Creatures of Black

The dust clears as the shuttle’s engines power down. The atmospheric turbulence knocked it about quite a bit and the landing was hard and rough. That’s probably how the first shuttle got disabled. The landscape looks dark, dusty and rocky. It’s not going to be an easy hike. I open the door and step out. The air is clear but cold. I turn on my lights and open my tricorder. It point to a structure further up ahead. I start walking.

“Any word on the captain?” I broadcast back to the ship.

“Nothing but the faint signal we had before, commander.”

“I am approaching the last known location. Keep me posted.”

“Yes, sir.”

There is a faint path the leads down to what seems to be the entrance of a building carved out in the rocks. It looks massive and creepy. It’s too dark to make anything clear out, but there seems to be creatures carved out. I keep following the path ahead. I reach a large what seems to be a wooden door. It’s oddly shaped and seems to roll away rather than swing in or out. With some effort I manage to open it. A sweet musk smell greets me as I look inside. A purple reddish light seems to emit from various places in the walls. Enough light to make out where to go, but not enough to clearly see what’s inside here.

I make out faint breathing in the distance and feel the wind around me of things moving but I cant see clearly if there is something else here or if its just my imagination. My breathing goes faster. I put away the tricorder and grab my phaser. I better be ready for anything.

A large staircase winds down, but I hesitate following it. Back to the tricorder: the signal seems to be getting stronger, which leaves me no choice and I follow the staircase down. It’s narrow at the top but slowly seems to get wider and less steep. As if the further down I go the more comfortable it gets. The temperature get more ambient and I cant see my breath from my mouth anymore. The light seems to increase as I reach the end of the stairs. In front of me a massively high but very narrow corridor. Again I reach for the tricorder. It shows me that I am getting closer. I follow the corridor.

The walls are leathery but soft. There are a few bumps her and there that touch my shoulders and legs as I continue. I cant see the ceiling, that’s how high this thing is! Little cracks in the walls let through a brightish light, making the surrounding bright and dark at the same time. Then I feel it… the walls come closer, softly squeezing me. It doesn’t hurt but it slows me. I have to push through, but the bumps get longer and more tangly. It’s almost like little arms grabbing me. Then the light faints and darkness combines itself with the walls completely stopping me and the bumps grabbing me. A puff of something blows in my face… my eyes close…

I feel I’m seated in something soft, but also restrained. My arms cant move. A few rips in my uniform are evidence of a struggle. I open my eyes but I can barely make out anything. I can see me in some sort of seat, almost the size of a throne. It’s not uncomfortable, albeit that I cant move. Black vine like strands are around my arms and legs. They don’t hurt but make sure I cant move a muscle. In front of me a light from the ceiling appears, followed by another one and another one. Three lights shine onto what seems an elevation, almost like a podium.

“Captain! Captain!! Are you ok?”

I see her right there. Standing up up to her knees in a pool of the black vines. The hold her. I’m gathering all my strength to break free, but I cant.

“Captain… can you hear me? Are you ok?”

Her head lifts up. Her uniform ripped across her chest, hips and legs. She would have put up a fight. Her skin shows through the rips.

“I can’t move… I’m ok I think. No injuries…”

She is trying to break free but I can see that she has weakened. She must have used a great deal of her strength already. Still she looks determined, strong, decisive.

“Don’t waste your energy, ma’m. Let’s find a way out of this.”

“You don’t understand… Keep resisting! They are not only strong physically…”

Straight vertical cracks open in the walls. Almost like door sliding open. Light from behind shows figures behind them. They slowly move in a humanoid way. Completely black, but in the shape of a human body. A handful of them make their way towards her, slowly. Three or four head in my direction. I prepare myself, gathering all the strength in my body to make sure I am ready for them.

“Here they come… try not to give in. Don’t think of pain and resist any feeling…”

“Have you encountered them before?”

“Yes… they feed on feelings. They absorb them and mimic those feelings…”

“I am confused, what do you mean?”

“Don’t let them touch…” and her voice stops as the first creature reaches her.

It wraps its arms around her in a gentle way, as a hug from a friend. It has no hands but just soft tips at the end. Softly it runs it over her uniform. Another creature reaches her and starts doing the same. She closes her eyes as… if it is… enjoyable… From the corner of my eye I see one of the creatures reaching me. It too wraps an arms around me. It feels warm and soft and its tip feels sensitive and ticklish on my skin exposed around my neck. It is enjoyable…

The mount under her is moving and stretch out as a diagonal slanted surface. The creatures lay her down on it and now all have their arms on her. Two creatures behind me push my chair towards her until I am close enough to see her clearly. She has her eyes closed and the creatures run their arms and tips over her. One of them pries its tip in one of the rips in her uniform. I can see it touching her skin and her mouth opens. The creatures show little pink veins through their black skin and they seem to glow. What are these creatures? What do they want?

A third creature approaches me and slowly moves its arms all over me. Touching every bit of my body, my legs and my crotch. As it reaches between my legs it goes slower and softer, almost like an erotic experience. I can’t control myself and my body responds in kind. It’s veins start glowing stronger. I feel an arm breaking though my uniform and touch my skin. The sensation is something I have never felt before. It’s like slimy but dry, slippery but warm. I can’t resist feelings of lust.

One by one the creatures show more and more glowing veins. The creature closest to her rips one of the cracks open between its legs and shows the shape of a human penis. Fully erect and a with a tight scrotum it get closer to her body and starts rubbing itself on her. The creature touch me cracks open around the chest and reveals two breasts with pink hard nipples peering at me. The creature rubs them against my chest. I can feel myself get harder.

Two more creatures get closer to her, revealing both a human penis. They grab her hands and bring them toward the erect body part that contrasts strongly with their black skin. She has no choice but to grab them and softly squeeze them. If she is feeling what I am feeling I can understand why she loses control and just wants to give into this feeling. Another creatures slides behind her and exposes human hands at the end of its black slithery arms. It grabs her breasts and soft starts squeezing them. The dexterous fingers make their way through the small rips in her uniform, exposing her breasts as they pop out of the rips. I have always fantasised about her breasts but never saw them. They are large, half firm, half soft. Her nipples are big, in the process of getting harder. With those hands it doesn’t take long and I can see the creatures’ fingers pleasing her nipples. Her eyes are closed, her mouth is open, her breath is faster and she can only produce gentle sounds.

Meanwhile, two more creatures have grown breasts that they push against me. Two arms and tips are playing with my chest through newly created rips. They find the perfect balance between tickling and fondling. Like her, I cannot resist the feeling. The first creatures lowers itself to my crotch and reveals a mouth in what seems to be its head. Two soft lips appears and start moving around my penis. Thought my pants I can feel everything… it feels divine. I am losing the ability to fight this or be aware of the danger of this whole situation. My body and mind just want to give in. Two arms rips open my pants and my penis bounces out in its erect glory. The two lips immediately find it and start giving little kiss. A black tongue finds its way through the lips and starts working my tip. I look at her…

Her hands are slowly going up and down on the two penises. The creatures glow strong and the veins on their bodies grow and grow. The other creatures moves it humans hands over her breasts and seem to be glowing with pleasure. They radiate in some strange way… another creatures approaches her from the front. It too has create a mouth in it head. A long black tongue slithers. The creatures with the hands lets go of her breasts and moves further down. In a quick move, it has created a rip in her crotch, exposing her vagina. Her juices are glowing in this light and I can see how wet she has gotten. The creature with the mouth extends it tongue until it reaches her and slowly start licking her juices. It wiggle and slithers, but it doesn’t seem to bother her: on the contrary, she curls up in pleasure. The creatures with the hands returns to pleasuring her breasts. It grows a crack between its legs and another penis appears. It extends itself to her mouth. Without hesitation she start licking and sucking it. More and more the creatures glow and almost light up. I can hear her moaning and panting.

The lips around my penis have grown huge and slowly move up and down and the other creatures press their breasts in my face and mouth. The suction is amazing and the sensation of the soft flesh combines with the hard nipples is giving me sensations that are strong and deep. I throw my head back and moan… The whole surrounding is lighting up with the pink glow the creatures produce. It seems to be getting stronger as my pleasure levels rise. Is this what she was talking about? And if so, should I resist or should I give in? It’s very confusing but these feeling don’t allow me to think straight, just to give in, give in and give in more…

As she is surrounded by five of the creatures, glowing bright pink through cracks in their skin, the cave starts to feel warm and damp. A creature on each arm, with an erect penis rubbing in her hand and the tips slowly ripping off her clothes, two creatures near her legs doing the same thing and the creature near her head sliding its penis in and out of her mouth and squeezing her boobs. They continue until she has no more clothes left. The arms slender around her limbs touching her bare skin. Her sides, her breasts, her hips, her thighs… I can see the sixth creature extending its tongue again, reach in to lick away her wetness. She breaths heavier and heavier. Her body is curling up. There is a light show cracking through the creatures with the pink so bright it almost seems white. She is panting and moaning louder. I can see how fast the tongue of the creature moves around. She moves the penis out of her mouth to gasp for air as she orgasms… strong, loud and intense. Her body is all shaking as the creatures try to hold her under control.

I feel how massive I grow watching her naked body finish to constant strain of pleasure she has been receiving. My fluids of love start dripping from my tip as the creatures let go of me. In a state of confusing why they all of a sudden stop, I can feel myself being lifted up by a number of creatures and turned face down, floating in the air. I am flying but yet cannot move. I am being hold strongly by the arms as they hover me above her sweating body. Moving my arms back and restraining my legs, I can feel my hard penis pointing down. The creatures lower me towards her.

Restraint as I am, the creatures hold her in the same tight grip. They pink light is pulsating, almost like flashlights in sync. They move her legs apart and spread her arms out. Gently they place my penis inside her and start moving both our bodies back and forth. It’s a strange sensation as I am fighting the urge to ride her myself. They move us perfectly… its an ecstatic feeling as the creatures synchronise our movements into perfection. The lights go faster and fast like a stroboscopic effect on the walls. The whitish pink flashes are hypnotic and the feeling is going through my entire body. I can feel myself swell up and my orgasm rising from deep inside my testicles moving its way millimeter by millimeter to the tip of my penis. I cannot resist… I cant go slower nor faster. We have to obey their rhythm. I can feel her vagina squeezing me tighter and tighter… She looks me in the eye and nods. Her breathing going faster again… She pants… She moans. She squeezes more.

The creatures light up brighter and brighter, cracking rays of light through their skin. They keep moving us until we orgasm simultaneously. I can feel my juices squirting into her. I can feel her wetness covering my crotch. I nearly scream in pleasure. A bright light fills up the room as all creatures seems to be dissolving in a final burst. She sighs deeply and with a last moan we end the longest orgasm ever. The room turns bright white and I can feel the grip on my body loosen and the arms that were holding me dissolve. As the light fades, I lay down on her. We are both naked, wet from sweat and shared other bodily fluids.

The softness below us is gone. She frowns as she feels the bedrock under her hurting her body and skin. I lift myself up from her, pulling myself gently out of her. I help her up and try not to look at her naked beauty. All the creatures are gone, dissolved into whatever created them. The cave is cold, dry and vaguely lit. The corridor I came through is in front of us. I pick her up and carry her through back to the shuttle. I cant explain what happened, nor can I explain why. All I know is that this intense feeling and experience has been unbelievably amazing… I lay her down in the pod and cover her up. Her eyes are closed, her breathing slow. I hope she is sleeping. I kiss her forehead and head and tell the computer to lay in a course back home. I need a shower…