A Week at the Lake Cabin

Author’s Note #1 — The following story is an actual fantasy of mine based on real events. Similar to my previous story about my mother-in-law, the characters in the story are based on my wife’s actual family, and they are described and presented almost exactly how they are in real life. As they say, “write what you know,” right? 😉

Author’s Note #2 — Not too far into this story, there is a conversation between three women. This is based on an actual conversation that I had the (mis?)fortune of being around for. As well, there is a video mentioned in the story, which is also based on a real video. These two things brought to life a new fantasy for me, and now here it is in writing.

Author’s Note #3 — This is also my submission for the 2021 Summer Lovin’ contest. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 🙂

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A Week at the Lake Cabin

“Hurry the fuck up, Jordan!” my wife yelled from the bottom of the stairs across the house.

“I’m pushing as best as I can, Melissa!” I yelled back from my porcelain throne. This was the third time I’d been in the bathroom in the last two hours; my body kept reminding me of how nervous I was in the form of shit, despite being in a hurry now. The whole family was packed and ready to go on our first road trip in over two years, because now that the Covid lockdowns had been lifted, everybody in the whole area was ready to go out and see distant family members, just in time for summer.

For me, however, I was especially nervous, as I normally am every time I know I’m going to see my wife’s sister, Jessica. God damn how badly I wanted to see her again. I couldn’t wait to see her beautiful face, give her a big hug and feel her gigantic natural breasts press up against me. Seeing her is always a great highlight in my life.

When I was finally finished in the bathroom, I wiped my ass, flushed the toilet, and washed my hands thoroughly, which has now become a very common thing since everyone basically had to be taught all over again how to wash their hands. I exited the bathroom and made my way down the hallway, and as I turned the corner, I looked down the stairs and saw my wife standing there, hands on her hips scowling at me. Her blonde ponytail was messier than it was a few minutes ago, like she had been roughing up her hair in frustration. She was wearing a black tank top of her favorite rock band, highlighting her alabaster skin. It loose fitting for the hot weather, displaying her sexy black and grey floral chest tattoo, which merged into her cherry blossom half-sleeves, as well as decent cleavage from her big (but still smaller than her sister’s) 38DDs.

“You and your fucking ass are going to make us hit heavy traffic now,” she scolded. “I knew we should’ve gotten up earlier. I knew we sh…”

Blah blah blah nag nag nag. That’s all I could hear anymore at this point. “Whatever, I’m sorry, let’s just go,” I said. Sometimes I feel like I picked the wrong sister for a number of reasons, but to be honest, Melissa was a good person and a great wife. She’s just easily frustrated and impatient, which often sets me off. I put on my shoes, locked the door, and followed Melissa to our still-running SUV, where our six and ten-year-old son and daughter were waiting patiently in the back seat, enjoying the air conditioning and the sounds of whatever was playing in their earbuds.

I hopped into the driver’s seat and Melissa got in the passenger seat. I turned to my children to make sure their seatbelts were on, they smiled and gave me a thumbs up, then diverted their attention back to their entertainment devices. I smiled back and began to roll out of the driveway. The kids and I waved goodbye to the neighbor’s husky laying down in their yard, enjoying the late morning sun.

As we navigated around our suburban streets, we looked at all the people out enjoying the hot weather. Children playing in yard sprinklers, men and women out jogging, some with their dogs. But as we turned onto a main road, suddenly I was tasked with weaving through the heavy traffic that Melissa warned me about.

“See?” she scolded. “I fucking told you. I knew this was going to happen. I knew th…”

Oh my god… just shut the fuck up, I thought. I swear to fucking god I will tie you to a chair and fuck your sister right in front of you.

Thankfully, once we were out of the city and on the long, smooth highway, her nagging stopped. Now we were able to enjoy the ten hour drive to the lake, where I had rented a large cabin there for the week. All I could think about was what Jessica would be wearing. Would she still wear that one piece bathing suit that showed off her massive cleavage? Or did she finally gain more confidence in her body during the pandemic to wear a bikini? My dick started to harden in my pants as I thought about her, and how much I would love to fuck those gorgeous globes of hers, or watch them bounce as she rode on my cock. I reached down to adjust it, and Melissa looked at me.

“Mmmm what are you thinking about?” she smirked, reaching her hand over to my crotch and began caressing my staff.

“Heh, nothing,” I laughed and allowed her to continue rubbing my cock over my shorts. I continued to think about Jessica as my cock hardened even more underneath my wife’s hand. I thought about the one and only time I ever got to touch her tits over her shirt, one time at a party that we were at together 15 years ago. Melissa smiled as she kept rubbing my solid phallus, but then my son yelled out from behind her that he had to pee.

We continued on down the road, only stopping for bathroom breaks twice and gas once. The signs along the road directed towards Christina Lake, our final destination. I carefully maneuvered the SUV down the small winding roads of the park. I opened up the windows to allow the smells of the lake and trees to fill the vehicle, and slowly drove by families and couples as they walked on the tiny dirt road, enjoying the early evening air.

I navigated down a few forks in the road until we finally arrived at our cabin. It was a large and beautiful two-story log structure that could pass off as a house. Jessica’s blue Jetta was already parked in front. The kids cheered with excitement as we approached the glorious building that we were about to spend the next week living in.

The four of us exited the vehicle, and I began taking our luggage out of the back. I heard the front door of the cabin open and looked up to see Jessica leaning against one of the pillars at the top of the small wooden staircase.

“Took you guys long enough,” she laughed, her long auburn hair flowed in the small breeze blowing through the trees. Her arms were crossed over her loose pink tank top, showing off her black bra straps and cleavage that could swallow a beer bottle.

“Yeah, we didn’t leave as early as we wanted,” Melissa said, then glared at me. I rolled my eyes. Fuck… don’t start now. I set the big adult luggage case on the dirt as the kids grabbed theirs and scampered up the stairs, each giving Jessica a big hug before running inside.

Melissa went up the stairs and gave her sister a hug, and I stared and watched as their large breasts pressed up against each other. I began carrying the heavy luggage up the stairs and when Melissa went inside, I set it down beside the porch swing. Jessica smiled at me and outstretched her arms. It seemed that a combination of the pandemic and being single slightly enlarged her already beautiful curvaceous body, which in turn seemed to also enlarge her chest even more than it already was. I took a very quick glance down into her deep breast chasm and opened my arms up as well and wrapped them around her. I pulled her close and sighed with happiness as I felt her watermelon tits squish up against me. She hugged me tightly back.

“It’s been so long,” I said, still hugging her, “what a ridiculous couple years this has been.”

Jessica released me from her embrace and smiled. “It really has. Come on, I’ve already got the barbeque ready for you,” she said, winking. I picked up the luggage and followed her inside the cabin. Melissa was already busy wrangling our hyperactive son, who was sliding down the banister of the spiral staircase in the foyer, while our daughter sat quietly on the loveseat, playing a game on her tablet.

I made my way up the staircase, and down the hallway towards the bedrooms, rolling the luggage along the hardwood floor. The two doors on the right and the second door on the left were the bedrooms, while the first door on the left was the bathroom, which appeared to already be occupied. That’s odd. I thought everyone was downstairs. I went past the bathroom and entered the bedroom beside it, tossing the luggage onto the bed. I had just begun unpacking the bag when I heard the toilet flush next door. The bathroom door soon creaked open and I continued unpacking the bag, then I heard a familiar voice.

“Uncle Jordan!”

I looked up from the bag, knowing the voice belonged to Jessica’s daughter, Ashley. Expecting to see the same scrawny little adolescent girl that used to babysit my daughter so many years ago, my eyes widened at the sight of a full grown adult woman smiling in the doorway, arm stretched up and grasping the top door jamb. It indeed was Ashley, but certainly not the Ashley I remembered. It had only been two years since I’d seen her, but she had grown at least a foot and was nearly as tall as me now, but that wasn’t the part I noticed the most.

Ashley had clearly inherited her mother’s most prominent gene over the last couple years, and her bright lime green tank top did a terrible job of hiding this fact. Her soft chestnut hair draped just past her lightly tanned shoulders and caressed her generous cleavage. I noticed a tattoo of a rose on her right thigh just underneath her denim shorts as she dug her toes into the carpet and outstretched her arms.

“Oh my god, Ashley!” I cried, opening up my arms as well. Ashley ran up to me and gave me a big hug. I wrapped my arms around her slender abdomen, and it occurred to me that this was the first time in nearly ten years since I was able to touch my elbows when hugging another adult. “I thought you had gone to Vancouver already,” I said.

Ashley let go of me and smiled. “No, my classes don’t start until September. I’m staying with mom as long as I can before I have to fend for myself,” she laughed.

“Well it’s so great to see you,” I said. “You’ve certainly gotten taller since I last saw you.” I wasn’t going to mention the other part about her that grew substantially.

Ashley smiled again. “Yeah, it was weird. It all happened so fast after 10th grade. Mom and I had to go shopping a lot to keep replacing my clothes.”

“Ah, the joys of growing up,” I chuckled. “Well, you’re 18 now, so you should probably be done growing soon.” I did everything in my power to keep looking at her young, shimmering green eyes. My eyes darted down ever so slightly, but I managed to only glance at the single freckle underneath her right eye on her otherwise clear-skinned face.

“Yeah, me too,” she said. “But I’m gonna head downstairs now. I wanna see the kids.” She smiled and added, “I’m looking forward to your burgers,” then turned around and left the bedroom.

Holy fucking hell, I thought. What a week this is going to be…

— — — — —

The screams of laughter from the beach was a delight to hear. I leaned forward along the wooden railing of the back deck overlooking the crystal blue lake. My son and daughter were playing in the sand with a half dozen other kids from nearby cabins as the sun began to set on the left of the lake. It was a glorious sight that I had been waiting too long to see.

I turned around and sat down in my patio chair, grasping my beer off the circular table and taking a large sip while it was still cold. Jessica, Ashley, and Melissa were having girl talk, and I tried not to listen, but now and then they would say something that made my ears perk.

“You really went from apples to honeydews awfully fast,” Melissa laughed. Ashley smiled and blushed.

“It was ridiculous!” Jessica responded. “I had to take her out for a new bra fitting every three months! Do you have any idea what that’s like during a pandemic?”

“Well, I think they’re done growing now,” Ashley said.

“Yeah, just in time for you to fuck off after I already bought all those damn boulder holders,” Jessica chuckled.

“What size did you end up with?” Melissa asked.

“The bra I’m wearing right now is 30G,” Ashley replied. “I have a 28H upstairs too, and I think that one fits better.”

I tried to ignore the conversation, because my dick was enjoying it way too much. I was surrounded by three pairs of big tits being proudly displayed in their tank tops and I couldn’t do a damn thing about it. Instead, I pulled my phone out from my pocket and began to play on it.

Melissa looked at me and laughed. “Ha! Is our conversation making you uncomfortable, dear?”

“Um, a little,” I replied. I began scrolling through my icons to find a game to play, and Ashley glanced over at my phone.

“Oh, you’re on Snapchat?” she asked.

“Eh, sort of,” I replied. “I don’t use it very often.”

“Add me anyway,” Ashley said. She held her phone and opened up her app, allowed her friend code to be visible, then set it on the table. I scanned her code and just like that, we became friends on Snapchat. Ashley smiled and picked up her phone, leaned back and continued chatting with her mom and aunt.

I stayed on the Snapchat app and decided to take a look at Ashley’s story for the day. Upon opening it up, I had to stop my jaw from hitting the deck. She had created a video of herself earlier this afternoon, and posted it four hours ago. She had set her phone to lean up against the umbrella pole in the patio table, pointing towards the lake.

In the video, Ashley was wearing a white and red striped bikini, holding up a pair of tits that seemed even bigger than they did sitting in front of me here, and showing off a silver belly button piercing. She began to dance in the video, sometimes cute and sweet, but mostly quite seductive, gyrating her hips, raising her elbows and pumping out her chest. But near the end of the video, she started doing the floss dance. While doing this particular dance, her giant tits would bounce out of control inside of that gorgeous bikini. Occasionally she would look down at them while they bounced, then smiled seductively at her audience. I never would’ve expected such a silly dance to be so sexy. At the end of the approximately three minute video, she approached the camera, placed her hands on her thighs, and leaned forward so her tits hung down, being pushed together by her upper arms. She smiled, blew a kiss at the camera, then stopped the video.

I couldn’t believe what I had just watched. More specifically, my dick couldn’t believe it either. It began to grow instantly in my shorts, and I couldn’t do anything about it. I turned off the app and began playing a game on my phone.

But that didn’t last long. I needed to see that video again. As the women kept talking in front of me at the table, I opened Snapchat on my phone and watched Ashley dancing with her big tits bouncing. With her final pose, I couldn’t take it anymore; my level of arousal was through the roof. I knew I needed to cum right then. I picked up my phone and got up from my chair.

“Where are you going, hun?” Melissa asked.

“Just gotta use the bathroom, I’ll be back soon,” I replied. I glanced down Ashley and Jessica’s shirts as I walked past them, then headed back into the cabin.

Gripping my phone, I ran up the stairs and darted into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I stood my phone up on the towel rack and pulled my shorts down to the floor. I turned on Ashley’s Snapchat story and began rubbing the head of my dick. It took no time at all to stand up straight while looking at her amazing body, and I stroked it vigorously to the video of my wife’s niece. Wait… my wife’s niece…


“Would you like to hold her, Jordan?” Jessica’s exhausted face was pale, yet at the same time, she’d never looked so alive as she cradled the little bundled hospital blanket. Tiny gurgling sounds rose up from the bundle.

“I… don’t know…” I stuttered. I’d never held a baby before. I was only 16, but I was the youngest in my family and never had any younger siblings or cousins. I let go of Melissa’s hand and stretched out my arms. Jessica smiled and extended the little eight pound bundle to me, and I gently cradled it in my arms. Little baby Ashley, with her tiny wrinkled face, could barely open her eyes, but when she did, I could swear she looked right at me when she cooed.


I stopped stroking my cock. This isn’t right… I can’t do this… I finished watching Ashley’s video and appreciated the mature woman she had grown into, but the fact remains… she’s still my niece, even if only by marriage. I closed the app on my phone and allowed my dick to soften, then flushed the unused toilet and washed my hands.

I headed back downstairs and back onto the deck, where the adult women were still talking and giggling.

Ashley laughed, “And my tattoo was fresh at the time, so it stung when his cum landed on it. I panicked and tried to wipe it off quickly, but again, the tattoo was fresh, so when I rubbed it too hard, it hurt even more.” What the fuck did I just walk into?

“You poor girl,” Melissa laughed.

“Like, that’s the first time a guy ever popped out of me while he was on top,” Ashley giggled. “It usually happens when I’m on top.”

I threw my arms up in the air. “Why did I bother coming back out here?” I cried, then went back inside the cabin. I could hear the women laughing behind me as I closed the door. I plopped my ass down on the black fabric sofa and turned on the TV, which was mounted on the wall above a fake fireplace.

I scrolled through the guide until I found something I was interested in watching, then allowed it to play in the background while I played games on my phone. But I remained distracted; I couldn’t stop thinking about Ashley, and the type of woman she very vocally turned out to be. She was no longer that tiny baby that I swaddled on the day of her birth. She was no longer that darling toddler that would play tag with me in the back yard. She was no longer that sweet angel who drew me a “Best Uncle Ever” picture that we still have on our fridge at home.

No… she was now a grown-ass woman. And she loved cock.

A lot.

I opened up Snapchat and watched Ashley’s sexy dancing again. It occurred to me that I had a new fantasy now. I had wanted Jessica for nearly 20 years, and her tits may be massive, but I’ve never seen her do things like this before. Ashley was very proud of her slender, heavy chested body, and she knew exactly how to use it. Surely she had to know all of her guy friends on Snapchat were blowing their loads to this video, and I decided again to be one of them. I wasn’t going to let my past with her get in the way of this glorious orgasm.

But no sooner had I gotten up off the couch, than the door burst open and my kids came running in, followed by the adults. It was getting dark out, and it was time for everyone to go to bed. Ashley flashed me a suspicious grin as she walked up the spiral staircase behind her mom.

— — — — — —

The kids were now asleep in their room, Ashley and Jessica were in their room, and Melissa and I were laying in our bed, playing on our phones and enjoying the sound and smell of the lake and trees pouring in through the open window.

“First day is over already,” I said. “Looking forward to enjoying a full day tomorrow.”

“Yes, me too,” Melissa replied. “I can’t believe how much Ashley grew up.”

“Yeah, wow,” I sighed, thinking about her video again. “Kids should just never grow up and stay sweet and innocent forever.”

“Heh, if only…” Melissa sighed back. We continued to play on our phones for about another half an hour, then she turned hers off and was ready for bed. I put my phone away and sunk my head into the pillow. I opened up my arm and allowed Melissa to place her head on my chest, then I squeezed her close and allowed her to fall asleep on me.

After a few minutes, I rolled Melissa off of me so I could try to sleep on my side. But I wasn’t tired at all, and I kept tossing and turning for nearly an hour. I knew what I needed to do to fall asleep.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and got out of the bed. I was only wearing my boxer shorts, so when I opened up the door, I looked around to make sure it was clear, then I went into the bathroom and locked the door. I placed my phone on the towel rack, opened up Snapchat, and began playing Ashley’s story.

I dropped my boxers to the floor and began stroking my dick as I watched my sister-in-law’s daughter dancing on our cabin’s deck. Swaying her sexy body and bouncing her big natural tits in her bikini, I knew this was going to be a good orgasm.

By the time her video was over, I had reached full hardness, and I tapped left on the screen until it went back to the beginning of the video. Ashley began dancing and bouncing her tits again, and I pumped my solid cock with both hands. Soon it had reached the end of the video again, with Ashley blowing her kiss to the camera as she pressed her tits together with her upper arms.

I was going to cum soon. I grabbed a tissue out of the box on the sink and started her video over again, then continued to vigorously pump my cock. I was entranced and captivated by her body. Her soft brown hair danced along with her, and I thought about how those beautiful soft tits were just in the room across from me, and about how she was probably sleeping naked as my point of no return approached.

The end of the video was nearing, and as Ashley began doing her floss dance, causing her big young tits to bounce and wobble, I placed the tissue over the head of my cock as I continued pumping with my right hand. As Ashley approached the camera and leaned forward with her hands on her thighs, the pleasure surged through my body as I felt my cock empty itself into the tissue. I let out a quiet moan as it pumped and pulsed more and more semen into it. I rewound her video a couple clips so I could watch her bend over one last time while I jerked out the last few globs.

Satisfied with my intense ejaculation, I wiped the remaining cum driblets from my tip, then flushed the tissue down the toilet and washed my hands. I put my phone to sleep, then went back into the bedroom where I could sleep as well. I was out like a light within seconds and slept like a baby.

— — — — —

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my son yelling down the hallway. God dammit, it better not fucking be 5am. I rolled over to put my arm around Melissa, but she was no longer in the bed. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. 10:12am. Holy shit, I haven’t slept in that late in years.

I grabbed a fresh shirt from my luggage and got changed. My son continued to hoot and holler in the living room and I heard my wife trying to convince him to go play outside. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I looked towards the kitchen and saw Ashley sitting with her phone at the large oval table in the middle. Today her tank top color of choice was pink, and displayed the same beautiful cleavage she had yesterday. She flashed me a sexy smile and went back to her phone.

Jessica was in front of the stove, making pancakes and adding to the half foot-tall stack beside her on the counter.

“Good morning, Jordan,” she said. “Looks like you slept well.”

After jerking off to your daughter’s body, who wouldn’t? “Yes, I really did,” I replied. “I haven’t slept that good in a long time.” Jessica turned around, holding the plate of pancakes in front of her and set it down in front of Ashley. Jessica was wearing an old faded white baggy T-shirt and clearly no bra, causing her massive hangers to wobble and sway behind her shirt as she spun around and went back to the stove. It pleases me to know she’s comfortable like that around me, given our previous history together. I had once overheard her telling Melissa that she wore a 34K. I never really believed they were truly that big, but bras don’t lie, and watching them sway like that confirmed that they probably were that size.

Now those genes have been passed down yet another generation. First my mother-in-law Angela, then her two daughters, and now her oldest granddaughter. I never expected I would be so blessed to end up marrying into such a large breasted family, but that’s just how things work, sometimes.

Melissa and the children scampered into the kitchen and began helping themselves to the pancakes and syrup. The children, already in their swimming clothes, sat down in the living room while the adults sat at the big table in the kitchen. Ashley sat across from me and delicately cut into her pancakes, while her mom and aunt tore through them with their forks. I tried not to look at her or her cleavage, but it was particularly difficult given our seating arrangement.

The kids had finished devouring their breakfast and began jumping up and down in front of their mom, begging for popsicles.

Melissa giggled, “Yes, of course you can have popsicles, but you have to eat them outside.” The kids responded with a simple head nod. Melissa pushed her nearly empty plate in my direction for me to finish it, then walked to the freezer to retrieve a couple of popsicles for the children.

“Don’t worry hon, I’ll do the dishes,” I said. Melissa and the kids went back onto the deck, and I heard them parade down the steps towards the beach to eat their treat and continue with their sand castles, which I imagine disappeared overnight with the tide.

Ashley finished her pancakes first, then leaned back and stretched, pushing her breasts out. I discreetly peered up from my plate to take a quick glance, and I knew I needed to watch her video one last time before it disappeared from Snapchat. I excused myself from the table and placed my plate in the sink, and moseyed on up the stairs into the bathroom.

I sat down on the toilet and took out my phone, then turned on Ashley’s Snapchat story one last time. I had no intention of jerking off this time; I just wanted to appreciate her one last time, but I knew in my heart that this wouldn’t be the last time I would see a video like this. She’s probably made plenty.

I didn’t know much about Snapchat, but I did know that I wasn’t able to take any screenshots of my favorite moments of the video without her being notified. The only thing I could do was watch it as often as I could… I may have been slightly obsessed. I watched her dance and blow her kiss three times, then decided it was time to leave the bathroom.

When I went downstairs, Ashley was still sitting at the table with her phone in her hands, empty plate in front of her. As I approached the table to take her plate, she looked up from her phone and flashed me another sexy smile. Why does she keep looking at me like that?

I began to fill the sink up with soapy water and placed her plate in it with the others. I opened up the blinds on the window to see Melissa and Jessica on the deck, leaning against it and watching the children play in the sand down below. I cracked open the window to hear the breeze through the trees, the distant waves of the lake, and the cheerful yelps of all the kids down on the beach.

Ashley got up from her chair and stood beside me to look out the window as well. “So how was your first night?” she asked.

Baby… if you only knew… “It was good,” I replied. “Had a little trouble sleeping at first, but once I was out, I was out.” I grabbed a plate and started cleaning it.

“Yeah I didn’t sleep well at first, either,” she said, taking the plate from me and rinsing it off. She then placed it in the dishrack. “I probably fell asleep at 2, I was just on my phone most of the time.”

She was awake while I was jerking off to her video? “Well I hope you ended up sleeping okay in the end,” I said. “If not, you’ve got a long week ahead of you.” Ashley giggled.

“I’m looking forward to going back into the lake,” she said. “The water here is so warm and welcoming.” I instantly pictured her in her bikini, emerging from the lake in slow motion, Baywatch style.

“It really is,” I replied. “I’m excited to go in there, too. It’s been too long.” When we finished the dishes, we went upstairs together. I followed a few feet behind her, and watched her ass in her denim shorts put on a show as she walked up each step. Ashley smiled at me as she closed her bedroom door behind her, and I went into my room.

As I removed all of my clothes, I imagined Ashley doing the exact same thing just across the hall. Her smooth, slender body was just a few feet away from me. My dick began to rise as my mind wandered, but I snapped back to reality right away and put on my swimming shorts.

When I left the room, Ashley’s door was still closed, so I headed downstairs out onto the deck, where my feet burned upon contact with the hot cedar below me. I quickly scrambled down the winding staircase, about 15 feet down until I reached the earth at the bottom, dodging the branches and leaves of the surrounding trees the whole way down. I then delicately walked along the cobblestone path towards the beach, just 100 feet away, and as I got closer to the lake, the smell of its warm fresh water captivated me. Without a cloud in the sky, the naked sun blazed relentlessly upon the soft golden sand and the dozen families that were on top of it. The normally peaceful lake was disturbed by another couple dozen people of all ages. Pontoons, kayaks and jet-skis littered the horizon.

I approached my family sitting on my son’s large Spiderman beach towel, taking a break from whatever it was they were doing. As I got closer, I noticed my son and daughter’s hair to be freshly wet from a joyful swim. Melissa and Jessica waved at me and smiled as I got closer, then I sat down with them.

“Where’s Ashley?” Jessica asked.

“Still in her room, I guess,” I replied. “I assume she was getting ready to come out here after we finished the dishes as well.”

We sat on the towel for a few minutes, then the kids decided it was time to jump back into the lake. They were so happy to be here, and it was nice to see them doing things that didn’t involve Youtube or Netflix.

Jessica looked behind my shoulder and stood up quickly and began waving. Her still braless breasts defied gravity for a moment then slammed back down to her abdomen. I turned around and there was Ashley, beautifully clad in her red and white striped bikini that I have become all too familiar with. Her hair was done up in a tight ponytail, and she was holding a mostly-eaten grape popsicle in her right hand and a bottle of sun tan lotion in her left. God dammit don’t beside me, don’t sit beside me.

She sat beside me.

Ashley sat in a sexy side saddle position towards the sun and smiled at me as she finished her popsicle. Her smooth ivory body was glistening from her lotion. “Can someone do my back for me, please?” She asked.

I volunteer as tribute.

“Sure thing, dear,” Jessica said. Ashley lay down on her front and untied her top, allowing the strings to fall down to her breasts, now squished up on the beach towel. Jessica poured a dollop of lotion into her hands, then proceeded to massage it into her daughter’s completely exposed back. This could very well be the most arousing thing I’ve ever witnessed in my life.

“Mmm thanks, mom,” Ashley murmured, then reached for her bikini strings and tied it back up.

“Do me next!” I blurted out. Although I wasn’t joking, I tried to make it sound like I was. But Jessica smiled and looked over at Melissa.

“Go for it,” Melissa said. “You’ve got it on your hands already, anyway.” My eyes widened partially at the notion that my wife just agreed to let her sister rub lotion on my back. I lay down on my front, flat as a board, and immediately felt Jessica straddle on top of me. Her smooth legs rubbed up against my lightly hairy calves as she positioned herself to sit on my ass.

I felt a warm stream of lotion being drizzled on my back, and shortly after, Jessica’s soft hands began working their magic on me. She focused on the lower half first, but as she worked her way up, I felt her soft heavy hangers graze up against me. She rubbed the lotion up and down my back, all the while caressing my skin with her tits behind her baggy T-shirt. She did it so often that it had reached the point where I thought she was doing it on purpose. I was half-chubbed by the time she finished, so when she let herself off of me, I remained there for a bit to soften up.

“Thanks, Jessica,” I said, then soon got up and began to put lotion on my other exposed parts. I looked out to the shore and watched my son splashing around with other kids. My daughter had a beach ball in her hands and was tossing it up into the air as high as it could go. After a few tosses, she ran over to us and held the ball out to Ashley.

“Aw, okay,” Ashley smiled. She took the ball from my daughter and stood up. The two of them walked a few feet away and began bumping the ball up into the air together, laughing and smiling the whole time. It was nice to see the two of them still had a nice relationship together, despite not seeing each other for a while. As Ashley ran and jumped around on the sand, it was clear that I was not the only guy checking out her perfect beach body. I detected many wandering eyes in the vicinity, from men of all ages, who were also with their loved ones. One woman in particular slapped her man’s thigh after his gaze lasted a little too long.

After a few minutes, the lotion had absorbed into the skin well enough to safely take a dip in the lake. I got up and walked past my daughter and Ashley as they were building tiny sand castles. They looked up at me and smiled, then stood up and followed me towards the lake.

My son called out to us and smiled as we approached the water, then went back to splashing with the other kids. I stepped my foot into the famously warm water and continued in until I was half submerged. Ashley stayed back in shallower water with my daughter to watch her swimming skills. She was always such a great babysitter.

I waded around for a few minutes, when suddenly my body signaled that it needed to be taken to a toilet. I made my way back to shore, smiling at my daughter with Ashley, and both of them smiled back. As I approached my family on the beach towel, they smiled and waved and I did the same.

“Where’re you headed?” Melissa asked.

“I have to poop,” I replied. Straight and to the point. Melissa and Jessica giggled.

When I got back into the cabin, I grabbed my phone off the kitchen table, because no bowel movement is complete without a phone these days. I entered the bathroom and set my bare ass on the toilet. I opened up my phone and decided to take a look at Snapchat. Ashley had a new story posted.

I pressed the icon and my jaw dropped once again. Ashley had her phone set up on the table in the same manner as her last video, and she was in her bikini with her ponytail, sitting on the chair directly in front of it. On the left side of the screen was a caption in colorful font that read, “Hot week at the lake got me like:”

In her hand was a full grape popsicle. Showing only her top half, she placed her elbows on the table and leaned forward to show her cleavage, then began to suck on the popsicle. She gently sucked on the tip for a few seconds, swirled her tongue around it, then went halfway down for a couple sucks then back up to the tip again, looking seductively at the camera the entire time.

After a few more seconds, she plunged the entire popsicle into her mouth and closed her lips around the base of it. She maintained that position for about five seconds, then popped it back out again. She licked it from bottom to top and then plunged her mouth back onto it again and slurped it viciously.

It shocked me how blatantly she showed off how much she clearly loved to suck cock, but to display it on a social media platform that she likely also shared with other family members was slightly concerning. My dick, however, didn’t care about that insignificant detail as it had no hesitation to start rising in the toilet the moment she put her elbows on the table.

It touched the inside of the bowl, so I adjusted myself and allowed it to stand up as I continued to do my business. The video lasted just over two minutes, ending with one more deepthroat and then biting a third of it off with a smile. She leaned forward to better display her cleavage, then blew a kiss to the camera before turning it off. I wanted to jerk off so bad now, but I wasn’t finished on the toilet. I knew I would have to wait until later, but I couldn’t wait to do it again.

When I finished in the bathroom, I started to make my way down the hallway, but a quick glance into Jessica and Ashley’s room showed me a small pile of clothes by the bed on the floor. I took a quick detour into their room and inspected the pile, consisting of a pink tank top, pink panties, denim shorts, and a black bra. I picked the bra up from the pile and took a peek at the tag, and my dick stiffened at the sight of the bold black letters that read 28H.

I placed the bra cups on my face and inhaled deeply, taking in all the scent of those big, soft, 18 year old breasts. I couldn’t take it anymore; I needed to cum. I freed my dick from the confines of my swimming shorts and placed Ashley’s bra on top of it, then began using it to stroke the tip. It was a soft lace fabric that was very pleasurable for my skin, and I continued to stroke with it.

It wasn’t long into my session before I heard footsteps pounding up the stairs of the deck. Disappointed, I quickly removed Ashley’s bra from my staff and tried to place it in the same position it was before, then raced back to the bathroom and closed the door, where I waited for my dick to soften. I soon heard the door of the deck open just in time for me to feel safe enough to leave the bathroom and see Melissa coming up the stairs.

“You just got out of there?” she asked. “Were you fapping in there?”

I laughed. “No, I just carried away with my phone.” It wasn’t a complete lie.

“Well I gotta shit now too,” Melissa said. “Everyone else is coming in already, so can you start the barbeque, please?”

“Yes, of course,” I said.

— — — — —

Later that night, Melissa and I lay in bed playing on our phones, as we always do every night. I had watched Ashley’s latest video three more times over the course of the evening, and the only thing on my mind right now was her. I just couldn’t fathom why she would post videos like that for everyone, including her family, to see. What confused me even more was why she was so eager to add me to her friend list. I tried not to think about that, and instead focused only on my plan to cum while watching her deepthroat that popsicle.

Melissa put her phone down on the backboard and began to rub my crotch over my boxer shorts. God dammit, not now… She looked at me with her begging green eyes. Her blonde hair was partly disheveled from the heat of the day, but still quite sexy. She lowered the sheet to expose her sexy chest tattoo and her nice soft 38DD tits, which had a few Montgomery tubercles on her dark pink areolas. She played with her tits with her left hand while rubbing me with her right.

“Honey, I thought you were tired,” I said. Seriously… not tonight…

“I am, but I know you could help me sleep better,” she giggled.

I really wasn’t in the mood to have sex with my wife. Especially not when her 18-year-old porn star niece is posting videos begging for guys to cum to her. “I’m tired too, babe,” I lied, “we can do it tomorrow, I promise.” That part hopefully wasn’t a lie.

Melissa let out a disappointed sigh and rolled over to her side. I felt a little guilty, but I only had one opportunity to jack off to this video. Besides, sex with the same person for 20 years does get a little old, and I’ve never cheated on her, but I knew that if I ever did, I would want it to be with Jessica. At least… until Ashley came along…

I turned off the light on the nightstand and held Melissa in the bed. I waited ten minutes to ensure she was asleep, then quietly made my way into the bathroom with my phone.

I placed my phone on the towel rack and prepared my cum tissue. I opened up Snapchat, loaded up Ashley’s story, and began working on myself while she worked that popsicle. My eyes kept going back and forth between her seductive eyes, he sexy tongue, and her gorgeous cleavage. I stroked my cock with both hands until I felt the point of no return approaching, then I restarted the video from the beginning until I inevitably erupted once again into my pre-folded tissue. I kept pumping my cock, and it continued to shoot glob after glob while I zombie-stared at my wife’s niece sucking the life out of that popsicle. Soon I was finished jacking off, then I flushed the evidence down the toilet and slept like a baby once again.

— — — — —

The next morning, I woke up peacefully and well rested. No children screaming down the hallway, and Melissa had left the room already. After a moment on the toilet, watching Ashley’s video again, and a quick shower, I smelled the heavenly scent of bacon as I made my way downstairs to see the kids sitting on the couch watching cartoons. Jessica and Melissa were at the stove making breakfast. They were wearing matching black T-shirts from their favorite band, purchased from the very last concert they saw before the pandemic happened. Ashley was sitting with her elbows on the kitchen table, leaning forward with her phone, wearing a bright yellow tank top. She looked up at me and gave another sexy smile.

“Good morning, Uncle Jordan,” she said. “You slept well again, I see.”

And I have you to thank for it. “Yes, I sure did,” I said. “There’s just something about this place.”

“Must be the air,” she said with a suspicious smirk, then went back to her phone. I walked over to the ladies and gave my wife a kiss on the cheek.

“Morning, honey,” she said. “Eggs and bacon today, is that okay?”

“Yes, absolutely,” I replied, giving her another kiss. I went back to the kitchen table and played on my phone for a few minutes. Melissa soon announced that breakfast was ready, and the kids bolted towards the kitchen to begin helping themselves. They went back to the couch and ate their breakfast on the coffee table while the adults ate at the kitchen table. We conversed about the weather and the fun that was had on the beach yesterday, and after a few minutes, we were all finished and I washed the dishes immediately after. Melissa walked up behind me while I had a plate in my hand and wrapped her arms around me.

“Jessica and I are going to go into town for some groceries for the rest of the week, is that okay?” she asked.

“Yes, of course it is, dear,” I replied. The kids hopped off the couch begging to come along too. Melissa sighed and agreed to allow them to come along.

“Do you want to come too?” Melissa asked me.

“Nah, not really,” I replied, “I’ll just stay in here.”

“Okay, whatever you want,” she said, then turned to Ashley. “How about you, Ash?”

Ashley looked up from her phone. “Huh?”

“Do you want to come into town with us to do some grocery shopping?” Jessica asked. “We need more eggs and stuff.”

Ashley shook her head. “Nah, I need to have a shower.”

Jessica nodded and began to head out the door. The kids grabbed their shoes and followed her out. Melissa threw her purse over her shoulder and gave me a kiss. “See you later,” she said and smiled.

I smiled back and moseyed over to the couch, where I plopped my ass down and turned on The Price is Right. Ashley pushed her chair back from kitchen table and began to go up the stairs. I turned and watched her tight ass bounce with each step in her sexy denim shorts. Either she’s been wearing the same pair all week, or that was the only types of bottoms she ever wears, because I didn’t think she had done any laundry yet.

I continued watching TV for a few minutes, then I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Ashley came back, but now she was wearing her bikini. She walked into the living room and leaned her tall, smooth hourglass figure against the bookshelf at the side of the room. Her soft white feet dug into the sky blue shag carpet.

“Ashley?” I asked. “I thought you were going to have a shower.”

She placed her elbow up on the shelf. “Mm, no,” she said with a soft, sweet, innocent tone.

“Oh. Um, okay,” I said. “Are you going outside?”

Ashley lightly shook her head, and her soft chestnut hair waved along with it. “Mm, no,” she said again in the same tone.

“Oh. Um, okay,” I said once again, “Then why are you wearing that?” I tried to keep my eyes on the game show, but Ashley just standing there in her sexy bikini made it incredibly difficult.

Ashley smiled lightly. “Mm, I dunno. I just felt like it.” She took her elbow off the shelf and caressed from the bottom of her bikini top down to her belly button piercing. “Do you like it?”

I looked over at her again for only a second. “Yeah, sure, I guess.” My nerves began to get the best of me. What on earth was she doing?

“I noticed you enjoyed my Snapchat stories,” she said, slowly swaying her hips side to side.

It started to feel a little concerning now, but I tried to stay cool. “Uh… yeah, I saw them. They… they were nice.”

She placed her elbow back on the shelf, but pressed her upper arms together a bit, pushing her beautiful young tits closer together. “I noticed you enjoyed them… many times.”

I started to quiver a bit. “Wh… what? What do you mean?”

“You watched my videos quite a few times,” she smirked.

At this point there was no point in lying or denying it. “Oh… uh… I didn’t know it kept track of how often they get watched.”

Ashley shook her head. “Not exactly,” she said. “It shows a list of whoever watches it, with the most recent one on top.” She began to slowly sway her hips around again. “And you kept appearing at the top of the list.”

“Oh shit!” I softly gasped, completely embarrassed. “Um… I’m sorry about that. I’m still kinda new at that app.”

Ashley smirked sexily again, “Mm hmm,” she said as she kept doing her light swaying dance. The silence became a little awkward as I kept trying to focus on the game show on TV. Then she said, “So… did you cum?”

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped at the question as I looked at her. “Wh… what do you mean?”

She smiled. “I’m not stupid, Uncle Jordan. I know you watched my videos right before you went to bed.” She stopped dancing and took a couple steps towards me. “So it’s a simple question. Did you cum while you were watching my Snapchat stories?”

I sighed because I was caught, but I was also nervous because it became very clear to me what her intentions were. I began to shake a little bit, but my dick started to rise in my shorts as she took a few more steps forward until she was towering in front of me. I looked up at her amazing beach body. Her long hair draped over her bare shoulders and caressed the sides of her striped bikini top, holding her big natural young tits in place. I was basically eye level with her glimmering belly button piercing, and gazed down to the striped bottom hiding her tight young pussy, then down her thighs past her big rose tattoo.

“Aren’t you going to answer me, Uncle Jordan?” Ashley demanded, placing her hands on her hips. “I’m going to ask you one more time. Did you CUM while you were watching my Snapchat stories?”

She was standing so close to me. I quivered at the sight of this gorgeous 18 year old bikini-clad brunette towering menacingly over me. My dick twitched. “Yes…” I replied.

Ashley grinned. “Mmm, good,” she said, then placed her hands on my thighs as she dropped down to her knees. “You must really like to see me wearing this.” She squished her tits together with her arms as she finalized her position. “Would you like to feel what that popsicle was feeling?”

Just like that, my upper brain stopped functioning and my lower brain took over. This was actually about to happen and there was no way I wasn’t going to let it happen now. “Oh my god, yes,” I responded. Ashley grinned, grasping my shorts, and I lifted my ass off the couch to allow her to pull them down to my ankles. My dick was still fairly soft, but it was definitely getting excited.

Ashley gasped at my member. “Oh my god, you’re circumcised!” She rubbed the helmet gently with the tips of her soft fingers and smiled. “I’ve never had one of these before. It looks really nice.” She bit down hard on her lower lip and rubbed my dick from tip to base as it began to grow with her soft touch. She leaned over and gave my tip a quick lick, then swirled her tongue around it. It tickled a little bit, and the blood shot down from my body straight to my staff and caused it to rise almost immediately.

“Oh my god… Ashley…” I moaned. She continued to swirl her tongue around my helmet until my cock was completely hard, and then she began to start slurping. I ran my fingers through her soft brown hair and peered into her sexy cleavage. She grabbed onto the base of my shaft with her hand and began pumping it while she slurped my cock about a third down the shaft. The sensation was so warm and wet, and she was enjoying every moment. After about twenty seconds she let go with her hand and tried to plunge her mouth down as far as she could. I groaned loudly as she managed to leave about two inches of the base before she popped back up gagging.

“Oh wow, holy shit,” she gasped. “It’s a bit bigger than a popsicle, isn’t it?” She moaned as she plunged her mouth back onto my cock and slurped like it was melting in the heat. She closed her eyes for awhile as she filled her mouth with my meat and moaned as she did it. She popped off, saliva dripping from her sexy open lips. “Mmm I can taste your precum,” she giggled. She grabbed onto my slippery shaft with her hand and stroked it viciously from top to bottom. “Holy fuck! This is the biggest cock I’ve ever had!” She probably says that all the time, but it was a welcome compliment that turned me on even more.

Ashley continued to stroke my slippery shaft and went back to gulping the tip. I wasn’t sure how much longer I was going to last.

“Oh my god, Ashley…” I moaned. “I’m probably gonna cum pretty soon.”

“Mmm okay,” Ashley giggled. She took me back into her mouth and looked at me with those beautiful young green eyes. She plunged down as far as she could go without gagging, then slowly brought herself back up, maintaining eye contact with me the whole time, and I could really feel the cum starting to build up down below.

“Good fucking god, Ashley…” I moaned, “Not too much longer now.”

“Mmm that’s good,” Ashley grinned. She began viciously slurping the top half of my cock while stroking the bottom half. The sensation was just too much for me.

“Ashley, it’s coming soon,” I warned.

“Mm hmm,” Ashley replied, continuing her slurping and stroking.

The point of no return was fast approaching. “No… Ashley, I mean it,” I wheezed, but she kept going. “I mean VERY close. Ashley… oh my god. Ashley, stop. Stop, Ashley! Oh my god stop. No! NoooooOOOOOOUUUUURRRRRGGGHHH!” The intense pleasure surged through my entire body as my cock erupted inside of Ashley’s warm oral cavity, and her eyes went from sweetly shut to complete shock as I fired a violent volley of semen into her throat. She gasped and choked, completely unprepared to have five thick ropes in just under three seconds flying into her tonsils, but she moaned and kept on sucking, stroking, and swallowing as more and more cum shot into her mouth. What an absolute slut; she was very experienced with this sort of thing.

Ashley kept her mouth over my tip and kept sucking lightly and pumped my shaft with her hand. She looked up at me and smiled with her lips still closed firmly around me. Soon my cock was done pulsating, and she took it out of her mouth and licked the last drops off of my tip. “Mmm, fuck yes,” she moaned. “I needed that so bad.” She then bounced up quickly and smiled. “I’m going for my shower now,” she said in a sing-songy tone, then pranced away up the stairs.

And that was it. That’s all she wanted to do, as if it were her plan all along. She came downstairs in her sexy bikini to get me excited, sucked my cock for five minutes, and then left. She had a craving for it, as indicated by yesterday’s Snapchat story, which I now realize was probably a message for me, because she knew that I thoroughly enjoyed her dancing video and wanted to show me what else she could do. And god damn could she do it…

At this point I didn’t know what to do next, because at that moment my life changed. I had officially cheated on my wife, and didn’t even feel guilty about it. I had never been with anyone else since high school, and to have that experience now was a life-long dream finally come true. Except it wasn’t with the woman I had always dreamed about doing it with… it was with her daughter.

I leaned forward and pulled my shorts back up. I used them to wipe another drop of semen from my tip that had oozed out after Ashley went upstairs, then continued to watch TV. I heard the shower turn on and imagined her soaping up her big, young, naked tits. She was singing some popular song that her generation listens to, whatever it was. She had a sweet singing voice, and could probably have a potential career in the music industry if she wasn’t destined for porn.

The morning went by like a blur as I became a spud. Game shows and sitcoms provided the distraction I needed, and I only ever got up once to go to the bathroom. Ashley spent the rest of the morning in her room and never came back downstairs.

Soon I was bored of TV and took out my phone. I opened up Snapchat again and saw that Ashley had posted a new story, on top of her popsicle video, which would still remain for her friends to see for two more hours. Her latest video was a short selfie video of her in her room, smiling sweetly with quiet pop music playing in the background. She was wearing a bright white t-shirt with an anime kitten on it, and her hair was still wet. The caption in the lower middle of the screen read, “Had an incredible morning. Feeling great!” With a final sexy open mouth wink, the video was over. It was nice to see her looking so bright and cheerful. Even though it was clear she was quite the connoisseur of cum, she still enjoyed other aspects of life.

Soon I heard the sound of my kids laughing and yelling outside, scampering up the porch steps. They burst through the door and ran upstairs to their room, while Melissa and Jessica went into the kitchen with a few grocery bags.

“Hey honey,” Melissa said. “How was your morning?”

“It was uneventful,” I lied. Boy, did I ever lie.

“Did you just sit there all morning?” she laughed.

I laughed back. “Yes, that’s exactly what I did.” That part wasn’t a lie.

Melissa held up the grocery bags. “The kids wanted hot dogs today. We wanted steak and corn. So we bought those along with more bacon and eggs for tomorrow.” I hopped up from the couch, because the thought of grilling some steaks today had me very excited. The best part of the day already happened, but this definitely comes in second place. I helped Jessica and Melissa unpack the groceries, then started prepping for supper.

— — — — —

We devoured our steaks and corn at the kitchen table, and we all sat back and relaxed. Ashley was very talkative and cheerful throughout the entire meal, and was never once affected by her actions from earlier today. She talked to the three of us just like any other regular conversation. What a little vixen she was… she just sucked her uncle’s cock and went about her day like nothing happened.

Melissa and Jessica began talking about the weather, and the storm we were expecting tomorrow, and Ashley leaned back in her chair and went on her phone. Having no interest in talking about the weather, I did the same thing. Not too long after being on my phone, a Snapchat notification appeared on my screen:

Ashley is typing….

My eyes widened slightly upon seeing the notification, and I looked over at Ashley. She wore a sweet smile as she tapped away at her screen. I opened up the app to view her message, and it only consisted of emojis: An eggplant, splashing water, open mouth tongue, and a winky face. I glanced over at her again, and her eyes moved away from her phone onto me, and she flashed a quick smile before looking back at her phone.

“What do you think, Ashley?” Jessica said.

Ashley looked up from her phone. “Hmm? What?”

“Would you like to come with us to the liquor store tomorrow?” Jessica asked. “We’re gonna play some games tomorrow night. This… would be your first time legally purchasing alcohol… right?”

Ashley smiled brightly, showing her perfect teeth. “Yes, it will be. That sounds like a lot of fun.”

— — — — —

I looked out the bedroom window at the near-full moon, listening to the light breeze through the trees and smelling the fresh lake air. I wasn’t certain I was even going to be able to sleep that night, as all I could think about was what happened earlier in the morning.

“Are you okay, Jordan?” Melissa asked from the bed, phone in hand.

I looked over my shoulder at her, then back out the window. “Oh yeah, I’m fine,” I replied. “Just kinda sad our stay here is half over already. I like it here.”

“Yeah, me too,” Melissa said. “It’s so calm and peaceful. The air smells better, too.” Suddenly, her voice changed to a more arousing tone. “Remember your promise from last night?”

I looked over at her again and saw that she had removed the sheet from her breasts and started rubbing them, bringing her hands up to her tattoo and caressing it. I had forgotten I made that promise to her. “Of course I remember, dear.” Oh shit. What’s the nicest way to say, “Sorry honey, I can’t have sex with you tonight because I already blew a load down your niece’s throat today”?

Melissa continued to squish her tits together. “Then what’s the hold up?” She stood up from the bed and had already removed her underwear. Her thighs were decorated with colorful birds, flowers, and geometric shapes. She was certainly still a sexy woman, having been a former plus-sized model, but the baby fat never really went away, so her lower torso was still rather jiggly, but that didn’t bother me. To me, she was still my type – blonde hair, pretty face, big boobs, and tattoos, so I didn’t mind a little extra meat. But something about being with the same woman for nearly 20 years, and then having an experience with a hot skinny 18-year-old can mess up a guy’s mind a little bit, because I had never been with anyone that weighed less than 170 pounds, and had always wondered what it would be like.

I felt obligated to follow through on my promise, even though I wasn’t in the mood. I removed my clothes and stepped up to her, still completely flaccid, and began to kiss her. She brought her hand down to my soft member and started to gently rub it, while I brought my hand up to one of her breasts and began to squeeze it’s natural softness, but I still wasn’t getting hard or horny.

Melissa looked at me, puzzled, “What’s wrong? You really don’t want this, do you?”

I shook my head. “No no, I do,” I lied, “I’m just a little distracted. We’re going to do this.” Because I’d never hear the end of it if we didn’t have sex at least once this week.

“You’re damn fucking right we are,” she announced and shoved me down onto the bed. She leaned over and placed her hands beside me thighs, allowing her breasts to hang down and caress my shaft. “I know what will get you hard,” she said. She rocked back and forth, grazing her tit flesh along my dick, which had now officially started to grow. “Mmm yes, that’s better,” my wife grinned.

Nothing beats a good pair of tits swallowing up a hard dick. It’s always been my favorite thing in the world, and I found myself married to a woman who was not only equipped well enough to do it, but every single one of her family members were even more well equipped for the task. Being around them has always been somewhat agonizing, with my imagination always running wild in their presence.

Melissa continued to dangle her flesh bags on my ever-growing phallus, and smiled that she can still turn her husband on. When it was nearly fully hard, she shuffled backwards and welcomed it into her warm mouth. She moistened it up nicely inside and then popped it back out, making a wet splat sound as it landed on my belly button.

She shuffled back up and dangled her tits over my moistened dick. I grabbed onto them and placed it inside of her warm, inviting cleavage. I bucked my hips up and down, watching the head of my cock peek out of my wife’s wondrous melons with each thrust. I squeezed them together tight and kept thrusting through her glorious chest pussy for just about a minute, and then stopped when I began to feel the sensation down below.

“Already?” Melissa laughed.

“I don’t get to do this very often,” I said. “You know I don’t last long when you let me do this.” She laughed, and slowly rocked back and forth, slowly sliding my dick back and forth through her soft cleavage cavern. Soon she stopped and let go of her tits, still glistening in the middle from her saliva, then she positioned herself on top of me. Her blonde hair hung down to the nipples of her almost-sagging breasts. She shuffled herself around my waist and lifted up her leg, grabbed hold of my cock and stood it up, then slid herself down on top of it. She closed her eyes and moaned as she slowly brought herself down to the base and then began to bounce.

Being on top was her favorite position, probably because she liked the feeling of being in control. Thankfully, it was also my favorite position because she looked really good up there, tits bouncing up and down, but my mind went elsewhere suddenly. I pictured Ashley was the one riding me. Comparable sized tits with half the body weight, I imagined what it would be like to have her small frame bouncing and gyrating on my solid dick.

Thinking about Ashley was probably a bad idea, because I likely wasn’t going to last much longer inside of my wife. Barely 12 hours ago I was inside Ashley’s mouth, and I thought about how warm and wet it was. She looked so beautiful in her bikini, on her knees in front of me. The way she kept eye contact with me and acknowledged that I was going to cum and kept on sucking anyway…

“I’m getting close, babe,” I said, snapping back into reality as I gazed upon my wife’s body.

“Mm okay,” she smiled and sat straight up, tightening her pussy, and placed her hands on my chest. I reached up and grabbed hold of her tits as she continued to bounce in perfect rhythm. She dug her nails into my chest and moaned as my cock swelled up inside of her, and within a few more seconds, I groaned quietly as I emptied my love fluid inside of her. I forcibly thrust upwards with each pulse, and Melissa moaned again with each one. I let go of her tits, and she leaned forward and kissed me passionately, then sat back up again.

Melissa reached toward the headboard and grabbed a box of tissue paper from it. We each took a couple squares, then she hopped off and used them to wipe the fluids from her vagina, and I did the same with my dick.

“Mmm thank you,” she said, then giggled as she laid down, “Now good night!”

I laughed and raised my arm to allow her head to be placed on my chest, and within minutes we were both completely zonked out.

— — — — —

Another restful sleep on day four meant waking up after Melissa. Normally she’s not a morning person, but there must just be something about being here that makes her get up earlier than usual. I got up from the bed and put on my clothes for the day, then stepped out of the room, just as Ashley was stepping out of hers.

“Good morning!” she sang. On top of her gorgeous sunny smile, she was still wearing her kitten shirt from yesterday, as well as her signature denim shorts, and her hair was a little messy.

“Oh, uh, good morning, Ashley,” I stuttered. I tried not to let yesterday’s events affect me. After all, they certainly didn’t seem to affect her. In fact, she seemed even happier now.

Ashley inhaled deeply. “Ooo bacon!” she cheered, and ran down the stairs. I followed her down and once again there were the two older women cooking up a storm. Melissa loved to cook, but I didn’t know Jessica did either, and I’m surprised they’ve never asked me to help. I liked cooking breakfast, especially bacon, but I assumed that they didn’t want me doing it ever because they say I ‘overcook’ the bacon.

“Good morning, honey,” I said to Melissa and gave her a kiss.

“Oh yes, good morning to you too, baby,” she replied with a wink.

“Keep it in the bedroom, you two,” Jessica laughed. I headed over to the couch and turned on the TV, then Ashley came and sat down beside me. A slight chill coursed through me.

“What are going to watch?” she asked.

“Uh, I don’t know yet,” I replied. “Probably game shows again. Not much else interests me on weekday mornings.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” Ashley said. She looked over her shoulder to her mom and aunt in the kitchen, then placed her hand high up on my thigh. “Did you think about me last night?” she asked softly.

“Ashley, what… not now, why? What?” I stuttered. She started to rub my thigh and grazed her pinky finger against my bulge. When it started to grow, Ashley smiled, then got up from the couch and sat at the kitchen table. There wasn’t much I was willing to do or say regarding that little interaction, but it was clear that she wasn’t finished with me yet.

Melissa went to the back door, where the kids were playing on the deck, and announced to them that breakfast was ready. The kids sat at the coffee table again while the adults enjoyed their usual breakfast at the kitchen table.

“Looks like we’ve got quite the storm coming in,” Jessica said. “We’ll head off into town after breakfast to get our stuff.” The women nodded in agreement and went on to talk about what sort of drinks they were planning on getting and what games to play tonight.

Soon after we all finished our breakfast, the kids went back onto the deck to continue playing and I started to wash all the dishes. Melissa, with her purse over her shoulder, gave me a quick peck on the cheek. “See you soon, hon,” we both said together. She headed out the front door, followed shortly by her sister and her niece. As Ashley closed the door behind her, she flashed a sexy smile in my direction.

After I had finished with the dishes, I went out to the deck with the kids, who were playing with blocks, dolls, and cars. The spaces between the boards didn’t appear to be wide enough to lose any toys, but it still concerned me a little bit. The hot, humid air was slightly unbearable at first, but after about a minute, it wasn’t so bad. The large, dark cumulonimbus clouds in the distance past the lake were fast approaching.

The kids played happily and quietly on the deck while I played on my phone, half-ass supervising them, well enough to scold my son after catching him rolling his car along the railing. The women were gone for over an hour, and I opened up Snapchat to see a new story posted by Ashley.

I opened up the story, which was only a picture this time, to see Ashley in a liquor store, flashing a bright teeth-bearing smile with a caption that read, “I can finally be in here legally!” while holding up a big bottle of some sort of pink alcoholic beverage.

The thunder rumbled off in the distance at around mid-afternoon as the clouds steadily approached. I stood on the deck with the kids and watched the far off light show for a few minutes until I heard the front door open, followed by loud women’s laughter, then the kids and I went inside and greeted them.

Ashley was holding a single brown paper bag with a single bottle poking out of it. Jessica was carrying a larger paper bag with multiple bottles sticking out, while Melissa was carrying a large grocery bag full of potato chips and snacks in one hand, and a big bag of KFC tucked in her other arm.

“Well, looks like you ladies have the evening figured out,” I chuckled.

“Yes, we’re gonna have a lot of fun tonight!” Melissa cheered. She placed the KFC bag on the kitchen table while Jessica and Ashley stuffed the fridge with their bottles. The kids ran up to the table, snatched out the popcorn chicken and ran off to the living room to watch cartoons while we adults enjoyed our meal, with the quiet thunder in the distance slowly making its way toward us.

— — — — —

The house shook with the booming thunder. The large rain droplets blasted against the windows, resembling the sound of a giant sheet of bubble wrap being stepped on by a dozen kids. The wind raged effortlessly through the leaves, and the relentless lightning ensured the sky never went dark again. The children were in their bedroom, supposedly asleep, but likely not.

“UNO!” Jessica yelled as she slammed her card down on the table. Melissa took a drink of her favorite blue cocktail, Ashley took a drink from her glass, half full of the pink lemonade vodka bottle she had purchased today, and I took a gulp of my beer.

Ashley placed a card on the pile, followed by Melissa. I looked at the cards in my hand and gave an evil grin to Jessica.

“No no, don’t you dare,” she laughed. I then cackled as I slammed down a +4 color change card. Jessica let out some hybrid of a laugh and a sigh as she pounded back her green drink. She got up from the table to mix herself a new drink, her large braless breasts swayed with each step. As she came back to the table, she stumbled slightly but managed to safely place her glass on the table.

“Don’t forget to draw your four cards, mom,” Ashley giggled.

“Oh fuck off,” Jessica chuckled and sat down, then grabbed her cards.

The game continued on for awhile, the house reverberated often with the constant crashing thunder, which was drowned out moderately by the sound of Melissa’s heavy metal music playing quietly from the living room stereo.

Many drink refills later, as the night died down, so too did the storm. The thunder still rumbled and shook the house, but not as much as before, and the wind had also dissipated. The remaining rain pattered lightly on the roof and the windows.

Melissa stumbled out of her chair. “Oh shit,” she laughed and hiccupped. “I… think I’m ready to call it a… night, now.” She placed her empty glass on the kitchen counter and hobbled her way up the stairs.

Jessica turned to her daughter, “You did pretty well, sweet child of mine,” she said. Ashley looked around, smiling, but with an inattentive look in her eyes. She started to get up, and then fell to her side on top of me.

“Ashley!” I yelled, grasping onto her shoulders, “Are you okay?”

“Mmmph, ugh,” Ashley mumbled. “I… yeah.” She tried to lift herself off of me, but instead, she only just pushed the chair over, with both of us still on it, and we crashed down onto the floor. She then tried to push herself up off of me, her hair dangling on my face, but fell over again, then rolled onto the floor.

“Ah, kids,” Jessica laughed. “Such lightweights.” She got up from her chair and hobbled over to the counter with her glass. Ashley rolled back over until her face was right at my cheek. The smell of vodka and lemonade poured out of her mouth. She giggled lightly, then nudged herself closer.

“I want you inside me,” she whispered as she placed her hand on my crotch. My eyes widened as I jerked my gaze toward the kitchen, where Jessica had begun cleaning the cups. I struggled to get up, but Ashley now had a firm grip on my bulge and whispered, “I… I want to feel… this… huge cock in me.”

Ashley’s grip soon loosened and I was able to shuffle over on the floor until I could get up, just around the moment Jessica had finished cleaning the dishes and noticed her daughter passed out on the floor.

“Well I’m sure that’s not the first time this happened to her,” Jessica laughed. I bent over and scooped Ashley up into my arms, and was so shocked by how light she was that I nearly lost my balance. I carefully brought her over to the couch, where I gently laid her down on her side, then filled up a large cup of water and placed it on the coffee table in front of her, then I turned off the stereo. Jessica searched around in the cupboards and found an empty ice cream pail, and put it on the floor in front of Ashley.

“Are you going to bed, too?” I asked.

“I’m planning on it, yeah,” Jessica replied, then looked over at the nearly empty bowl of potato chips on the kitchen table. “But I’m gonna finish those first. Wanna help?”

“Sure thing,” I nodded, and followed her back into the kitchen. Before she sat down, she put her hands in her shirt and lifted up her tits to scratch underneath. As they were lifted, they caused her shirt to come along for the ride, and I noticed her belly button was also pierced. She let go of her tits and they came crashing down to her torso, and then she smiled at me as she sat down and helped herself to some chips.

“Do you remember the first time we drank together?” she asked.

How could I forget? It was 15 years ago at a party that Melissa and I were hosting. As part of a game, Jessica allowed me to squeeze her breasts over her shirt for a few seconds.

I laughed. “Of course I do. That was probably the best day of my life.” Two days ago, that would’ve been a true statement.

Jessica smiled. “Yeah, I had a feeling you’d remember that.” She crunched down on her chips for about a minute, and during that time, that was the only sound I could hear, even though she chewed with her mouth closed.

Soon, she looked at me and said, “Would you like to do that again?”

I looked at her beautiful green eyes, then down to her large natural tits pushing her shirt out, then back to her eyes. “I would love to, but I can’t do that when you’re drunk,” I said. Even though I was a little drunk myself, I still knew better than to take advantage of her inquiry.

Jessica shook her head, “No no, I’m not that drunk. I mean it.” She stood up straight, swayed a tiny bit, but stabilized herself as if to prove she was doing alright. She walked up to me slowly until her mountainous shirt was wobbling in front of my face. “Go ahead, touch them,” she smiled.

I looked up at her face, then straight ahead to the most glorious sight I’d seen in years. I lifted up my hands and caressed lightly over her shirt, feeling the large surface area of her breasts. I rubbed them gently for a few seconds.

“What the hell are you doing?” she scolded, and savagely pressed my hands into her chest. They were so huge and soft, and I started to squeeze every square inch of Jessica’s magnificent melons. She was wearing a bra the last time I did this, so they were firmed up a bit at the time, but this time I could feel the whole softness of the largest water balloons I have ever put my hands on.

I squished and squeezed Jessica’s tits over her shirt for a few more seconds, then she pushed down my arms. She then lifted up her shirt to reveal what I had been dreaming of seeing since the day I met her. There they were, just dangling bare in front of me, Jessica’s natural watermelons. I ran my palms along the incredibly smooth surface and looked up at her as she smiled.

“Oh my god, Jessica,” I wheezed. “Why in the fuck did James ever leave you?” I continued to grope her soft giant tits, squishing them together and running my fingers along her flawless nipples. I leaned forward and pressed my face into her left tit, my lips touching her nipple. I opened up my lips and placed them around it and began to suck lightly, and I was now hard as a rock. My greatest fantasy was happening right this very moment.

“Mmm oh fuck yes,” Jessica moaned. Her eyes rolled back as I mauled her tits and sucked the life out of her nipples. She grabbed the back of my head and pressed my face even harder into her soft breast flesh, then leaned forward to press herself against me even harder still, but she got carried away with her force and we found ourselves falling backwards on the chair and crashing down onto the floor once again. I can get used to this.

Jessica started laughing uncontrollably. All ten pounds of her giant hangers were now resting comfortably on my face. I couldn’t breathe, but I didn’t care; if I died right there in that moment, I would die a very happy man. I reached up and grabbed Jessica by her tits and started squeezing them again, pushed her up a bit so I could breathe, then went to work on sucking her nipples again. Jessica moaned, and as her moans got louder, so too did the intensity of my manhandling her globes. I kept mauling her tits with my hands and face for a couple minutes, then she leaned back and put her weight down on my rock hard bulge, then her eyes widened.

“I think that’s enough for now,” Jessica gasped, winking. She rolled her shirt back down over her tits and stood up, towering over my powerless body. “Let’s do that again sometime,” she grinned. She held out her hand and pulled me up off the floor, then whispered, “Maybe even more next time. Have a good sleep, big boy.”

Jessica then went upstairs, leaving me stranded in the kitchen with a raging hard-on, while her daughter, who had just sucked me off yesterday, slept peacefully on the couch just a few feet away. The only thing left that made sense was to jerk off in the bathroom and have another wonderful sleep, so that’s what I did.

— — — — —

The birds were very talkative the following morning. After a day of relentless wind, rain, and thunder, they must’ve had a lot to talk about. I wasn’t sure what time it was, but I knew it must’ve still been early because Melissa was still asleep, so I knew it was finally my time to make breakfast.

I put my clothes on for the day and headed quietly downstairs, where Ashley was still sleeping on the couch. Her glass of water was empty, as was her puke pail.

She and I were the only ones down here, so I decided to hold off on making breakfast for the time being and sat on the deck with my phone, enjoying the clear blue sky. The calm morning breeze caressed the trees around me, gently pushing the remaining rain droplets off the leaves and onto the deck. I played on my phone for about an hour, then I heard the sound of my kids barreling down the stairs.

I stepped back into the house to see my kids already sitting on the couch, watching cartoons. Ashley was awake as well, sitting in the middle between the kids, looking a little groggy.

“Good morning, Ashley,” I said. “How’d you sleep last night?”

Ashley still had her eyes partially closed as she turned her head to look at me. “Never slept better,” she said with a tiny smile.

“Would you like pancakes for breakfast today?” I asked. Before she could answer, the kids jumped up and cheered, so I already knew what I was going to be feeding everyone, amd got to work on mixing the batter and turned on the stove. Shortly after I had poured the batter into the pan, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and turned to see Melissa making her way towards me.

“About time you make breakfast,” she laughed and gave me a kiss.

“You never gave me a chance,” I laughed back, then she went to the couch and sat with Ashley and the kids. After a few minutes, when the stack of pancakes was getting high, the kids came over and helped themselves to their breakfast and went back to the living room. Melissa and Ashley came along shortly after and took some for themselves as well, then sat at the kitchen table.

“So what happened after I went upstairs last night?” Melissa asked. “I heard a loud bang.”

Ashley smiled and blushed a little. “I fell over on the chair. I don’t really remember too much. I just remember falling.” Then she looked over at me with a subtle grin.

“Oh that’s funny,” Melissa said. “So did you sleep down here?”

“Yeah, I guess I did,” Ashley replied. “I don’t remember going to the couch, though.”

“That was me,” I said. “I brought you to the couch.”

“Aw that’s so nice. Thanks, Uncle Jordan,” Ashley smiled. “Did my mom go to bed right away too?”

Yeah, after she made me nearly cum in my pants. “Yeah, she did,” I said. Not soon after I said that, Jessica was on her way down the stairs, still braless, as indicated by the intense bouncing her breasts made with each step down she took.

“Good morning, wonderful family!” she beamed. “I hope everyone had a good time last night,” she added, followed by a quick little grin in my direction.

“Yes, it was a lot of fun,” Ashley said. “And as you can see, Uncle Jordan made breakfast today.” I stood proudly at the stove, wielding my spatula.

“So what are we going to do on our last day?” Jessica asked.

“Well it’s going to be a beautiful day and evening,” I said. “May as well take advantage of the beach one last time before we go home.” So after breakfast was done, we all relaxed a little bit, and then enjoyed the beach and lake one last time.

— — — — —

I looked down at the burger patties sizzling below me, and I frowned at the knowledge that this was the last time this grill would be used this year. It truly was an eventful week, far more eventful than I could possibly have imagined.

Melissa was still down on the beach with the kids, but Jessica and Ashley were sitting at the patio table playing with their phones. Ashley was, of course, wearing her bikini, which was a huge distraction, not only on the beach, but also up on the deck as I tried to focus on the burgers.

After a few minutes, I heard the little footsteps of my kids running up the stairs of the deck, followed shortly by their mother. The burgers were finished and laid out on a tray beside the grill with buns, condiments, and leftover snacks from last night. Everyone grabbed their food and sat outside at the patio table. When we were all done eating, the kids went inside the house and the adults stayed on the deck.

“I had a lot of fun this week,” Ashley said.

“Yes, me too,” Jessica replied. “I haven’t been here in such a long time. Such a beautiful place to spend time at.”

“I would love to come here with you guys every year,” Ashley said. “I’m sure I’ll have summers off during my schooling, and it’s a shorter drive from Vancouver than Edmonton, too.”

“Well we’d absolutely love to have you around,” Melissa said. “The kids would definitely love to see their favorite cousin here.”

Ashley smiled, then looked over at me with a subtle grin. She took her phone off of the table and began typing on it while Melissa and Jessica began talking about something else. I felt my phone vibrate lightly in my pocket, so I took it out to look, and saw the Snapchat notification that Ashley was typing a message to me. Shortly after, the message was officially sent.

“I meant what I said last night,” it read, followed by a winking face emoji. I glanced up from my phone to see her eyes looking up from her phone, fixated on me. Our eyes met and she grinned, then began typing on her phone again.

“Meet me on the beach at midnight,” said the next message. I glanced over at her again as she stuck her hand into her bikini cup and scratched a little bit, but to me it appeared as if she was just playing with it. My dick started to squirm in my shorts, looking over at Ashley in her sexy bikini and rubbing her tit the way she was, knowing she desired to have me again.

The evening went on until the sun began to paint the lake red and orange. We sat and enjoyed the wonderful view one last time before we made our way inside the house, where the kids were still at the couch, eating chips and watching cartoons. We watched TV with them until it was time for everyone to go to bed.

— — — — —

It was the final night at the lake cabin, and Melissa and I were once again on our phones in the bedroom. We never talked all that much, and tonight I didn’t even really want to. It was almost 11pm and my mind was racing. I was nervous as hell and had already gone to the bathroom twice, much to Melissa’s concern, but I just blamed the food we’ve been eating.

Soon, Melissa turned off her phone and was ready to go to sleep. I put my phone on the nightstand, gave her a kiss, turned off the lamp, and allowed her to lay her head on my chest.

“Your heart’s beating harder than usual,” she said. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m not sure what it is,” I replied. “Guess I just don’t want to leave tomorrow. Nervous about the drive home, maybe. I don’t want to go back to work either.”

“Well, it’s Friday. You still have the weekend to enjoy at home,” she said. “Maybe it’s the full moon, too.”

“Hmm yeah, maybe.” I never really believed that a full moon can mess around with a person’s mind, but tonight I was willing to agree with her just for the sake of the situation. Melissa laid in my arms for a few minutes until she rolled over onto her other side. I continued to lie there for a few more minutes, then took a quick look at the time — 11:32.

Melissa was now sound asleep, and I lay there with my eyes wide open. Soon I heard the small sound of a door opening in the hallway, and I knew that must’ve been Ashley. Damn… she really does want to go through with this…

I got up slowly from the bed and put my shirt and shorts back on, then quietly opened up the door. I looked around and didn’t see anyone, then closed the bedroom door behind me. I slowly made my way down the stairs and onto the deck.

The night sky greeted me with extreme intensity. As I made my way down the stairs onto the ground, I looked up at the great glowing satellite in the sky, which partially blotted out the normally incredible sight of the milky way. Without a single cloud up there, and no other light pollution, I was able to see more stars than I could ever dream of seeing back home, and thought about how much more I could be seeing if the moon wasn’t so bright.

I walked down the cobblestone path toward the beach. The sound of the gentle waves were drowned out by the chirping of a thousand crickets, but as I got closer to shore, the chirping trailed off. Soon, I saw a skinny shadowy figure standing on the shore, ankle deep in the water. As I got closer and approached the figure, there was Ashley, still clad in my favorite bikini.

“Beautiful night,” she said. Her clear, lightly tanned skin glowed from the light of the moon, the water rippled lightly around her ankles.

I looked up at the milky way again. “Yes, it really is,” I replied.

Ashley took a step closer, lightly swishing the water beneath her. “This is our last night here, and I want you to know I still meant what I said last night.”

“You were very drunk last night,” I said.

“Yes, I know,” she smiled, “but I remember what I said, and I meant it. The fact that you’re out here right now tells me you wanted me to mean it.”

I looked up and down her amazing body, from her long brown hair to her big young breasts and down her long, smooth legs. “Yes…” I sighed. “You’ve made me feel things I’ve never felt before. I’ve never been with anyone who… looks… like you.”

Ashley grinned and said, “I know,” then took a step closer and placed her hand on my chest. “And the truth is, I’ve always had a bit of a crush on you. My mom told me about the dick pic that aunt Melissa sent her a few years ago. I needed to see it for myself.” Her hand started to go down my chest and towards my crotch. “And I liked what I saw the other day.”

I placed my hands underneath her shoulders and slowly caressed down her smooth hourglass body. As my thumbs rolled over the sides of her tits, my dick started to grow. Ashley’s hand was now nearing my ever-hardening bulge, then she looked at me and grinned. She slowly removed her bikini bottom and tossed it onto the sand. Despite the brightness of the full moon, I couldn’t see very well down there, but when I ran my fingers up her soft thighs and up to her pussy, I felt only a little bit of hair before I entered her area and lightly rubbed her tiny clit.

Ashley closed her eyes and moaned lightly, reaching her hand down into my shorts and gently grabbed hold of my half-hard dick. She slowly jerked it in my shorts as I continued to rub her treasure, then she wrapped her other arm around me, pulled me close, and shoved her tongue down my throat. We rubbed each others genitals while locked in a passionate sloppy kiss until I was hard as a rock.

Ashley dropped down to her knees and ripped my shorts down to my calves, then I removed them the rest of the way and tossed them onto the sand beside her bikini bottom. She grabbed the base of my fully erect staff with one hand, then stacked her other hand on top of it, and grinned at the sight of the helmet still poking out.

“Mmm wow, oh my god,” Ashley gasped. “I really need to know what this feels like.” She jerked my shaft with both hands and placed her warm, wet mouth over the tip and began sucking. The sensation was incredible as I looked down upon my wife’s busty 18-year-old niece enjoying my cock. She closed her eyes and moaned again as she let go with one hand and brought her mouth further down my shaft and slurped viciously.

“Oh fuck, Ashley,” I quietly moaned, running my fingers down through her hair and gripping her shoulders. She popped her mouth off and stroked my cock from top to bottom, fully coating it with her saliva.

Ashley stood up, and I removed my shirt, tossing it onto the rest of our clothing. She wrapped her arms around me as I grabbed her by her thighs, lifted her up, and held her by her soft, young ass. I took a couple steps deeper into the water, which even at night, was still incredibly warm. Ashley wrapped her legs around my abdomen, and I couldn’t believe how light she was. I had always dreamed of being able to pick up a woman like this, but never expected it to be so easy with her.

My cock was rubbing up against her pussy lips as she got herself comfortable. I let go of her left leg to grab onto my dick, then lifted her up as I guided my tip inside her extremely tight opening. As my throbbing helmet stretched open her lips, Ashley closed her eyes and clenched her teeth, appearing to be wincing in pain for a short moment, until the shaft started to go in deeper.

“Mmmm ooohhh fuuuccckkk!” she moaned as I lowered her down further and further down my shaft, until I felt my tip contact her cervix, then she let out an even stronger moan. “Oh my god, what was that?!” she gasped. “Mmmm oh my fucking god!”

I bucked my hips slowly and gently, allowing as much of me inside of her as possible. Because I wasn’t familiar with this position, I wasn’t sure how deep I could even go, but it seemed that hitting her cervix was simpler than I had expected, and she had no problem with that.

Ashley wrapped her arms tightly around me and started bouncing herself up and down on my cock. She brought herself up too high a couple times, causing it to slide out entirely, but I easily guided it back in and enjoyed listening to her sweet soft moans every time it went back in, and soon she found the sweet spot to allow herself to keep bouncing without it popping out, bumping into her cervix each time.

Her pussy was so tight, and I enjoyed every second of being inside this beautiful woman. I looked down at her huge tits bouncing in her bikini top, and tried to lean my neck forward to kiss them, but wasn’t quite able to do that and kissed her neck instead.

“Oh my god…” Ashley moaned, “I’ve never felt this before. Oh my god! It’s so fucking big!” I gripped onto her ass and began thrusting fast, in an out like an engine piston. “OH MY GOD!” she gasped softly as she tightened her arms around me and pressed her beautiful tits against my chest. “Holy shit! Oh fuck!” I began to feel her body contracting as she pulled herself closer to me. Her long hair draped down my back and left arm as she started breathing heavily, then soon she got louder. She pressed her face deep into my shoulder as she let out an intense muffled scream and I stopped thrusting when I felt her pussy clamp down hard onto my cock, followed by the warm sensation of pussy juice rolling down my balls.

Ashley continued screaming into my shoulder as her body convulsed and her pussy contracted over and over again on my dick, while her fluids cascaded down my thighs. “Ohhhh myyyy goooodddd!” she wheezed as she removed her face from my shoulder, leaving a deep imprint of her teeth. I didn’t even realize she had bit down on me during her extreme orgasm.

After her body had calmed down, I gripped her ass and kept on thrusting while she started bouncing again. “Oh fuck, Ashley…” I moaned. “You are so fucking beautiful. Let me know when it’s okay to cum.”

Ashley stopped bouncing and then looked at me. Her gorgeous green eyes sparkled in the moonlight. “No… I can’t let you cum inside me,” she said with a frown. “I forgot my pills in Edmonton.”

“Mm that’s okay, baby,” I said. “My arms are getting a little sore.” Ashley loosened her arms and I lifted her up to allow my cock to pop out of her, then set her feet down into the lake. I placed my hands on her tits and gently caressed them over her bikini top. She smiled, swung her arms behind her back and untied it, then removed it from her body and tossed it onto the water’s edge.

Ashley’s beautiful, perfect young 28H tits were now completely exposed, a couple shades lighter than the rest of her slightly tanned body. They bounced about as she removed her bikini top, but quickly regained a firm, perky position. They were not quite as big as her aunt’s, and not nearly as big as her mother’s, but they were perfectly proportional to her slender frame. Her small perky nipples pointed straight forward and were surrounded by nearly non-existent areolas.

I placed my hands on her large cantaloupes and fondled them gently. They were just as smooth as the rest of her body, and were incredibly soft, but also with a touch of firmness to them, and she smiled as I squeezed them. She reached down and began to stroke my shaft, still soaked from her pussy fluid.

“Mmm, I knew you liked these,” she grinned.

“Fuck yes I do,” I gasped, then leaned forward and began to suck on her nipples while I continued to squeeze them. Ashley moaned as she kept on rubbing my cock. Her nipples were irresistible, and hearing he sweet moans under her heavy breathing made them even more appealing as I sucked and licked them with great savagery.

“Mmm ohhh fuck yes!” Ashley moaned. After a couple minutes of having her tits sucked and fondled, she hopped down to her knees and took me back into her mouth, as much as she could get in. She closed her eyes and moaned while my meat filled her face and slopped all over it from tip to base.

“Mmm oh my god Ashley,” I wheezed.

She popped my soggy cock out of her mouth, looked me in the eyes and stroked it quickly with her hand. “Mmm you wanna cum in my mouth again?” she asked sweetly.

“Oh fuck yes,” I replied. She continued to stroke my saliva-soaked cock with a huge open smile. I looked down at her big tits wobbling as her body moved with her stroking motions. “Mmm there’s something else I wanna do with you first,” I said. I brought my hand down to my dick and grabbed onto the bottom of the shaft, and Ashley let go. I took a step closer and began to rub the tip along her soft white breasts, and she smiled and giggled. I took hold of them in my hands and brought forth my staff, then placed it between them and squished them together around it. The warm sensation I felt from having Ashley’s soft, young globes swallowing up my dick was nothing short of sensational.

Ashley looked up at me. “Wh… what are you doing?” she asked. “What is this?”

Confused, I looked at her and asked, “You’ve… never done this before?”

“No, I haven’t,” she replied, “what are you doing?” I mashed her tits tighter around my cock and gave a couple slow, gentle thrusts. It was still very slippery from her saliva, and watching my dick disappear between her soft melons then remerging underneath her gorgeous neck was so amazing.

“It’s called a few things,” I said, “but I simply call it titfucking. I’m surprised you’ve never done this before.”

Ashley looked down at my cock slowly sliding between her tits and smiled. “No, I’ve only ever been with guys from school,” she said. “All they ever wanted was sex. They’d play with my tits, but… nothing like this.” I continued thrusting through her warm inviting breast flesh and started to pick up the pace. I found it hard to believe that she had never had her tits fucked before, let alone not even knowing what it was.

“What do you think of this?” I asked, trying to keep some form of conversation so I could last longer in here.

“I like it,” Ashley said, smiling sweetly. “It feels nice.”

“Well it feels great for me,” I said. “Your body is so fucking perfect.”

“Thanks,” Ashley said, smiling even brighter. She grabbed onto her tits and pressed them together herself while I continued my moderate paced thrusting. It felt so fucking good, and looking down at her gorgeous body and face made it feel even better. Soon she started moving her body up and down, and I stopped thrusting to allow her to do some of the work.

“Wow, you’re a natural at this,” I said, watching my cock slide up and down through Ashley’s amazing virgin tits.

“Mmm I like this.” she said. “Your big cock looks so good in here. Is this something that would make you cum?”

“Definitely,” I moaned. “Would it… be okay if I did?”

“Mmm yes,” she replied. “I wanna see it.”

“Then just keep doing what you’re doing, baby,” I said. “Not much longer now.”

Ashley looked down at my solid cock, sliding happily between her big young naturals, then looked up at me and smiled, continuing her sensual pace with her body. The water lightly rippling around us was the only sound, aside from the slight squishing sounds of Ashley’s soft tits massaging my soggy dick. Soon, the pressure started to build up down below inside me.

“Oh my god, Ashley…” I moaned. “Almost there.”

“Mmm fuck yes,” she moaned back. She continued her pace, but then I started to help out and began thrusting along with her. Within a few seconds, it was time, no more going back now as the pressure was building up immensely. I looked down at the helmet of my cock as it swelled up, preparing for its intense release.

“Oh my god here it comes…” I moaned. I clenched to hold off the orgasm for just a little bit longer, but that soon came to an end. “Oh my god! UUUUUUNNNNNNGGGHHHH!!”

I unclenched and released the pressure, and my cock erupted between Ashley’s soft, young tits as the extreme pleasure coursed through my entire body. Ashley gasped as she watched five thick ropes of cum rocket high into the air, past her face, and dropping delicately into the lake. I kept moaning as I continued to shoot more and more spurts of semen onto her neck and all over her tits. Ashley looked down at my still-spurting cock emptying itself all over her and gasped again.

“Holy shit!” she gasped. “That is a lot of cum! Oh my god!”

My dick continued to pulsate as it pumped out a few more oozes of cum, pooling at the tip. After about thirty seconds, it was finally done pumping, and Ashley’s tits were coated with one of the biggest loads I had ever produced in my life, while the first few globs floated gently to my left in the water.

“Oh fuck…” I moaned once more as I removed my softening dick from my wife’s niece’s glistening breasts. I took a step back and looked upon my creation, and she looked so beautiful. The light of the full moon intensified the glow of the white fluid on her body. She let go of her tits and allowed them to bounce back into their normal position. The semen that had pooled up at the top of her cleavage began to flow down her chest and down to her belly button.

“Wow…” she said. “That was amazing, Uncle Jordan.”

“That… sounds a little weird to me now, Ash,” I said. “Just… just Jordan will do now.”

Ashley giggled. Still on her knees, she waded deeper into the lake, submerged herself up to her chin and rubbed the cum off of her body, while I knelt down and rinsed off my dick as well. She stood up straight, and the water dripped down her naked hourglass body, over her lightly trimmed landing strip, her sexy smooth legs and tattooed thigh.

It was well after midnight now, and it was still a warm night as we both stood there, naked in the lake looking up at the sky together at the bright full moon, and as much of the milky way and millions of stars that the light of the moon allowed us to see. The distant chirping sound of crickets could barely be heard over the rippling waves underneath us.

“Ready to go back inside?” I asked. “We’ve all got a long drive home tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Ashley sighed. “I like it out here. But you’re right, we should go back now.” Then she walked up to me and put her hand on my chest. “That was… incredible. Is it… bad that I want to do this again next year?”

“I would love to do this again with you,” I said. “I can keep this whole thing a secret if you can.”

Ashley winked. “Of course I can.”

We walked back to the shore and retrieved our clothing, then got changed on the beach. We walked along the cobblestone path back towards the house, and then she grabbed my hand and stopped me.

“Thanks again for an amazing week,” she said, kissing me on the lips. “I can’t wait for you to make me cum again. No one’s ever done that before.”

I pulled my shirt collar down and looked at my shoulder to see Ashley’s teeth marks still embedded in my skin. “It was my pleasure,” I said. “I just hope these marks go away before anyone sees them.”

“I wouldn’t worry too much about that,” she winked.

“Why’s that?” I asked.

Ashley smirked and her pupils dilated as she squished her tits together with her upper arms. She took a step forward, gently cupped her hand on my crotch, and whispered in my ear.

“They both know we’re out here.”

The End