The Nerd

Hi, I’m back! Everyone in this one is a grown up. They’re consenting adults and perverts too obvs! Sweet!



“The Nerd”


“Come on, Sherri, you haven’t as much as spoken to him for almost a year!” Christine Wilson implored. She was on the telephone with her daughter Sherri, a junior at Ohio State University.

“I’m a grown woman mom, with grown woman friends. I don’t have time to babysit a boring nerd like Aaron. I thought he was going to MIT or something anyway,” Sherri harrumphed.

“You know very well he’ll have his pick of colleges come spring, Sherri. I want him to have some experience of college life before he goes. Take him to a restaurant, a movie, a party even. It’s only for a few days. He has changed since you were last home. It’ll be fun!” It had hurt Christine deeply when Sherri had chosen to tour Europe in the summer with her friends. She hadn’t seen her daughter since Christmas a year ago.

“We don’t have a spare bed mom, where’s he going to sleep?” Sherri asked, still sounding unhappy.

“You two have shared a bed hundreds of times at grandma’s Sherri. Two nights won’t kill you!” Christine replied, becoming exasperated now.

“When we were children, mother! What would my friends think? There’s no goddamn way that’s going to happen!” Sherri exclaimed.

“What about Lindsay and Mallory? From what you’ve told me they wouldn’t mind sharing a bed!” Christine kept pushing. This was important to her.

“OK, yeah. That might actually work,” Sherri replied, much of the wind gone from her sails.

Christine knew she had her now. One final inducement should do it. “I’ll send $500 with him, cash. Spend some of it on taking him out and keep the rest. But don’t short-change him! The boy has never been out of this house on a date. He needs you, Sherri. I mean it!”

“OK mom, fine. I’ll do it,” the girl whined. She knew when she was beaten and the $500 would come in very handy. Her dealer had gotten very expensive this semester! “When is he coming?”

“He insists on taking the overnight bus to save me money. He gets into the bus terminal downtown Columbus at 8 am Friday. Can you pick him up please?” Christine asked.

“I’ll get Penny to pick him up in her car. I’ve got a class Friday morning, but I’ll be back by lunchtime,” Sherri replied.

“OK, thank you, darling. You know this means the world to me. Aaron needs the help that only a big sister can provide. I’ll tell him the good news right now. Love you, baby. Bye.” With that, Christine hung up on a shell-shocked Sherri.

At home in Eugene, Christine punched the air and cried “Gotcha!”


Penny Nichols waited at the main bus terminal in Columbus, Ohio. Her best friend Sherri had told her to look out for a short, greasy-haired nerd getting off the bus from Portland. He’d have thick glasses and more zits than skin too, Sherri had added cruelly. In case she missed him Penny had worn her Buckeyes cheerleading outfit. She wasn’t crazy though. It was under her warmest winter coat. She had left it unbuttoned though. The boy had been told to look out for her bright red outfit.

No person matching Aaron’s description got off the bus. She looked around and checked her watch, it was 8:05 am. She was about to ask the driver if he’d seen him when there was a soft cough behind her. She turned and gawked at the absolute hottie who was standing there. He was tall with short blond hair, a chiseled jaw, and piercing blue eyes. As he spoke, she marveled at his white teeth and charming smile.

“Might you be, ah… Penny, miss?” he asked. “My sister told me to look for the most beautiful girl I could find.”

She flushed crimson! “Aaron? Aaron Wilson?” she stammered.

“Yes, that’s me. I’m guessing Sherri described me a little differently. It’s been a long time since she’s seen me,” he said.

His voice was soft but strong, his manner compelling. Sherri’s brother was a goofy computer nerd, wasn’t he? Not this confident, charming… man!

“Ah yeah. She told me you’d have a green coat, she must have got mixed up,” Penny lied. Sherri was going to have some major explaining to do.

“How far is it to your apartment? I would love to get a cup of coffee if that’s possible,” he asked.

“About twenty minutes but I know a great place on the way. Come on.” She took his arm and led him towards the neighboring parking structure.

Ten minutes later Aaron ordered her a Triple, Venti, Non-Fat, Caramel Macchiato. He was having an Americano. Penny had grabbed a table and waved him over. They had chatted like old friends in the car and she wanted it to continue before she got him home. When Aaron came to sit down, he took off his coat and Penny’s eyes went wide. He was ripped! Broad shoulders, narrow waist, and lots of interesting bulges in between. No wonder Sherri had lied about him. Fuck Europe, they should have stayed at Sherri’s house last summer!

“So, what are you planning to do this weekend Aaron?” she asked.

“I’m not sure. I left the planning up to Sherri. I’ve never been away from the farm before you see. I want to cook a nice dinner for everyone tonight if that’s OK. Do you think your roommates will all be home? It is Friday night after all.”

“Oh, I can pretty much guarantee it once they meet you, Aaron. There’s a big party at the Delta Tau Chi fraternity tomorrow night. We should definitely go to that too,” Penny replied, astonished to find herself angling for a date!

“A big college party? I’m not sure. Would I need ID? I don’t have a fake one, just my actual driver’s license,” he replied, downcast.

“Not if you come as my date slugger! I’ll get you VIP access,” Penny reached out and slapped his arm.

“A date? With a college cheerleader? Man, the guys in the chess club would shi…! Ah, would not believe me, I mean. At all,” he stammered, face coloring.

Ah, there was the eighteen-year-old cutie, Penny thought. This was too precious. “Don’t worry Aaron, we’ll send them all sorts of naughty selfies. You’re right, they will absolutely shit themselves!”

They both laughed and Aaron calmed down and relaxed again, accepting her invitation. They savored their coffees before returning to her car. She drove home to the apartment, wondering what her friends would make of him. It turned out that Lindsay was still in bed and Mallory was preparing to go for a swim.

“Aaron, this is Mallory. She’s on the swim team so she stinks of chlorine all the time!” Penny said by way of introduction.

“Better than stinking of cum like you, bitch,” giggled the tall, black girl. She turned from the hall cupboard to greet her friend’s bookish brother. Like Penny at the bus station, she stared, before blurting out,

“Holy shit Penny, who the fuck is this? You got the wrong guy you ditz!”

Aaron spoke first. “Hi Mallory, I’m Aaron. I bet Sherri has been teasing you all about me. I’m going to have to get her back somehow.” He held out his hand to her. As she raised hers to shake, he took it in his, bowed theatrically, and kissed the back of her fingers.

“Nice to meet you, Aaron. You’re right about Sherri, if you need any help with revenge just ask. Lindsay and I are the queens of practical jokes around here. We got her with a great one this morning! I’m sorry I can’t stay but I missed practice this morning and if I don’t swim soon, I’ll be as tight as a drum all weekend.” Mallory had been wondering recently if she might be gay, but right then she knew she was bi!

“Oh man, I would love a swim more than anything after that bus trip. Could I come with you Mallory? Please?” Aaron asked.

Penny’s face fell as Mallory replied. “Sure. You got your trunks with you?”

“Yes ma’am. Do you think I could borrow a towel though?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’ll get one of Sherri’s for you,” Penny smirked. Fuck! She’d arranged a date with him not ten minutes before. And now he was going for a dip with the Amazonian Princess. Let’s see how you like this Aaron, she thought.

She returned with a pink towel, embroidered with unicorns and rainbows.

“Hey, it’s like my Pride flag at home. Thanks, Penny. Is it far to the pool Mallory?” he asked.

Penny stared. He was either the dumbest hick in the world or the coolest guy she’d ever met. She really didn’t know which!

“I usually run there to get warmed up,” replied Mallory. She directed a self-satisfied smile at Penny. “Takes about ten minutes.”

“Cool. Is there somewhere I could change?” he asked.

“Just use mine,” Penny said. “It’s that one on the end.” She continued sotto voce, “It’s the one where I’ll be making a man of you tomorrow night!”

As Aaron disappeared into the room with his bag, Penny turned on Mallory. “Come on Mal! Aaron is taking me out to the Delta Tau Chi thing tomorrow. What’s up with you? You were all over him like a rash. I thought you were playing on the other team now, anyway.”

“Sorry Pen, I didn’t know. Outstanding work though, he’s definitely a keeper. And I’ll play on whatever team he’s on! You better sharpen your claws. There will be a lot of competition for him at that party,” Mallory laughed.

“That’s fair enough, but I didn’t expect there to be competition in my own home! Hands off!” Penny fumed. She calmed when she saw Mallory’s hands raised in a placatory gesture. They were best friends, all four of them. They could fight like cats and dogs but it never lasted. They were like family that way.

“I want a full report on what’s in those trunks, Mal. No peeking mind, just your best remote observations!” The two girls were still giggling when Aaron reappeared in loose shorts and a T-shirt. The ludicrous towel looked so incongruous, gripped in his powerful, farmer’s hand.

“Ready to go Miss Mallory?” he asked. She nodded and pranced to the front door, opening it for him and following him out. The door slammed and Penny let out a sigh. Another door cracked open and a tousle-haired face appeared.

“Was that the gimp?” the girl asked.

“That, my dear Lindsay was my future husband! She-Hulk has taken him for a swim. I’m gonna get spruced up before they get back. Oh Linds, he’s fucking gorgeous. One minute he’s Sheldon Cooper, the next he’s fucking Bradley Cooper. That lying bitch Sherri has kept him from us all this time. I’m going to kill her!” Penny was heading into her room before Lindsay could react.

‘What the hell is going on?’ she thought. Shaking her head, she slouched towards the bathroom for a much-needed shower.


Sherri Wilson trudged up the three flights of stairs to the apartment. She was in a foul mood.

When she’d woken up that morning there had been two strange guys in her bed! Strange as in normal guys she didn’t know, not weirdos! She was deliciously sore all over and couldn’t remember a thing about the night before. Her head was pounding. The empty bottle of JD on her bedside cabinet explained why. She shook the two boys, to wake them up. Rod and Todd? Brett and Rhett? What the hell were their names? She knew they rhymed but that was all. Well, she thought they might. Did she? It must have been a helluva night!

“Come on guys! Get up and get the fuck out of here! Before my roommates wake up!” Sherri hissed at them.

With much grumbling, the two pretty boys pulled on their jeans, shirts, and shoes. Sherri wrapped her duvet around her shoulders and ushered them to the bedroom door.

“Last night was fun. We should do it again. I’ll call you,” she whispered.

“You don’t have our numbers,” one replied.

“I’ll find you. Don’t worry, now go!”

The lads slipped out of the door. To a rousing round of applause and wolf whistles!

“Hi, Stephen! Hi, Peter!” female voices!

No, no, no, no!

The boys ran out the front door and raced down the stairs.

Sherri looked out into the hallway to see what had happened. Her three roommates had set up a row of kitchen chairs facing her door! And the bitches were eating fucking popcorn! They were laughing uproariously, hooting and hollering their delight.

“You CUNTS!” Sherri screamed. “You dirty, rotten cunts!”

She couldn’t keep it going though, she was laughing now too. The scene was absurd but also typical of the types of pranks the four girls played on each other.

“You three kept us awake all night,” complained Lindsay. “We had to do something to get our own back!”

Sherri did feel a little ashamed but her body told her it had definitely been worth it. She gave them the finger and retreated back into her room. She had just remembered that she might have some coke left from the night before. That would take care of her hangover at least.

It had, but very little else had gone right that morning. In class, her Art History professor had called on her to answer an easy question. She had whiffed it completely. It was her favorite subject too. At least she wouldn’t have to go back until after the holidays. She hoped that everyone would have forgotten by then.

“Hey guys, I’m back. Fuck, I need a drink,” she called, slouching over to the refrigerator. She reached in to grab a beer, took a long pull, and continued. “Did Aaron make it or did he run home to mommy?”

“Shhh! He’s sleeping,” the other three girls hissed at her. They were squeezed onto the love seat because some hunky guy was asleep on the main couch. They were staring at him like they had her bedroom door that morning.

“Who the hell is that?” Sherri whispered. “Did someone order a stripper?” The guy was only wearing shorts and a T-shirt that had ridden up over his picture-perfect abs.

Three heads turned to gape at her.

“You don’t recognize your own brother? It’s time you got your contact lenses checked girl,” said Mallory.

“Fuck off. In Opposite World maybe. Aaron is a little kid. Come on, who is that really?” Sherri was becoming confused.

“It’s me, Sis,” Aaron yawned, sitting up and scrubbing a hand through his hair. “How are you? Long-time no see.”

He stood and walked to her, at least a head taller than she remembered. He picked her up and pirouetted around the kitchen.

Sherri squealed in fright but then she noticed his smell, earthy and clean. She ran a finger over the small mole on his cheek. She stared into those deep blue eyes and she knew. It was him!

“Put me down you dick! Have you been mainlining mom’s growth hormones off the farm? They’re meant for the cows dumbass. They will shrink your dick too!” Sherri’s fists were beating a tattoo on his shoulders. Her friends laughed and shook their heads emphatically.

Aaron released his sister, kissing her on the nose. He skipped back to the couch calling,

“They didn’t do your boobs any harm Sis!”

Despite herself, Sherri laughed along with the rest of them. She sat down beside him and asked, “What happened? This is not normal Aaron, these changes. You’re like a completely different person.”

“Late puberty, I guess. There are always chores to do on the farm now that dad is gone. That gives me a great workout every day. Plus, I swim four times a week. It’s great for the skin. And I got LASIK surgery on my eyes. Mom arranged it for my eighteenth birthday. But I’m still little Aaron underneath. There’s more of me to love now is all Sis!” Aaron lunged towards her and began tickling her under the ribs.

“More to hate you mean! Get off me, you great oaf. Guys help me out here,” she shouted to her friends. They were too busy laughing to help… or even care!


Sherri and Aaron spent the rest of the morning catching up in her room. The dynamic of their relationship had completely flipped. She had always been the aggressor, teasing him mercilessly. But now he drove the conversation. He seemed genuinely interested to hear about her school work, her softball team, and her love life!

The girls had ordered pizza for lunch. When it arrived, the Wilson’s re-joined the group to eat and plan their weekend.

“Lindsay and Mallory are taking me to the market later so I can cook you all dinner tonight. I want to make cocktails too. Is there anything you like in particular?

“Surprise us,” said Penny.

“Then I hoped you could show me around campus, tomorrow Sis. Penny and I are going to a fraternity party tomorrow night. Are you guys all coming too?” Aaron asked.

“Yes, Sherri promised your mom we’d chaperone you this weekend,” Mallory said.

“Wait, you’ve only been here a few hours and she’s got you going to a party? To a frat party? Not Delta Tau Chi Penny? For fuck’s sake, please tell me it’s not there!” Sherri sounded exasperated as Penny shrugged.

“Those bastards will never let him in, they’ll kick his ass down the street!” Sherri continued.

“He’s my date Sherri, they’ll let us in together. It won’t be a problem honey,” Penny replied.

“You’re DATING him? You’re DATING my little brother? He’s a kid Penny, a CHILD. What kind of a sicko are you?!” Sherri was fuming.

“A fucking lucky one,” Mallory exclaimed and they all stopped, silent for a moment. One by one they started to giggle and before they knew it all four girls were literally ROFL.

Aaron sat back and watched them. They were all so different but deep down they could have been sisters. He hadn’t known what to expect on this trip. Sherri had drifted out of his life since she’d come here. His father had left his mom the following year so he’d had to grow up fast. His body had finally caught up this year which was new and confusing too.

But deep down he liked it here. He liked the chaos, the noise, the energy and vitality of the girls. The fact that any one of them could have been a centerfold didn’t hurt either.

As everyone calmed down Lindsay stood up and held out her hand saying, “Come on Aaron, we need to hit the market. Do you have a shopping list or a recipe in mind?”

“We’ll see what’s available. I’m pretty flexible on recipes, I go with the flow,” he replied. “Give me a minute to put on some warmer clothes before we go.”

As he left the room Sherri hissed at her friends,

“Have you all lost your minds? What’s gotten into you? He’s just a kid, stop fawning over him for god’s sake!”

Sherri’s friends all spoke at once,

“Open your eyes, Sherri. I know he’s your brother… but Jesus girl.”

“He’s the hottest guy any of us have seen all year.”

“And he’s here! In our apartment.”

“And unlike most hot guys he’s cool and funny as well!”

“And he’s got a huge cock!”

They all stopped, staring at Mallory.

“What?” the ebony temptress said. “He has! We went swimming this morning and you couldn’t miss it. Fuck, you could see it from space! He had those trunks, like boxer shorts, but skin-tight you know? The damn thing was halfway down his leg! I don’t know how he doesn’t just end up walking round in circles!”

“Coming?” called Aaron from the hallway, causing the girls to jump.

“Very fucking nearly,” whispered Penny as Lindsay and Mallory scooted out of the room to join him. As the front door slammed Sherri sat back, holding her hands over her eyes.

“This is a nightmare!” she cried as her friends’ delighted squeals faded down the staircase.

“Chill out woman,” cried Penny. “What’s the worst that could happen? We hook up? One of us gets him into her bed? I know yours just had a big workout but mine feels like it’s healing up down there!”

Sherri sniggered despite herself, before whispering to her friend conspiratorially, “The worst that could happen Penny is that the one that gets him into her bed… might be me! I can’t believe it Pen. I almost exploded with jealousy when I heard about your date. Then when Mal was talking about his dick I pretty much had an orgasm on the spot! What is wrong with me? Jesus! Fuck!”

“Nothing is wrong with you honey. You’re a kinky bitch whose panties drop at the very thought of a nice cock. Just like the rest of us. We all need this party tomorrow, let’s go for it!”

“OK,” said Sherri, not sure where that thought would lead…


“He bought fucking Tofu!” squealed Lindsay when the intrepid shoppers returned.

“And all sorts of weird vegetables. It’s frickin’ Vegan Week at the store so Mr. Stingy here would only buy shit that was on sale. We’re going to starve!” Mallory didn’t sound any happier.

“I promise you’ll enjoy it, girls. I never leave a lady unsatisfied!” Aaron announced, winking at Sherri as he plonked the shopping bags on the counter. She buried her head in her hands, trying not to laugh. Again, she wondered where the hell all this easy charm was coming from. Aaron had always been such a shy, awkward, nerdy kid. He had a heart of gold sure, but she had never seen him even talk to a girl before.

For the next hour Chef Aaron had the four girls at his beck and call. Slicing, dicing, and chopping, whatever he asked for. Then they were banished from the kitchen and told to leave him alone. Sherri was dubious about Aaron’s culinary abilities. But some of the things she could smell were pretty amazing!

Several hours of giggling chat and two bottles of wine later, he called them to the table. It was laden with fragrant, colorful dishes. There was a rich curry, a dark smoky stew, and several salads. Aaron was lifting one final dish from the oven.

“This one’s my favorite,” he announced. “Sweet, garlic tofu,” he said, before placing it on the table. There were bowls and spoons ready for them.

“Eat up girls. It’s all healthy, low carbs. Enjoy!” Aaron said, tearing off his apron with a flourish.

Penny was first to take the plunge. As she tasted the curry and moaned with pleasure, the others weren’t far behind.

The food was a huge hit. Sherri was astonished. She’d never eaten anything half as good, even in a restaurant. And it was fucking vegan!

“Where did you learn to cook like this Aaron? It’s amazing!” she asked.

“I’ve got a girl friend at home. She’s a little older and has tried to teach me some stuff. I guess I picked up a few things. I’m sorry there’s no dessert, but there will be cocktails later,” he replied.

“Wait, wait, wait. A girlfriend?!” Sherri exploded. “Who the fuck is she? Not that skank Torri Wells I hope?”

“No Sherri. She’s a girl – SPACE – friend. A friend who happens to be a girl. That’s all. She’s great fun to be with and has helped me with loads of stuff over the last couple of years,” Aaron replied.

“How much older is she Aaron? My age?” Sherri continued to press.

“Oh, she’s older than you Sherri. She’s thirty-nine. Has been for a few years now!” Aaron replied with a smile.

“Forty-something?! Aaron, she’s mom’s age! That’s sick. She’s a pedophile!” Sherri exploded.

“Calm down Sis,” Aaron said. “She’s a really good friend, there’s nothing weird about it. She’s single, a bit lonely and I like spending time with her. Let it go, it’s not really any of your business Sher.”

“Leave him alone Sherri,” said Mallory.

“Is it one of mom’s friends? Someone from the PTA? From CHURCH?!”

“No Sherri! She is not one of mom’s friends. Can we drop this, please? You’re making me feel very uncomfortable in front of your friends.” Aaron replied. Penny said, “Eat some of this curry Sher, it’s unbelievable!”

Sherri pouted and almost stamped her foot! But she did drop the matter, for now. She continued to look at her brother askance for a while though.

Sounds of pure carnal pleasure rang out as they all stuffed themselves on the delicious food. As Mallory brought a fourth bottle of wine to the table, they had all finally stopped eating. Leaning back Lindsay let out a long, resonant burp. The rest of them laughed and stood up, heading to the lounge. There they collapsed on sofas and chairs, sipping the last of the wine and chatting idly. The girls were asking Aaron about his life goals and future plans.

He gave very little away until Penny blurted out the $64,000 question.

“So, Aaron, is your cock really as big as Mal says, or is she bullshitting as usual?”

“Yes,” he said. Then after a long pause, he continued, “she’s definitely bullshitting!”

The four girls had risen towards him as one when he spoke. And all fell back laughing when he had continued.

“It’s massive, I swear,” whined Mallory, but Aaron skillfully changed the subject.

“Right, it’s cocktail time. Where are the fancy glasses?” Penny led him through to the kitchen. Ten minutes later they returned with a tray of exotic-looking drinks. They were delicious, cool, and smooth. Sherri slurped her orange one and asked Aaron what it was.

“Oh, that’s a Leg Spreader, Sis,” Aaron smiled.

“A Leg Spreader for The Leg Spreader!” cackled Lindsay. Sherri snorted of her drink and some went down her nose, but she was laughing too.

Aaron kept the exotic drinks coming and the three girls got drunker and drunker. Eventually, around midnight Aaron held up his hands and said,

“Sherri, I’m beat. Is it OK if I do the dishes in the morning? I need to go to bed.”

“Come on kid, I’ll get you settled. These lazy bitches will do the dishes. It’s the least they can do after that fabulous meal!” Sherri said, leading her brother towards her bedroom. The others’ cries of protest fell on deaf ears.

Sherri had forgotten the detritus from the previous evening! Her face colored when they entered her room. She ran around grabbing up empty condom wrappers and discarded underwear. Both male and female! The bed was disheveled and there were crusty stains on the bottom sheet.

“Help me get this bed changed Aaron. Strip everything off it, I’ll get some clean sheets and stuff,” she said. Sherri scurried out of the room to hide her shame.

When she returned, they worked together and the bed was soon clean and fresh for Aaron. He yawned and stripped down to his shorts, ready to climb straight into bed. Sherri stared at the intriguing lump between his thighs, thinking about what Mal had said. Any lonely middle-aged woman who got within a mile of that thing would be all over it!

“Are you sure this female friend of yours isn’t being inappropriate Aaron?” Sherri asked. “The age difference is considerable. Are you sure she’s not using you?”

“Don’t worry Sher, she loves me and I love her,” Aaron replied, yawning sleepily.

“You love her?! Jesus Aaron, does mom know?” Sherri demanded, appalled. But Aaron was already asleep, snoring gently.

Sherri watched him for a while, feeling an outpouring of affection for the boy. Shaking her head, she returned to the kitchen to help with the clean-up operation.

Hours later, Aaron woke up with a substantial piss hardon, so he got up to take care of it. He didn’t want to disturb anyone so he didn’t turn on any lights. After a joyous pee, he made his way back towards his room. He could make out some light below from Mallory’s door and heard her moaning.

“Oh god,” he thought. “I’ve poisoned her, I’ve made her sick!”

He moved to her door and entered the room, whispering as he did so,

“Mallory, are you OK? Are you sick?” Then he stopped dead in his tracks as Mallory looked up from between Lindsay’s thighs! They were 69’ing, with Mallory on top.

“We’re not sick Aaron, this is perfectly normal!” Then she ducked back to her work, bringing another moan from the flame-haired girl.

Lindsay’s head dropped away from Mal’s pussy and she said softly, “Come in Aaron. Shut the door. Join us. Please?” She stared at him for a moment, her eyes wild. Before he could answer, Lindsay turned her attention back to her bedmate. With a low growl, she buried her face in the sumptuous, chocolate brown pussy hovering above her face.

Aaron closed the door and approached them. The scene on the bed was incredibly erotic. Both girls were naked and clearly very skilled at what they were doing to each other.

“I can’t join in. I really do have a girl back home. But I’d love to watch if you don’t mind. It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful. Both of you together. Can I? Watch I mean?” Aaron’s voice was quiet, almost reverent.

“Sure honey,” said Mallory, licking her lips sensuously. “Come, sit up here beside us,” she said, patting the bed. “Pull out that big monster and give us a show too, please? Your girl wouldn’t mind you jerking off, would she? It’s not like you’re touching us… or tasting us… or fucking us… yet,” she said. Mallory stuck out her tongue lasciviously but smiled warmly, making him feel safe. So, he did as she asked.

Aaron shucked off his pants and knelt on the bed beside the passionate lovers. They were already close to cumming he realized, working hard with fingers and tongues. He pulled on his prick. It had stiffened again on entering the room and was rock hard now, swollen to its full size.

He noticed that Mallory had a pretty tattoo at the base of her spine. It was a mixture of good luck symbols. As he looked closer, he could see that it featured a horseshoe. It was in turn entwined with four-leaf clovers and a rabbit’s foot. Aaron thought that anyone who got to see it from this close was pretty fucking lucky!

As he looked at it Lindsay pushed a slippery finger into Mallory’s sweet, sucking asshole! The beautiful ebony skin along her back rippled as she orgasmed. Her lower legs were twitching too as she moaned. Whatever she was doing to Lindsay seemed to have the same effect as she went off like a bomb too. A huge spray of thick, white juice shot from her pussy and splashed over Mallory’s face. Some of it hit the bed and some even landed on Aaron’s thigh.

He reached his hand out and he dipped his finger in the droplets, scooping some up. In slow motion, he brought it to his mouth and sucked it clean.

“Mmm,” he moaned, “tastes good.”

The two girls rearranged themselves so that they could kiss each other on the lips. For Aaron, this was even sexier, even more intimate than what they had been doing before. He pulled on his cock harder and harder. He’d never had stimulation like this to masturbate to before. He leaned his head back and gritted his teeth, trying to stave off his eruption.

“It’s beautiful Mal. Look at it, it’s perfect,” whispered Lindsay.

“I told you,” replied Mallory, “I’ve never seen anything like it. Well, not on a human being anyway!”

They giggled and brought their faces close to Aaron’s distended member. His fist was a blur now, he was about to cum.

“Cum on our faces Aaron. Paint us with your jizz,” Mallory implored.

“In our mouths too baby, let us taste your cream,” Lindsay followed up.

Aaron was there. A quick look down at the two devilishly angelic faces below him was enough. Mouths wide, curling tongues extended, it was like all his porno dreams had come true at once. A geyser of boiling sperm blasted out of him, splashing across Lindsay’s nose into Mallory’s mouth. Again, and again, he shot, covering the beautiful girls with goo. It felt like it would never stop and he grunted and groaned with every delicious contraction.

But finally, his pleasure did abate, the ropes of cum petered out. The glossy, smiling faces of Lindsay and Mallory met in a sloppy kiss. Gently, adoringly they kissed and licked at each other. Soon the evidence of Aaron’s colossal outpouring was gone.

“That is about the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. Thank you for letting me watch. And for… you know,” Aaron said, pulling on his shorts.

“You’re welcome, baby. Anytime,” drawled Mallory. “We’d love you to spend the night. We could show you so much more.”

“We’re not gay Aaron,” said Lindsay. “We love guys too and you’re just our type. Handsome and strong, thick and long! Come back whenever you want for another show. Or to join in!” She blew him a sticky kiss as he crossed the room and slipped out.

“What the fuck were you doing in there?” hissed Sherri as he closed the door behind him.

He jumped, turning to her in anger.

“Whatever the fuck I wanted to Sherri! I’m a man and can do whatever I like,” he spat.

“Sorry,” his sister said. “I was worried. Overprotective maybe. Mom made me promise to look after you and I didn’t know what those two sluts would be getting up to. Are you OK? Did they… do things to you?” Sherri stumbled.

“We never touched each other. I reminded them about my girlfriend. They let me watch. It was wonderful,” Aaron replied.

“I know, I’ve seen them myself,” Sherri blurted before she could stop herself. “This girlfriend Aaron. Seriously, who is she?!” she demanded.

“I’ve said too much already Sherri. I’m actually surprised you haven’t worked it out by now. If you guess right, I’ll admit the truth. But I’m not volunteering any more information.” Aaron said.

“OK, challenge accepted! Well done, it can’t have been easy to keep yourself under control in there,” Sherri said. Deep down she felt rather proud of her little bro. It didn’t last long though, as a guilty look clouded his face.

“Oh Aaron, you dirty little shit! You jerked off in there?! With my friends? Fuck! I knew you were a pervert. I knew it! To think I was worried and coming to check up on you. Go back to bed you sicko. Jeez, doing that in your sister’s apartment. You’re so gross! Eurgh!” Sherri pushed him away and stomped back to Penny’s bedroom.

Aaron shrugged.

Totally worth it!


The next day Sherri was in a sullen mood as she and Aaron rode the bus to her campus.

“Remind me again why we’re doing this? You’re not going to come to school here are you?” she demanded.

“It doesn’t much matter where I go to school. Math is math and computer science is the same everywhere too. Mom says I should focus more on my happiness and well-being. Most of those Ivy League schools survive on their bloated reputations. That’s not the modern way. They’re dinosaurs, ancient history.

“Oh, and I forgot to give you your real reasons yesterday, 420 of them,” Aaron replied. He handed her the envelope his mom had given him.

“I spent $80 on dinner and drinks last night,” he shrugged. “Sorry.”

“Whatever,” she muttered, snatching the money from him. Then she stopped herself, reconsidering. Why was she mad at him? Her brother had been nothing but charming and generous. Last night’s dinner had been the best she’d ever eaten. Why was she being so shitty to him? The late-night tryst with her friends? Mallory and Lindsay would seduce the pope if he popped by. Why blame Aaron?

It was pure, green-eyed jealousy she knew. And it was her problem, not his. This had to stop. She had to stop it. Now! She needed an excuse for her bad behavior. One that a man wouldn’t question. Ha, it was too easy! No guy would ever question it.

“I’m sorry Aaron. I don’t mean to be such a bitch. It’s that time of the month and I’m feeling… bad,” Sherri mumbled.

“Oh Sher, I’m sorry, that’s terrible. Mom gets that too and it’s awful. I learned some massage techniques that seem to help her. If you want, I can try them on you at home?” he offered.

“Thank you, brother, we’ll see,” she said, annoyed that her little white lie was growing bigger. She patted his hand to thank him before indicating it was time to get off the bus.

She led him around the main focal points of the campus. As Aaron quizzed her, she pointed out useful offices and agencies as they went. Aaron raised some very mature and sensible queries. He teased her too when she told him about all the silly mistakes and screw-ups she’d made as a freshman.

Aaron was as charming and funny as before, keeping the mood light. After a rather chilly al fresco lunch, they went for a stroll. Sherri idly took his hand as they wandered through the tree-lined Oval. It felt so natural to walk hand in hand like this. Sherri squeezed his fingers tight and he squeezed back.

As they walked, Aaron’s questions turned inward and became more personal.

“What’s going on with you Sherri? Tell me the truth, maybe I can help,” he asked in a soft voice.

“What do you mean? I’m great. Life is sweet,” Sherri responded. It was an automatic response. She gave it no more thought than breathing.

“That’s not true. Your room… last night. I saw… things. You went crazy trying to tidy up. There were things in the wastebasket. Nasty things,” Aaron said. It was clear that he was treading carefully, trying not to set her off.

“What things? Are you spying on me, Aaron? Going through my trash?” Again, Sherri’s anger boiled up, this time spilling over. “That’s despicable, you rotten bastard!”

“You knocked it over when you ran out of the room Sher. I just tidied it up. I may be a yokel straight off the farm but I know what drug wraps look like. I can count to six. That’s the number of greasy, used condoms that were in your trash can. Talk to me, Sher. Why are you doing this?” Aaron’s voice remained calm but his heart was racing. He was no counselor but he was desperate to reach out to his sister. To get through to her. To help her.

“I… I… You…,” Sherri was speechless. All her usual responses and denials were AWOL. Nothing would come out. She stopped walking and looked up at her little brother, worry writ large on his face. All that she could feel from him was love and concern. She pulled herself together, ready for a fight. And crumpled!

Aaron reached out and grabbed her, wrapping her up in his strong arms. He pulled her to his breast as the tears began. Great wracking sobs. Howls of anguish poured from her throat. Her makeup ran, as did her nose. Bubbles of snot poured onto her lips and mouth. Aaron fished out a pack of tissues from his coat pocket. With careful, delicate movements he dabbed it all away. Wiping up the evidence of her outburst. He kissed her forehead and hugged her tight, letting her cry herself out.

As her shoulders stopped heaving, he moved them off the path towards a bench seat. He set Sherri down and kneeled in front of her. Holding her hands at his mouth Aaron spoke once more.

“That’s it, Sherri. Let it all out. It’s been eating you alive, hasn’t it? It’s a downhill spiral. You start with baby steps at the top. No big deal, just a little fun. Then it gets steeper and steeper until you’re falling, out of control.

“I’m here to catch you, Sherri. To take you home. To keep you safe.”

Sherri put her arms around her brother’s head and pulled him close, whispering in his ear.

“It’s none of your business Aaron. I can do what I want. Fuck who I want, whenever I want to. I can take what I want too. I’m the grown-up here. So, I had a little party with two energetic studs. Big deal. You weren’t far off doing the same thing with Mal and Linds last night! You can’t preach to me. You don’t know what it’s like. You don’t know anything!” She finished in a venomous hiss. Her vulnerability had been quashed, forced back down into the dismal, darkness of her soul. It had been replaced by rage.

“Only because you don’t tell me anything,” Aaron continued calmly. “And I do know some things. I know how much stronger I am than you. How little effort it takes for me to wrestle with you. I could overpower you with one hand, Sherri.

“Two guys? You’d be as helpless as a day-old kitten. One wrong move and they could turn in a moment. They would be on you in an instant. All over you. And there’s nothing you could do. You wouldn’t have time to scream or fight.

“Rape Sherri. Pain and degradation. Revenge porn. Burning, branding. Trafficking. Murder!

“These things are all linked. They’re only one tiny step from each other. If you keep putting yourself in those situations. If you’re dosed with the wrong shit and completely out of it? It will happen. And I’d have lost you. Mom would have lost you. Forever Sherri. My darling girl, gone forever.”

Aaron was crying now too. Sherri thought it looked so wrong on his boyish face. No, his manly face. His strong, handsome, earnest face. He had thought about what to say to her. He had tried hard to understand. To be considerate. And he was right! He was speaking once more,

“Mom asked me to come visit you because she is worried. I thought she was being paranoid Sherri. But I’ve been here for one day and I’m terrified. Terrified of what you are doing. Terrified by how oblivious you seem to it all. To the risks you are taking. To the danger you’re in. Why Sherri? What’s it all for?” Aaron sniffed and stopped. He was done. There was nothing more he could say. He would wait now.

Sherri looked into his big blue eyes. They were pretty eyes she thought. In a handsome face. It would be a rugged face in a few years. Imagine it with a beard! Mmm… A sexy blond beard. What a dreamboat! And he loves me. Enough to put up with all my petty nonsense. He’s here for me. That’s all. There’s nothing here for him. He’s heading straight to the top. He doesn’t need to be doing this. He should be visiting Harvard or Princeton. They’d be rolling out the red carpet for him. But he’s here with his stupid, screwed-up sister. Trying to help her. Trying to love her. Sherri tried to marshal her thoughts.

You’re at a fork in the road here Sherri. You can see down the hill, further along this path. It’s dark down there. Fun for sure, but murky and dangerous too. But up there it’s all rocks and boulders. Hard climbing, pain, and fear. But Aaron’s at the top waiting for you. He won’t wait forever. You have to decide. You get one chance in your life at this junction. If you go down, you can’t climb up that hill again. Ever. Now decide!

“Help me, Aaron. I’m so lost. So messed up. I miss you. I miss Mom. I didn’t know until you came. There’s a huge hole in my life. In my heart. I’ve been trying to fill it with drink and drugs and sex. But they don’t fit. You’re the pieces that I need. You and Mom. I’m sorry Aaron. I’m so sorry…” Sherri was about to cry again but… she didn’t.

Aaron stood and lifted her straight up into the air. As if he was picking up his backpack. He hadn’t been bullshitting, he was as strong as an ox. Looking up into her tear-stained face he said,

“Good. Now let’s get home. We have a party to get ready for!” Then he kissed her on the lips, set her down, and walked off.

Sherri stood stock still, licking her lips. She could taste his cherry lip balm. She could still feel the heat of his lips on hers. She could feel where his tongue had swiped across her mouth. Her legs felt like jelly, and her heart was racing.

Fuck! Fuck yes!

With a deep breath, she turned and scurried to catch up. As she did, she slipped her hand into his. And smiled.


Just after 5:00 pm, they were on a bus taking them home when Sherri’s phone buzzed. It was a text from Penny.

[P] Sherri, the fucking thing tonight is a costume party! Are you near a store to get Aaron an outfit?

[S] No dumbass, we’re on the bus coming home. He’s going to be crushed! Can you call any of your guy friends who might have an outfit?

[P] We’re all trying to do that right now. Sorry, Sher.

[S] Well you better think of something!

They’d had such a magical day Sherri didn’t want to ruin it, but she had to tell him.

“Don’t worry Sis, we’ll think of something. Maybe I could wear some of your lingerie and go as Frank-N-Furter!” Aaron said after she explained their predicament.

“Now that is something I would pay to see little bro,” she laughed.

When they arrived home the apartment was in disarray. Drawers and cupboards were open with clothes strewn everywhere at random. Three glum faces met them as Sherri’s roommates apologized for failing to come up with a viable plan.

Sherri told them about Aaron’s idea. The others giggled but pointed out that a man in lingerie could be a tough sell at a frat party!

Lindsay was the one who finally sparked their creativity. She snapped her fingers and said, “I knew a boy who once went to a party as the Incredible Hulk. Apparently, it wasn’t green in the early comic books. He just needed some torn trousers.”

“I only have my hood jeans with me,” Aaron said. “Mom would kill me if I tore them up.”

“Oh shit!” cried Mallory, “I’ve got it. Oh, it’s delicious, but we’ll need to stay near him all night. Aaron, go put on your swim trunks. You know, the ones from yesterday.”

With that, she hurried into the kitchen. In a moment Aaron returned in his trunks covered by a long T-shirt. When Mallory saw him, she said, “Sorry kid, you gotta lose the shirt for this to work.”

Sherri gasped when her brother pulled the T-shirt over his head. His chiseled body was magnificent, smooth, and muscular. Down below, his swimming trunks were as revealing as Mal had said. She couldn’t quite accept what she was seeing. That couldn’t all be him, could it?

“Here,” said Mallory, thrusting a small three-pronged wooden fork into his hand, “Aquaman!”

“Aquaboy, more like,” said Aaron, “I LOVE it! Thank you, Mal, you’re a genius!”

“He can’t go like that!” Sherri cried. “He might as well have his cock hanging out! Look at it!”

“We are…” the others said as one. Aaron’s meaty member was outlined obscenely by the tight Lycra trunks. Even at half-mast, it looked mightily impressive.

“No,” said Sherri. “He can’t go like that, he’ll get arrested. You three go, Aaron and I will entertain ourselves. We’ve been reconnecting today. I think it will be fun. We can watch a movie or something. I think we need this. Aaron?”

“Aw Sis, it’s my first college party,” he whined.

“Come on Sherri. We’ll all be there to look after him,” Lindsay exclaimed.

“He’s going as my date Sherri, and that’s final!” Penny actually did stamp her foot to emphasize the point.

Mallory was still staring at Aaron’s bulging groin, shaking her head slowly.

“Oh Jesus!” cried Sherri. “You guys better not make me regret this! Can we at least get him a coat or something? What about shoes?”

“I’ve got my green Crocs with me,” said a beaming Aaron. “They’ll be perfect.”

“We’ll not be outside for long. Just into the cab and out again. The party will all be indoors. He’ll be fine,” said Penny. “And if he gets cold, I have a few tricks to warm him up!”

Sherri bowed her head in defeat. Her mother would kill her if she heard about this. So much for being a chaperone – Sherri felt more like a pimp!

As the other girls did whatever girls do to get ready for the party, Aaron worked in the kitchen. Sherri helped where she could, enquiring about what he was doing. But mostly she watched his dextrous hands in awe. She was fascinated by his skill, his touch, his confidence.

He gave her little morsels to taste here and there, learning what she liked, tweaking what she didn’t. Bite after exquisite bite they fell under the spell of the moment. Somewhere along the line, Sherri realized that this was like a romantic date! There was intimacy here that a brother and sister shouldn’t share. She didn’t care. It felt… right. He whipped up a delectable dinner from their leftovers.

He and Sherri ate at the kitchen table, listening to the chaos of the other girls getting ready to go out. They laughed when they heard Mallory losing her mind over her missing pink thong. Aaron shooed Sherri out to let her get ready. Then, as he was finishing up washing the dishes, he heard Lindsay call to him. “Final Inspection Aaron. How do we look?”

In the hallway stood the four nastiest, sluttiest Disney characters in the world. Penny was Elsa, although the X-rated version. Mallory had a leather skirt and tunic. There were feathers in her hair… Pocahontas! Lindsay was an almost topless Snow White. Sherri was all in black, her pointed hat indicating she was the wicked witch Maleficent. Short skirts, exposed lingerie, and acres of ample, supple flesh assailed his senses. He looked them up and down as they posed, one second coquettish, the next with their panties on display!

“Very nice,” he said, struggling to maintain a straight face. “For a Sunday School picnic! I thought you’d dress all hot and skanky for a night like this. Maybe next time I guess!”

They screamed and rushed at him, hitting him on the head and arms in mock outrage. He held up his hands and spoke loudly.

“Seriously though, if you don’t all come home pregnant tonight, the world has gone mad!”

With a resounding cheer, they all trooped out the front door. He enjoyed the sound of them laughing and giggling their way down the stairs. Despite the chill, he felt his penis lurch and thicken in his tight costume. This was going to be a hell of a night!


The fraternity house was lit up with what looked like a million Christmas lights. The half-dressed fivesome hurried up the steps to the front door. It was being policed by three burly frat brothers.

“Penny Penis Eater!” one of them cackled, recognizing Aaron’s date.

“Not that you’ll ever know Devin,” Penny replied. “This is my date, Aquaboy. Can we go in? It’s freezing out here.”

“Aquaboy eh? Brave costume for a night like this kiddo. Lose the socks though, anyone can see that’s not real.”

“That’s not socks boys,” Penny said innocently. “I brought a real man with me tonight, not a frat boy!”

Aaron held up his tiny trident. In a deep, resonant voice, he began to intone. “By the beard of Poseidon, let us in before this fucking thing freezes up and drops off!”

The frat boys laughed, stamped the group’s hands, and gave them each a Solo cup, before waving them inside.

The house was steaming hot inside. It felt tropical, a big relief to Aaron who had begun to shiver outside. Penny dragged him around by the hand, introducing him to an endless parade of gorgeous girls. They all checked out his junk and the constant attention brought his cock back to life. Every subsequent introduction caused him to swell a little further. Penny’s comments and the other girls’ antics got more and more risqué. This went on for about an hour until they were back with their own group.

Mallory reached down to pat Aaron’s dick and said “He’s certainly been a big hit so far Penny. Have you seen James yet?”

“Hands off Mal, he’s all mine tonight. James is my next stop in fact. He’ll be downstairs playing pool I bet. Come on Aaron, I’ve got an ex-boyfriend to humiliate!”

Penny trotted off, pulling a smiling and shrugging Aaron with her.

“You going with them Sherri?” Lindsay asked

“No, I’ve just spotted that pair from yesterday. What were they called again?”

“Dastardly and Mutley?” Mallory asked, face deadpan.

“Shaggy and Scooby?” Lindsay mimicked.

“Oh, fuck off you two! Make up your minds. Cock or cunt? There’s plenty of both here tonight,” Sherri huffed.

“Precisely my dear,” said Mallory. “Double the fun, Hunny Bun!” Lindsay finished, by kissing the corner of Sherri’s mouth.

Sherri threw up her hands and raced up the stairs. She was desperate to avoid an awkward moment with the nameless duo.

Mallory and Lindsay kissed extravagantly before moving towards the dance floor. Perhaps they could snare a couple of strapping young freshmen for themselves!


Upstairs, Sherri discovered that the rooms were being used for sex. Every one of them had a whiteboard on the door. There were tick boxes that the occupants must have filled in.









They were definitely frat boys Sherri thought, not renowned for their subtlety. Looking at the long queue for the bathroom she decided to look for an empty room to hide in. Up another flight of stairs, she found one saying it was unoccupied. She ticked the box to be left alone and slipped inside.

The party had been a bad idea. Her mind was so conflicted. She was desperately horny. That was no surprise, she often was. But this was different. She was horny for a specific person this time, not just a random, sweaty encounter. She was feeling powerful, gut-wrenching emotions. Normally the booze and drugs would wash away such pesky emotions. But she had realized that she didn’t want to wash them away. She wanted to explore them, to revel in them. This was scary for Sherri. These were feelings she hadn’t experienced since… prom night!

She shivered at the unbidden thought. Every memory and recollection of that traumatic event had been locked away. Right at the back of her mind. Deep under all the tawdry, embarrassing encounters she had engineered since. But they were leaking out. The agony, the anguish of what he had done. Brad Wilkerson. Football star, college boy. She had idolized him, planned to give him everything he’d asked for that night until…

Sherri screamed as loud as she could into a pillow. Those memories could not come out now. Could never come out. She felt herself shaking as the unbidden tears flowed. The door to the room opened as Stephen and Peter entered…


In the basement, Penny was pissed. She’d brought Aaron down here to humiliate her ex, James. After her introduction, James and his friends had done the sock routine. They had also gulped collectively when they realized the truth.

Then James had said to Aaron, “Finally someone who might touch the sides, eh Pen? I always had to tie my skateboard across my ass in case I fell in Aaron! You guys play pool down in Atlantis?”

“Sure, but only competitively,” Aaron replied. “What’s on the line here?”

“Come on Aaron, it’s time I showed you what’s upstairs,” said Penny, grabbing his arm.

“I’m sorry Penny. I really do have a girlfriend back home. I can’t betray her. I thought you understood that. Go and have fun with your friends. I’ll stay out of trouble down here,” Aaron whispered in her ear. He kissed her on the cheek, a horrible, platonic kiss that made Penny’s soul shrivel up and die.

“Bastard!” she hissed. “Dirty, teasing bastard!” Penny stomped off up the stairs.

She was more mad at herself for getting carried away. Aaron had been such a hit at the party. All that jealous, female energy had been so empowering. She had loved it, basked in it, exulted in it. But Aaron had never promised her anything. Unlike her, he had been honest about his expectations. But to do it in front of James! That was unforgivable.

Behind her the sounds of bawdy male bonding made her feel sick.


Lindsay and Mallory had managed to bag a couple of eager freshmen, twins in fact! The youngsters had both drunk a little too much. So, when two beautiful women had offered to take them upstairs to help them sober up? They had jumped at the chance.

They had to go up two floors to find an empty room. Mallory ticked the appropriate boxes and the four of them slipped inside.

Lindsay spoke first. “Mal, you take Eric, I’ll look after Erica…!”

Later, as Mallory lay entwined between the snoring twins, Lindsay was at the sink cleaning up. As she lazed in post-coital bliss Mallory became aware of an unexpected sound. There was muffled screaming coming from an adjacent room. There had been plenty of screaming in this room over the last hour but what she was hearing was different. It was plaintive, desperate. It was a woman in trouble.

“Linds, you hear that? That sounds bad. We need to check it out,” she said, concern rising in her voice.

Her friend who was already dressed nodded and headed out of the room. Mallory pulled on her skirt and followed. Listening at the doors of the other occupied rooms they soon found the source of the screams. Not hesitating, they burst straight in. Sherri was on the bed on her hands and knees. She was naked. Stephen and Peter were there. She was straddling Stephen while Peter was struggling to impale her ass in a classic DP position. Sherri was wriggling and struggling to get away.

“No means no, you bastards!” Sherri cried. She saw her friends enter as she looked over her shoulder. Her head dropped in a mixture of shame and relief.

“Hey guys,” called Lindsay, “Y’all forget your hearing aids? No means no. END OF STORY!”

Mallory had looped a towel through her hands and threw it around Peter’s neck. She pulled back and he tumbled to the floor. Sherri rolled off James. It didn’t look like he had penetrated her either.

“Sherri, is this rape? Do we need the police?” Mallory demanded.

“No,” whispered Sherri, “Just get Aaron. Please, I need my brother!”

Lindsay ran off as Mallory chased the two boys out of the room.

“Are you OK Sherri? Did they hurt you?” Mallory asked, helping her friend get her panties and skirt back on.

“I’m fine Mal. It was my own stupid fault. I got so horny I asked them to try, you know, both at once. When they did, I chickened out and panicked. I don’t know what I want. I just want to go home.” A lone tear ran down Sherri’s cheek as she spoke. Her breathing was calm now, back under control.

Aaron burst into the room like a wrecking ball, ready for war. When he saw his sister on the bed he was immediately by her side. She turned and fell into his arms, hugging him tightly.

“Take me home Aaron. Please?” Sherri pleaded.

“Of course Sherri, we’ll leave right now,” he replied. He stood and lifted her like a child. Sherri’s arms went around his neck as she clung to him.

“We’ll come too,” Mallory said, stroking Sherri’s hair.

Lindsay and Penny had joined them, each looking on worriedly.

“Are you all pregnant already?” Aaron asked. “You can’t come home until you are, remember?” He laughed before continuing, “We’re fine Mal, maybe some alone time will do us good. You guys stay and have fun. It’s a great party. James says he’ll back me if I pledge here next year. Honestly, we’ll be fine. But I could use twenty bucks for cab fare, I didn’t bring my wallet.” He finished rather sheepishly but Mallory slipped some money into his trunks.

“If your pledge doesn’t work out you could definitely earn a few extra bucks down at Ding Dongs. I for one would be tucking dollar bills into your G-string all night!” she smirked while squeezing his shoulder.

Aaron smiled and carried his sister out the door and down the stairs.

“Right, you heard the man,” cried Lindsay. “Pregnant or bust, let’s do this thing!”

Mallory and Penny laughed as they hugged each other.

There were cabs lined up around the corner and Aaron helped Sherri into the first one. They sat there side by side, hand in hand.

“Sorry to ruin your night Aaron. I’m such a fuckup!” Sherri said, staring out of the car’s side window.

“Ruin my night?” Aaron exclaimed, incredulous. “It was the best night ever, Sis! I went to a college party with four absolute knockouts. I was the center of attention. Loads of hot girls touched my junk! I made friends with the guy who’s gonna be head of the fraternity next year. It was totally awesome. I’m sorry your night didn’t go how you wanted though. Aw jeez, I’m such an ass going on like a dumb kid.”

“It’s fine, don’t worry bro. It was my fault. Anyway, the night’s not over yet…” Sherri replied, gripping his hand tighter.

They were both lost in thought. Sherri knew what she had to do. She had tried to ignore her feelings, to sublimate them with meaningless sex. But it was no good. Her heart, her soul belonged to the boy beside her. Her brother! How could she tell him? What would he say if she did? She had to try though. Hers had been a life spent taking the easy option. The Principle of Least Effort she had heard it called. Well, tonight she would be making an extreme effort. She had to know once and for all.

For his part, Aaron was going through some turmoil too. His feelings were confusing, mysterious. They were incredibly powerful though. He thought he should have been pissed at leaving the party early. But he wasn’t, he was calm and happy. He loved being here with Sherri, holding her hand. They didn’t even have to talk. He wondered if he was somehow falling for her. For his sister! He sat back in the seat and tried to work it out.


All too soon they were back home and Sherri led the way up the stairs to the apartment. As the front door swung closed behind them, Aaron turned, pinning Sherri against it. His hands were either side of her head, their faces only inches apart.

“Tell me you’re still feeling it, Sherri. Tell me I’m not imagining it,” he said, holding her gaze.

She didn’t blink but she licked her lips before replying, “Saints preserve me, I do feel it, Aaron.” She tilted her head, preparing herself. Not really believing that she was doing it. That she wanted it.

Just as he leaned back and said, “OK, I’ll give you a massage before the movie. That will help with those nasty cramps and have you feeling much better!”

Sherri was aghast. How could she have misread the situation so catastrophically? How could she ever have thought that there was a sexual motive in Aaron’s actions? They were brother and sister!

“God, you’re so easy to mess with Sis!” Aaron laughed, leaning in towards his sister.


Aaron stumbled backward in shock, clutching his cheek. Sherri’s palm stung, as did the tears in her eyes.

“AARON!” she screamed. “NO! You cannot fuck with me like that! It’s not fair. I’m so confused and you’re making fun of me! Why? Why do you hate me so much? Why are you trying to hurt me? Why are you trying to break my heart?”

Her young brother fell to his knees, the pain in his cheek forgotten. His eyes were wide, his mouth hanging open. He cried out to her,

“Hate you?! Hurt you?! Sherri, I love you! I love you more than anything. I came here this week to try and show you just how much.”

He bowed his head, cheeks coloring more from shame than Sherri’s slap.

He continued, in measured tones. “I’m sorry. We somehow got to this perfect moment and I panicked. I thought if I did what I wanted to do you would hate me, that I might lose you forever.”

“What you wanted to do? What do you mean” Sherri asked quietly?

“I wanted to kiss you, Sherri. Kiss you like a boyfriend. Kiss you as… your lover.” Aaron was whispering now too.

Sherri held her arms wide, saying “Come here, Aaron. Come on baby.”

He stood up and moved slowly into his sister’s arms.

SMACK! She slapped him even harder this time!

“You sick little fuck Aaron! You’re talking about incest! I should call Mom. Shit, I should call the cops!” Sherri was screaming at the top of her voice,

“Incest. The dirtiest, nastiest thing there is. And you want to do it… with me?! Jesus Fucking Christ!”

Aaron stood shell-shocked in front of her, utterly bewildered. Suddenly a small smile appeared on his sister’s face.

“Hurts, doesn’t it? Well, now we’re even. And horny! Come on Aaron, I’ve never been as turned on in my life. If we don’t do this now, we never will. I must be losing my mind but I want you too!”

This time there was no hesitation, no doubt. Their lips met and both siblings kissed like they had never kissed before. They devoured each other. Holding on tight as their mouths met feverishly. They just kissed. Harder… and softer than they ever had before.

Sherri literally swooned and almost fell, before Aaron’s strong arms enveloped her. He raised her up and pulled her to him. Their lips never detached, never stopped pulling and sucking at each other. Sherri got her arms around his neck, ruffling his hair as their tongues met for the first time.

“Bedroom,” she managed to growl before Aaron’s mouth was on hers once more. But he leaned down and picked her up, making his way carefully to her room. Towards her bed.

Aaron set Sherri on her bed and she fell back, allowing her thighs to drift apart. Her black skirt began to slide up her raised thighs. More and more tantalizing flesh was exposed to her brother’s fevered gaze. The excited teen stared, rapt as first her knees, then her white inner thighs appeared. Finally, the hot, steamy crotch of her panties came into view. There was nothing sexy about those plain black, cotton panties. Except for their contents. They were just about the most precious thing Aaron could possibly imagine.

He ripped off his clothes in record time, before climbing onto the bed between Sherri’s knees. He coaxed her to sit up and began to tug the hem of her T-shirt upwards. She raised her arms like she had as a child and he pulled it off over her head. Her bra was from the same line as her panties. Plain, black, and sexy as fuck, Aaron thought.

He reached around and undid the clasp. As Sherri lowered her arms, he gave her a chaste kiss, before pulling the bra down her arms and off. Sherri’s perky boobs came into view. Her nipples were hard and swollen. Begging for his touch. He leaned down and captured one between his lips, sucking gently. Sherri ran her fingers through his hair, clasping his head to her breast. Aaron sucked harder, worrying the stippled nub with his curling tongue.

Sherri moaned, the taboo eroticism of the moment finally hitting home. She realized she had failed to catch a glimpse of Aaron’s penis as he undressed. She had lain awake the night before thinking about it. Mallory was a world-renowned expert on the male organ. If she was impressed, it must truly be something to see. It was time to find out for herself.

She pushed him back… and stared! It was… magnificent! Long, thick, smooth, and… in her grasp! She rolled Aaron onto his back, still clutching his massive joystick. Raising herself up she straddled his lower legs, her face inches from her prize. Ignoring it for the moment, Sherri sidled up along his body. She purposely dragged her stiff nipples across his stomach and chest. Aaron felt her tongue lick his ear, her teeth nibbling on the fleshy lobe.

“Undo my skirt baby,” she whispered, “I want to feel you… everywhere.”

Aaron felt for a zipper before he realized it was a simple elasticated waist. He dug his thumbs underneath and pushed. He realized he had caught her panties too. He smiled at the simple thought. Its towering magnitude almost incomprehensible.

I’m taking off Sherri’s panties. So that we can make love!

First one side, then the other slid away. With an effort, he was able to hook them with his big toe. By lifting his backside, he managed to push them off her legs completely. His sister was naked now, straddling his body.

Sherri’s hot mouth was locked onto his, her wriggling tongue worrying his like an electric eel. He wrapped his strong arms around her, pulling her upper body down atop his. Her breasts were pancaked between them, her hard nipples digging into his flesh. Sherri moaned into his mouth as both siblings fell headlong into the erotic abyss.

Sherri could wait no longer. She’d held it in her hand for a few seconds but it was time for more intimate contact with her brother’s penis. That simple thought sent an electric charge deep into her womb. Her vagina was twitching and pulsing as it moistened. She broke their kiss and laid a trail of soft smooches down his chest and belly. Next thing she knew those kisses were landing on the head of Aaron’s impressive member. She extended her tongue and used it to trace along its every bump and ridge until she felt the rough skin of his balls.

She took them in her hand and returned her lips to the tip of his cock. It wasn’t a penis or a knob or a dick. This was a huge cock, built for fucking. Fucking her vagina! It was her job… her duty to get it ready. She swirled her tongue over the smooth crown, drawing a throaty growl from her brother. By raising her head, a fraction, she was able to capture the tip between her lips. Aaron bucked his hips upwards, driving his cock deeper into her mouth.

She coughed with the shock but gripped his thighs to show that she was OK. The non-verbal communication relaxed him and he lay back on the bed letting her dictate the pace. He tugged at her thigh, his own non-verbal communication of what he desired.

Sherri’s heart leaped. This was her favorite thing in the world. So few boys in her experience seemed to enjoy it, never mind request it. But it seemed that Aaron was in that sainted minority. She scrambled around and lowered her steaming cunt onto Aaron’s waiting lips.

Momentarily he remained motionless, as his boyhood dream was finally realized.

Sherri’s bare vagina is resting on my lips!

The momentousness of the occasion was overwhelming. As was her sweet, fruity scent and finally her tart, spicy flavor. As he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, her nectar flowed over him. The clear, divine taste of her creamy froth caused his cock to twitch in her mouth.

A groaning Sherri responded, pumping her head up and down on his rigid meat. Aaron licked feverishly along her slippery folds, often dipping his tongue deep inside. Sherri shifted her hips so that his tongue would make contact with her special little lump. He began licking back and forth across the fleshy nub, convinced he could feel it stiffen on his tongue.

Sherri groaned in ecstasy as she felt her passion rise. Her insides were twisting and spasming. Her juices flowed freely onto Aaron’s tongue. As her long overdue orgasm crested, she froze on his cock. For a moment she concentrated selfishly on her own pleasure. Her hips bobbed and weaved, mashing her twitching cunt onto her brother’s sucking mouth. An endless flow of delectable sweetness swept across Aaron’s tongue. As it did, he sucked and nibbled at his sister, desperate for more.

The pulsing and throbbing of Sherri’s body quieted and she came back to her senses. He had set her off like Vesuvius, now it was his turn. She pulled her lips off his organ and spun around, straddling his hips once more. With a deft touch, she guided him between her sodden pussy lips. His cock was huge, the biggest she’d ever had. But he had gotten her as ready as it was possible to be.

Slowly she sank down, allowing her little brother’s penis to worm its way deep into her body. She felt a restriction but rotated her hips and continued her journey. This was undiscovered country now, nothing and no one had ever been this far inside her.

And then she stopped, her bottom settling onto his thighs. His meaty rod was fully impaled into her clutching channel now. She leaned forward to feed him a stubby nipple which he accepted gladly. Sherri began to move to an ancient rhythm. Gliding slowly back and forth on her brother’s mighty flesh.

Aaron himself was living the dream. He had his beautiful naked sister on his lap, with gallons of her sweet juice in his belly. Best of all, his straining cock was buried deep inside her cunt. As he sucked on her plump teat Sherri began to move on him. Her educated pussy gripped him at a thousand different points. Her muscles were pulling and tugging at his buried prick as she moved. He was trying desperately to prolong his climax but it was a losing battle. The delirious teen could not believe how good it felt to be fucking her, his Sherri. The physical pleasure was staggering but the emotional joy in his heart eclipsed it. This was the meaning of life, the true purpose of existence.

For her part, Sherri was coming unglued. Aaron’s cock was touching places inside her she hadn’t known existed. She found she could rotate her hips to stimulate her tingling clit against his pubic bone. The sensations were mind-blowing. She never wanted to stop. But she would, she had to, because she was about to cum again.

“Aaron, baby, I’m going to cum again. Ohhh, fuck… oh yes. Fuck me now. Fuck me hard. Do it. Make me cum for you. Ohhh shit, please Aaron, pleeeaase!”

Aaron didn’t need any further encouragement. He had done everything he could to delay his own climax and could not hold off anymore.

He pulled Sherri back down flat against his body. He desperately wanted to be kissing her for this moment. This was the first time his body’s true essence would go inside her. Sherri collapsed on top of him, the tender kiss exquisite after their brutal fucking. The first touch of his lips set her off, a nuclear bomb detonating in her womb. Its heat spread throughout her body.

For Aaron, his defenses finally crumbled when Sherri’s tongue met his. Nothing could be this perfect he thought. Nothing could ever eclipse these feelings, this moment. He relaxed, relishing the tiny delay before his balls ejected their precious contents. It sprayed out through his cock and deep into his sister. He felt her screwing her hips down onto him, ensuring he was as far inside her as he could be.

Sherri was hit by a second, even larger orgasm as she felt Aaron’s prick lurch within her. He was cumming. Little Aaron was all the way inside her and his cum was spraying into her most secret place. Exactly where it belonged. Load after load of sperm blasted into her as they moved subtly against each other. It was like a perfectly choreographed dance. Every movement set off another exquisite sensation within their supercharged bodies.

Finally, their motion subsided and they rested. Sherri released Aaron’s lips from hers and her head slumped down beside his. Their cheeks were pressed together. His arms were still tight around her as they sucked in great lungfuls of air. Sherri relaxed her body completely. She didn’t care that she remained impaled on her brother’s prick… his rock-hard prick! She moved her hips, confirming that his weapon was undiminished.

“Can you go again lover?” she whispered in his ear.

“Thought you’d never ask Sis!” Aaron whooped and laughed as he rolled her over. He moved between her spread thighs.

Aaron gurgled with pleasure as he settled within her. He began to move, sliding deep into his sister’s pussy over and over again. He had boundless energy it seemed, as he pounded into her. The delicate tissues of her vagina welcomed his renewed assault. Her bubbling juices ensured a slippery welcome for his meaty invader.

Sherri crossed her ankles behind Aaron’s back. She manipulated him subtly to maximize her pleasure. He was like a bear, full of energy and rippling power. He battered at her body relentlessly. All Sherri could do was cling on to him. His enormous cock felt like it had been made for her pussy, filling her gushing channel perfectly. She ground herself against his pounding body, arching her back to take every inch of him.

His rhythm changed again as he somehow began to thrust even harder and faster. Sherri knew the signs. This was it. Another thick, creamy load was on its way into her desperate, sucking womb. Aaron grunted as he slammed himself into her, holding himself deep. Sherri’s strong legs held him fast. She was determined to ensure that every life-giving rope blasted against her cervix.

“Oh Aaron, yes. It’s perfect. Cum in me. Oh my god. Ohhh, yesss darling. NOW, fill me now! Fill your slutty sister. Cum inside me!” Sherri was almost beyond coherent thought now. Every fiber of her being was focused on Aaron and his great pulsing prick.

They lay nose to nose, their minds a blur as their bodies played out their ancient dance. They stared into each other’s eyes as they committed their immortal sin. They were joined as one, now and forever. There was no going back from here. They had shared a transcendental experience. A mixture of life and sex that few people ever have, before or since.

As their twitching, throbbing bodies relaxed and quieted their lips met in a searing kiss. It expressed more than any words ever could. It told of their love, their absolute devotion to each other. It provided reassurance and comfort, pleasure and fulfillment.

As they separated Aaron lay down on his back. Sherri lay partly across him, staring in wonder at his beautiful body. She kissed his chest lightly, murmuring sweet words of love. Aaron was the first to speak out loud.

“I came here just to try to reconnect with you, Sherri. I felt that we were spinning apart and I missed you. I had no idea that my nasty, nocturnal fantasies could ever come true. All my dreams have been answered. All my fantasies have come to life.”

“Not all of them I hope,” Sherri giggled, “I still have a few ideas if you’re stuck!”

“I missed you too. As my brother Aaron. I missed teasing and messing with you. But I never had those fantasies. I never thought of you in that way. I’m sorry. Maybe if I had we could have fallen in love sooner.”

Gulp! Where had the L-word come from?

Sherri blanched. Aaron spoke once more,

“Do you think we have? Fallen in love I mean? We’re brother and sister. There are laws and stuff about this, serious ones Sherri. I want it with all my heart, but can it be real?” His voice sounded plaintive.

“Yes, baby brother. I love you. I’m in love with you. Deal with it!” Sherri’s voice trailed off and Aaron felt her settle in against his body.

She felt so small and slight against him. Every instinct he had was telling him to cherish and protect her. But he couldn’t help but feel cheap and nasty as if he’d just used her for his own pleasure. He wondered if his mom could help with this. She had helped him with so much over the last couple of years, but this was a biggie.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm his mind. His body was reveling in a deep feeling of satisfaction, unlike anything he’d ever known. It knew what was right, even if he remained confused, his flesh was telling him the truth.

Just love her.

He smiled, pleased at that thought as he drifted off into a deep and dreamless sleep.

As Aaron began to snore softly, Sherri allowed herself a moment of introspection. She didn’t know it. She didn’t even know what introspection was! But she did begin to think about her life. To look at it objectively, from the outside. She was a skanky slut. Just one step up from a two-bit whore. She loved to fuck and suck and must have had a hundred different lovers in this bed. But that wasn’t the right word, she thought. They weren’t lovers. There had been no love between them. No love in the things they had done together.

They were… human dildos. She had used them to try to fill the aching chasm within her. The yawning crevasse of emptiness that was her soul. That pit of doom and gloom that was now… gone!

Aaron had shown her the truth of it. The truth of life… of love. He had filled her being with lightness and joy. Forever changing her. He had driven out the pain and doubt. The self-loathing that had held her prisoner for so long. She looked at the clock by her bed, 2:45 am. She sighed. It would be another five long hours at least before she could wake him up and be with him again. Talk with him. Laugh with him. Love with him.

Epiphany. That was a word that had come up more than once during her studies. It had just been a stuffy, philosophical word back then. A word to gloss over and ignore. But now it was personal to her. Sherri’s eyes had been opened. As had her heart. She was reborn. Remade. She was free.

She kissed her man’s chest, clinging to his body like a limpet. This was where she belonged. Where she would be until the end of time.


Lindsay, Mallory, and Penny stumbled out of their taxi sometime after 4 am. They tried to be quiet as they mounted the stairs, but as we all know, that never works.

Lindsay put her index finger to her lips and blew out an exaggerated ‘Shhh.’ She unlocked and opened the door to their apartment. The sexy trio tiptoed inside like something out of Scooby-Doo.

It was dark, but soft light spilled out from around Sherri’s door.

“Aaron must still be up. Let’s go see if he’ll play!” Mallory whispered, leading the others towards the lighted doorway. She pushed it open gently. As it swung open it revealed a truly astonishing sight.

The two figures on the bed were fast asleep. They were naked, the blankets strewn across the floor. Aaron lay on his back snoring quietly. Sherri was on her right side, sprawled across his body. Her left leg was bent at the knee and lay atop his midriff. Her left arm was across his chest and her head nuzzled in the crook of his neck.

All three girls had to stifle a shriek of surprise. They gaped at each other before Penny pointed at Sherri’s lewdly spread vagina.

Thick globs of viscous, white sperm were bubbling lazily from her hairless slit. It was too much. The inebriated girls clutched at each other, desperate to escape the room. Desperate to stay. Mesmerized by the obscene tableau.

Hands over their mouths, they somehow managed to bundle each other out of the door. Penny pulled it gently behind them, not risking any sound by closing it.

They ushered each other to the kitchen where they stood staring at each other, faces ashen.

Mallory finally broke the silence,

“Fuuucccckkk! And I thought we were at the best party in town!”

“Holy shit!” Penny said. “She talked about this yesterday. I told her it was normal to be horny around a sexy guy. I didn’t think she was serious. I was just trying to make her feel better. I never imagined she would actually do it!”

“That lucky bitch!” Lindsay said, her eyes glazed. “What?” she exclaimed, noticing the other two peering at her, open-mouthed. “He’s gorgeous! And that cock! Wow. Never mind the rest, but… they’re brother and sister! How hot is that?!”

“I know,” whispered Mallory. “It’s so nasty, so perverted, so… amazing! Wow!” Deep down she felt a delicious twinge between her thighs as she thought of her own brother Marcus. He was older and worked in L.A. What was he doing for Christmas she wondered? She would find out first thing tomorrow.

“Wait, wait!” Penny said insistently. “Is she on the pill? She’s the one I always go to for emergency condoms!”

“You’re right,” Lindsay replied. “She has bailed me out more than once. And she had that acne breakout last year. That was because of the pill. I thought she came off it then. Fuck, an incest baby!”

“Shut up Linds. You’re going to make me cum you dirty bitch!” Mallory had a hand between her legs, her face coloring.

“It’s none of our business. She’s a grown woman. Plus, we’re drunk and high, who are we to judge? I’m going to bed. We’ll talk in the morning.” Penny said, moving away shaking her head. Mallory looked at Lindsay and mouthed, “My room?”

Lindsay grabbed her by the wrist and the horny pair hurried off hand in hand. Both girls’ minds were awhirl in a maelstrom of sexual excitement and anticipation.


Sherri rubbed her eyes as she struggled awake. Her body felt stiff and sore all over as she stretched. Her elbow bumped into something solid and everything came crashing back to her.

Aaron! He’s in my bed. We fucked!

No, they had made love and it had been wonderful and sweet and… yummy! It had been unlike anything she had done before. She turned, eager to speak to him, to talk about what they had done, and what they were going to do.

But it wasn’t her brother beside her in the bed. It was his travel bag. It lay open and as she sat up, she could see it was neatly packed. Her bedroom door swung open and he entered, his toilet bag in hand.

“Sorry Sher, I didn’t mean to wake you. I’m just getting ready to go, my bus leaves in an hour. I made you some breakfast. Just yogurt, granola, and fruit. It’s in the refrigerator,” he said, zipping up his bag.

“That’s it? You’re going, without a word? What are you, a panda?” Sherri demanded crossly.

Aaron looked at her quizzically before asking with a shrug, “What?”

“Look it up. It’s a big bear from China that eats shoots and leaves,” she huffed.

Aaron smiled, then let out a snorting laugh. “You’re always so funny Sher. I think that’s what I love about you the most,” he said, kneeling down to kiss her lightly.

“I didn’t know what to say, that’s why I wrote you this letter,” he said, pulling a folded sheet of paper from his back pocket. He set it on her desk and turned back to her, taking a deep breath before he spoke.

“I don’t know if last night was a one-time deal. A ‘get it out of our systems’ kind of thing or if there’s more to it. It’s too soon for me to know, it’s all too raw in my mind. I don’t want to make a snap decision and get it wrong. You’ll be home for Christmas in a few weeks, won’t you? We’ll know by then. The first moment we see each other then, we’ll know. I’m sure of it.”

Sherri let her head fall back to the pillow. He was right of course, they both needed time. What they had done was huge. Momentous even. They really had to think about it. She just wanted to think about it here in her bed, with him!

“You’re right,” she said. “It was fun though, but we have to keep it in perspective. At least you get to go home. I’ve got to live here with the three Slippery Sluts! Imagine if they found out!

“To answer your question, yes, I’ll be home for Christmas, it’s been far too long. Say hi to Mom for me. Have a safe trip, I’ll see you in a couple of weeks.” She knelt and pulled him down for a final, searing goodbye kiss. She patted his cheek and lay down to watch him leave.

Aaron had left a note and some gifts for the other girls on the kitchen table. As he trotted down the stairs on cloud nine, he imagined what might happen at home over the holidays. He shivered in anticipation.


That evening, as he finally arrived home and entered the family farmhouse, Aaron called out to his mom, “I’m home.”

“Up here darling,” he heard from upstairs. Aaron made his way to her room, knocking lightly on the door.

“Come in,” she said and he entered. She was sitting up in bed reading. Her long, raven hair was tied up in a knot, reading glasses perched on her nose.

“How did it go, baby? Did you have fun?” she asked.

“Yes Mom, it was fantastic. Sherri looked after me really well and her roommates are great fun,” he replied. “Oh, and she’s coming home for Christmas too. She says hi by the way.”

“I take it our little plan worked then?” she said. “Here, come to bed and tell me all about it lover!”
