Gordon and Grace

All characters are over the age of 18.




Gordon and Grace

Gordon tapped his thumb impatiently on the wheel of his truck as he watched his recently turned 18-year-old daughter flirt with some dumb jock that she went to school with. Grace, the youngest of his children, had grown up under his strict rule of ‘no boys’. Gordon knew what boys and men were like; he was one of them. He knew how just the smell of a pretty girl could turn them into monsters. Gordon knew because his own mind was just as fucked up.

In the last two months since Grace had turned 18, Gordon had noticed a change in his daughter’s attitude and style. She was more loving and attentive; she helped more on the farm; Grace even seemed to be improving her grades. It had surprised him at first; Gordon had thought that perhaps she was finally growing up.

But seeing the way she flipped her hair over her shoulder and battered her eyes at the dumb jock in front of her, Gordon understood exactly what she was doing. Grace wanted to date someone. She was buttering him up, waiting for the moment to ask. But what Grace didn’t understand is that no male would ever be good enough. If he could, Gordon would never let go of his daughter.

Grace let out a loud giggle at a comment made by the jock. The sound making Gordon clench his fingers around the wheel; he smacked his car horn twice in quick succession. Grace’s smile faded when she glanced up and locked eyes with Gordon. She glanced back at the jock, said something before walking towards Gordon’s truck. She held her books against her chest and bowed her head slightly as she approached.

Gordon clicked his tongue as Grace climbed into his truck. Once she had closed the door and put on her seatbelt, he turned to her.

“How was school?” he asked.

Grace nodded. “It was good. I got a B on my history report.”

Gordon smiled. “That’s great.” He started the truck and pulled away from the school curb. As they drove away from the school, Gordon glanced between Grace and the road.

It was less than a minute before Grace cracked.

“Daddy, I really like him.”

Gordon’s fingers tightened on the wheel.

“And he isn’t a bad boy, he has good grades, he plays football, he goes to church every Sunday.”

Gordon scoffed. “A boy can go to church and still be a bad egg.”

“Daddy…” It came out as a whine from Grace’s lips.

“No. I don’t want you going out with any boy until after you finish school.” Gordon stopped at a set of lights and turned to look at her.

Grace’s eyes glistened with tears.

“Don’t cry, baby girl.” He reached over and took his chin in her fingers. “No boy is worth those tears.”

Grace sniffed. “The boys were allowed to date.”

“That’s because I know how a boys mind works. I could anticipate what they were going to do. I can’t do that with you.”

“What exactly do you think I’m going to do?” she asked.

“It’s not you, I’m worried about. I don’t want no boy pressuring you into sex and leaving you knocked up. I don’t want that life for you.” Gordon caught a tear that fell down Grace’s cheek. “You deserve to be treated well.”

“Daddy, please.”

Gordon frowned. “I said, no.” He pulled his hand away and turned back to the road.

He knew that was being harsh, and there was truth behind his words. Gordon wanted a good life for his daughter, but it was more for his own selfish reasons. It had been ten years since Grace’s mother died, leaving him to parent Grace through puberty all on his own. The whole period fiasco was only survived thanks to Mrs Franks, their neighbour who would babysit Grace when she was young.

But Grace had matured and become the woman of the house. Mrs Franks taught Grace how to cook, meaning every night she would make dinner. Grace cleaned the house and did the washing too. She ended up taking her mother’s role. Gordon relied on his daughter more than he would admit to anyone, and there were days when he would forget for a moment that Grace was his daughter and see his wife standing at the stove or hanging the washing on the line. Grace had her mother’s blonde hair and green eyes; the way her eyes crinkled when she laughed was the same too.

As a young woman, Gordon looked at Grace and didn’t ever want to let her go. It was possessive and harsh, but Gordon wasn’t going to let Grace go without a fight.

The ride home was silent. By the time they drove down the long driveway that led to the main house, Grace’s tears had stopped, and she was staring out the window. Gordon parked the truck by the side of the house and wasn’t surprised when Grace climbed out, slammed the door and stormed inside. He let out a heavy sigh before heading out to the barn; he had work to do.

Later that afternoon, once Gordon had finished working his last horse, he headed back to the house. As he stepped inside, he enjoyed the refreshing air-conditioned air after being out in the hot sun. Gordon took off his hat and hung it up on the coat rack by the door before walking into the kitchen. He grabbed a beer from the fridge before sitting down on his chair in the living room. He flicked on the afternoon news and kicked off his boots.

Upstairs he could hear Grace moving around. Her feet tapping on the wooden floors. He heard her door open, and her bare feet hit the stairs. As she reached the bottom step, the house phone rang. Without being asked, Grace walked over and grabbed the phone.

“Longmire residence,” she said.

Gordon took a sip of his beer and waited for her to give him the phone.

“Hey, Andrew–yeah, he’s here–of course, he said no–I’m not a child.”

Gordon held in his laugh. Andrew, the eldest child, had always been very protective of Grace. She was fifteen years his junior, and he always liked to coddle her.

“You are as bad as Dad–yeah, one sec–love you too.” Grace walked over and stopped by Gordon’s side. She held out the phone. “Andrew wants to talk to you.”

Gordon took the phone. “Thanks, baby girl.”

Holding the phone to his ear, Gordon noticed as Grace walked away from him that she had changed. In place of the jeans and shirt, she had worn to school was a pair of tight shorts and a tank top. Never before had he noticed how well rounded her ass was and how each cheek would probably perfectly fit in the palm of his hand.

“Old man, you there?”

The sound of Andrew’s voice made Gordon realise he was staring after his daughter. He cleared his throat, “Watch it, boy.”

Andrew laughed. “Gracey been giving you grief?”

“She wants to date some jock at school.”

“Why not just let her? She is an adult now.”

“Not while she’s under my roof.”

“Dad, you can’t protect her forever. Neither of us can. She will need to learn eventually.”

Gordon wanted to throw the phone at the wall.

“At least, while she’s still at home, you can keep an eye on her.”

“You need to stop letting your wife fill that head of yours with nonsense,” Gordon grumbled.

Andrew laughed again. “Rachel hasn’t done anything besides eat the whole house.”

Gordon smirked and couldn’t help but think back to when his wife had been pregnant. She had snacked constantly, waking him up in the middle of the night because she wanted curly fries and ice cream.

“How is my future grandbaby?” Gordon asked.

“He’s good. Only a month till he’s supposed to arrive.”

“Rachel doing well?”

Andrew sighed. “Yeah, she’s just tired and sore, but that’s expected.”

Grace walked back into the living room and paused in front of Gordon. She crossed her hands over her chest and sighed. The look on her face showed her annoyance.

Gordon wanted to scold her for pouting; she was better than that. Instead of acknowledging her pout, he patted the arm of the chair. She didn’t argue like he expected. Grace moved and sat on the arm of his chair, leaning her knees on his thigh.

They stayed like that as Gordon talked to Andrew for the next fifteen minutes. Grace only moved when Gordon finished his beer. And without being asked, Grace jumped up to get him another.

As she sat back down, cracked open his beer and stole a sip before giving it to him, Gordon ended the call with Andrew. He threw the phone onto the couch and said, “You finished pouting.”

“No,” Grace grumbled.

Gordon sighed and wrapped an arm around Grace’s waist. He pulled her body against his, off the arm of the couch and onto his lap. It had been a long time since she sat on his lap, and as her bum settled against his crotch, he realised why it was something only little girls should do. The perfectly rounded ass that had caught his eye minutes before was now firmly pressed against his cock. If Grace were to wiggle against him, he had no doubt that his cock would get hard.

He tried to ignore his strange thoughts and focus on Grace. His hand rested on her hip, and the other turned her head to look at him.

“Give me a good reason for you to date that boy?” he asked.

Grace shifted, her elbow lifting to rest on Gordon’s shoulder. “Because I should be allowed to make my own decisions.”

“Not good enough.”

She frowned. “Because I want to find someone to fall in love with like you and Mum did.”

Gordon sighed. “That’s better, but why the jock?”

“You were a jock.”

“Yes, and I was an asshole. I didn’t even know your mother’s name when I fucked her for the first time.”

Grace’s frown turned to shock. “What?”

It wasn’t the story that Gordon and his wife had told anyone; they left out the six months before their first date that Gordon had used her as stress relief and nothing more. The Pastor’s daughter had been a challenge set by his friends and Gordon, as a young man had never backed down from a challenge.

Gordon had talked his way into his future wife’s panties during a church event. He bent her over her own father’s desk and took her virginity. He hadn’t intended on a repeat, but it seemed that he had her hooked. It was after many, and he did mean, many hookups that he decided he liked her for more than just her pussy.

“So you and Mum weren’t some fairytale?” asked Grace.

“No, she was nothing more than a tight pussy.”

Grace’s cheeks turned red. “Daddy.”

“What? It’s the truth. If you want to be dating boys that you shouldn’t be blushing at the word pussy.”

Grace swallowed and nodded. “Right.”

“I love you, baby girl, and I want you to be happy. But there ain’t no man or boy that I am ever going to trust to take care of you beside me.”

Gordon didn’t know what went through his daughter’s mind, but she didn’t respond. Instead, she snuggled into his chest. Her arms went around his neck, her chest pressed against his, and she pressed her face against his throat. He kept an arm around her waist; the other rested on the top of her knee.

When Grace shifted her body, her chest pressing tighter against him and her bum rubbing against his crotch, he realised what he could feel. He had never noticed his daughter’s breasts, but they were firmly pressed against him. There was no bra beneath that tank top, and her nipples were hard enough he could feel them.

Gordon had always been a breast man; he liked playing with a woman’s nipples, sucking on the perky hard nubs and bitting down enough to drive a woman crazy. He liked squeezing them; he loved the way they bounced when he fucked a woman. He never thought that his daughter’s breasts would be so appealing, but his hand itched to reach up and feel them.

After–what seemed like a very long time–Grace lifted her head.

She said, “Daddy, I understand why you want to protect me, and I love you for that. But I can’t be your baby girl forever.” She climbed from his lap and walked towards the kitchen.

Gordan wanted to argue, tell her she was wrong. But he was done with arguing with her for the day. What he was more concerned about were his reactions to her. Even as Grace walked away, his eyes locked onto the curve of her ass cheeks, and when he looked down, his cock had come to life. It wasn’t normal for a father to react that way about his daughter, but he also wasn’t a normal man–he never had been–and he also put it down to the lack of sex he’d been having.

The last time he had stuck his cock into anyone was two months earlier, a woman had come to buy a horse. He had taken the brunette who was dressed up in her rich wife attire and left her a mess. Smudged makeup, straw in her hair, cum filling her cunt and ass. Gordon had enjoyed sending the bitch home to her husband in such a state. But now, he had apparently fallen to a new kind of low and was getting turned on by the sight of his own daughter.

Gordon could imagine how his wife would have reacted. She probably would have smacked him hard enough to leave a handprint and then made him sleep in the barn. She might have divorced him too. Taken Grace and left him. Once that would have upset him, but she had been dead for a long time.

Grace appeared back in the doorway. “Chicken for dinner?”

Gordon nodded. “Sounds good.”




Waking up with a hard cock wasn’t unusual for Gordon. Most mornings, he would pump one out in the shower, but after the dream he had, his normal imagination wasn’t bringing him to the edge. His mind had taken him to the dark place of touching Grace like she was any other kind of pussy. Grace’s mouth wrapped around his cock was how it had started, her sucking his cock like it was what she was meant to do. Dream Grace took the step to strip herself down and impale herself on his cock over and over.

Gordon’s orgasm only hit when he imagined how tight her young cunt would be wrapped around him. How her breasts would bounce as she begged him for more. He coated the wall of his shower and then stood there for a long while wondering at what point had Grace become more than just his baby girl.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Grace was dressed in a light blue dress. It was covered in small white daisies, and her blonde hair was tied back in a braid. Gordon almost groaned as he pictured himself wrapping his hand around the braid and yanking her back against him as he pounded into her from behind. He paused in the doorway and tried to calm himself down.

Grace turned around and said, “Morning, Daddy.”

Gordon smiled. “Morning, baby girl.”

She stepped away from the counter and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Are you taking me to school today?”

He nodded. “Yeah, I’ll pick you up again too.”

“Okay, we’ll need to go to the store after school and grab a few things.” Grace picked up a paper bag and then walked over to slid it into her school bag, a few pens falling out as she did.

“You have that Math test today?” Gordon asked.

Grace bent down to pick up the pens.

Gordon’s eyes followed her body. The way her ass curved as she knelt made his cock throb. He looked away and took a breath.

“Yeah–you okay, Daddy?”

Gordon looked back at her to see her concern. She put the pens in her bag, slung it over her shoulder and moved over to him.

Gordon nodded. “Yeah, baby girl. Just didn’t sleep great.”

Grace pressed her hand against his chest. “Maybe you shouldn’t have drank so much last night.” She walked around him and out of the kitchen.

“I only had four beers.”

“That’s three too many.”

Gordon followed Grace out into the hall. “Are you my daughter or my wife? Because that nagging sounds like your mother.”

Grace giggled and pulled open the front door. “Sometimes I feel like I’m your wife, but then I remember that a wife gets to have sex, and I don’t.”

Gordon frowned. “Excuse you?”

Grace smirked but bit down on her lip.

He knew she was trying to provoke him. But why?

“What?” she asked, shrugging her shoulders and walking outside.

Gordon followed her, grabbing his hat as he walked out. Grace climbed into his truck and smiled. Getting into the truck, Gordon reached over and grabbed Grace’s chin.

He said, “Is that why you want to date a boy so that you can have sex?”

Grace sighed. “One of the reasons.”

“I didn’t raise you to be a slut.”

She scoffed. “Having sex doesn’t make you a slut. Having sex with lots of people makes you a slut.”

Gordon didn’t know if he wanted to laugh or yell. He couldn’t believe what was happening; his own mind was turning his body against him, his daughter was announcing her intentions to fuck a boy, and he was suddenly considering giving her exactly what she wanted–a hard cock in her cunt. If Grace wanted so badly to become a woman, why shouldn’t he be the one to do it? She belonged to him; he had raised her, she wanted a cock, and he had one; he was also really fucking hard.

Shaking his head, Gordon started the car. He wasn’t going to sit in his truck beside his daughter and let his mind make his cock throb with need.

Neither of them spoke as they drove the twenty minutes to the high school. When Gordon pulled up at the curb, Grace pushed open the door and went to climb out. Gordon cleared his throat, halting her.

He tapped his cheek.

Grace sighed, slid over and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Love you, Daddy.”

Gordon grunted. “Love you too.”

Watching Grace walk away, Gordon’s cock throbbed. He needed to find a way to relieve his ache, and he didn’t think his hand would help. But as he looked up, he spotted a familiar brunette.

Amanda Hearding, a skinny brunette with a small ass but medically enlarged breasts, was John Hearding’s wife. He was the Sherrif of their small town and had a reputation for fucking his suspects more than arresting him. There was also the story of Amanda finding her husband cock deep in his deputies ass on multiple occasions. She was also the mother of the jock that Grace had her eye on.

Gordon’s dealings with the Hearding’s had been few. He saw Amanda at different school events, as she seemed to volunteer for everything; the children he saw rarely; and John only came knocking when he had questions to ask.

Amanda, however, seemed to enjoy whatever attention she could get. Gordon believed it was due to her husband’s infidelity and his seeming preference for cocks rather than cunts. But every time they bumped into one another, Amanda was in for a chat, among other things.

Moving his truck further up, he rolled down his window. “Good morning, Amanda,” he said.

Amanda turned and beamed her wide smile. “Good morning, Gordon.”

“How have things been?” he asked.

She shrugged. “Busy. How’s Grace?”

Gordon smirked. “Real good, she wants to start dating.”

Amanda let out a small giggle. “Well, it was going to happen sooner or later.”

Gordon nodded and bit down the temptation to explain how it made him want to rip off the head of any boy who touched his daughter. Instead, he said, “Would you like to get a coffee with me?”

Amanda bit down on her lip and nodded. “Meet me at my house in an hour?”

“Sounds great.”

There had only been one occasion that Gordon had fucked Amanda; she was always willing to wrap her mouth around his cock, but it was only during a weak moment did she let Gordon fuck her properly.

Both had chaperoned the school dance, Gordon keeping a close eye on his little girl who had gone to the dance with her friends. Amanda had hovered around Gordon, flirting and smiling, and when the night was over, Gordon offered to give her a lift. Grace would be at her friends for the night, so he had nowhere to be.

The poor woman blurted out her disaster of a marriage out to Gordon before pulling out his cock and sucking him. Amanda probably hadn’t intended to do more than that, but Gordon pulled her out of the truck and fucked her against the door in the driveway of her house.

It had been a good quick fuck, not the best he’d enjoyed, but alright.

Gordon arrived at the Hearding’s house and was greeted by a naked Amanda. The woman fell to her knees and sucked Gordon’s cock into her mouth in a very similar way she had that night. Her lips were soft and warm as they encircled around his shaft.

Gordon groaned at the heat and tangled his fingers into her hair.

Amanda used her tongue along with her lips and touched whatever she could of his length. The length knocked the back of her throat, and she pulled back. Her head quickly started sliding up and down, but it wasn’t fast enough for Gordon.

With the grip on her hair, he started to thrust harder into her mouth.

Amanda whimpered at the force but didn’t try to stop him. The tip of his cock took sharp shots at her throat before Gordon pushed himself deep enough to force his whole cock down her throat. She gasped, seemingly shocked at the depths in which he went.

Gordon pulled himself out of her throat and said, “I think I want to fuck you in the bed that your husband does.”

Amanda was gasping for breath as she stood. “He doesn’t fuck me.”

Gordon couldn’t stop the laugh that came out. “Well, I suppose he would if you offered him your ass.”

Amanda frowned. “Tired that.” She headed up the stairs.

Gordon followed.

The master bedroom was what Gordon expected, neat and too perfect. Amanda turned around, and he nudged her backwards. She fell onto the bed before pushing herself up and shifting back.

Gordon undid his shirt, kicked off his shoes and pants before walking over to the edge of the bed. He said, “Why stay with this fag if he don’t fuck you?” He grabbed her ankles and pulled her back to the edge of the bed.

Amanda gasped and took a shaky breath as he hooked her legs around his thighs. “Because I have two children who love their father. And his bank account helps.”

Gordon shook his head. “Suppose that makes sense.”

Her cunt was wet as Gordon pushed his cock into her. She lay back on the bed, her back arching as his length was swallowed by her. Gordon paused as he reached her depths.

“Your lack of cock helps me, at least.”

Amanda groaned as he pulled back.

The next thrust was hard; Gordon fucked Amanda firmly. His hips pistoned forward, her breasts bouncing with every jolt. Amanda cried out with every strike of her insides; her hands struggled to grasp the sheets below her as Gordon yanked her body back and forth.


Gordon’s hands dug into Amanda’s thighs; her cunt was hot and snug around him, but he couldn’t watch her face. It was wrong. Gordon’s eyes fell closed, and Grace flooded his mind. He pictured her at his mercy, on her back, begging for her Daddy’s cock. Gordon found himself thrusting harder, not even hearing Amanda’s screams as an orgasm struck her. He continued to thrust, picturing Grace’s face twisting into pure bliss as her body convulsed around him, her cunt clenching his length sending him over the edge.

“What the fuck did you just say?”

Gordon opened his eyes to see Amanda looking at him, shocked. “What?”

She pushed at his chest, but he held still. His cock still inside her, still half hard.

“You said, Grace.”

Gordon swallowed. He hadn’t even realised he had said her name.

“You weren’t picturing me, you dirty fuck; you were picturing your daughter.” The laugh that followed as Amanda dropped back onto the bed was unexpected. “Is everyone in this town that fucked up?”

Gordon shook his head. “What?”

Releasing her, he stepped back and watched her.

Amanda sat up. “My husband isn’t fucking his deputy behind my back–at least–not anymore. He’s fucking our son.”

Gordon took a moment to process her words. “Your son the quarterback?”

Amanda nodded. “I don’t know how long for, but I’ve heard them. They think I don’t realise that their gym workouts in the basement are them fucking. I’ve heard my son beg his Daddy to fuck his tight ass.” She stood from the bed and walked into the bathroom. “I was so fucking pissed at first, was ready to turn him in. The Sherrif, for incest. But then I realised that I have hated my husband for so long that I could use it.” She cleaned off the mess Gordon had made between her legs before leaning against the doorframe. “The two of them can fuck as much as they like, but they leave my daughter out of it, no one else can know, and I can fuck whoever I want. Including the man he hates the most.” She smirked at Gordon.

“What did I do to your husband?” he asked.

Amanda shrugged. “Don’t bloody know. But he used to love bitching about you.” She bent down and grabbed Gordon’s clothes and held them out to him. “I didn’t really expect this to end with the revelation that both of our families are incestuous–”

“I haven’t touched Grace.” Gordon stepped towards her.

Amanda raised her hands. “Not yet, but you want to. I’m not judging; just keep it to yourself.”

By the time Gordon had reached his truck, he didn’t know what to think. The Sherrif was fucking his own son. The son that he had seen Grace flirting with the day before. Again, Gordon didn’t know if he wanted to laugh or scream.

Gordon leant against the shopping cart’s handle squinting his eyes to read the list Grace had written out. He huffed in annoyance at the small blurry words before glancing up. Grace was sorting through tomatoes. A small smirk graced her lips.

“What’s so funny?” he asked.

Grace tied a knot in the bag of tomatoes before placing them in the cart. “Where are your glasses?”

Gordon huffed. “In the car.”

Grace took the list from him. “They aren’t going to be helpful there.”

“I hate them.”

Grace giggled. “Get over it, old man; you need them.”

Gordon rolled his eyes and followed Grace through the fruit and veg. They got to the cereal aisle, and Gordon grabbed his muesli.

Grace frowned.

“What now?” he asked. “You have a problem with my cereal?”

“That one is high in sugar.”

He rolled his eyes. “And?”

“You should get the one with less sugar.”

“I don’t like the one with less sugar.”

Grace reached to grab the box. “It’s better for you.”

Gordon held it away from her hands. “You’re sounding like a nagging wife again.”

Grace smirked. “Well, sometimes you treat me like I’m your wife.”

He threw the box into the cart. “I thought you weren’t because wives get to have sex.” Gordon mocked her words from earlier and nudged her shoulder with his.

“They do.” She nudged back.

“You want me to start treating you like you’re my wife. Is that what you want?”

Gordon didn’t think before he spoke, but the words came out, and he saw the flash in Grace’s eye. It looked like desire. The tension in his body seemed to tighten, and his cock twitched.

The two of them fell silent, their eyes watching one another. Grace was the one who cleared her throat, tucked her hair behind her ear and walked ahead. Gordon watched his daughter for a moment and couldn’t believe he had just said that out loud. What probably should have worried him more is that he wanted Grace to say yes. He wanted her to tell him that she wanted him to treat her in such a way.

The rest of their trip was awkward. Grace kept the subject on food and off the weird subject of sex. Gordon didn’t really know how to ease the tension–well, he knew one way–so he didn’t say anything.

Once the truck was packed and they were on their way back to the house, Grace turned back to the subject.

“Are you worried about me leaving you? Is that why I can’t date?” she asked.

Gordon didn’t hesitate. “It’s one of many reasons.”

“Daddy, I still have to finish school, and that is months away. I want to go to college, but I was planning on staying local. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.” Grace slid across the trunks seat and pressed her shoulder against his.

Gordon lifted his arm and wrapped it around her shoulder. He pressed a kiss to her head. “It’s not just you leaving–I don’t trust those boys.”

“You don’t have to, Daddy.” Grace placed her hand on Gordon’s chest. “Just me.”

Gordon was starting to feel like he couldn’t argue with her anymore. It seemed she was determined to get this date.

“You want me to trust you to go out on a date with the Hearding boy?” he asked.

She nodded. “He asked me yesterday to a movie on Friday, and I really want to go.”

Gordon wanted to laugh. The dumb jock that was having his ass hole obliterated by his old man’s cock. It was probably the safest option for her. the secretly gay jock wouldn’t try and fuck his little girl.

“Fine,” he said.

Grace’s face lit up. “Really?” she squealed.

He nodded. “On one condition.”


“I drop you off and pick you up.”

Grace frowned. “Daddy…”

“I can add more.”


Gordon didn’t want his daughter to get hurt, but he didn’t want her to be having sex with any of the boys, even more so. The gay jock wouldn’t touch her.

That night as Gordon sat on the couch with Grace, he found his eyes wandering. Grace was lying across the couch in her PJ’s, a pair of shorts that barely covered her ass cheeks and a tank top that was barely holding in her breasts. Said breasts were pressed against his leg as she snuggled her face into the pillow she had placed on his lap. Gordon’s hand was resting on Grace’s waist, and there had been a moment where his hand had shifted, without him even realising, and he had almost groped her.

The young woman that laid beside him was different from the little girl he had always seen. Grace was changing; the way Gordon saw her was changing, and he didn’t know if he liked it or not. Gordon loved his daughter, but everything about her was calling to the side a child wasn’t supposed to see. The hunger for connection, for pleasure. Gordon wants to taste those things again like he had enjoyed for so many years with his wife.

Gordon wasn’t sure what was happening inside himself, but he knew that he couldn’t let Grace get hurt.




The night of the date arrived, and Gordon was on edge.

Grace had been talking excitedly about it for days, and now she had been asking his opinions on her outfits. She came downstairs in a skirt, which Gordon said no to, then a dress; he also said no. Grace came down in her third outfit, a pair of jeans and a nice top, and he nodded yes. No sneaking a hand up her jeans.

When it rolled around to six-thirty, Gordon walked outside to meet Grace in the trunk. She came rushing out of the house in the pink dress he had said no to. He frowned as she climbed in.

“Jeans are boring,” she said, “dresses are best.”

Gordon ground his teeth together before starting the truck. He had been confident that the Hearding kid wasn’t going to touch her.

“What movie you seeing?” Gordon asked.

“The comedy one, Ricky said it’s supposed to be good.” Grace pressed down on her dress, flattening the skirt.

“What time will it be done?” he asked.

“Probably around eight.”

“I’ll pick you up at ten and no later. You want to come home sooner, you call.”

Grace nodded. “Yes, Daddy.”

The theatre in town was old but well kept. The Hearding boy was standing out the front, dressed in his football jumper and jeans. Grace beamed widely at him as Gordon stopped the truck. She pressed a kiss to Gordon’s cheek, but in her excitement of getting out, she got the corner of his mouth more than his cheek.

The warmth from her lips made Gordon want a better taste. If the Hearding boy hadn’t been approaching the truck, Gordon believes he would have grabbed his daughter and shoved his tongue into her throat.

Leaning back against his seat, Grace jumped out. “Hi, Ricky.”

“Hi, Gracey.”

“Boy!” called Gordon.

He looked up and offered a scared smile. “Mr Longmire, sir.”

“I’m picking her up at ten. And keep your hands to yourself if you want to keep them.”

The boy nodded. “Right.”

“Bye, Daddy.” Grace frowned at him and waved him off before taking Ricky’s arm and pulling him toward the theatre.

Gordon watched them pay for their tickets and walk inside before driving off. He probably should have driven home and waited; instead, he drove down the street and parked across the road from Lucky’s, the smaller of the two bars in town. Lucky’s suited the older clientele, more country and beer, than pop and shots.

Taking a seat at the bar, Jannis Malcolm, the bartender and owner of Lucky’s, walked over. “Haven’t seen you in a while,” she said.

Gordon sighed. He placed his hat on the bar and clasped his hands together. “My daughter’s on a date.”

Jannis smirked. “Right, enough to drive any man to drink.”

Gordon nodded.


“Yeah, thanks.” He placed down a ten-dollar bill on the bar.

Jannis handed him his beer and leant back against the other side of the bar. She grabbed glasses and started drying them. “Which boy was bold enough to ask out Grace?”

“Richard Hearding.”

Jannis laughed. “Wow, the Sherrif’s kid.”

“Little punk is what he is.”

Jannis tucked her towel in her jeans. “Got a pair of balls on him.”

Gordon scoffed. “He wouldn’t dare touch my girl.” He took a large gulp of his beer. “And I have it on good authority that touching my daughter is the last thing he’d want either.”

“What do you mean?” asked Jannis.

Gordon probably shouldn’t have said anything, and he didn’t share all the details. Just that he knew that the Hearding boy was taking it up the ass regularly by an older man.

Jannis looked astounded. “I guess that explains why you let Grace go.”

Gordon nodded. “A fag ain’t going to touch my girl, not like she wants him too.”

Three beers later, Gordon left. He walked out of the bar and was putting his hat on his head when a small force ran straight into him. Gordon grasped the arms of the person to stop them from falling. He looked down to see the tear-stained cheeks and red eyes of his daughter.

Cupping Grace’s face, he asked, “What did he do?”

Anger flared in his chest; he was going to find that boy and beat him until he cried or begged for mercy. He would regret the day he was born.

Grace shook her head and buried her face into his chest. “Daddy, take me home.”

The pleading in her voice was the only thing that stopped him from marching down the street. He wiped away her tears, pressed a kiss to her forehead and nodded. Gordon led her back to his truck and didn’t ask anything further.

On the drive home, Grace snuggled into his side. Small hiccups came out of her, but she didn’t speak. She sniffed and gripped Gordon’s shirt tightly but didn’t say anything.

A few things flashed through Gordon’s head; the boy could have rejected her advances if Grace had tried to kiss or touch him; he could have made a move on her, something Gordon had thought to be unlikely, but if he was trying to hide his sexuality it would make sense; or someone else had upset her.

When they arrived back at the house, Grace followed him inside. She only released him once they were at the stairs, and she shuffled up them. Gordon heard the shower start, followed by sobbing. He didn’t go upstairs straight away; he figured his daughter probably didn’t need him rubbing anything in her face–not that he would, intentionally.

What had started out as a night that would solve his problem had turned to his daughter being in the exact position he wanted to avoid. Grace was crying because a boy had hurt her. Gordon never wanted to see tears on his daughters face.

The last time he had seen her cry was the day of her mother’s funeral. She had clung to him with both arms, refusing to let go or hold onto someone else. Gordon held her for most of the day, allowing her to whimper into his shoulder. He remembered how she had spent the next week in his bed, curled into his chest.

Only when Gordon was ready for bed did he check on Grace. He knocked softly on her door before entering and finding her snuggled up in her bed. She glanced up at him and offered a sad smile.

“You okay?” he asked.

She shrugged.

“Did you want to talk about it?”

She shook her head.

“Okay, I’m going to bed. Just wake me if you need me.”

She nodded.

“Love you, baby girl.”

Grace’s sad smile returned. “Love you too, Daddy.”

Gordon wanted to murder the boy. His daughter sounded so broken, so rejected. If he ever saw that boy again, he was going to tie him to the fence post and let his best stallion fuck him until he was split in two. Or maybe he would shove a flaming hot poker up his ass and skewer him with it.

Gordon made his way to bed, wondering what he should do. The results of his plan hadn’t left Grace happy, but Gordon wondered if she would move on from wanting to date. He hopefully could get a few more months out of pretending that his little girl would never date a boy.

Sleep didn’t come easy, he was restless for a while, but when it finally did come, he wasn’t sure how long had passed until he woke up. The creak of his bedroom door stirred Gordon from his light sleep. The sound of feet on the carpet made him aware of the new presence. He blinked open his eyes and focused on the small shape of his daughter.

“Can I sleep with you?” Grace asked.

Gordon nodded. “Of course, baby girl.”

He pulled back the covers, and she climbed in.

Most people would say she was too old to get into bed with her old man, but as she slid in and snuggled right up against him, her hands grasping the old tank he was wearing, her sock-covered toes nudging against his carves, and her head pressing against his chest, Gordon simply wrapped his arms around her and pressed a kiss to her head.

Sleep came back quickly with Grace snuggled against him. And the next time he woke, it was early morning. Light was just peaking in through the window, and Gordon found himself in an uncertain position.

Grace had rolled over at some point and now had her back pressed against him. Gordon’s arm was around her waist, his hand resting beneath the fabric of her tank top on her bare skin. If he shifted his fingers ever so slightly, Gordon knew he would feel her breasts. Grace’s ass was also firmly pressed against his crotch, his morning wood firmly pressed between her ass cheeks. If there was no material separating them, Gordon could have shifted his hips and been inside her.

The thought of penetrating his daughter made his cock twitch and throb. What was happening?

Grace shifted, her ass moving against Gordon’s cock, her breast falling against his fingers.

Gordon had a choice. He could pull himself away from his daughter, climb out of bed and get in the shower. He could be the good father and pretend he wasn’t truly considering deflowering his daughter. Or…he could take the plunge. He could give his daughter what she so desired, a cock in her pussy, maybe even in her ass.

It had been years since Gordon had felt so conflicted about something. He knew he was never a good man; he had loved his wife and his children, did his best to raise them. But he was also harsh and strict and now obsessing over what his daughter cunt would feel like.

His finger’s twitched, and before he could do any more contemplation, he felt the soft firmness of Grace’s breast. Gordon ran his thumb along the bottom before sliding up to find her nipple. The small nub was already hard. Gordon’s hand moved up to get a better grip of Grace’s breast, his thumb and forefinger taking the nipple and rolling it, squeezing slightly and pulling a whimper out of Grace.

Gordon paused at the sound of his daughter. Was she awake? What would she do? Should he keep going? When Grace’s eyes didn’t open, Gordon continued. His other hand slid from beneath her side underneath Grace’s shirt. He bunched the material up and then over her breasts, letting him take the bare flesh in. They were the perfect size in his hand; her skin soft and creamy, the nipples a light brown and perky. Gordon wanted to suck on them.

He settled for his fondling.

Pulling Grace’s back firmly against him, Gordon played with her nipples. His cock pressed firmly against her ass; he played as she slept. Small whimpers coming out of her as he did. Occasionally her hips would shift, pressing against his cock, but she never opened her eyes.

Gordon squeezed one nipple, rolling the flesh between his fingers when Grace shivered against him. He paused to see if she had woken up when he felt the dampness against his cock. Curious, Gordon released one breast and moved his hand down to her shorts. He paused with his fingers on the waistband. He had spent the past few minutes fondling his daughter’s breasts. Could he really go further and touch her pussy?

His hesitation faded when Grace rocked against him. His hand slid beneath her shorts and across her mound. The soft panties she wore were damp as his finger went over the mount and across her covered lips. The dampness told him exactly what he had suspected.

Grace’s legs clenched around Gordon’s hand, and she whined.

Gordon sighed and moved his head to press his face against her cheek. “You awake, baby girl?”

Grace didn’t speak.

He pressed his finger down, pressing her damp panties into her folds.

She moaned.

“Do you want me to continue?” he asked.

He squeezed her breast and rubbed along the material.

“Is this what you want?”

When she didn’t speak, Gordon pulled his hand back.

Grace’s legs clamped tightly on his hand, her hands coming up to grasp his arm and press his hand back down. “Daddy, please.”

Gordon cupped Grace’s cunt and yanked her body firmly against his. He rolled them over, so she was lying face down, and he knelt above her. He pressed his face against her throat and lifted her hips up.

“What do you want?” he asked.

Grace moaned into the pillows. “Make me cum.”

He inhaled her sweet scent before moving his hand beneath her panties. Her body seemed to tremble as his finger touched the bare skin of her lips. Gordon teased the flesh, squeezing her nipple as he did.

“Daddy, please.”

Gordon pressed a kiss against her throat before pushing his finger into her centre.

Grace cried out.

He buried his finger into her, feeling the muscle clenching around his knuckles. Gordon groaned at how warm and wet she was; imagining how his cock would feel wrapped in her velvety wetness made him press his cock against her ass. As he started to slide his finger in and out of Grace, pulling whimpers as he did, Gordon rocked against her. His hard and confined cock, pressed against her asscheeks, using his daughter’s curves to give his cock some much-needed friction.

Grace whimpered as Gordon added a second finger to her cunt. He started to thrust his fingers harder, his mouth moving to the underside of her chin, pressing kisses and sucking her skin into his mouth. He sucked hard enough that she would have marks, dark marks that would show exactly what he was doing to her.

Gordon grunted as he pressed his cock harder against Grace’s ass. “Fuck,” he said, “I want to fuck you so badly.”

Grace cried out, her cunt squeezing desperately against his fingers before a flood poured out of her. Gordon’s hand was soaked as he slowed his fingers down and pulled them from her.

Grace had slumped onto the bed, panting and whining into the pillow.

Gordon’s cock was throbbing. He needed relief, but as he looked down at his daughter, her shorts had slid down to reveal one of her ass cheeks, and her top wasn’t covering anything–one breast was still firmly in Gordon’s grip–he realised what he had just done.

Pulling back, Gordon climbed off the bed and walked into his bathroom. He pulled off his clothes, turned on the shower and grasped his cock. He tugged at his length brutally as he stood under the hot water, hearing how Grace had cried out as he had fingered her.

It took only a handful of tugs before he coated the walls of his shower. He spent the rest of his shower, unsure of what to do. He hadn’t planned on waking up, molesting his daughter and then going on with their normal lives. He doubted that Grace had expected to wake up with her father fondling her.

But she had asked him to make her cum. Pleaded, begged. Her whimpering words had pushed him to give her exactly what she wanted.

Gordon knew that he didn’t feel regret. No. All he felt was the need to take more, to have Grace whimpering beneath him as he fucked her. Have her hold on as he pounded into her. His cock was waking up again as he thought about it.

When he got out of the shower, Grace was gone. The bed empty, and the only sign of what had happened was the damp patch on his sheets.

Gordon dressed and walked downstairs. He made coffee for them both before sitting down at the table. He knew that he would need to talk to Grace about what had happened, and he would need to control himself if she didn’t want him to touch her.

He finished his first cup of coffee before Grace came downstairs. Dressed in a white dress, her hair damp from her shower, and her cheeks flushed. She bit down on her lip as she stepped into the kitchen.

“Morning, Daddy,” she said.

Gordon smiled at her. She looked so beautiful. “Mornin’.”

She walked over to him and surprised him by kneeling in front of him. “Are you mad?”

He frowned. “Why would I be mad?”

“About what happened?”

“In bed?”

She nodded.

“I’m not mad, baby girl.”

“Then why did you leave?”

Gordon cleared his throat. “Because if I hadn’t, you probably wouldn’t be a virgin right now.”

Grace’s cheek turned red. She clenched her legs together and gasped.

“Instead, I took care of myself in the shower.”

Grace frowned and tucked her hair behind her ear.

Gordon reached out and cupped her face, making her look him in the eye. “Would you have liked me to fuck you instead?”

Grace seemed to tremble.

Gordon waited for tears, but they never came. Instead, Grace surprised him by reaching up and wrapping her arms around him. She kissed him. Her small mouth pressed against Gordon’s, and she surprised him by pressing her tongue against his lips.

Gordon happily opened his mouth to accept her tongue and tangled his fingers into her locks.

Grace moaned against his mouth and shivered as Gordon’s grip tightened. She broke the kiss, but Gordon wasn’t done.

He moved his mouth down to her throat, sucking and pressing kisses. Grace ran a hand down Gordon’s chest, and a small giggle came out when she touched his crotch.

“Are you laughing at me?” he asked.

Grace smiled. “I’m nervous.”

Gordon kissed her mouth again, slowly. “Why?”

“I want to put your cock in my mouth.”

His cock throbbed violently at her words.

“Those are dangerous words, baby girl.” He ran his finger across her bottom lip.


He hushed her. “If this continues, another boy will never touch you again. You have always been mine, baby girl, but I won’t ever let you go.”

Grace seemed to take in his words before placing her hands on his knees and kneeling between his legs.

Gordon watched her closely as she reached for his jeans, opening the button before pulling down the zipper. He sat back in his chair and lifted his hips, allowing Grace to pull his pants down, her fingers hooking into his underwear too.

Gordon’s cock was already hard at the idea of Grace’s mouth on him. And when freed from the confines of his pants, his cock lept up and smacked Grace on the cheek.

Gordon smirked at Grace’s surprise.

She stared at the hard length for a moment, swallowing before taking it in her hands.

Gordon let out a low groan at the feel of her hands on him. Her fingers gripped his length, stroking it slowly. Her thumb ran up the side before moving across the tip, sliding the wetness over the head.

Grace shifted closer and opened her mouth. Her tongue stretched out and lapped at the head, tasting the precum that was leaking.

The small licks were pulling louder groans from Gordon; his hand had come up to cum Grace’s face, his thumb on her cheek and his fingers sliding into her hair. He pulled her mouth closer, wanting her to wrap her lips around him.

She seemed to understand his intention and gave the head of his cock a gentle kiss before wrapping her lips around. Grace sucked softly; a small moan sent shocks through Gordon.

“Fuck–baby girl–” his grip tightened, and he pushed his cock further into her mouth, “I’m going to fuck–your hot mouth.”

Grace let out a small squeal as Gordon push his cock harshly in. He felt the head of his cock hit the back of her throat, causing her to gasp and choke slightly. Her brow furrowed, but she didn’t pull away. She continued using her tongue and sucking on his length.

Gordon took control of Grace’s movements. He directed her to move back and forth, sliding her lips along his length. Her tight hot mouth could barely fit his length inside it, but Grace seemed to be trying to take whatever he was giving her.

Rocking his hips as he guided her, his cock continued to hit the back of her throat, and after a few thrusts, Gordon pushed deeper.

Grace’s eyes bulged as he went down deeper.

He stroked her cheek and enjoyed how her eyes looked up at him. “The sight of you–” Gordon thrust in harder, “–my cock in your mouth–” his hand tightening even more, “–is better than any fucking fantasy.”

It only took a few more thrusts before Gordon’s orgasm hit him. he thrust his cock back down Grace’s throat and watched as she squirmed. Hot barrels of cum shot into his daughter’s mouth, and she swallowed every single drop.

Gordon sat panting on the chair, his cock softened in Grace’s mouth. He released his grip and allowed her to pull back, licking his length clean as she did. His cock fell from her mouth with a pop, and the shine that sparkled across her lips, made him want more.

It was a sinful sight indeed to see his daughter in such a way.

“How did I do?” Grace asked.

Gordon smiled. “Very well.”

Grace giggled and pushed herself to stand.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Gordon grabbed Grace’s waist and pulled her against him and onto his lap. “I’m far from finished.”

The blush on her cheeks and the need in her eyes gave Gordon the permission he wanted. He kissed her hard, leaving her panting when he pulled back.

“You are going to go upstairs, strip, and be waiting for me on my bed.”

Grace nodded. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl.”

She stood, and as she turned to walk away, Gordon smacked her butt, pulling a small squeal from her.

He watched as she dashed towards the stairs, his cock twitching as she went.

There was no stopping what was happening now. Gordon knew he was forever fucked. He had fingered his daughters cunt, played with her breasts, fucked her mouth, and now he was about to fuck her cunt. He knew that there was probably nothing else he could do in the world that was this bad. But he didn’t care.

And there was also no one to stop him.

The sight before Gordon in the bedroom made his hard cock throb. Grace was splayed out on his bed, naked. Her knees were bent, her legs open wide, and her virgin pussy was shining at me. She had her head thrown back, her breasts rising and falling with her breath.


Grace glanced up and bit down on her lip.

“Touch yourself,” he said.

Grace lifted her hand and ran the tips of her fingers along her stomach. The trail led to one of her breasts that she cupped and squeezed. The other hand moved down her stomach, sliding to her mound before one finger slid over the mound and pressed against her folds.

She gasped.

“Play with your cunt.”

Grace pushed her finger lower; it slid between her folds and into her centre. A loud gasp coming out.

Gordon couldn’t stop himself from licking his lips and wondering what she would taste like.

“Pinch your nipple.”

She did.

“Play with your clit.”

She moaned.

Gordon slowly started to remove his clothing as he watched his daughter fondle herself. Juice had started to leak from her folds, she was squirming and moaning, her face had become flushed, and her body was trembling.


Gordon smirked and pushed his jeans down his legs. He kicked off his underwear and walked towards the edge of the bed, where he knelt on the mattress.

Grace’s eyes snapped open and locked with his as he crawled up the bed until he hovered over her.

“Cum, baby girl.”

Grace’s jaw clenched and her back arched. “Argh!”

Her whole body trembled, and Gordon enjoyed her body twist and shudder as her pleasure rolled through her.

He grasped the wrist of the hand that had been playing with her cunt and brought her fingers to his mouth. He licked at the traces of her cum before releasing her hand and moving her body.

Grace was slumped against the bed beneath him. He grasped her thighs and lifted her legs up, and wrap around his hips. His hard cock was pressed against her centre, the heat and wetness exciting Gordon more.

“Are you ready, baby girl?” he asked.

Grace couldn’t seem to find the words, but she nodded.

He kept their eyes locked but released one thigh to take his cock in hand. He lined up his length with her centre, but not before teasing her folds, running the head along them and coating himself in her essence.

There was a brief moment when he paused; Gordon watched his daughter’s eyes for just a second before he pushed inside. The lips of her cunt spread open wide and willing before grasping at his length. Her centre was hot and wet and greedily clenching around him as he sunk into her.

Grace whimpered beneath him, her back arching as he sunk deeper and deeper.

Gordon moved her face down to her chest. He rested his head against her breasts as his cock stopped. He wasn’t completely buried inside her, but his cock couldn’t go any deeper.

Grace squirmed beneath him. “Daddy,” she whimpered.

Gordon pressed a kiss to her chest before shifting his hips back. He pulled out over halfway before thrusting back.

The jolt rocked Grace, her breasts bouncing. Gordon moved his mouth to latched on her breasts, sucking the nipple between his teeth as his steady thrusts started.

There were no words spoken between them.

Grace whimpered and moaned, her walls clenching around his cock, her slick coating him with enough moisture that he was gliding in and out of her.

Gordon couldn’t help but grunt as he thrust into her. The heat of her body, the way she was trembling beneath his touch. The sounds she made were pushing him closer.

It was going to be his third orgasm in less than two hours, and this time he wasn’t going to be coating the wall of a shower. No–he was going to fill his daughter cunt with as much cum as he could.

His cock twitch inside of Grace at the thought, pulling a small squeal from Grace.

Gordon snapped his hips harder, wanting to push Grace’s next orgasm over before his end. He lifted her hips higher, buried himself in her harder and faster. He used one hand to fondle the breast that his mouth wasn’t devouring, and as he twisted her nipple hard enough between his fingers that it would probably bruise, Grace’s cunt clamped around him firmly.


Grace’s whole body arched up against Gordon. He grasped her lower back and snapped his cock into her hard, releasing her breasts to catch her mouth in a deep kiss and swallow her cry.

The tightness of her cunt pushing him over the edge, his cock shooting his cum as deep as he could inside her.

It took a lot of effort for Gordon to keep himself from slumping his full weight on top of Grace. The two of them lay still, Grace’s legs wrapped around his, her chest pressed against his. Her eyes were closed, and she was panting heavily.

Gordon was resting most of his weight on his forearms but was pressing his body completely against her. His softened cock was still buried inside her; he could feel the mixture of their release sliding down his length to slip out of her.

Pressing a soft kiss to Grace’s mouth, Gordon found himself almost laughing. It was a little unbelievable that he had just deflowered his daughter. He’d fucked Grace’s cunt, and he couldn’t wait to do it again–and again.

Shifting his weight, Grace whimpered below him.

“You sensitive?” he asked.

Grace nodded. “Yeah.”

He kissed her cheek before pulling himself out and then laying down beside her.

He took a moment to watch Grace as she turned onto her side. Her cheeks were glowing, and her eyes looked bright. She reached out for him and pulled herself against him. Gordon lay an arm around her waist and let her snuggle her head into his shoulder.

“I love you, Daddy.”

Gordon pressed a kiss to her head before finding her lips. He gave her a slow but sweet kiss, his tongue mixing with hers and pulling a soft moan from her.

“I love you too, baby girl.”

Their kisses continued for a few minutes, Grace moaning under Gordon’s tongue.

“Daddy, can we do that again?” she asked.

Gordon deepened their kiss, his hand squeezing her bum. “I plan too,” he said, “until you can’t walk.”

Grace giggled. “How many times is that?”

He shrugged. “We will have to find out.”