was shaped like a chalk outline of a person. This made it so that his arms, legs, and head each had their own platform, and each were strapped down in place.

“Ah, yes! Very gooood!” The host exclaimed. “Rules are simper. You answer the questions and the time goes faster. You have five minutes this time, but you can lose the stage in one minute! Ready? Go!”

“Uhh, wait, I don’t understand,” Dave asked in confusion, but it was too late. He knew that the challenge had already started because he could hear dramatic music kick in. Dave noticed that five minutes had started counting down on the wall-mounted digital clock again as the main rope that was suspending his step-daughter began slowly moving.

Roxy let out a muffled shout because her entire body jerked slightly as it began its descent. Dave was a little confused on what was going to happen to her if he should fail.

“Question one!” the host said while looking at a cue card and speaking into his golden microphone. “What is your daughter’s midder name?”

Dave knew the answer because it was a play on her first name, Roxy. He scoffed out of contempt for how he and his step-daughter were being treated, and replied, “It’s Anne.”

“Correct!” The host said and pointed towards the clock. Dave saw that 10 seconds were deducted from its total, though his bound step-daughter continued to be lowered slowly.

Only ten seconds?! Dave thought. He could tell that the cards were stacked against him again.

The host didn’t waste time in asking the next question, “Number two! What is your daughter’s birthday?”

“Oh… Uh…” Dave paused to think. He always had trouble remembering the birth year.

“You have five seconds to answer,” the Japanese man said.

“Shit! I know that it is April the twenty-second,” Dave said. “And I think it’s two-thousand-and-one.”

After a moment, a buzzer sound was heard and the host said with a chuckle, “No! It’s two-thousand. That’s so easy to remember!”

Dave cursed and he could hear his step-daughter moan and guessed she was trying to curse too.

“Next!” The host said, “What horoscope sign is her birthday? ”

“I don’t know that!”

Another buzzer was heard, and Dave noticed that he still had over four minutes on the clock, while Roxy was already getting close to being halfway down from the ceiling.

“What is her favorite corror?” the host asked.

Dave scowled and replied in anger, “Why are these all questions about her?! I think it’s pink!”


Dave saw that another ten seconds came off the clock, and he decided that they must have asked for all of this information from her at the beginning of the game show.

As his daughter was getting closer to him, Dave realized that her crotch was becoming increasingly closer to his face. He had tried to pretend like it wasn’t there, but now he couldn’t help but get a good glimpse of her pussy as it hovered overhead. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy his wife’s, but he had to admit to himself that Roxy’s was beautiful and looked distinctly different. He thought that it definitely looked more youthful. In his opinion, it was well-trimmed, and looked like it would be tight. Dave realized that he hadn’t seen one like that since his college years. Also, he noticed that he had never seen his step-daughter’s face from that angle before. With a face full of anxiety, and her mouth gagged, she still looked beautiful to Dave as she looked down at him from above. Her brown, wavy hair looked gorgeous as it hung down off her face.

“What is her best friend’s name?” The host asked.

Dave said the first name that came to memory, “Jordan?”

He knew he was wrong because Roxy moaned again through the rope in her mouth.

“It was…” the host struggled to read the name on his card, “Bran-dee?”

The host then said, “For super-high-risk-question! What is your daughter’s bra size?”

“Oh, what!? Why would I know that?!” Dave yelled in frustration. “I don’t know… B?”

A buzzer went off and all of a sudden Roxy rapidly dropped a foot. She let out another long muffled scream in surprise while Dave had to watch her body tense up and her boobs bounce for a moment as she settled again.

“Jesus!” He shouted out of instinct because of his many years of parental concern for her.

The host laughed, “It’s C! Very crose though!”

It became very clear to Dave at that point, that his step-daughter’s crotch was going to smash into his face should he fail the challenge, and she was only a few feet away with well over 3 minutes still left on the clock.

The host said mockingly, “Uh oh… She very crose now. Rooks rike you can’t miss one more!”

The fake laugh track came on again which only intended to add to Dave and Roxy’s humiliation.

Roxy began letting out a constant muffled moan in complaint of her current circumstance. Dave also let his feelings be known by shouting, “You guys are sick! Come on!”

The host read another question, “How many men has your daughter had sex with?”

“That’s none of your business!” Dave shouted. He saw that his step-daughter was also shaking her head and her face continued to grow more flushed by the second.

Dave knew that she had mentioned having a boyfriend before, so he figured that he would start guessing from there.

“Fine. I’ll say one?” Dave replied.

“No,” the host said.



“Uh, Three then?”

The host laughed, “No!”

“Jesus,” Dave said. “I don’t want to know then…”

Roxy kept shaking her head and kept trying to speak while her mouth was gagged. “MMnn, Mphhf!”

After the host had stopped laughing, he told Dave, “It is zero!”

Dave felt so stupid. He had no idea that she was still a virgin. He felt both relieved and embarrassed that he hadn’t thought to say that first. He took a moment to view his step-daughter in a new light. As he tried to look her in the eyes from below, he had to try hard to look past her open legs, and even then, his line of sight was slightly obscured by her tits.

It made Dave feel more strange knowing that his virgin step-daughter was soon going to be sitting on his face and there was nothing he could do about it. He knew that she surely wouldn’t want her step-father to be the first man to bury his face in her crotch. Yet, as her knees passed either side of Dave’s head, he could feel blood begin to flow into his penis again, and his dick started to make a small tent with the towel that was draped over his midsection. His eyes became locked onto her pussy which was now inches away from his face.

“Uh oh!” The host said mockingly.

Roxy’s eyes became huge as she began to scream through the rope that gagged her mouth. She began trying to escape, or to move her body away even though she knew it was hopeless. She could already feel the sides of his father’s face begin to rub against her inner thighs and it tickled immensely. Then, she was plopped down to rest on his mouth as the rope that held her up stopped moving and kept her in place. Though her step-dad couldn’t hear her, she had paused her muffled screams and taken a sharp breath in from feeling her most private area being forced down onto a man’s mouth. Though she knew it wasn’t right, it still tickled her in the best way possible.

The first thing Dave noticed was the smell of it. Her pussy smelled pungently sweet, but wasn’t too overpowering. He found it quite pleasant and felt guilty for thinking so. He tried to keep his mouth and face as still as possible, because he didn’t want to give the game host or audience any satisfaction, nor did he feel it was right if he were to give his step-daughter any either. Dave guessed that she was either being tickled or was still trying to escape, because she began gyrating her hips and was essentially humping his face. Dave thought to himself that if she didn’t like what was happening, she was just making it harder on herself. Her pussy lips kept rubbing up and down his face, from chin to nose and Dave could feel the warmth and wetness of her lips and the light greasiness of the oil that still coated her body.

He was struggling to breathe through his nose whilst being smothered by the space between her legs, and tried to say, “Roxy! Stop moving!” But of course it only came out as, “Rmm! Shh Mmnn!”

As she continued to groan or moan and thrust her pelvis around, the game show host approached Dave and began tapping him on the forehead with his finger. He said, “Don’t worry Dad, only two minutes left now!”

What the fuck? Dave thought to himself, He didn’t tell me I’d have to wait until the time was up!

Apparently Roxy had heard him too because she began screaming louder through her gag while thrashing around.

Dave began cursing the man out, and while all of his words came out muffled, he couldn’t help but notice that his step-daughter had stopped squirming while he did it. Confused as to why she had stopped, he looked up at her to see her looking down at him. As they locked eyes with each other, Dave discovered why she had stopped. Him humming and moving his mouth must have made her feel good. She had a look of confusion that Dave read as, “Are you doing that on purpose?”

Suddenly, Dave began to feel something sharp digging into both of his thighs. It caused him to shout in anger, which caused him to vibrate her pussy even more with his muffled lips. In reaction, Roxy had looked straight forward and was trying to make sense of what she was feeling. Obviously, she knew that it was wrong to take any satisfaction from her predicament.

The host said to Dave with a smile, “The cat woman is back!” He then appeared to repeat the same in Japanese to the audience.

As Dave began to feel the towel over his midsection begin to get pulled down slowly, he found himself humming even more against his step-daughter’s pussy in an attempt to reply to the situation in refusal. He only received Roxy’s muffled shout back that he knew translated to, “Dad!” in her attempt to get him to stop doing whatever he was doing, because each time that he did, it obviously made her feel uncomfortable.

He couldn’t believe that he had allowed himself to get into the current situation. He had always wanted to protect his daughter from any harm or humiliation, and yet, to find himself with his face buried in her crotch involuntarily was the most embarrassing experience he had ever had. He felt like he had failed as a step-father, and that this one game show was taking all of his pride away. He could only imagine how Roxy was feeling.

Because Dave wasn’t able to see what was happening to him from the neck down, he could only guess that the hand grabbing his dick belonged to the Japanese cat woman from earlier. He felt something warm and wet envelope the head of his penis, and knew immediately that it must have been the woman’s mouth.

“Mmmm,” Dave moaned.

Roxy took in another sharp breath, which made Dave question why she was so sensitive to any stimulation. He decided that he was going to try and contain all of his emotion just in case. Unfortunately, the cat woman was too good and knew what her job entailed.

She began squeezing Dave’s balls, rubbing his chest, and tickled his sides and thighs. As hard as Dave tried to contain himself, he couldn’t help but moan out in pleasure, and as result, Roxy would have to deal with her pussy being stimulated by his mouth.

“Uh oh!” The host shouted again mockingly, “Time for them to enter… the danger zone. Things will get harder now until the crock hits zero!”

Harder? Dave thought to himself. He thought that there couldn’t possibly be much time left to go. Maybe a minute at the most.

While continuing to get his penis sucked by who he could only hope was the cat woman, over the view of his step-daughter’s thighs he could barely make out that two stage hands had entered from either side. They were cutting the ropes that were holding Roxy’s ankles up behind her back. Dave felt her feet grace his arms and on either side of his body as they fell to either side of the table. She appeared to let out a sigh of relief while moaning to show that she had become more comfortable. Then while her arms remained tied behind her back, her legs were guided forward until they were hanging down on either side of his head so that now she was essentially straddling her father’s face. Her legs were free, but were still not able to touch the ground. The full weight of her body was bearing down on where her crotch met her step-father’s face. With her hands tied and mouth gagged, she had a feeling that things were far from being over.

The host could be heard chiming in while playing to the audience, “Wow! This is amazing! In the danger zone, the time goes slower…”

Dave wondered if he had heard the man correctly.

“One minute,” the host said while peeking down at Dave’s face, “becomes five!”

Dave caught his step-daughter looking down at him to return the same, sorry and defeated eyes that he had too. Though they both knew that the twisted game show would look perverse and funny to anyone watching, they also knew that it was becoming too deeply personal of an experience to forget. Dave would never again be able to forget the smell, feel, and look of Roxy’s vagina. Likewise, she surely wouldn’t be able to forget how her step-father’s face felt buried in her crotch, or the sight of him ejaculating at the hand of a young, japanese woman.

Suddenly, a fake thunderous noise was heard while the lights of the studio began flashing.

“Oh no!” the host shouted, “It’s an earthquake!”

Though Dave couldn’t look around much, he noticed that Roxy had become panicked. There was a continuous roar of fake thunder that was meant to simulate an earthquake, then Dave’s head began to move. It became obvious to Dave that it was just another part of the show. A motor inside of his headrest began to shake his head about as if it were a paint can getting shaken.

Both Roxy and Dave began yelling in surprise which of course translated into muffled moaning.

While Dave felt his mouth and nose hammering against Roxy’s now wet pussy lips, he could tell that her body was also reverberating. The vibrations were so strong that her thighs jiggled and her legs and feet were bouncing about on either side of his head. Even her upper body was shaking from the vibration which caused her tits to bounce around as well. Though Dave could barely see anything at all now, he could still barely make out his step-daughter looking down at him with her eyes half-closed and her hair dancing around and off her face. He could tell that she was fighting the pleasure, much like he had done in the last challenge.

Meanwhile, Dave continued to receive oral pleasure from the cat lady. Though he had already come just minutes ago, he could feel himself getting aroused enough to the possibility of it happening again. He felt the woman start playing with his balls, and Dave knew that if the host was right about their minute turning into five, that it would be a long and hard five minutes to go now.

Dave heard the host speak again.

“Let’s hear what the daughter has to say!”

While her now incredibly wet pussy continued to bounce against his face, Dave looked up to see that his step-daughter’s gag was being removed.

Through the gyrations of her body, she attempted to speak for the first time since the challenge started.

“Puh-puh-please…” she squeaked out through the pleasure, “sta-stop.”

The host laughed and looked into the cameras while saying, “Oh?! She wants to stop!”

Dave was surprised to see her having so much trouble staying composed. She kept inhaling sharply and would moan occasionally, “ugh…”

For some reason it was only turning Dave on more.

“Just look!” the host spoke while placing his cheek up against hers and pointing to the clock, “Only four minutes left! If you can’t make it, you ruse the money. Just make it to zero, and you win!”

Roxy closed her eyes while continuing to breathe laboriously. “You… pro-promise? Na-na-no more games?”

The host nodded while smiling and stepping away. “Of course! No more!”

Dave continued to get his brain rattled while his head was forced to vibrate uncontrollably. All the while, he had to listen to his step-daughter occasionally moan and tighten her thighs against his head to try and control her emotions. To Dave, it seemed like she began to accept that the pleasure was too much. As Dave’s mouth would come into certain positions against her pussy, he could gauge by her reactions whether it felt good to her or not. He held one of those positions for a moment as a test, and Roxy picked up on it.

She looked down at Dave and furled her brow, because she knew that he was doing it on purpose.

“Are-are you…?” She asked him just loud enough to be heard through the game show music that was playing all around.

Since her step-father obviously couldn’t reply, she just continued to lock eyes with him for a while to try and read his response. She felt his tongue begin to slowly beat against her clitoris while he moaned, and it became clear to her what his intentions were. Though she wasn’t sure what was driving him to do so, she could tell that he was trying to make her orgasm, and it was working. She tilted her head back and began shaking it back and forth as in disbelief of what was happening.

Several minutes went by, and Dave felt like he was getting the life sucked out of him in the best way possible. He knew that he was on the edge of coming again, and hearing each moan that Roxy made only brought him closer. He had never come into a woman’s mouth before, and the thought of doing so made it even harder.

Roxy’s expression had changed. For the past few minutes, she would close her eyes for a long period and concentrate deeply. Dave wasn’t sure if she was fighting the urge to orgasm or not, but her face was intense. When she would open her eyes, she would look down into Dave’s eyes as if begging him not to stop. At least, that’s how he interpreted it, because as he continued to lick her clitoris, she never told him to stop doing so. All the while, he felt like his brains were being vibrated into mush.

He glanced over and could see that less than a minute remained on the clock. He noticed out of the corner of his vision that the host had a goofy expression, placating to the audience.

Suddenly, his step-daughter began to shudder. Her body began to shake lightly and her thighs tightened around Dave’s head. He felt like his head was going to get crushed like a walnut. She locked her eyes with his, through her locks of hair hanging down, and opened her mouth wide. Dave knew then that she was coming.

“Ohhh…ohhhh…” She moaned louder and louder as the surge of pleasure began to hit.

Her entire body started to shake uncontrollably, and Dave could even feel her pussy convulsing around his mouth.

“OH! Fuuu…” She weakly shouted, unable to control herself.

Dave began to follow suit because the sensory input was too much. His balls were being lightly tugged on and fondled, while his cock was being sucked by a woman with a PhD in blowjobs. The smell of his step-daughter’s pussy, and knowing how turned on she was because of how wet it felt being pressed against his face. Feeling and seeing her body convulse while hearing her moan out in pleasure from what may be the best, and first real orgasm she’s ever had. All of it was too much for Dave. He began to come too.

His toes curled and he felt the electricity begin running down his spine. He didn’t usually make noises when he orgasmed, but he felt like he couldn’t control himself at that moment. Would his face not be smothered, he would have shouted, “Ahhh…. Shhhhhhit!”, but of course it was muffled. As he felt himself ejaculating into the warm and wet mouth of the cat woman, he lost all care of where he was at or the situation he found himself in. He allowed himself to let go and enjoy the few seconds of immense pleasure he was feeling. Then, when the tingling stopped, he finally snapped back to reality and surveyed the aftermath.

The timer had finally gotten down to zero, and the vibrating stopped. Roxy’s crotch was still pressed up against his face, and now that he had come, he had no desire to be in that position anymore. He just wanted to breathe again. Roxy and him made eye contact again for a few seconds. She looked and was breathing like she had just gotten done running a mile.

As Dave continued to smell the strongly sweet aroma of her pussy, she said, “Did…did that really just happen?”

As Roxy began to get slowly hoisted off Dave’s face, the show workers came and moved her over to the side to start untying her. It was the first time Dave could look down at his own crotch. He saw his now semi-hard dick flop out of the cute Japanese woman’s mouth. She winked and smiled at him, and he couldn’t help but smirk back at her in amazement of her talent.

After another awkward minute of getting them both back to their changing rooms while naked, Dave and Roxy change back into their street clothes and emerge from their rooms backstage.

They both look at each other as if trying to gauge what the other is thinking. As they approach, Dave’s instincts are to hug her. She embraces the hug and shoves her face into his shirt. For a good while they stay like that.

“D-dad?” She began to say.

Dave knew that she felt weird calling him that after everything that had just transpired.

“What do we do now?”

He assumed that she was asking because of how hard it would be to forget, and how hard it would be to tell anybody, especially her mother, about what had happened.

“Look, honey – I mean, Roxy…” Dave said while pulling her away in a serious manner, “We didn’t know that was going to happen. You know I love you, and the fact is, that we aren’t really biologically related. I think we should just pretend that we are two grown adults that went on a perverted game show together, and that’s all. Nobody has to know what happened, and it won’t change how I feel about you.”

Dave knew it would be hard to forget how she smelled, or how her orgasm face looks, or just about anything else from that day, but he hoped that it wouldn’t ruin their relationship.

She must have agreed with what he said, because she smiled and gave him another big hug.

The host appeared backstage while clapping his hands. “Good Job! Good job!” He repeated. He then pulled out a stack of cash from his coat pocket and handed it to Roxy.

“The money as promised!” He said. “You both deserve it. What a show!”

Roxy felt dirty taking the money, and only smiled awkwardly. Dave wasn’t smiling at all. Even though it was a thrill of sorts, he hated the man for not being forthcoming with the show.

Dave tells Roxy to go ahead so he could stay and talk to the host. “Just one second!” He tells her as she leaves the backstage door.

Dave asks the host, “Was that really on TV?”

The host smiles and replies, “Hooooyyy! You no think so?” After a moment he answers with a laugh, “No. We can’t put that on TV here!”

Dave shook his head, he was confused on how they got the money for the show, or how they pay the contestants.

“Do you want a copy of the video though?” The host asked Dave.

Dave scoffed and said, “What?! Why would I?” But after a few seconds of mulling it over, he thought about how amazing it could be to rewatch it anytime he wanted to.

“Why, how much is it?” Dave asked.

The host smiled and said, “$5,000!”