John and Frankie

Hello, all… My name is Frank Stouffer. My story begins when my mom remarried and we moved into her new husband’s house– in my junior year of high school… His son John and I are almost the same age, but I’d stayed back a year in grade school. I think I looked up to him more than most younger siblings do with their actual brothers: He always treated me with kindness and respect, especially at first. When we moved in with them in Kansas City, John introduced me to his friends and anyone else he thought I might like, besides helping me move stuff into my room and showing me around the house, the neighborhood and school.

He was on the swim team, so he didn’t look as big as, say, the guys who played football, but he was gracefully muscular. I didn’t notice being attracted to him physically until later, but I sort of worshipped him from a distance– he was cool, handsome, and intelligent, about five-ten with black hair and blue eyes. I felt awkward next to him, shorter and very self-conscious.

The old house we all lived in was odd– it had been built in stages, and some of the additions apparently hadn’t been thought out too well. The room I slept in, for instance, was kind of a hallway that led to the basement door, even though it was ‘way too big for just that function; it became my bedroom, since the basement was seldom used…

Late in the winter of our senior year, a guy whose locker was next to mine brought some issues of Penthouse with him to school, and he let me take a couple home. I could hardly wait to get alone with those fantasy beauties and jerk off (one of my primary pastimes back then); I nearly ran to my room. Soon I was naked on my bed, stroking my throbbing-hard cock with one hand while I held the mag with the other, having carefully and quietly locked the bedroom door. The Pet of the Month was incredibly hot– especially when she bent over…

Suddenly the basement door on the other end of the room opened and John walked in carrying a toolbox. I’d had no idea that anyone was down there, and it happened too fast for me to even think of covering myself. I lay there frozen with shock as he walked towards me, smiling like there was nothing odd about him catching me like this. He set the toolbox down at the foot of the bed, then reached over, removed my hand and started stroking my cock with his.

“Let me do it, Frankie,” he said gently. “It feels better when it’s somebody else’s hand…”

I was afraid that he was going to make fun of me or lecture me, but when I saw he wasn’t going to do either of those things, I relaxed immediately. I realized he was right, too– his hand felt much more exciting than mine had…

“What turns you on the most in those photos?” he asked, his warm hand moving slowly up and down the shaft of my now very hard cock.

“Ohhhhh… that feels sooo good… Oh, uh… she’s really hot… especially her ass when she sticks it out like she does right here… ohhhhhhh…”

“So you’d like to fuck her from behind?”

“Well, yeah… wouldn’t you?”

“Sure. How about if you fuck her like that while you watch her suck me off? Would that be hot?”

The image that his words created in my head caused a huge, immediate climax. John began to milk my cock with his hand, squeezing a little harder as my orgasm exploded, making me squirm and lift my hips off the bed. I shot and shot, most of it going onto my stomach, the rest running down my cock and onto John’s hand.

“Was that better than doing it solo?” he asked rhetorically as I wiped off the come with a washcloth I’d gotten earlier for the purpose.

I smiled and nodded. “Wow… much better,” I said.

“Why don’t you do me now?” he said, quickly stripping and climbing onto the bed next to me. It felt perfectly normal for him to do that since I’d just let him do me, but I couldn’t keep from staring at his hard-on. It seemed bigger than mine and really hard, with a shiny purple head; I was suddenly very excited to have John’s naked, slim, and nearly hairless body right next to me.

Without thought, I reached over and began to stroke his cock. He slipped one arm under my head and around my shoulders, pulling me against his warm, fragrant body– he smelled like an intoxicating cologne. I not only felt myself yielding to him, I pressed even closer, my own cock still throbbing as it rubbed against his smooth naked hip. I couldn’t take my eyes from his long hard-on, especially the big, ridged head; I was mesmerized by my own hand’s movement and how the shaft felt as my palm and fingers wrapped around it.

“Ohhhhyeahhhhh… that feels really good, Frankie… Do you like doing it?”

“Uh-huh…” I said, too excited for more words.

I noticed I was breathing faster; then his hand reached down and began stroking me again, raising my excitement to yet another level. I heard myself make an inadvertent whimper, and I pressed against him, embarrassed by my feelings, seeking comfort in closeness. We kept stroking each other as I watched my hand on his cock.

“Let’s use our mouths,” he said, getting up and turning around so that his hard cock was suddenly right in front of my face. I stared in shock as the big, shiny head touched my lips; then one of his hands was on the back of my head, pushing it forward, his cock-head demanding entry. Pulse racing, too overcome with lust and shock to even think, much less resist, I opened my mouth and let his cock slide in, just as his hot mouth went slowly down over my own.

Immediately, a high-voltage charge rushed from my cock-filled mouth to my own cock, and I came again without warning, a blinding orgasm that totally eclipsed the one before it; I whimpered around his cock as he sucked mine expertly, swallowing everything.

I kept on sucking like crazy, still wildly excited even after my orgasm faded, moaning and stroking the shaft as I sucked as much as I could get of it into my mouth. John came then, too, and I tried (but failed) to swallow everything like he had; it tasted deliciously exciting, warm and thick and sour and salty-sweet. There was so much of it that I gagged, but I was too turned on to stop for more than a second– even then. Afterwards, he licked what had escaped my mouth off of my face and fingers.

“I love the taste of come,” he said, holding his head up on one cocked elbow as he lay on his side, looking at me. “Yours and mine… Did you like mine?” I nodded, gasping, still completely de-railed and unable to speak.

“You know you can’t tell anyone about this, right?”

Another nod from me.

“Do you think you’d like to do it again sometime?” he asked. More nods from me–this time they were more energetic, along with a smile. Then I found some words.

“How about tonight?” I said quietly.

He chuckled. “I’ll slip in after the parents have gone to bed. Leave your door unlocked…”


He got up, dressed quickly, picked up the tool box and slipped out the door. I got dressed slowly, lost in confused amazement over what had just happened, still so excited that I could hardly wait for bedtime.


That night, I turned off the light as usual, but I was so wound up that I knew sleep was impossible. Since I’d left the door unlocked for John, I was afraid to do anything I might get caught at– like looking at that Penthouse mag. I tried to lie still, my cock staying hard most of the time, no matter what position I got in. I tried to keep my hands off it, determined not to waste an orgasm before John got there.

After what seemed like hours, the door from the hall opened and a faint shape slipped inside, followed by the small sound of the bolt sliding. Lit only by a tiny night-light in the back corner of the room, John’s form moved silently to the bed. He opened his robe when he got there, exposing his stiff cock.

With a moan, I leaned over and sucked it into my mouth; his hands went around my head. I started with the shiny purple head, sucking on it, then licking it, then sucking it in further as my tongue pumped against the bottom of the shaft. He fucked my face slowly, holding my head and using it, pulling my mouth back and forth on his cock.

I licked, sucked, and moaned, lost in a whirlpool of emotion and sensation as he used me, submerging me in pulsing cock-lust. ‘I love to suck your cock, John… I love to suck your cock…’ my thoughts echoed in rhythm with the movement of my lips and tongue as I tried to pull his come out of him… ‘Shoot your come in my mouth, John… shoot your come in my mouth…’

He pulled away before he came, though, and got up onto the bed with me, lying down in the same sixty-nine position we’d used earlier that day. There was just enough light to see what we were doing as we both eagerly grabbed each other, my hands going around his firm, smooth ass for the first time, squeezing and kneading it as my mouth worked lovingly on his cock again.

My reaction wasn’t as manic this time, but I held his body tightly and sucked his cock with moans and whimpers, my mind seesawing back and forth between momentary satisfaction and slow-burning need as the warm, pulsing shaft slid to the back of my throat, then back out to my lips.

Up until that point, I’d been living with a deep, unfocused longing that I couldn’t identify, but now I knew what it was…. There in the darkness with our hard cocks in each others’ mouths I reveled in a deliciously nasty realization: I loved cock-sucking… I was overcome with lust now– the first time I ever got one in my mouth. Mmmmmm

I held onto John’s incredibly sexy ass-cheeks and sucked. Our bodies moved together, sensations from the skin of our sliding torsos joining in with the already mind-overloading rushes coming from our asses, hands, mouths and phalluses. We writhed, moaning, hands moving, exploring, cocks sliding ever deeper as our throats opened… I’d never had one in my mouth before today, let alone in my throat, and I gagged at first… After awhile, though, I figured out how to tilt my head back, relax and work the big, hot purple head down into it… ohhhhhhhhh… urrrrgmmmmm… fuck my mouth… fuck my mouth… fuck meeeee

John had already gotten my cock in his throat, and we rolled and squirmed against each other as we sucked, our climaxes rising closer and closer to the tipping point.

The whole time, I’d been trying desperately to be quiet for fear of discovery, but it only seemed to make my orgasm even more explosive when it hit: I was glad my mouth was full, because I screamed and squealed helplessly around John’s cock.

That seemed to set him off, too, and he came, holding my head as he fucked my face and shot his come down my throat. I pulled his cock as deep down as it would go, working my lips on the base, scratching lightly with my teeth, then slowly pulling away as my lips sucked on his shaft all the way out to the head. He finally pulled away, too, and turned around to face me.

“That was fucking incredible!” he said in a loud whisper. “How did you learn to suck like that?”

I shrugged. “I– I didn’t… I just did it… ’cause I wanted to…”

“You’ve never done it before, then?”

I shook my head. “Never.”

“Wow… that was the best sixty-nine ever, Frankie…”

“Have you done it before, then?” I asked.


“With whom?”

“Uhhh… Ronnie Rasmussen… and Terry Gerard…”

“Really? The three of you together?”

“Well, sometimes, but not always…”

Ronnie and Terry were on the swim team, too, and really good-looking, sexy guys. I imagined them naked with John, and just the mental picture got me excited.

“Do you think maybe we could all get together?” I asked, uncertainly.

John laughed. “I guess you kinda liked what we’ve been doing, huh?”

“I– I– I’ve never been so turned on, John. It’s just that, uh… I don’t know what…”

“That’s okay, Frankie. No experience needed; I understand how you feel– believe me. I started out very much like you…”


“Well… those guys and I had been friends for years… Then one weekend at Ronnie’s house, we decided to jerk off together– like boys often do, I guess. But then we did it to each other, kind of like you and me earlier today… and things developed from there– we experimented…

“And, well, yeah… Oh, sorry– I got distracted… I know they’d love to get together with us… they’ve both mentioned how hot you are and said they wished you were available…”

“Really!? You’re not puttin’ me on, are you?” I felt absurdly flattered. I’d never thought about anyone– especially another guy– considering me attractive, much less wanting to have sex with me…

“No, I’m not kidding,” John said, breaking into a big smile. “They’ve actually mentioned you several times. They’ll be over the moon that you and I have hooked up…”

“Uh… um… do you guys, uh… fuck each other, too?” I asked uncertainly.

“Why do you ask?” he replied with a slight smirk.

“‘Cause… I want to try it… I saw it in a porn film once. The girl looked like she was really turned on by gettin’ ass-fucked…”

“Some of those women are really good actresses,” he said. “Are you sure you want to?”

“Yeah. And, oh… uh, also… well, that’s not the only reason… I’ve stuck a candle up inside me a few times and it felt really good…”

“You want me to fuck you, then?” he asked.

I blushed; I was glad it was too dark for him to see.

“Uh… um… yeah,” I said very quietly.

“Mmm-hmmm… Well, I’d love to, Frankie… ’cause your ass is so cute and you are so fuckin’ hot… Okay, then… but, first– we have to get you cleaned out… If any turds are in there, it ruins everything… C’mon in the bathroom… I’ll show you what to do.”

Very quietly, we slipped into the hall bathroom; after lots of whispering, two enemas and maybe twenty minutes I was pronounced clean and empty, and we went back to my room. I watched his ass as he climbed up on the bed, then lay back against the pillows.

My eyes went right to his cock, and quickly I got up and knelt between his thighs, sucking it into my hungry mouth and moaning. There was suddenly nothing else in my consciousness but this throbbing, pulsating shaft, and I worked it with mouth and hands, heart pounding, totally focused…

After a minute, though, John lifted my head, and said, “Do you want me to fuck you now, Frankie?”

“Oh, yesss, yesss, pleeease…” I didn’t mean to beg– it just came out that way– my true feelings.

“Alright, then,” John said. “Get up on your knees… oh, yeahhhhh… mmmmm… ohhhhh, that’s niiice… You’ve got such an incredible ass, Frankie… damn…”

He ran his hand over my exposed cheeks for a minute, then dug around in his robe and pulled a small bottle of lube out of the pocket. He put some on my anus and on his fingers before he started to work them into me. I began trembling with excitement.

The first finger felt really good as it wormed its way inside, and I squirmed around on it, moaning softly. The second one stung, though, making me gasp when he pushed it in beside the other; he wiggled both fingers around and shook them, continuing to stretch me out as he worked them deeper.

“It stings, huh?” he said softly. “Yeah, I know… but don’t worry, li’l’ bro… just relax… it’ll start feelin’ okay pretty soon…”

It did, and I started pushing back onto the two invading digits because they were feeling more than okay– they felt incredibly good. It didn’t sting near as much when he inserted the third one, and I was soon squirming on them all as he shook and pushed them further and further up in me…

“Here we go, Frankie,” he said as he removed the fingers. “Ready?” I nodded. For a moment I felt cool air over my wet, open anus, and then he was holding my cheeks apart and pressing what I knew was the lubed head of his cock between them, just inside the hole.

“Just relax, now, Frankie,” he said. “I’m gonna show you a whole new world…”

He put both hands around my waist and thrust forward with his hips as he pulled me backwards. The head and the first part of the shaft went in easily and painlessly, brand new sensations of pleasure beginning to rush out from there as his cock opened me; I pushed back tentatively. After a few seconds, though, with only a couple or three inches inside, he pulled out. I looked around at him, confused…

“I’ve got a better idea, Frankie… Since it’s your first time, I want you to get on top and lower yourself down on me… That way you can do it at your own speed, okay?”

“Sure… Okay.”

John put more lube on his cock, then rolled onto his back, turning me so I faced his feet and pulling my hips down until his cockhead was just inside me.

“Okay, now… lower yourself on down and work it in…”

He held onto my waist and I did as he instructed, holding myself up on my arms, my feet on either side of him, my ass suspended above him, slowly sliding down on his cock. I twisted around a little, pulling up sometimes before lowering myself down onto it again, the large shaft going further and further each time.

At last, I sensed that my asscheeks were about to touch the skin of his stomach… I could feel the warmth of his belly, and the hairs between us awakened nerves…

When I felt that, I pressed down as he drove upwards, and his cock suddenly slid all the way in, my ass flattening against him. Beginning deep inside, huge rushes from even the slightest movement took over my brain completely, and I mewled, groaned and writhed, trying to get even more of that magical shaft inside me. Nothing in my life had prepared me for this kind of ecstasy…

“Is it okay?” he asked softly.

“Ohhhhunghhhhhh…” I replied, completely unable to speak. John’s hands held me tightly around the waist as he thrust upwards and flexed his cock inside me, making the head slide even deeper. I groaned again, awash in ecstasy as I moved slowly on the impaling rod, raising myself ever so slightly before letting my weight push me down again.

He’d pull back a little whenever I raised myself and thrust upwards as I lowered my ass. But then, finally, one time when I raised up, he pulled all the way out again. Whaaa?

Move over to edge of the bed, Frankie,” he said, “and get on your back… yeah, like that…”

He stood on the floor; my butt was half on and half off the bed as he parted my knees, pulling my thighs up against his chest. We could barely see each others’ faces in the faint light as he drove his cock to the hilt in my ass again, and I nearly passed out from the rush of feeling as it opened me up in a whole new way…

Hands on my waist, he pulled me back and forth while his hips drove his cock, increasing the tempo as the strokes became longer. The faster, longer thrusts caused even more intense rushes in me, and I heard myself gasping and whimpering, my head thrashing from side to side as sensation built to an almost unbearable peak.

Then John stopped, holding my thighs against his chest again, not moving at all except for his long, buried cock which he flexed again and again… The clenching made it extend and raise up inside me… I responded by squeezing the base of it as much as I could, my gasps and whimpers slowly quieting to soft moans.

“How you doin’ Frankie?” he asked quietly.

“Ohhhhhhhh… fuck me, John… ohhhhhhhhh… fuck meeeee…”

“Ssshhh,” he said, chuckling. “Not so loud… and don’t worry… I won’t stop… unless you ask me to…”

Ohhhhhhhh,” I moaned quietly. “Never stop… never stop… fuck me all night… ohhhhhhh…”

I’d never even imagined saying those words before, but he’d awakened a craving in me so powerful and primal that I not only meant them, I didn’t care who heard me say them. I loved bein’ fucked by this long, hard cock… loved how absolutely fuckin’ nasty it made me feel as it slid in and out of me… ‘I love bein’ a cock-slut’, I thought. ‘I love it… I love it… ohhhyeahhh…’

He put some more lube on us, then spread my knees open further and bent forward until our stomachs were touching. Suddenly I felt his lips on mine, his tongue pushing them apart and invading my mouth. I opened it in shock, wrapping my arms around him and kissing him back, rolling my hips upwards to get more of his cock in me at the same time.

Our tongues danced with each other, then they were being sucked, then they were fucking throats and everything in between… the kiss became more and more raunchy, matching the delicious nastiness of the cock in my ass… My hands eventually found John’s own round, firm cheeks, squeezing and kneading them as I pulled his hips against mine.

He stopped and pulled out again, quickly rolling me over so my feet were on the floor, legs spread wide, hips on the bed. I felt him putting more lube into me with his finger before he slid his cock back in to the hilt.

Holding my waist, he started really fucking me then, pulling almost all the way out before driving in, moving faster and faster, his hips slapping against my ass until at last he gasped, driving his long cock ‘way far up inside. I jammed a pillow in my mouth and screamed and whimpered, squirming and squeezing my sphincter on his pulsing, shooting cock as he pulled me back tight against him.

When he finally slipped out, he climbed up on the bed; I just lay there where I’d been, my feet on the floor and my head on the sheets, a mixture of lube and come running out of my ass and down my leg.

“That was fucking incredible,” I said into the sheets. “I never knew anything could feel that good…”

I slowly climbed up on the bed and sat next to John, leaning against the headboard as I wiped myself off with a towel.

“So you liked that,” he said. I could hear the smile in his voice.

Liked it?” I answered. “There aren’t any words for how hot that was…”

“So what do you want to do now?” he said, teasing me. “You’ve got a really nice, long cock, too, you know…”

It only took me a second to realize what he was getting at. He got up and knelt between my legs and sucked me until I was hard, then crawled up with his slim, hairless ass inches from my face. He put my hand on one of his asscheeks, and I held it there for a second before squeezing and caressing it, amazed by the firm, smooth roundness. My hard cock pulsed, and I pressed my face and open mouth against the cheek, licking and nipping.

“Ohhyeahhhh… Go ahead… do whatever you feel like doin, Frankie… mmmm… now feel between my cheeks…”

To my surprise, I found a small rectangle of thick rubber there, obviously part of something inside him.

“Go on… pull it out…”

I held it with my fingertips and pulled as John moved his ass around slowly. The butt-plug slipped out easily; the inner part was shaped sort of like a small lava-lamp. He took it out of my hand and gave me the bottle of lube.

“Put some inside me and some on your cock,” he instructed.

Trembling with excitement at what I realized was about to happen, I worked the lube into him with a couple of fingers, then smeared it on my now-throbbing hard-on. The hairless globes of his ass seemed to glow in the faint light as I knelt behind him and put the swollen head of my cock just inside his open hole.

“Do it, Frankie… don’t wait.” he whispered. “I need it just as much as you did… ohhhhyeahhhhh…”

I put my hands on his narrow waist and thrust forward a little. He immediately pushed back, making my cock go nearly halfway into him, his stretched anus sliding down the shaft, creating thrills that rushed through my cock and flashed through my whole body.

He moaned, squirming slightly. “All the way,” he said.

I thrust forward again, pulling his hips back at the same time and burying my slippery cock in his hot insides; his cool asscheeks flattened against me as he groaned deeply, twisting slowly on the impaling pole.

“Ohhhhhunghhhhhh…. that’s what I neeeededohhhhhhhh… Fuck me deeeep, Frankie… ohhhhhunghhhhhh…”

He pushed back against me, still writhing, his sphincters clamping the base of my cock as the warm, silky-slick sleeve slid around on the shaft inside; I’d never imagined anything like what my cock was feeling, and I held still in amazement as he squirmed. Then, holding his waist, I pulled out ever so slightly before driving deep again, the soft skin of the backs of his thighs and asscheeks pressing against me. He groaned quietly, his torso now undulating as he twisted slowly.

“Ohhhhhhh… that’s a perfect cock… ohhhhhhhh… fuck me, Frankie, fuck me just like that… ohhhhhunghhhhhh…”

I held his luscious ass back tight against me, my cock feeling like it had never been harder as I flexed it inside him again and again. Both of us stayed as still as we could, nearly overcome by the exquisite rushes that resulted from every little move.

My hands went all over his body, starting with his ass and thighs, then to his back, shoulders, chest and stomach, then holding his narrow waist again as I held him back tight against me.

“Ohhhhhhhunghhhhhhhsooo gooood… ohhhhhhhunghhhhhh…” he moaned, writhing slowly.

I loved feeling his hot body squirming against mine, his hot, slick insides moving around my cock, squeezing the base with his anal muscle. I stared at the shape of his back tapering down to his waist, then flowing out into the full, round cheeks of his ass as they flattened against me. I knew just what he was feeling, too, as I pulled him tight again, my cock sliding a little deeper, and he groaned again, squeezing me.

“I love your ass, John,” I whispered. “It’s unbelievably hot to be fucking you… Does it feel good to have my cock ‘way up there?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

He groaned again. “Ohhhhhunghhhhhh… there’s nothin’… ohhhhhh… better’n this, Frankie… ohhhhhhhhh…”

We stayed still like that for a while, moving only slightly, moaning and gasping from the constant pleasure-overload that even the slightest changes in position caused. I finally pulled out and re-lubed us, then had John stand on the floor bent over the bed like I’d just done.

He raised his right knee up onto the mattress as I slid back into him, pushing back against me, driving my cock as far as it could go up inside him. Then, just like he did to me, I started to really fuck him– long, hard, and deep. I stopped after a minute, though, realizing I wanted more than his backside, and pulled out.

“On your back, John– right here on the edge of the bed like I was…”

He knew what I wanted, moving quickly into position, and I lubed us once again. We both moaned as I pulled the soft backs of his thighs against my chest, my throbbing cock sliding all the way into his now-well-stretched, warm, slippery sheath. He held onto my ass-cheeks, squirming on my cock, then reached up to hold onto my shoulders, pulling me down on top of him until our mouths locked together again.

It was different this time– it was my cock buried in his ass as I drove my tongue into his throat and he squirmed on my impaling movements. He whimpered and sucked on my tongue, rolling his hips up to meet my thrusts. It pushed me over the edge, and I came, holding his head in a deep kiss as he pulled my hips tighter against him, driving my shooting cock even further inside.

Both of us breathing hard, I lay on top of him until my shrinking shaft finally slipped out. I rolled off and onto my side, our bodies still touching, one hand idly caressing his chest and stomach.

“Wow,” I said. “I never saw this coming.”

“Me either– but I’ve been hoping it would.”

“Really?” I said, still unable to grasp that someone– especially John– could have the hots for me.

“Really. You can’t see yourself like I do, I guess, Frankie… and like Ronnie and Terry do. You’re fucking gorgeous— and your cock is, too…”

I just lay there, stupefied, trying to process all John had just said and all we’d just done; I was ‘way too excited to sleep.

After a minute or two, I turned so my back was against him, slowly sliding my ass against his growing cock.

“You want me to fuck you again?” he whispered in my ear. I nodded; I heard him chuckle. I couldn’t imagine not wanting to feel that again…

He lubed himself where he lay and pulled me back on top of him, lifting one of my legs and draping it over his hips as he thrust up into me. I felt some stinging as the head stretched my partially tightened-up anus again, but it passed quickly– and the magical cock once again slid deeper and deeper into me, making me squirm and moan with almost unbearable pleasure…

“Ohhhhh, John… ohhhhh, John… fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me… ohhhhh… I can’t believe it… ohhhhhhhh…”

“How would you like to have another cock in your mouth right now?” he whispered in my ear.

Immediately, I imagined I was sucking on a second cock, my hands holding onto firm, smooth asscheeks as other hands held my head and fucked my mouth. Had that person been in front of me just then, I would have grabbed him…

“Ohhhhhh… yes, John, yes… ohhhhhh… I want it… I want it… Ohhhhh, fuck me, John, fuck me… fuck me all night…”

He stayed inside me like that for a long time– hard without coming– as I lay back against him and squirmed slowly; then we changed positions so I was on my back at the edge of the bed again, his cock buried in me as we watched each others’ faces in the faint light. When he was about to come, he lowered himself onto me, and I raised my hips to meet his thrusts as he whispered in my ear.

“You’re… this is sooo hot, Frankie… sooo hot… so… ohhhyeahhhhhhmmmm…”

He came, his mouth fastened on mine as he held me tightly against him, his hips driving his cock deep into me again and again as his tongue thrust into my throat; I held him just as tightly, arms and legs around him as I pushed up onto his impaling shaft and sucked on his tongue.

This time, when he slipped out, he got up and wiped his cock off before leaning over and kissing me.

“See you in the morning,” he said. “Remember, Frankie– not a word… and be careful how you act, too… We can’t seem too affectionate with each other… okay?”


I was asleep as soon as the door closed behind him.
