Safiya’s Initiation

Safiya’s Initiation: Lesbian Rituals with her High Priestess Mom!


Safiya filled the chicken’s water trough with fresh water from her bucket as the chickens milled around her feet, parched from the hot day.

“It wouldn’t be so bad if all of you would just stay in the shade.” She said to them as they fought for drinking spots. A white chicken, Dolly, hurried after her when she headed for the exit.

“No, Dolly.” Safiya said, quickly closing the gate so Dolly couldn’t escape. She was a clever one. Well, that was done for now… she would check on the chickens later. It was time for lunch!

As she walked along the stone pathway back to her house, enjoying the crisp spring air, she looked up at the tall stone tower nearby. It looked like Gerald was watching the north wall today. Though they lived out in the wilderness, surrounded by evergreens, there was always a danger that someone might happen upon them and wish to do them harm.

The commune was large enough that it was visible from the air, a smooth patch of green with various white houses amongst the darker green of the forest. Gerald was one of the guards for the watch tower, keeping their commune safe. When he saw her looking, he waved to her. She waved back. Then she headed inside.

The house that she lived in with her mother, the high priestess, was larger and grander than the rest. While it was made from stone like the others, beautiful, brightly colored artwork was painted on the walls and the archway of the entrance. Multi-colored vases were positioned on the front. Safiya took off her outdoor shoes as she entered the home, slipping into her comfortable leather sandals.

“Mother?” She called out.

“In here.” She heard her mother answer. She walked into the living room to see Mother reclining on the couch while Ezra massaged her feet. The air inside was nice and cool, Mother had opened the doors leading to the courtyard and the summer breeze that blew in was refreshing.

“Hello, Safiya.” Ezra said in his usual gentle voice. Safiya rarely saw the assistant leave Mother’s side, although in the evenings sometimes Mother dismissed him for the day when she wanted to be alone with Safiya. Sometimes he slept over on the couch when he and Mother stayed up late to work on plans for the commune. With the adoring way he always looked at Mother, she was sure he would prefer sleeping in bed with her. Or perhaps at her feet like a dog.

Safiya grabbed an orange from the fruit bowl.

“I was just about to make lunch, are you hungry?”

“Starving.” Mother said as she looked over at her daughter with a wane smile. They both had long black hair but the resemblance stopped there. Safiya’s hair was only shoulder length and normally tied up for the chores she had to do throughout the day.

Mother spent the majority of her day performing rituals and walking around the commune with Ezra, conferring with her officials and the other residents, and thus her hair could afford to be long. Mother was voluptuous and the fact that her hair stopped mid-breast made it very difficult for men and women alike to avoid staring at her chest when she was around. Mother seemed to enjoy the attention, often wearing dresses with plunging necklines or her lavish, ornate necklaces as often as she could.

Safiya hoped to one day look as attractive as Mother, but considering she was already eighteen and was still looking very lean, she had to give up any hope of that.

Safiya peeled the orange and tossed the peel into the waste bin. She offered some to Mother, who took it. She offered some to Ezra who politely declined.

“I think it’s time you left, Ezra.” Mother said. He bowed low and headed out of the room. Safiya went into the kitchen, eating the rest of the orange. Mother followed behind her.

Mother took a seat at the kitchen table as Safiya got to cooking. She heated up some aish baladi using the frying pan and then cut them open and stuffed some cooked chicken, vegetables and some cheese inside. She put them on separate plates and brought them to the table. She passed Mother her plate and picked up her own flatbread and took a big bite. She was so hungry!

Despite saying she was starving earlier; Mother was looking at the photo of the pyramids. Safiya had lived here in the commune all her life, but Mother spoke often of their ancestral homeland, and how she wished for them to return one day. But this was the only place where they could practice their religion, away from prying eyes. Safiya would have loved to go too, but for a different reason. The commune was small and she was so bored! She yearned to meet new people and learn new things. She had never even seen the outside world! She was very excited for her rite of passage. When she passed it, she would be able to leave the commune for a period of time.

“So how was your day?” Safiya asked, hoping to break Mother out of her melancholic mood. It was successful, Mother started talking about her day. The neighbors were planning on building a bridge across the river nearby so that they could reach the plants on the other side easily. They would have to recruit some residents for the construction. Of course, nothing went smoothly, she said with a tone of annoyance as she picked up her sandwich with her nicely manicured nails and took a bite. The residents were split on the issue. Some did not want the beauty of the lake to be ruined by a large obtrusive bridge while others were eager to make the walk to the other side a lot shorter.

“I wouldn’t mind a bridge.” Safiya said as Mother chewed, listening. “The plants have been mostly picked over on this side anyways. Too many people performing rituals and making poultices.”

She frowned as she remembered something. “It’s the four-leaf clover for the April ritual, isn’t it?”

“Yes, that’s right.” Mother said nonchalantly.

“I saw lots of people using the five-leaf.” Safiya said.

Mother froze. “Safiya! Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?” She said, horrified.

Safiya shrugged. “I only just remembered.”

Mother was already standing up, dusting off her hands. “I’ll have to make an announcement.” She said, shaking her head. She hurried out of the kitchen. Safiya sighed. And it had been such a nice meal too, relaxing and chatting with each other. She wrapped Mother’s half eaten wrap in plastic wrap and placed it in the fridge. Finishing her own, she went outside again.

She checked on the chickens again. They were finally resting in the shade of the big oak tree. Safiya went to complete some chores. She did the laundry, then went to check on the solar panels on the roof. Food supplies needed to be checked too, so she could give the checklist to the guys when they went into town.

It was already supper time when Mother returned. “Sit down, Mother. Dinner’s almost ready!”

“Smells delicious.” Mother said as she went to set the table. She looked tired but happy. Safiya felt tired too.

“You did well today.” She heard Mother’s voice behind her, low and approving.

“Did I?” Safiya said, distracted. The fish fillets she was cooking were finished and she grabbed oven mitts, taking the clay pot out of the oven.

“Mhm, the others were pleased.” Safiya set the table while Mother poured them both a glass of wine.

Safiya arched an eyebrow. “Are we celebrating?”

“In a way.” Mother said. Safiya spooned a piece of fish into her bowl along with a potato. She ate a little more before she had a sip of the wine.

“Mm.” Mother made little happy noises as she ate. “So good.”

Safiya grinned.

After dinner, Mother helped Safiya clean up. She had almost finished her glass of wine, while Safiya’s had only drank half. She felt good, a little giddy.

“Come on, what’s this? Am I drinking alone here?” Mother teased her. She took both their glasses. “Let’s go to the living room.”

They went to the carpeted recline and laid down on pillows. Safiya could feel the heat in her cheeks already. It was much cooler down on the ground. Mother took another sip of her wine before she put their glasses on the low table. She took out her flute. Safiya smiled. Mother rarely played anymore. She lay back on the pillow and closed her eyes as Mother played. The traditional, undulating melody was beautiful, and vivid imagery of towering pyramids appeared in her mind, of golden sand that stretched on for miles and miles.

“Did you like that, darling?” Mother said afterwards, brushing the hair away from Safiya’s forehead.

“I did.” She said. Mother switched songs and continued playing for some time. Safiya took out a book and read while she enjoyed the music. She had missed doing this with Mother. The past few months she had been so busy with the residents, all the rituals for the upcoming spring, new construction plans…she had barely seen her. She rubbed her sore shoulders as she thought about it.

“Looks like someone needs a massage.” Mother said, putting the flute away. “Come here.”

“It’s ok, I just need to stretch it out a bit.”

“Safiya.” Mother said with a gentle tone, but she wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

Safiya shuffled over.

“Take off your shirt.” Mother said. Safiya obliged and laid down on the carpet face-down. Mother’s hands touched her shoulders, gently massaging. Mmmm…that felt good. Mother even massaged her neck for good measure and Safiya felt tingles of pleasure up her spine. She shivered in delight.

“You have a lovely body.” Mother said, almost to herself. “A woman now…so beautiful.”

Safiya giggled. “Mother.” She sat up and put her shirt back on. Mother took another sip of her wine.

“It’s so nice and cool here. I want to sleep here tonight.” Safiya said.

“My room is nice and cool.” Mother offered. “And the bed will be better for your back. Go brush your teeth and then join me.”

After she finished getting ready for bed, Safiya went over to Mother’s room. Mother was already in bed, wearing only sheer cotton sleepwear. Safiya could almost make out Mother’s dark nipples through the fabric, a realization that gave her an unusual sexual thrill. “You’re the one who’s beautiful, Mother.” She said admiringly.

“Why thank you, dear. I have another set of this if you’d like to wear it.”

Safiya shook her head.

“You don’t have to wear clothes if you don’t want to, it’s very hot tonight.”

Mother turned over her side, giving Safiya a great view of her backside.

“Good night.” Safiya said, crawling into bed beside her and turning off the light.

The next day was a busy one. It was Safiya’s turn to help tend to the crops in the morning, and then to help make organic makeup to sell for the commune. She was very good at this; she had a knack for telling one plant from another, and often she was allowed to make a monthly exclusive item that she was told would normally sell out immediately online when released.

After work she went home. Ezra was just leaving and waved goodbye to her. She waved back. She could already smell the scent of firewood and food cooking. She went into the house and then into the backyard. “Mother! You didn’t have to cook.” She said, embarrassed as she saw Mother at the grill.

“Nonsense, you worked hard today, let me feed you.” Mother said with a grin. She handed the platter of cooked kebabs to Safiya who took them into the kitchen. Again, there were two glasses on the table and when Mother joined her, she filled them both with a little wine.

Safiya’s mouth watered at the spread Mother brought out. A tomato salad, hummus, rice and the aish from earlier today helped complete the meal. She bit into a piece of chicken and marveled at the juicy, smoky flavor.

Mother wanted to know about her day and Safiya eagerly shared the events of her day. After a while, Mother changed the subject.

“So, your initiation ritual is coming up in two days.” She said.

Safiya nodded, trying to ignore the knot that suddenly appeared in her stomach. Why’d she have to bring that up now?

“Nervous?” Mother said, reading her expression accurately. “You shouldn’t be.” She said, putting a hand on Safiya’s. “You’ll do well, I know it.” She smiled and squeezed Safiya’s hand.

“Thank you, Mother.” Safiya said, squeezing her hand back. They cleared the table and cleaned up before heading into the living room.

“Where do you think I should visit first?” Safiya asked Mother. Mother lay down on the full body cushion and considered it thoughtfully. “You know, I loved New York, but it can be expensive. I spent most of my allowance there just on rent.” She said. “I worked as a waitress and could barely afford my tiny place, even with the allowance. But what an incredible place.” Mother said, looking off into the open backyard as she reminisced. “All the culture, the people…it was truly incredible.”

Safiya moved over so she could lie down on the carpet beside Mother. She knew Mother loved being the high priestess, being in charge, the commune… But how lovely it was to see her loving the outside world too! Safiya yearned to see what Mother saw. Once she left, she was tempted to never return. But she would miss Mother too much.

Mother told her a story about how a police man told her off for feeding the ducks at Central Park, but then they had got to talking and he ended up taking her to dinner and a show. Then they had somehow gone bar hopping and talked until the sun came up. Mother was a great storyteller and it was like Safiya was actually there. She listened with some jealousy, her eyes closed, picturing the places with her own imagination.

She felt Mother’s hand on her hair, stroking it. That felt really soothing. She kept her eyes closed. The hand moved down, brushing against her breast briefly. She waited for it to return to her hair but instead it brushed her breast again. She smiled, thinking Mother was playing with her. She opened her eyes just in time to see Mother move in, pressing her lips against hers. She was a little surprised but kissed her back. But this wasn’t a normal peck, Mother deepened the kiss, her tongue reaching out to prod against Safiya’s lip.

Safiya jerked back, startled. “Mother! What’re you doing?” To her surprise Mother’s dark shadowed eyes showed a mixture of surprise and hurt. She did not say anything, didn’t try to justify her actions.

“I’m-I’m sorry.” Safiya blabbered, momentarily at a loss as to what to say. She ran out of the living room and into her bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

When she woke the next day Safiya wasn’t sure what was going to happen. She lay in bed for a while but finally got out of bed and left the bedroom. Mother’s bedroom door was open. She must have left already. Safiya got dressed and headed out of the house.

All day while Safiya was working she wondered what the kiss was about. Why did Mother look so upset by her reaction? She worked with a few other people in the garden today and helped to rake the soil.

“What’s wrong, Safiya?” One of the women named Janice asked.

Safiya shook her head. “Just tired.”

Janice nodded. “Why don’t you go fishing instead? I’ll take over.”

“Thanks.” Safiya said.


The lake was on the other side of the commune, and Safiya decided to take a shortcut instead of walking along the long meandering path. She was almost to the lake, about to pass by the small temple used for daily rituals when she heard angry voices and the sounds of things breaking coming from within. What was going on? She crouched down and hurried over to the side of the temple, peeking through the holed wall. It was Mother! She was dressed in a dark robe, the belt tied loosely around her waist. It wasn’t that easy to see through the small holes but Mother had apparently tossed many of the small gold ritual dishes against the wall and their contents had spilled onto the floor. She heard Ezra’s voice, more panicked than she had ever heard him. She could see him hunched over a chair, flipping through the ancient ritual book frantically. “Lady Isis, I’ve been looking through all the instructions, everything is going exactly as it should…aside from what you have mentioned.” He stammered.

“Well obviously not everything.” Mother said, tossing another dish at the wall with some force. It made a loud clang and pink flower petals flew up into the air before falling to the floor. Mother drank a red liquid from a glass, it was probably wine. She looked over at Ezra, who nodded. “Yes, of course, not everything.” He flipped over the page, careful not to tear it.

“It’s all here,” He smoothed over the page, clearing his throat before reading. “The initiate will come to the high priestess of his or her own free will,” he looked up at Mother, who scowled and gestured at him with her free hand to keep reading, “their lust begins the ceremony, to commence from then on at the high priestess’ direction, prepared as follows:” He looked over and then said meekly. “Then it lists the rest of the ritual preparations, would you like me to read them?”

Mother shook her head. “No, I know them by heart.” She drank heavily from her wine glass again.

“Perhaps, Lady Iris,” Ezra tried again, “Young Safiya is simply not ready yet.”

Mother grunted begrudgingly.

“There’s still tonight.” He suggested, seeing her calm down.

Mother laughed ruefully. “You should have seen her face when I kissed her. Disgust.” She said bitterly. And then, as if in slow motion, she untied her robe, bearing her body to Ezra. Safiya gasped out loud, and clamped a hand to her mouth. Shoot! Thankfully, Ezra had almost fallen out of his chair, shocked. The poor man, he wasn’t ready for the full force of Mother’s beauty. Her large, voluptuous breasts with their dark areolas were truly a sight to behold. Safiya stared.

“Tell me, Ezra, is this the type of body that you would consider disgusting?”

Ezra struggled to find words, his mouth opening and closing. “My high priestess…there’s no one more beautiful than you, your body is truly the only one worthy of the gods…” He said. Mother was already closing her robe, turning her back to him. She sighed. “Just make sure the ritual is ready for tomorrow night.” She walked over to the entrance and slipped on her sandals.

Safiya ducked down as Mother headed down the path back to the commune. Safiya walked in a daze to the lake, where she sat down for a long time. So that was why Mother kissed her yesterday. The ritual said she would want to be with her. Mother’s look of deep sadness was burned into her memory. But she didn’t feel that way about Mother. She couldn’t! And yet…the ritual said she must, otherwise the initiation ceremony could not commence. And that meant she wouldn’t be able to leave the commune. Safiya thought about the situation for a long time before she finally started fishing.

A while passed and she had caught a few fish when her friend Kami joined her, also bearing a fishing rod. Kami was tall and graceful; her light brown hair was mid-back length and she had blunt bangs. Safiya thought she secretly looked like an Egyptian princess, and she had been surprised that Kami had not passed the initiation ritual a year ago.

“Your initiation’s coming up!” She said, squeezing Safiya’s shoulder as a greeting. She put a piece of brown fabric down on the grass before casting. She sat down on the fabric. “You must be so excited.”

Safiya grunted. She questioned whether or not to tell her about the kiss, but decided not to. It was too strange.

Kami was looking nostalgic as she recalled her own memory. “To be in the high priestess’ presence, one on one…my goodness. Incredible.” She played with a strand of her own hair. “Oh, but I guess I shouldn’t talk about it.” She said, looking over at Safiya, a tone of playfulness.

Safiya shrugged and watched the wind blow ripples across the lake.

Kami looked at her as she nibbled on her lower lip, a dam about to burst. “Ok I’ll tell you. All the other girls have done it anyway. You’re the last.”

She shoved her fishing rod between two rocks so she could move over to Safiya.

“Great!” Safiya did the same. Kami tossed her hair back importantly, clearly loving the attention Safiya was giving her now.

“From what the high priestess told me, phase one of the ritual is about a young woman’s journey into adulthood, embracing the child she once was before she can accept herself as a woman.”

Safiya nodded to show that she was following.

Kami looked bashfully for a moment. “Anyways it’s better if I show you.” She spoke. She took off her top and bra and folded it, placing it carefully on the grass. Safiya raised an eyebrow. Nudity wasn’t uncommon in the commune and she had seen Kami naked many times, but she wondered what this had to do with the ritual.

“When I was performing phase one, the high priestess undressed and allowed me to play with her breasts and suckle them. So maybe if you pretend I’m her, you can get some practice now before your ritual.”

Safiya raised an eyebrow. Kami’s breasts were a bit larger than Safiya’s, but a far cry from Mother’s.

“Do you think my mother would really ask me to do that?”

Kami looked thoughtful for a moment, leaning back and resting on her elbows. “It’s part of the ritual, isn’t it? Now do you want to pass it or not?” She said in a bossy tone.

I really do need to pass it, Safiya thought. It was her only way out of here.

“Alright.” She said, crawling over to Kami.


Hmm…Safiya put her mouth on Kami’s left nipple, sucking on it gently, running her tongue over it. She was surprised by how natural it felt, and she flicked her tongue over the hardened nub in her mouth. She looked up at Kami and pulled away to ask, “How’s that?”

“Good, she’ll tell you to do both.” She said. Safiya moved on to the other nipple, doing the same to that side. Kami closed her eyes and let out a breathy sigh.

“What next?” Safiya prodded.

Kami opened her eyes, looking disappointed that it was over.

“Oh…well she’ll test your oral skills…you’ll have to pay homage to the place you were born.” She looked excited at this point, pushing down her pants and underwear. “You want to try it on me?” She was neatly trimmed, it was actually…kind of cute.

“Alright.” Safiya said shyly. “Um. How do I do it?” She rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. She knew some of the girls had done it before to each other, but she had never participated.

Kami beamed. “Put your mouth here.” She said, pointing between her legs. Safiya obeyed.

“Now just lick gently around this area.” Kami instructed, pointing at her folds. Safiya did so and Kami lay back, closing her eyes. She let out a shuddery sigh.

“That’s good. You’re a natural.” She said, a smile on her face. “You’re going to do really well, I know it.” She put her hand on the back of Safiya’s head and guided her to her small rosebud. “Make sure to lick around the clit more. Yes, just like that, nice and slow.”

Encouraged, Safiya continued to orally service her best friend. Kami didn’t have much of a taste, for which Safiya was grateful. She would have felt very bad if she had found the taste of her friend’s pussy unpleasant. She continued to swirl her tongue around gently until the other girl came with a small squeak.

“Ooh, I climaxed!” She said as Safiya sat up, wiping at her mouth. “You’re definitely going to make it to the next stage.” She said proudly. Her gaze wandered off as she stared into the lake.

“I don’t know, I tried so hard but I couldn’t get the high priestess to climax. She was so nice about it too, she let me do it for quite a long time.” She sighed wistfully. “Hm… what I would do to have her in my mouth again…” She looked over at Safiya quickly, as if remembering she was there. “Sorry.” She said sheepishly.

“It’s ok.” Safiya said, still in a better mood than before. “Thanks for teaching me how to do it.”

“No problem.” Kami pulled Safiya into a warm hug. “I better get home; I need to start dinner.”

“Oh crap, me too!” Safiya said. She grabbed her bucket of fish and her fishing rod and headed home.

Mother was already home by the time she got there. She was already in her evening robe, sitting on the couch in the living room. “Hello, Mother.” Safiya said tentatively.


There was no wine glass this time, and yet Mother’s voice carried an edge that Safiya didn’t like.

“I caught some fish, I was thinking of fish and chips tonight.” She said, hoping to ease the tension.

No response. Safiya went into the kitchen to clean the fish. Mother did not move from the living room until she called her in to eat. The meal was quiet, Mother preferring to look out the window instead of talking to her like usual. It wasn’t the same without Mother’s laugh, her stories of the other residents and their funny antics. After dinner Mother cleaned the dishes and went back to the living room.

Safiya took a deep breath. She had realized after the day’s events that she needed to convince Mother that she actually was into her, only then would she be allowed to do the ritual. “Mother, can we talk about last night?” She asked.

An angry crease crossed Mother’s forehead. “I would prefer we didn’t.” She said gruffly. She rubbed at the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes.

“But…” Safiya moved over to sit next to her on the couch. “I liked it.” She said quietly. Mother froze. She put her hand down. “Really.” She said evenly. Suspicious.

“Your lips were very soft.” Safiya said, looking down at her hands, pretending to be shy. “I’m sorry I ran away, it was just surprising to me.”

Mother leaned in. “It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have done it so hastily. I was just…looking forward to it.” She said. Safiya’s hands were in her lap and Mother gently put her hand on hers.

“Do you think…we could do it again?” Safiya asked shyly.

“Well, I don’t know if we should.” Mother said, but looked pleased by the question. “We should save it for the ritual.”

“Not even a little kiss?” Safiya said, milking it.

“Oh… alright.” Mother finally relented with a grin. She leaned in and pressed her lips against Safiya’s. She felt a little tingle when Mother kissed her. Mother had nice, soft lips. It was her first kiss with anyone. It was kind of nice that it was with someone she trusted and loved. She put her arms around Mother. She smelled good, familiar. Mmm that was nice. Good-feeling shivers ran up her spine. Mother was good at this! Really good. She liked feeling Mother’s soft bosom pressed up against hers. She closed her eyes, enjoying the kiss.

When she felt Mother’s tongue on her lips she pulled back, confused.

“Come here.” Mother said with a smile, pulling her back. “Open.” She said, gently rubbing her thumb over Safiya’s lip. She spread her lips and Mother’s tongue slipped inside. Oh my goodness! She thought back to something she read a long time ago. This must be what French kissing is… It was much better than the name. Mother pressed against her, her fingers in Safiya’s hair, cupping the back of her head. Mmm. The kiss ended too soon. Mother bit her lower lip as she looked at Safiya from underneath hooded eyes. “I think that’s enough for now.”

Safiya wanted more but knew better than to push it. “Alright.” She said. She sat back, feeling her heart beat in her chest, faster than usual.

Mother tucked Safiya’s hair behind her hair. Her hand stayed there longer than usual. “And soon, you’ll truly be one of us.” She said proudly.

“I can’t wait.” Safiya said earnestly.

They spend the rest of the evening relaxing and chatting. Mother wouldn’t give any more details on the rituals despite Safiya’s efforts.

“But maybe I could prepare for it better.” She said.

“Don’t worry, my sweet.” Mother said as she led her to her room. “There’s no preparation required outside the ritual.”

She kissed the top of Safiya’s head. “Now off to bed. The ritual will be late in the evening, I want you to be refreshed for it.”


Safiya couldn’t stop thinking about the ritual, in the morning she tended to the chickens, and the afternoon she worked in the garden. She was the only one coming of age on this day, and her being the high priestess’ daughter only made the event more important. Finally, the day was finished and she headed home.

The house was empty, and Mother’s note on the kitchen table told her that she wouldn’t be joining her for dinner, too busy getting the ritual prepared. Also, for her to eat the prepared food on the table only. There was a covered platter in front of her and she unveiled it. Food! A delicious looking array of dried sausages and fruit and vegetables lay in front of her, as well as some crackers and soft bread. Safiya ate a little of everything but she was so nervous that she had to stop. There was a knock on the door. Safiya hurried to the door. It was Ezra!

He was wearing a black robe, and he looked very solemn. The fact that he knocked instead of walking in told Safiya how serious this ritual was.

“Please follow me.” He said to Safiya. Safiya obeyed, and they walked through the commune to the main temple.

The main temple was the central hub of the commune, and was where Mother performed most of her rituals. They went into the main foyer and Safiya and Ezra took off their sandals. They sat down on a bench and Ezra handed her a basin of water. They both washed and dried their feet before stepping on the warm wood path that led to the rest of the temple. There were only a few people that were trained in the rituals, and they were the ones that kept the temple pristine.

They stopped at a small door. “Please cleanse your body with the traditional purification method, dry yourself and then put on this robe.” He handed her a crisp, folded robe. “I will be waiting outside.”

Safiya entered the small room and saw that it was a small bathroom. The traditional purification method was incredibly thorough. She went into the wooden shower stall and turned on the water, using the soap to scrub every inch of her body. She reached down between her legs and spread her folds, cleaning the area. Then she spread her cheeks and used the soap to clean that area too. To have any part of her body be dirty in the presence of the high priestess during the ritual would be sacrilege. She dried herself, put on the towel and left the bathroom, and Ezra was waiting.

He had a red ribbon in one hand and as she waited, he tied up her hair in a bun. She was surprised at how quickly he did it, and how well. Then she remembered he probably did it a thousand times now as he must have helped Mother prepare for her morning ritual every day.

They continued down the hall, and Safiya marveled at the ritual objects proudly displayed on pedestals beside the walls.

Finally, they reached the end of the hallway. The main ritual room…

Safiya looked at the large double doors, the coils of gold that decorated the rich cherry wood.

“Once you enter, please kneel on the green cushion.” Ezra opened the doors and stood to one side, bowing. Safiya walked through, and he gestured to her to continue. She continued walking and Ezra walked over to a large bell built into one of the room’s pillars. It was a hefty bell and it rang with a loud clang. He then headed back to the doors. Safiya watched as he backed out of the room, closing the doors. She heard the doors lock and she felt a tinge of nervousness as to what was to come.

Music started to play from the walls, Safiya looked around for speakers but she couldn’t see them. It was an incredible room, brightly lit by candles burning in nooks in the walls, and a chandelier above. She looked towards the center of the room where an enormous ornate, lush rug took up the majority of the floor, and a dark brown wooden chest adorned with gold trimming sat on the right side of the rug. Her eyes continued to trail towards the back of the room where a brightly lit set of sliding doors opened and Mother walked in. She was wearing a large, silk red robe.

As the doors closed behind her, Safiya gasped as Mother removed the robe. Now she was completely nude, her beautiful skin glistened with a special oil, highlighting Mother’s black tattoos that were beautifully drawn on her legs and stomach. She was wearing a palm frond headdress that swayed as she walked over to Safiya. As she got closer Safiya got a better look at the golden belt with tassels on her waist, with matching anklets. She also had rings and bracelets, all adorned with what looked like priceless gemstones that gleamed in the candlelight. The jewelry chimed as Mother moved.

Her breasts were full and round, free from their usual coverings to be shown in their true majestic splendor, the nipples adorned with gold piercings. Mother removed the headdress and placed it on a wooden stand next to Safiya. She hadn’t even noticed it; she was too busy looking at Mother. She bowed to Mother, putting her hands on the wooden floor.

“You may rise, initiate.” Mother said in her most serious of tones. When Safiya sat up again Mother gave her the faintest of smiles.

“I trust you’ve cleansed yourself in the traditional way?” She asked as Safiya stood up.

“Yes, your highness.”

“You may remove your robe.”

Safiya undid her robe and put it neatly on the floor next to her. Now she too, stood naked in the room.

She watched as Mother lifted up a cloth that was covering a golden bowl filled with oil. Mother took the bowl and dipped her hand in. She started to spread it on Safiya’s body as she spoke an incantation Safiya had never heard before. Safiya stood still as Mother coated her body with the warm oil. She felt tingles of pleasure as Mother paid special attention to her breasts, rubbing her nipples between her fingers to coat them. It felt good, really good. She didn’t know if it was supposed to, but her stiffened nipples betrayed her emotions.

“It’s ok for it to feel good.” Mother said to her, not looking up as her hands moved over Safiya’s body, down her stomach into the junction between her thighs. Safiya took a quick inhale as Mother rubbed the oil even between the lips of her nether region. She had never been touched like that before, and she could feel her cheeks blush with heat.

“Yes, High Priestess.” She was grateful her voice didn’t squeak.

“You may call me Mother.” Mother said with a wink, and Safiya felt her body relax in relief. She smiled.

“Yes, Mother.”

Mother put the basin away.

“Alright, now that you’ve been properly blessed, it’s your turn. You may put your hands on me.” She said, sitting down and leaning back. “Go on, explore.”

Sophia leaned over eagerly. She ran her hands down Mother’s shoulders and Mother closed her eyes. She was so soft and smooth, it felt good. She caressed Mother’s stomach, her hand brushing the waist jewelry. Then boldly she cupped Mother’s breasts! Ooh how she had wondered how these would feel in her hands! It had been so long. Mother sighed in pleasure and opened her eyes partly to watch Safiya. She felt inside herself a sort of naughty feeling, like she was doing something she wasn’t supposed to. Of course, no one touched their mother like this! Her hands traveled down to the dark bush between Mother’s legs, touching it. To her surprise, it was pleasantly soft. Mother spread her legs invitingly.

“Kami told you about the first part of the ritual, didn’t she?”

Safiya kept her mouth shut, unwilling to rat out her friend.

“You don’t have to say anything.” Mother said almost lazily, “But I think you know what’s next.” She pressed her lips against Safiya’s, who kissed her back, determined. “Orally service me until I climax. That is the first trial.”

Safiya nodded.

Mother led her to the side of the room to a large, wooden-carved chair. It was almost a throne, really. She climbed onto it and got into a reclining position. When she spread her legs Safiya’s eyes widened. It was the second time a woman had spread her legs to her, and both of the instances had been today! Despite her nervousness she felt flattered. But now was not the time to be distracted. She forced the butterflies in her stomach away and kneeled on the cushion on the edge of the chair. Kami’s lightly haired pussy in retrospect looked like a girl’s compared to Mother’s womanly triangle of bush. Mother also had thicker folds compared to Kami, and at first they were pressed against each other. Safiya moved over to put her hands against Mother’s legs first before she touched the folds, parting them to reveal the entrance. She could feel herself becoming wet, strangely. Her gaze traveling upward, she marvelled at Mother’s clit. It was so large! It twitched and Safiya felt hers twitch in response.

“Are you going to proceed or just stare?”

Mothers’ drawl jerked Safiya out of the moment.

“Yes mother.” She said, ducking her head down and pressing her lips against Mother’s pussy. It was nice and warm, and the soft hairs caressed her face. She ran her tongue along the inside of the folds and heard Mother sigh gently and lie back. So far so good. She thought of what Kami had told her, gently licking around the inside, and around the clit too. Mother had more of a taste than Kami did, but Safiya found it fairly pleasant. She wrapped her arms around Mother’s legs and continued running her tongue up and around the top of Mother’s clit, then down near her entrance. She did this for a while before looking up. Mother had one hand up on the couch and was examining her bracelet idly. She was bored! This wasn’t any good! Safiya moved to focus more around the clit and Mother closed her eyes briefly. But her breathing was still nice and slow, not at all like Kami’s when she was peaking.

She was going to fail, and she was never getting out of this place.

Mother looked down at her for a moment, then laughed heartily. “Oh my girl, don’t be discouraged. Your friend did the exact same thing you did, and she struggled for half an hour before I finally ended it.” She lay back, still amused.

The exact same thing. Since Mother hadn’t stopped her yet, that meant she still had a chance to turn things around. She continued to lick gently around Mother’s clit. It looked very sexy, so large and inviting…she kissed it gently and watched Mother’s reaction. Kami had urged her to only kiss around the area because it might be too sensitive. But Mother didn’t seem to be affected by that very much. She used her tongue, alternating between the rough and smooth side, pressing harder on Mother’s clit. Mother stopped laughing.

Well, that seemed better than before. Safiya gripped Mother’s thighs tighter as she buried her face in those soft hairs, flicking her tongue back and forth harder, paying attention to Mother’s reaction.

Mother was trying not to react too much but Safiya could see her breath quicken. She tongued Mother’s entrance, thrusting her tongue deep inside, tasting her. Mother shut her eyes, her hands reaching down to tweak her pierced nipples. Safiya sucked on her clit, loving the feel of it in her mouth. Mother gasped. “Yes, keep going.” She said encouragingly. Safiya sucked and licked like her life depended on it, roughly now that she realized that Mother liked it that way. Mother grabbed the back of her head, shoving her pussy against Safiya’s mouth. “Yes, yes!” She hissed. Finally, she stiffened and with a loud womanly moan, came inside Safiya’s mouth.

Safiya was startled by the amount of sweet liquid that came out, but dutifully (and perhaps eagerly) licked it up. Mother sat up and pulled the young girl to her, pressing her lips against Safiya’s, sliding her tongue in, tasting herself. Safiya was taken aback, she didn’t know Mother would want to taste herself. She felt her nipples stiffen in response, intrigued.

“I was getting nervous there.” Mother said, now all smiles. She kissed Safiya’s lips, her cheek, down her neck. Safiya felt a swell of elation inside of her. She had passed the first trial! Take that, Kami! She wrapped her arms around Mother and kissed her enthusiastically. It was like the tension between them had broken and now Mother was excited too. She got up and took Safiya by the hand to the center of the room, onto the carpet.

“And now…” Mother paused for effect. “I will show you the centerpiece for tonight’s ritual.” She performed a series of complicated-looking twists and presses upon the golden bracings on the chest, and finally removed a panel on her wrist bangle. Safiya noted the key tucked away on the side of it. With a satisfying click, the chest unlocked. With two hands, Mother removed a large ornate item. Safiya gasped.

“This is the Dawnbringer.”

Safiya was speechless. She stared at the device. It had rich red-brown leather straps with writing etched into it. Gold buckles shone in the light, and the straps all culminated to the front, securing a large phallus made of some sort of solid but soft tan-colored material. It was both incredibly beautiful and also deeply intimidating.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you are good and ready for this device.” Mother reassured her. “Let’s continue.” She placed it back into the chest, retrieving the bottle of oil before moving back over to Safiya.

Mother shoved Safiya onto the plush rug and pushed apart her legs. Safiya blushed as Mother removed the cap from the bottle. She spilled a bit of the oily substance onto her hand before rubbing it against the inside of Safiya’s thighs, then traveling upwards… Oh…. Safiya gripped the carpet and gasped at the feeling of Mother caressing and covering her folds with the oil. This time there was no need to deny that it felt incredibly good. She closed her eyes with a happy grin as Mother spread it all around her folds. They exchanged more kisses as Mother caressed her.

Soon she felt Mother’s fingers exploring lower down, towards her entrance. She bit her bottom lip, wanting her inside. Mother slipped her finger in, testing her tightness. Safiya blushed, the insertion was a welcome one, but not enough for the amount of arousal she was feeling.

“Not bad.” Mother said, “But can you take two?”

Safiya nodded eagerly. “Yes, Mother.”

A second digit quickly followed, and that felt a lot better, especially when Mother began to thrust with her fingers. Safiya sank back into the rug as a myriad of pleasurable sensations traveled from her pussy to the rest of her body. Too soon the fingers were removed.

“Let’s try Lightbringer now.” Mother said. She undid the straps and wrapped them around her own waist. To Safiya’s surprise, there was a plug that Mother inserted into herself with ease. “The high priestess must contribute her own offering to Lightbringer.” She explained upon seeing Safiya’s confusion. She moved over. Noticing Safiya’s timidness she paused. “Sorry. I’ve forgotten that you’ve never done this before.” She beckoned Safiya closer.

“Do not worry. Mother will be gentle.”

She laid down on the couch. “Alright then, how about you try getting on top? You’ll be able to control how deep it goes this way.”

Safiya moved over. Goodness, it looked even larger up close. She used the back of the couch to hold herself up.

“You’ll have to insert it into yourself, I can’t see from this position.” Mother said.

“Alright.” Safiya said, feeling very sexual and naughty as she angled the phallus into herself. She had some trouble getting the tip to go in. Mother licked her fingers and slipped her fingers inside Safiya to her immense delight. Mother rubbed her thumb near her clit and she started to rock against the fingers.

“Alright, now try again.” Mother said after a few minutes of Safiya riding her fingers.

Safiya angled the phallus again. “There we go.” She slowly lowered herself down, this time a little surprised at how easily it went in. It was pretty exciting actually; she had never been penetrated with anything like this before.

“Excellent. Now rock your hips back and forth. Here, hold my hands.” Mother said.

Mmm that felt good. “How’s this?”

“Very good.” Mother said with a grin. Safiya rocked back and forth and enjoyed the feeling of the cock inside her. She couldn’t fit the entire thing yet but she was enjoying it.

“Try speeding up a little.” Mother urged.

Safiya nodded shyly and was rewarded with even more pleasure through her body. “Feels really good.” She said, biting her lip.

“You’re doing very well.” Mother said as she raised her hips to meet Safiya’s movements, moving the phallus in and out. Safiya flushed, it was a deep, inside pleasure that she wasn’t used to, and Mother was quite the sight lying there, her jewelry twinkling in the light as her hips undulated in a very erotic movement.

“Oooh….” Safiya felt a moan escape her lips. Mother used her fingers to rub at Safiya’s clit. She was so good at that…the double pleasure was too much for the young woman and she felt her pleasure peak and she started to cum.

“Mother…I’m-I’m coming!” She gripped the couch as waves of pleasure crested over her.

“Good! We’ll want as many as you can manage!” Mother said joyfully as she squeezed Safiya’s buttock.

“Are you going to come too, Mother?” Safiya asked. It was the first time she had climaxed with someone else. In a way she was glad it was with Mother. It felt sooo good, she wanted to return the favor.

“Mmm I will, sweetheart, but we need to focus on you.”

Oh right, the ritual. Safiya nodded. “Okay.” She had completely forgotten about the ritual. This part had been her favorite by far!

They changed positions and Mother moved on top of her, sliding the phallus deeper still, one hand caressing Safiya’s nipple while she continued her thrusts.

She ran a hand through Safiya’s hair. Their eyes met and she must’ve seen the arousal in Safiya’s eyes because soon her movements became faster, more aggressive. Safiya panted as they continued the ritual, Mother now completely burying the phallus inside her. She pressed their lips together, the kisses bringing Safiya even closer to the edge. Mother’s heavy breasts swayed back and forth with the movement. Safiya reached over to squeeze and caress them, to pinch and rub the pierced nipples. Mother looked down with somewhat surprise, then smiled. Mother was enjoying it too!

This position was even better than the first. She groaned as the rhythmic pounding brought her closer and closer to her second orgasm. Her breasts swayed to and fro, and she could feel the warm air against her body. Oh fuck it felt good! She had been waiting for so long for her first time, and it had been well worth the wait. She came once more with a cry.

“Two now, you’re doing really.” Mother said. She pulled out and Safiya turned around to look at her. She looked very pleased, brushing a strand of hair away from Safiya’s face.

After a while Mother pinned Safiya’s arms to the couch as she pounded her. “Oh yes.” She muttered to herself. Safiya met her thrusts, enjoying every minute of this part of the ritual.

“How long do we get to do this part?” She asked between gasps of air.

“Until we are finished.” Mother said with equal exertion.

“Let’s do a different position.”

She guided Safiya onto her hands and knees, facing away. Safiya felt the large phallus enter her again and she gasped. Oooh it felt even bigger this way! She felt her clit pulse as the pounding stimulated her more.

Mother’s jewelry jingled as she fucked her from behind. Safiya clung to the couch for dear life as Mother fucked her with a ferocity she didn’t know she had.

“I’m close, baby.” Mother said as she gripped Safiya’s hips, driving her cock into Safiya again and again.

“Goddess, take my offering. My daughter, my essence, they are yours!”

A hot liquid shot into Safiya’s pussy, a seemingly endless amount. Safiya clamped a hand over her mouth, astounded at how vulgar it felt, and yet she loved it. She cried out as she came once more with the fluid inside her, it was so warm and inviting. It was like Mother was coming inside her. There was so much of it, she was afraid it would leak out and make a mess on the couch, but miraculously it stayed inside.

“Keep the liquid inside.” Mother insisted, pulling out carefully. Safiya clenched her legs together as she lay down onto the couch.

“Good girl.” Mother said, still panting from the effort. She put a pillow underneath Safiya to help her keep her legs up. She moved the phallus to Safiya’s mouth. “You have to take it all.” She said, pulling it into Safiya’s mouth. She could taste herself and Mother in the liquid, as well as something unknown. Another burst of liquid which she swallowed quickly.

“Excellent.” Mother said, finally removing it. She caressed Safiya’s hair gently.

And then…Safiya clenched her legs once more as an orgasm racked her body. She saw the shock on Mother’s face before her features smoothed again.

“Well. The Goddess has made her decision.” Mother muttered to herself.

They lay on the carpet together cuddling after Mother had declared the ritual completed. “My little girl.” Mother said, running her hand through Safiya’s hair gently. She was being oddly nostalgic, and Safiya could see her sadness. Safiya didn’t understand. She knew they couldn’t do the ritual again, was that why?

“What’s wrong?” She asked. Mother lay back on her pillow to gaze up at the ceiling. She covered her eyes.

“Tell me.” Safiya insisted.

“Your final orgasm. That was the Goddess response. She has chosen you to be the next High Priestess.”

“But… you’re the High Priestess.” It didn’t make sense. Mother lowered her hand and turned to look at her again.

“There are other temples, places that don’t have a High Priestess yet. You would go there to be trained.” Mother explained. Oh no. Safiya didn’t want anything like that.

“Do I have to go?”

Mother nodded.

“What if I… don’t want to?”

“You have no choice.” Mother said softly. “Once we leave this room it is my duty as High Priestess to prepare you for the journey to the next Temple.”

“No.” Safiya stood up abruptly. Mother’s eyes widened and she stood up quickly.

“Please, don’t resist.” She urged. “I know it’s intimating, but it is the highest honor.”

“I don’t want honor!” Safiya yelled, backing away.

Mother reached out for her with one hand, emotions conflicting on her face.

“I don’t want this, I didn’t want any of this.” Safiya said. “Please, just let me go.”

“I can’t hide The Goddesses’ decision. They will know you refused.” Mother said.

Safiya ran to the couch, putting it between the two of them.

“I wanted to leave, to never come back after this.” Safiya said. Mother lowered her hand in shock. “The ritual was the only way they would let me leave. Please, just let me go. You won’t have to ever see me again. You could tell them I snuck out without you seeing.”

“Never see you again?” Mother gasped. “I could never do that. Is that what you want?”

“No.” Safiya confessed. “At a point during the ritual I decided to stay. But I know I could never see myself as a High Priestess. I would hate every minute of my life.” She confessed. She squeezed the back of the couch as she looked over at Mother, terrified of her response.

Mother shut her eyes for a moment. When she opened her eyes Safiya saw the steely resolve in them. “Well, we can’t have that now, can we?” She reached up and took the headdress off, placing it gently onto the floor.

“There’s clothes in the chest, and shoes. We’ll have to be quick.”

Safiya let out a choked sob of relief. “Thank you, Mother.” She rushed over to Mother’s side. She dressed quickly as Mother took off her jewelry, all the fancy adornments that she had been wearing for the ritual.

“There will be no time to gather provisions, but the boat should have everything we need.” After they were both dressed. They left through the door that Mother had entered previously, hurrying through a small room and then a hallway until they were outside. It was fully dark now but the large moon provided ample light.

“We?” Safiya asked.

“Well of course, I’m coming with you.” Mother said, taking her hand and squeezing it.

The dock was unmanned, and the two of them worked quickly to untie the ropes securing the boat to the dock.

“High priestess.” They both turned at the sound of Ezra’s voice. He had followed them there!

“What is going on?” He asked, looking at the both of them, obviously confused.

“Ezra please. Pretend that you didn’t see us.” Mother said. “This life is not for Safiya, especially not after the Goddess has made her decision.”

In the moonlight Safiya could see the whites of Ezra’s eyes grow as he widened his eyes. “The next High Priestess!” He said, immediately falling to his knees and lowering his head onto the dock.

Mother looked at him with a frown as she tossed the rope onto the deck.

“Safiya is turning down the title and I am relinquishing mine. Go back to the village. They will find a new High Priestess for you to serve.”

She ushered Safiya up the ramp and onto the boat. Ezra raised his head. “Wait!” He cried out.

Mother stopped halfway up the ramp.

“High Priestess, I serve you and you alone. I am ever your faithful servant.” He begged. “Please allow me to accompany you on your journey.” He pleaded.

Mother took a look at Safiya. “Well.” She said, turning over to Safiya. “You’re half of the deciding vote. What do you think? Take him with us?”

Ezra looked from Mother to Safiya, lowering his head in a bow again.

“Okay.” Safiya said.

“Thank you, High Priestess, and Safiya!” Ezra ran up the ramp to grovel at Mother’s feet, kissing her sandaled feet.

“There’s no time for that right now.” Mother said grumpily, and he got up quickly. “Go start the engines.”

“Yes, High Priestess.” Ezra hurried away, squeezing Safiya’s arm gently as he passed. Mother cast off the final line.

The engine started with a loud rumble. Safiya watched in the direction of the village, certain that people would start running over to stop them. But nothing happened. Everyone was asleep.

It wasn’t until the boat started to pull away from the dock that Safiya let out a sigh of relief. Beside her, Mother did too. Safiya cuddled Mother as they watched the shore grow smaller and smaller.

“Thank you, Mother.” She said. Mother turned her around and kissed her fiercely on the mouth. Safiya kissed her back eagerly, delighted that they were still able to do that. She slipped her tongue inside and Mother growled, dropping her hand down to squeeze Safiya’s ass.

“I love you, daughter. I’m sorry if I didn’t say it enough. Of course, you come first.” She said.

They started to head inside.

“Only if you come too.” Safiya said as she followed her.

Mother’s hearty chuckle could be heard clearly in the night, and her reply still had the rich, full-bodied confidence of the High Priestess.

“Well, that goes without saying.”

The end