I want to thank Saddletramp for allowing me to borrow a couple of his characters for this story. Justice O Peace(Eli) and his beautiful wife Elizabeth(Lizzy).
This story is about two other stories, where the women made some bad decisions that cost them their marriages. One of the husbands committed suicide.
I could never find the two stories again after I read them. But they stuck in my mind. So if the authors would please contact me, I will give credit and repost.
The first story starts out with a woman having a long conversation with her husband that had left her, but it turns out she is talking to his gravestone. He committed suicide after finding out about her affair.
The next one was a woman on a business trip who turned 40 while she was out of town on that trip. Her husband and kids decided to surprise her for her birthday. They get there early in the morning to her hotel room. Upon entering her room, they had noticed Susan’s suitcase had not been unpacked from her flight, even though she had checked into the room the day before.
She turns around to see her loving husband and kids standing there, and her world collapses around her. Those stories were so well written, you could feel everyone’s pain.
I do not remember the original character names, so I chose my own. If the authors contact me, I will correct it.
How many times in stories do the women wish they go back and be UNFUCKED. So this is where I got an idea for the over-the-top story. Think of how many stories could have been saved in Literotica using this device.
Only in Saddle Tramp’s world could they be given a second chance to undo the damage they had caused. So again, I thank him for allowing me into his universe.
I want to thank the gentleman that gave me some good ideas to help the story flow better. He does not wish his identity to be known. You know who are.
I also referenced my story February Sucks My Way.
Remember, this is FICTION.
Deal with the Devil
It was a quiet Thursday night at St. Mother Mary’s Cathedral. The place was eerily quiet except for the silent sobs of two women kneeling before God prying for mercy. The silent sobbing sounded deafening as they echoed throughout God’s sanctuary.
God’s churches was designed to bring a feeling of inner peace and solace to the members of his flock. But tonight, it didn’t seem to help the two people looking for answers.
The two women looked old for their ages. They wore no make-up, and their hair had no luster. They looked like life had defeated them.
One woman looked up with tears in her eyes spoke. “Dear God, please help me. Please send someone to make my family’s pain go away. I deserve all the pain I am feeling and never want to be relieved of it. It is the price of my sins that I must suffer. My husband is a good man. He didn’t deserve what I did to him. I cheated and broke my vows to him, and to you God, to forsake all others. Please, bring him peace. He is drinking heavily now to dull the pain I have caused him. And I am scared for his health. My children hate me. And seem to have withdrawn from everything they have known. They are now running with the wrong people. And there is nothing I can do to stop it.
I am not going to ask for forgiveness. I deserve everything that is happening to me. I will be more than happy to spend eternity in hell for what I did. I truly, deserve everything I get. But please show mercy and compassion to my husband and children. Yes, I said, husband. All though we are no longer married in the eyes of the law, I will never be with another man. I am not worthy to ever to be called a wife again.” She broke down sobbing again. “Please God, help me.”
Over to her right at the other end of the pew was another woman crying and sniffling, praying to God. “Please help me, God. My children need your help. I deserve everything I am going through. Please allow Roger into heaven. He has already lived in hell with me. He knew the only unforgivable sin, is suicide. But he was sick with grief and pain that I caused. He couldn’t stand to live life with it. I will be happy to spend eternity in hell if you allow him into heaven.
My kids are falling apart. I found drugs in my son’s room and condoms in my daughters. She is only 14, and she is trying to find a replacement for her father’s love. I’m responsible for all the pain that I brought on by my foolish pride and what I thought I deserved. The thing I realize now is, my family didn’t deserve a woman like me. They deserve a hell of a lot better. Please, send an angel to look over my family. Don’t worry about me. I will get what I deserve. There is a special place in hell for foolish women like me.” Both women continued to sob.
They could hear the squeak of a door opening and a boom as it closed. Because of the quietness of the church, it sounded like the main gate of a castle opening and closing.
Click ching. Click ching. Click ching. It got louder as the steps approached the front of the church. There was a sound of a person sitting down behind them.
She turned to see a tall elderly cowboy sitting behind them in a pew a few rows from them. He sat with his hat in his hand, waiting for the two ladies to quit praying.
He was a tall, lanky fellow. He had handsome, chiseled features. He dressed as if he walked out of an 1800’s cowboy movie.
“Excuse me, sir,” said the blond. “Father Flannigan would be upset if he knew you were damaging his marble floors with your spurs.”
The old man responded with a grin, “Ma’am, me and father go way back. I talked to him earlier in the day and told him I would be meeting with you two ladies tonight.”
The two ladies looked at each other, and the brunette spoke up, “Sir, you must be thinking of another woman. I just stopped by on the spur of the moment to pray.”
The blond said, “Me too.”
“No, Ma’am, I have been waiting for you two. We knew a week ago you would be here tonight.” the old man said smiling.
The woman gasped when they saw the old guns in the man’s holster. He gave a warm smile. “Ma’am, I am here as your protector,” turning to show the two women his badge. I’m known as Justice O Peace, but my name is Elijah Jones. All my friends call me Eli, Ma’am. I have been assigned to bring you two in tonight. I’m taking you to see the misses. She is in charge of your case.”
The women were now terrified of the man and started to stand up. “Ladies. Didn’t you both just ask for help with your families.” He saw there was still fear in their eyes. He smiled again.
“Let me guess you were expecting wings. I ride a horse,” Eli said, chuckling out loud.
“All right, you two, did you ask for help tonight, or did you not?” he asked again.
Both women nodded yes.
“Here is your choice.” He went on to explain, “Stay here and keep status quo or come with me where we can fix it, so your adulty never happened. Now, are you game?”
The brunette spoke up, “I can’t. I have children, and I need to get back to them. The blond dittoed that answer.
“Don’t worry, ladies. It will be as if you never left. Time will stand still for them. I will take you to my misses now. And she can fix everything.”
The two ladies froze with fear until they heard a familiar voice come from behind them. It was Father Flannigan. ” Please, ladies, go with Eli. He is an old friend of mine. You can trust him, and he will protect you. I believe he can help answer your prayers,” he said with a warm comforting tone. He turned to Eli, “Tell Lizzy I said hello.” Justice nodded.
Both women followed Justice outside the church to see three horses tied to a tree. He smiled and said, “Pick a horse. They are both very gentle and are easy to ride. The brunette sighed and pronounced, “I’ve never ridden a horse before.”
“Here, let me help you,” smiled Justice. He put his hands down together. Please put your left foot here in my hand, and I will help you get on the saddle. A moment later, both ladies were sitting on their horses.
“Are you two ready?” he asked. They both nodded yes.
He took out his lariat and started spinning it. He click his tongue and cheek together.” And a moment later, they were walking into an old Western town. The sign read ‘Hard Rock.’
They rode and stopped outside a beautiful two-story house. The brunette asked, “Is this where God lives?”
“No, Ma’am. He lives in the Governor’s Mansion,” Justice explained. He started chucking to himself. And with a twinkle in his eyes, he informed them, “But my goddess, Lizzy, is in there.”
The blond burst into tears and said. “My husband used to call me his goddess. The last time he talked to me, he called me a whore.”
Justice dismounted from his horse and wrapped the reins around the hitching post. He walked around and helped the two women dismount. Looking into the eyes of the crying woman, he smiled and said. “Ma’am let’s go inside. The misses will help solve your problems.”
They walked into the house to see beautiful antique furniture adorn the rooms. “Please, go into the parlor, ladies,” requested Justice. “Ladies, I’ll get my wife. Oh, where are my manners? Please, ladies, have a seat.”
Justice yelled out, “Lizzy! Lizzy! I am home. Lizzy! We have company.”
From the back of the house, a female voice yelled, “Elijah Jones, you had better not be tracking in dirt into my home. The two women looked at Elijah as fear went across the man’s face. He looked down at his feet and grimaced at the mud he tracked in.
He heard, “Elijah, you old coot, come here and give me a kiss.” smiled Lizzie. “I’ll clean up the dirt later. It’s a wonder there is any dirt left for the farmers as much as you drag into my house.”
“Honey, not now we have company,” Justice said, turning red.
“You give me a kiss, now!” she demanded. Justice took his hat off to block the view of his company’s prying eyes.
He pulled away and took his hand and swiped it over his face, pointing to the flour on Lizzy’s face. “See you later, Lizzy. I have to go, take care of the horses. I’ll let you three talk.” He placed his hat back on and tipped his hat towards the ladies and walked out the door.
Lizzy spoke, “I just love that man, but he is such a prude sometimes. God help me if I ever show a little ankle in public. He has been known to call me a hussy under his breath. He says just loud enough for me to hear it,” she chuckled.
“Susan, Alana follow me,” she ordered. “I am finishing up making cookies for my great, great, great, great, great-grandchildren.” Upon entering the kitchen, they noticed the wood stove and the pump handle to bring water into the house.
“Please, have a seat, ladies,” asked their hostess. “Mrs. Jones, how do you know my name is Susan, said the blond?
“Did that man forget you tell you? He’d forget his head if it weren’t attached. By the way, my name is Elizabeth Jones. But my friends call me Lizzy. I already like both of you, so call me Lizzy.” with a big smile.
“Oh my goodness, look at me,” said Lizzy. As she stood in front of the little mirror hanging on the wall. Lizzy walked over to the sink and placed a small pan underneath the faucet. She put her hand on the pump handle and started pumping away. In a few seconds, the water spurted out of the water faucet in small burst. She quickly put both hands into the pan and washed her face. And then she dried herself off.
She turned to see both women gasp at her. “What, what’s the matter? Did I miss some?”
“No, Ma’am,” said Alana. “You’re beautiful. And without make-up. Without my make-up on, I would look like your great-granddaughter.”
With a huge smile, “Thank you, Alana. I knew I’d like you,” replied Lizzy
Susan chimed in, “You have a waist to die for also.”
“Ladies, we do not eat fast food as you girls do. Not only do I have to cook and clean it. I have to grow it. I get up at 5 a.m. and work to dark. I don’t have to work out in a place I think you girls refer to as a SPA to stay thin.”
Lizzy brought over a cantor of brandy and glasses. She sat across from the two ladies. She poured it out and left the cantor on the table. Susan and Alana looked at it, not sure whether it was safe or not. Ladies, it’s safer than the water. Let’s make a toast. Raising her glass toward them, “To the both of you. A better future.”
Lizzy turned it up and swallowed it in one gulp. Susan and Alana couldn’t do it. They started hacking and coughing.
Lizzy placed her glass down. “I bet you want to know why you are here. It’s because the both of you thought you were entitled to something you weren’t entitled to, another man. Both of the women grimace in pain as Lizzy pronounced those words. I bet you don’t feel so entitled now.”
My only question is, “Why did you think you deserved it? I have to earn my man’s love every day. And when I do, I get from him what I deserve. Both women were sobbing as the pain they felt came rushing back.
Girls, you have done nothing that hasn’t been done before. Except for you Millennials and Gen-Xer’s, I think you call yourselves, have taken it to a whole new level. The latest statistics show that 60 percent of women admit to cheating and 40 percent of men. And we are seeing the destruction of many families.
It seems with the new technology and fact you modern-day women think every man does it. You’re cheating more and getting caught at it. And in both your cases, you were just plain stupid.
We weren’t quite ready to bring you in yet, but your prayer the other night forced our hands.”
“What did I say,” Alana asked. I have been praying every night.”
Lizzy replied, “Except last night when you said you asked to spend eternity in hell if your husbands and families could be saved.
It seemed The Warden, that is what we call him here, was ready to accept your offers. But the way he would alleviate your family’s pain was slowly take their lives.” Both women howled in pain.
“So we had to go to the top, The Governor, himself. Yep, that’s the name we have given the Big Man here. After negotiations, we got it down to a mere million years in the pen. Ladies, you are lucky that we had already claimed you first. Besides, the Big Guy can make any rule he wants. But to keep harmony in the universe, he tries to stay mildly within his own guidelines.”
“If you two could go back and undo it, would you?” The women quit crying immediately at just the thought of it.
“Here’s the deal. We have developed a crude time travel device. We call the Unfornication Machine. Yea, we know you guys call it something cruder. But since fornication is in the bible, we felt that that word is appropriate for this use.
We have developed this machine to try to save people from making a stupid decision like you two did and destroy their lives.”
“Why us?” Susan asked. “I am sure there are more deserving women than us.”
“Because you two are the easiest we have found to fix for a trial basis.” Lizzy replied “You see, Susan, your ex-husband drinks himself to death. No future relationships or children. Neither one of you remarry and dies alone.
All of your children never make it to have children. One boy dies in a hold-up, and the other one dies in prison. One of the girls is beaten to death by her pimp, and the other overdosed on meth. All of this was caused by your entitlement.” Both women broke down crying in horror.
“If you decide to go through with it. That’s right. The Governor still gives the right to self-determination. If you choose at any time to commit adultery again, you go back to the night we picked you up in the church. But no matter what, you will have to relive the pain every night in your dreams to the day you die. You remember you said you deserve everything you get.
The reason you’re required remember the pain is because once you go through the Unfornication Machine it will be as if you never cheated. You will not remember or feel anything that happened because it never happened. So we want to make sure you remember why you are in the position you put yourself in
That will not be pleasant. You feel the pain you feel now until it is your time to go to see the Warden. And there you will make your own hell until you have served your time.
“My question is do you want your second chance?” asked Lizzy.
Both women, without an instance of hesitation or forethought, answered, “Yes, please. Oh God, yes.”
“I will be the best loyal, loving wife my man could ever ask for,” replied Alana. With Susan nodding in agreement.
“Come on, let’s go to the barn. Heck, hold on,” said Lizzy. “Doggonit, I burnt my cookies.” sighed Lizzy. As she pulled out blacken flour from the stove.
Upon entering the barn, Susan and Alana noticed what looked like an old diving bell made of iron and bolted together. It had a pipe running to it from an old steam boiler with what looked like a steam whistle on top.
“Ladies,” snapped Lizzy, getting Susan’s and Alana’s attention immediately. You will be sent back to 30 minutes before your physical affairs start. At that point, you will have the chance to back out of the decision you have made or not. You can have an exciting night of lust and fornication and what you thought you were entitled to, or you can go back to your daily lives and grind with your boring husbands. The choice will be yours. Good luck.”
“I’m scared,” said Alana.
Lizzy looked at Alana. “Can it get any worse than what you feel now? I tell you what. Both you and Susan can go in together and comfort each other on your journey.” They both agreed.
Lizzy shut the door and pulled the handle that started the old steam engine to turn wheels and cogs. The whole sphere was shaking, and the whistle blew. The girls wrapped their arms around each other and screamed.
Alana came to as she was about to turn off take onto the exit to the Lazy Acres Hotel for her rendezvous with her future lover. She screamed and drove past the Hotel exit, heading towards her home. Alana pulled into the garage and parked her car. She ran into the house to see her children sitting in the kitchen doing their homework.
She looked up the heavens and mouthed, “Thank you, God, Elijah, Lizzy. Thank you. Thank you.” She ran over and hugged her kids and kissed them all over.
“Mom, what’s the matter with you?” asked John. “Are you ok?”
“Yes, dear,” she was crying. She ran into the living room to see the picture of Roger and her on their wedding day. Alana grabbed her phone and dialed. “Mom, I need you to take the kids this weekend.” After hearing her mother’s smart-ass remark. Alana replied, “Your damn right, Mom. That’s exactly what we’re going to be doing this weekend. I have been terrible to Roger lately, and I’m going to make it up to him tonight and for the rest of his life. That’s right, mom, I do love him.”
She hung the phone up and went into the kitchen and sat down at the table with the kids. “Guys, I am sorry for the way I have been acting lately.”
“Mom,” replied Abby. “Don’t apologize to us. You need to apologize to Dad. Have you even looked at him lately? Hell no, all you do is bitch about needing this and that. And how he is not a good provider. He works 60 to 70 hours a week trying to make you happy, but it’s never enough. He hates this house that you just had. He hates the people at the country club that you just had to join.
“Dad is sick. Have you looked into his eyes lately?” asked John. “He has to drive an extra 2 hours both ways now because you just had to live in this neighborhood. I hate it here. We have decided, if you and Dad get a divorce, we’re going with him.”
Alana took a deep breath, ” Guys, there’s changes a-coming.” I will explain on the way to your grandmothers. Your Dad and I need to talk, and I do not want you here when we start. But one thing I will promise you, there will only be no divorce unless he hates me so much now he can’t forgive me.
Abby looked deep into her mom’s eyes, “Are you cheating on dad?”
Alana smiled, ” No, dear, I am not. Nor will I ever cheat on him.” Crossing her fingers in her mind.
At seven, Roger pulled into his garage in his old, beat-up Chevrolet pickup truck. It is not the type of vehicle a CEO would be driving. But with his company losing money and with the expenses of trying to make Alana happy. He couldn’t bring himself to spend the money on a new one. Even his secretary drove a nicer car than he did.
He pulled into the garage, then turned off his ignition and hit close on the remote for the garage door. He was wishing he was any place but home after the way Alana had been treating him. He reached under the driver seat and pulled out his 45 Glock, and stared at it.
Alana sat at the table, patiently waiting for Rodger to come in from the garage. She decided to see what was keeping Roger. Alana peeked out into the garage to see Roger staring at his gun. Fear overtook her until she saw Roger place the gun back under his seat.
She backed away from the door and went and sat down at the kitchen table, wiping the tears from her eyes. A few seconds later, Roger came in and saw Alana dressed in her LBD, smiling at him. He just let out a sigh and walked into the den and plopped down into his recliner in defeat.
He closed his eyes, waiting for the onslaught of insults that he was now receiving daily. He heard Alana’s voice, and he cringed.
“Roger, are you ok, dear? Can I get you something?” Alana asked. She saw him cower at her words. He was a beaten man. And she knew she was the cause of it.
Roger didn’t open his eyes or reply. From the previous months of verbal onslaughts from his wife, he knew no answer would suffice.
He felt something at his feet. He then felt Alana’s head rest on his legs as she sobbed.
He replied, “You won Alana, I give up. I’ve lost you. And am about to lose the company. I see you’ve dressed to go out tonight. Go ahead. I’m sure whoever he is, he can provide you with what you need. I have given it my best shot.
I guess you are ready to trade up now. I won’t fight for you anymore because I have been trying for the last six months. I know I have lost. I’ll move out tomorrow. You can have it all.I am tired now. So please, no more yelling, no more fighting. I have lost you. And I am ready to admit it .”
Alana was crying in pain as she looked up at a man defeated by life and her. She said with a warm smile, “I only dressed up to go out with you tonight, my darling. But we’re not going anywhere. I saw you go out the door this morning, and when you looked back at me, I saw your eyes. They were dead. No love, or hate, just dead.” She knew this was not true, but she wanted him to know she knew he was suffering.
“It breaks my heart to see how physically and mentally exhausted you are. I got a good look at the destruction to our family that I have caused. If it takes the rest of my life to fix it and earn your love back, I will do whatever it takes. If not, so be it. But it won’t be because I gave up.”
Roger looked at her and started to say, “I have never stop…..”
“Shhhhh,” Alana placed her finger to his lips to hush him. “First, I am asking for your forgiveness even though I haven’t earned it yet. You have been working yourself to death, trying to please me for what I thought I deserved. I have tried to change you into something you are not. And I will help you get back to the man that I love and respected before I did this terrible thing to you.
No, I said that wrong. I love you and respect you now more than ever. I just want you to go back and be the man I know you are and for you to just be happy again. I can’t remember the last time I saw you smile.”
She saw tears running from on his face. She saw a man more than capable of fighting and defending himself against other men. But he was ill-equipped to defend himself from his wife’s mental cruelty over the past six months.
Alana, smiling at Roger. “First, I want to move back to the other side of town to where our true friends live. Do you realize that just the taxes alone on this house is more than the house payment we used to have? Next, drop the membership to that stupid tennis club. That’s $25,000 a year. Abby calls them all FAKE BITCHES. And I became one of them.
Also, dropping the $50,000 a year for a private school that’s no better than the public school they used to attend. Both kids miss their old friends. And they hate the school they are in now. They are very excited about moving back. I know a new development that comes with a pool, tennis court and a little clubhouse. But I know you love to barbecue and entertain, so we can have a pooled installed.
By us moving, we’ll cut out around an hour and a half you have to drive to work each way or longer, to ten minutes each way. You will get to see more of their games and spend more time with me. I know more time with me doesn’t sound very appealing right now, but I promise it will be,” she explained with a devilish smile.
I called the Toyota dealership today. I’m traded my Mercedes SL 500 for a Mini-van. I’m planning on becoming more engaged as a mother. And I will be getting more involved with our kid’s activities.
With just the savings from cutting the unnecessary shit out of our lives that we don’t need, we can pay the house off in just a few years.
With a deep sigh, Roger finally spoke, “I think I am going to lose the company. I have been trying so hard to find out where the problems are. Baxter is looking into what is going on with the operations side, and I am concentrating on the manufacturing side, and we continue to lose money.
We might not be able to afford anything in a few months. Alana, I am responsible for hundreds of employees and their families, and I just don’t know what to do anymore. I am working longer and harder, and nothing is working. You might want to re-think staying with me.”
“Listen to me, Mr. Lambert. I am your wife. You remember those vows for richer or poorer. Half that company is mine. We started it together. Monday, I’ll go in and see what is going wrong. As you remember, I am a CPA. And I specialized in forensic accounting. You are no longer alone in this, Roger. No matter what happens with us, I will be at your side on this. I will not let this fail. No, us fail. And if the company fails, we’ll move into a trailer.”
She looked at Roger, and he was just about comatose with the weight he carried on his shoulders. “Honey,” with deep concern in her voice, “Are you eating?’ Susan asked. “You look like you have lost a lot of weight. I talked to your secretary today, and you are living off caffeine and prayer.”
I am going to fix you some scrambled eggs and get you in bed. We will go out later when you are feeling better. No, work for you this weekend, buster. I want you to rest and sleep. I will not be going out unless it is with you. When you wake up, I will be here for you. I’ll be here for the rest of your life if you let me.”
She pulled her LBD off and stood there with her lowcut black bra showing her dark nipples, garter belt with low cut stocking, and 4 inch back hells. She also forgot to put her panties on. Well, not really. “I don’t want to get grease on the dress,” she explained as she headed to the kitchen. And when you feel better, I’ll put the dress back on for you.” She sauntered seductively out of the room.
Thirty minutes later, Alana returned with his eggs and bacon. She sat on the arm of the chair and fed him until he could eat no more. She laid the plate on the coffee table and stood in front of him, grabbing his hands. “Come on, Roger, let’s get you in bed and rested. You’ll think so much better now that you have eaten. And with a little sleep, you will feel like a new man. She took his hand and led him to their bedroom.
She led him to his side of the bed and pushed him down gently onto it. She knelt and removed his shoes and socks. She slowly undressed him till he was nude and gentle laid the exhausted man down to his pillow.
She turned off the lights and removed her own clothes, and cuddled next to him, trying to comfort Roger the best she could. He could hear her sobbing as he dozed off for the night.
Alana heard a loud blood-curdling scream come from Roger’s office. “Mom!, come quick,” cried Abby hysterically. Alana walked into Roger’s office to see him slumped over his desk with blood dripping from the edge of the desk onto the floor.
Over to the right of him, she could see parts of his brains slowly sliding down the wall onto the floor. Running on his laptop was a video of Alana with her lover pounding her from behind. “You could hear the AP’s voice in the background talking. You, like my cock, baby? It is so much bigger than that cuck of yours, Roger.” Alana screamed with passion, “Yes, it is. I love your big cock.
The man stepped it up. I’m going to fuck that virgin ass of yours, baby. I’ll own it. It’ll be mine. You are to cut that wimp husband of yours off. You will never touch him again. You understand bitch?”
Alana was wild with passion and replied, “Yes, yes, I will. I’ll never let him touch me again with his little dick. I love you. I want you to fuck my virgin ass.”
Roger awoke to hear screaming and sobbing coming from Alana. He flipped on the light to see tears running down her cheeks. He shook her. Wake up, Alana, wake up, you had a bad dream.
She opened her eyes to see Roger starring at her. “Oh Roger, you’re still here. I love you. Never leave me, please.”
“I was thinking the same thing last night when you were holding me,” he replied. “I thought I was dreaming, and I didn’t want to close my eyes. I was afraid it was a dream, and when I awoke, you wouldn’t be here.”
Still shaking, she replied, “I will be here as long as you’ll have me. I’m sorry for the way I treated you. If you let me, I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”
“Turnover, I want to cuddle with you,” she informed him. She turned to her side, and Roger wrapped his strong arms around her, making her feel little in his arms. Within few minutes, he was out sleeping again.
He woke up to see it was 4:30 on the alarm clock. Alana was not in his arms anymore. He was scared she was gone. “Alana,” he cried out.
“Yes, yes, darling,” she replied as she came running into the room. She climbed back into bed next to him. She reached over and kissed him on the lips.
Roger asked, “Are you hungry? What do you want? Do you want to go out for supper and dancing?”
Alana chuckled, “Honey, it’s Sunday afternoon. You’ve slept almost 40 hours this weekend, but I’ll take a rain check. You must be starving. I made you something special, your favorite meal in the whole world. Why don’t you take a quick shower then come on downstairs? By then, it will be ready.”
He walked into the kitchen. He walked up and put his hand around Alana’s waist and kissed the back of her neck. As she shuddered, goosebumps raised on her arms.
“Oh boy, my favorite.” he smiled. “And the meal too.”
Alana giggled, “Sit down, tiger, you need to regain your strength.”
Alana placed a full plate in front of him and sat and smiled as he ate.
“Honey, do you remember the first time I made that for you?” remembering back when she was first learning to cook.
“Yea, I loved it.” as he shoveled in another mouth full.
“I never told you how I came up with it, did I?” she asked
“Uh, uh,” he replied, shaking his head with his lips closed with a mouth full of food.
Alana, smiling, “If you remember, we had very little money our senior year at State. You were working two jobs to pay our bills and were carrying a full load on top of that. You were always exhausted. I called mom and was crying because I couldn’t figure out what to make. It was a day before payday, and we didn’t have a dime between us.
My mom asked me what we had in the freezer and what and what other items we had. All we had was four potatoes, a pound of hamburger, two cans of tomato soup, and a can of green beans. Mom told me this was easy-peasy. Cut the potato up and boil it to make mashed potatoes. Brown the hamburger. Pour the soup in and mix in the can of green beans. Bring to a simmer. Take the mashed potatoes spread on the top like you would a cake. Put butter on it. Salt and pepper and Wah-la, mixed up stuff.”
Roger smiled, ” I felt guilty afterward. You only got about a spoon full of it.” You think, maybe I should have married your mother.”
Well, don’t worry, I made 5 pounds of hamburger this time. Alana looked at Roger with a self-deprecating expression, “You probably should have a married mom. She would have made you a better wife.”
“Yeah, probably, she would have. Except I can’t outrun a 30-06 slug. Your dad is a great shot, Laughing out loud. Scrapping the plate with his fork and asked, “Can I have some more, please?” Alana hopped up and dipped out another plate.
She placed the plate back in front of him. She smiled and said, “Hold on a second. Let me get my hand out of the way,” giggling.
Later that evening, they were lying in bed. Alana cuddled behind Roger. “Honey, I have to tell you something.” She felt Roger tense up as she spoke. “I almost cheated on you. But I swear I didn’t. I’ll take a lie detector test to prove it to you. I did some things that wouldn’t pass the husband test. I danced too close and sat too close to another man. We even kissed. She felt him tighten up more. “But that is far as it went,” she explained.
“He convinced me I deserved more, and you couldn’t or wouldn’t give me things I was entitled to. I realized when I saw you this morning going to work that he was so wrong. I have not given you what you deserved. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me and let me win you back, I swear to you, and you’ll never regret it.
I’ve talked to a real estate agent today. She will be by tomorrow evening to list this monstrosity. I want to go back to just being your loving devoted wife. Your biggest supporter. Your lover, your confidant.
And even if you don’t forgive me. I’ll let no one take your company from you. Yeah, I know my name is on it, but you are the one that gave up so much for me. I will fight to my last breath to make sure you keep it. You don’t have to tell me you love me right now. But if you can give me time to prove it, I will.” She lightly ran her hand up and down his back until she fell asleep.
She got up in the middle of the night and opened her phone. She had 50 missed tests. They went from I love you, to where are you. To you fucking bitch no one stands me up. She thought to herself, “He is going to be in for a surprise tomorrow. She knew what he had planned and what he did to cause Roger to kill himself.”
“Honey, wake up, wake up,” Roger yelled as he was shaking Alana awake. “You’re having another night terror.”
Alana opened her eyes and smiled, still shaking, “It’s all right, my love, as long as you’re here when I wake up. Please hold me.” She looked at the clock, and it was six o’clock. “We have to get the kids from mom’s and take them to school and head to the office.”
She dressed and put on one of her tight pencil skirts that showed every curve in her ass. Roger loved those skirts when she wore them to the office. She made sure no panty lines were showing by not wearing them. She was ready to make sure if Roger started feeling any pressure, she would make sure she was there to relieve it.
Around 11 o’clock, Baxter walked into Alana’s office snarling. “Where in the hell were you? I had the whole evening planned. You deserved to be worshiped. You were entitled to it after the lack of support that cuck loser never gave you over the years.”
Alana stood up, seething with anger, “Listen, asshole, I know what your plan was. You planned to film us and get me to make derogatory comments about my husband. Then show him the film and destroy him. That would have allowed you to take over the company and move me out.
I know about all the kickbacks and freebies you’re getting. This company is making plenty of money, but you have been embezzling from us. How could I have been so stupid to believe your lies and bullshit.”
“Listen, you cunt,” Baxter said as he snorted at Alana. Your little cuck was fucking the shit out of his secretary today. Hell, he must be pretty good. She screamed so loud the whole floor heard her.”
She grinned, “You fucking idiot that was me that was me screaming. I went into his office and saw he was feeling alone, and the pressure was getting to him again. I bent over and pulled up my skirt and told him to take what was his. As a matter of fact, I gave him my virgin ass today. It is his. He has claimed it, and no one else will ever get it. And that especially applies to you.
Now, for your ass. I have called our lawyer, and he is getting the DA involved. You’ll find your ass in jail by this evening.” She reached for the phone, “Give me a security call.”
Baxter grabbed the phone and hung back up before she could say another word. As he hung it up, he grabbed Alana and threw her against the wall.
He hissed and spoke through his gritted teeth. “I’ll take what I earned before I go to prison.” Then Baxter felt a cold chill run down his back as a shadow crossed across the wall behind Alana.
Baxter heard a voice come from behind him, “Take your hands off the little lady. We don’t take kindly to men hitting women where I come.”
Baxter turned to see the back shadow of a man standing ten feet from him. “Who in the fuck are you?” he asked.
The dark shadow reached into his pocket and pulled out what to seemed to be a match. He struck it off his belt buckle. He brought it to his face, and the flame showed the face of a hardened, tested man. He took a deep draw of his cigarette and answered his request, “‘I’m known as Justice, Justice O. Peace.” As he took a deep draw of his cigarette, his whole body came into the light. “Also, I am going to have to ask you to watch your language in front of the lady.”
Baxter laughed, “She ain’t no lady. She is just 9 inches short of being my whore.”
“That’s it,” said Justice as he put his hand on his six-shooter.
“Well, isn’t that an honorable thing to do,” chided Baxter. “Pull on an unarmed man.” Justice reached to the front of the holster and unbuckled the leather holster and allowed it to drop to the floor.
Baxter pulled a switchblade. He hit the button, and it snapped open. Baxter smiled and with arrogance and spoke, “That was a mistake, old man. He lunged at Justice. Then there was a loud snap.
The next second, Baxter grabbed the side of his head as the pain shot through his body. He looked down to see his left ear on the floor.
“You know, mister,” laughed Justice. “I looked up in that computer thing about whips. Do you know when it snaps, the tip is going the speed of sound? How about that.”
“You old bastard. I’ll kill you. You cut my fucking ear off with that thing,” screamed Baxter in pain.
“I told you to watch your language in front of the lady,” said Justice. Justice pulled out his lariat and spun it until it glowed. He threw it around Baxter. Justice pulled it, and Baxter disappeared.
Alana ran to Justice and hugged him. “Thank you, Mr. Jones. You saved me again. Where did he go? Did you kill him?”
“Nah,” replied Justice. “I just sent him to my grandson, Amos. He will take him out into the desert. He’ll give him a canteen of water and some beef jerky and let him see if he can find his way out. If not too bad.”
Alana reached up and kissed him on the cheek, leaving a lipstick imprint. Justice smiled, “I am not wiping that off. It’ll make Lizzy jealous, and it will keep in on her feet.”
Alana laughed, “You better be careful, Justice. Do you remember those cookies that Lizzy burnt?”
Justice’s eyes got big, and he gulped, “You’re right. I better wipe that off. And by the way, we are friends. Call me Eli. We’re friends, ain’t we? I’ve got to go.” he said as he put his holster back on.
Alana turned to get a Kleenex to wipe off his cheek. When she turned around, Eli was gone. Alana looked to the heavens and mouthed, “Thank you, GOD.”
Susan awoke sitting at a booth eating dinner in the hotel. Across from her was you well-built, handsome young man smiling at her. Susan screamed, dropped her fork on her plate, and headed to her room. The young man sat there looking around, trying to figure out what in the hell just happened.
“Let me go, Alan. I have to get ready to go to the meeting today.” Susan giggled as she opened the door to her room. She turned around and threw her arms around his neck and gave him one more deep kiss.
He pulled away and asked, “Can we get together tonight.”
She placed her fingers to his lips and replied. “No, dear, You’re cute, but it was a one-time gift I gave myself for my 40th birthday. I have been a faithful wife, and I deserved it, and I owed it to myself. Also, I love my husband and family. You’re ok in bed, but nothing close to my Tom. He has a much bigger cock. Last night was something I will cherish and remember to my dying day. It will never happen again. And besides, you have a fiancĂ©.”
“Here, let me do this for you,” giggled Susan. “Looking down the hallway to make sure no one was coming. “Pull your hand from under my dress and take it away from my ass. No, no one will ever get that.” He pulled his hand from under her hiked-up dress in the back and held her waist.
She took one hand and braced herself on his shoulder, reaching under her dress. She pulled down her panties and bent over and took them off one leg at a time.
She came back up smiling and said. Take these as a souvenir and something to remember me by. I promise I’ll remember you because I will be sore for the next couple of days from the pounding you gave me,” she giggled.
After placing her panties in his hands, Susan noticed that his eyes were as big as saucers, and his jaw was hanging open. He slowly, back away in terror, turned and ran.
Susan turned slowly to see what he was looking at. She screamed and collapsed to the floor at the sight of her husband and children standing behind her.
“Please,” she begged. “Tom, come back, let me explain,” as he stepped over her collapsed body and headed out of the room.
She woke up screaming in grief.
In the morning, Susan’s husband, Tom, and the kids arrived at the hotel. They wanted to surprise Susan for her 40th birthday. They stopped by the front desk and told the front clerk who they were and that they were there to surprise his wife for her birthday. He showed his id and took a spare key to her room.
They walked into the room at half-past seven to see her luggage was out, and only one side of the bed slept in the night before. They heard the shower turn off, and all decided to hide in the room. They waited and waited until Susan walked out.
Tom gasp, at his wife’s beauty. She could pass for 28 years old easily. “Happy birthday,” yelled the kids. She put her hand up to her mouth and acted totally shocked at her husband and the kids’ presence for her day. Susan ran over to her kids. She hugged them and kissed them, telling them how happy she was to see them.
She turned to see her husband with his mouth wide open. She gave him a sultry look as she walked deliberately towards him. Tom let out a loud gulp. She reached her arms around his neck and snaked her tongue into his mouth.
As she reached her arms around his neck, her robe road up showing a little too much for her daughter. “Mom, TMI, get a room,” yelled Laura. Get a room!
Susan pulled back from Tom’s lips and looked deep into Tom’s eyes, with the I want to fuck you now, look. Without looking at Abby or David. “This is my room, now get out. Go to the room that your father has reserved for you two. Then go down to the hotel buffet for breakfast and charge it to that room. And don’t call us till noon. Oh, by the way, put the Do Not Disturb sign on the door on your way out.” As soon as the door closed, she pushed him back on the bed.
Susan’s cell phone rang at 12. Susan picked it saw it was her son David, “Mom,” she heard a whiny voice come over the phone, “We’re bored,” said David.
She replied, “Come by the room and pick up my credit card. There is a mall about half a mile down the road. Each of you gets 200 dollars to spend. Don’t come back till after five. A few minutes later. She heard a knock on the door. The kids looked down to see Susan’s bank card sliding under the door.
It was 4:30, and it was about time for the corporate dinner for the final night of the conference. All the awards for the top salespeople for the year would be given out then, for the year.
Susan laid her head on Tom’s chest. She raised herself up on her elbows starring at Tom’s face as he tried to recover from his third orgasm of the day. Susan asked, “Tom, do you want some more, honey?”
Tom wheezed as he tried to catch his breath. “Uncle, uncle, mercy, please, mistress. Show some mercy,” he chuckled.
Susan moved up and kissed him on his lips. Smiling, she spoke, “Honey, we need to talk.”
“Huh, Huh,” he replied, barely moving his tired lips.
Sighing, “You know I missed out on a lot of things when I was younger that my friends got to do. We were really in debt when we graduated, and I even worked two jobs to help pay for your master’s degree.
As soon as you graduated, I got pregnant with David. Two years later, with Laura. Money was tight with our two incomes and all the student debt. We both worked extremely hard to get out lives in order and to earn what we have now.
I know what I am going to ask is going to upset you. But I promise it won’t affect your and my relationship. It will take away nothing from you. I bet you you’ll benefit greatly from it. I know we might not have as much time together as we do now, but I will make it up to you in the future.
Tom sat up wide awake to make sure he heard what he thought Susan said and replied in shock, “YOU WANT TO WHAT!”
Susan looked down and whispered, repeating what she said, “I want to be a stay-home mom and have another child.”
Tom replied, “Honey,” chuckling, “Where did this come from?”
Susan’s started leaking tears from her eyes, “I want another baby with you. I missed out on raising Laura and David. I let other people raise my children. By staying home, it will give me a few more years with David and Laura. I don’t want to be in the rat race anymore.
You have far more upside in your career than I do. If you didn’t have to help me with kids and pull off your job when I traveled, you would be at least a vice-president by now. I will support you and your career for our future.”
Tom sat in shock and asked, “Susan, where is this coming from? Is this a 40 thing? “Most women just get a boob job or a facelift. Hell, some even have flings. But a baby.” Susan just broke down crying and sobbing.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Susan. I was just kidding you,” said Tom. “You don’t need either. And you better not have a fling. It was just a joke that came out wrong. Hey, if that’s what you want, quit and be a stay home mom, you can. But for you to have a baby at your age, you’ll have to promise me you will get approval from a doctor first. If he feels you are putting your health at risk even a little, we won’t do it.” Susan burst into tears laughing and crying. She was so happy.
And then the phone rang, “Mom,” came over the phone,
Cutting Laura off, Susan said, “Order room service. Oh, by the way, tell your brother to stay off the adult channels.”
Tom, I guess we better take a shower. We have the banquet I need to go to tonight. And I want you there. I’ll call and get you a place to sit. And an extra meal ordered.”
“Susan, while we’re getting ready. I want to know what brought this on?” asked Tom
“Come on, let’s take a quick shower. As we get ready, I’ll tell you what happened,” replied Susan.
After drying off from their shower, Susan told her story. “I had woken last night from a terrible nightmare. I tried and tried to go back to sleep but couldn’t shut my mind down. I had decided to go down and sit at the pool and stare at the sky.
By the time I got there, there were only two tables full of people talking. One set was women I worked with. They were bitching and moaning about everything. Husbands, kids, their jobs. They went on and on and on how about how unhappy they were. And how much pressure they are under. About two tables down were the wives of the upper management. They were laughing and telling funny stories about kids and grandkids.
It finally quieted down after 30 minutes as everyone left the area. Then I heard a voice ask. ‘May I sit with you? I looked up to see the CEO’s wife, Sharon Masters, looking down at me, smiling.
“Is it all right?” she asked me again.
“Sure, go ahead,” I replied. Sharon grabbed a lounger and slid it over next to me. She laid down and stared up at the sky with me.
After a couple of minutes, Sharon spoke, “Susan, I don’t know what you are starring at, but I doubt it is the stars. Do you want to talk about it?
“You know my name?” I asked.
“Of course. I even remember when you started,” Sharon replied. “You were a wide eager young woman that wanted to make her mark on the world. I saw you had dreams of being CEO of this company someday. I have seen you blossom into a beautiful, self-confident woman until tonight. What’s going on?”
“Does it show that bad?” I replied.
“Yes,” she chucked.
“Mrs. Masters….”
“Call me Sharon,” she touched Susan’s arm in a comforting way.
Susan took a deep breath and tied to explain, “I thought I was happy until tonight. I have a great husband, kids, career, and I am still not happy. I saw all my fellow workers complaining about every little thing about their home and work lives.
Then I listened to your table, and every one of the women at your table was laughing and having a great time. Not one complaint about your husband’s jobs or anything, why is that? That’s how I want to be, happy again.”
Sharon grinned and asked, “Did you notice something different about the two tables?”
I replied, “All of you are upper management wives, and they are not.”
“True,” she replied. But that is not the biggest difference.
I thought and thought but couldn’t think of anything.
“We are all stay home moms and wives. Our career was promoting our husbands. “I have a degree in Communications and Marketing. I could have gotten a job, and we would have done all right. But I chose to be a wife and a stay home mom.
We struggled financially for years because of it. Having only one income is tough on couples nowadays. We bought a smaller house, and our kids went to good public schools. I was always there to help them and get any resources they needed. I have a lawyer, a doctor, and a dentist in the family now.
We bought used cars, and Richard drove the same car for 15 years. We took one vacation year, and we did a lot of stayhomecations.
By me being a supportive wife, it allowed Richard to put in the time it required for him to become successful. Sometimes it took 60 to 70 hours a week to do his job. He was required to be away from home a lot when we were younger. I am going to tell you right now if it weren’t for the Electric Bill, I would have gone crazy.”
Susan looked at her with an inquisitive look.
She laughed at me, “That was my battery-operated toy I named William? she explained.
“I howled when she told me that.”
Sharon went on to explain, “I sometimes got lonely and had men hitting on me all the time. But I made a choice, and Richard was it. Richard used to come in after a long trip exhausted. I could tell he was whipped. But he would take a shower. And take me out for the night. I knew that man loved me.
I had to put a little more effort into our romantic life. Women never seem to realize that men need foreplay also, especially as they get older. Richard laughs now and says, when he was eighteen the slightest breeze would give him a hard-on. Now it yawns at F5 tornado.
I have to actually work at it if I am in the mood and he is not. But he never denies me. And the same in return.
I don’t think he has ever cheated on me. I went by the motto, ‘Soft Dicks Don’t Cheat.’ So if I knew he had a long trip coming up, I made sure of two things. He was soft when he left, and we were not arguing.
I have heard stories about how CEOs use their power to seduce younger women. But I will tell you right now, men like my husband would never have made it where they are if they pulled shit like that.
People have to have complete trust in the person that they entrust their wealth with. Every one of these men that run this company has been vetted. Not, only for their abilities but for their ethics.
Contrary to what women believe, high-quality men do not back up other men that cheat on their wives. Richard has lost many friends due to their infidelity. He has to deal with cheating spouses when lawsuits are involved naming the company as one of the parties. That’s why there is zero tolerance when employees are involved. He recently added to the company policy, if any employee has an affair with the spouse of another employee, they will be terminated immediately. He wants harmony within the company.
He hates these conferences. He knows someone is going to do something really stupid. And he will have to fire them. One of the funny statistics involves married women. They seem to cheat if they are going to cheat on their 25, 30,40,50 or 60th birthdays. It seems to be a milestone to prove to themselves, they are still attractive and desired. And they usually go after younger men. Curious huh.
As far as men cheating, it doesn’t matter. Most that cheat because it is a matter of opportunity, or they had too much to drink.
Now for me being a stay home wife. When it comes to their personal lives, I never criticize their choices people make. But I don’t want others criticizing mine either.
Here is what my day is like. If Richard is going out of town, I get up and see him off. Sometimes I make him breakfast. If he is not traveling, I sleep in late. Sometimes I get up and let the maid into the house. That’s if I feel like it. If not, she lets herself in. I sleep to about 9 when my maid brings me my morning coffee and breakfast in bed. I get up and go to the club and play tennis with my friends and then have lunch.
I then go shopping or go see my grandkids. Sometimes I have charitable events I need to attend. I am always home for Richard. I sometimes still cook for him. And you think I want somebody messing with my deal.”
Susan laughed at those remarks.
“Listen, Susan,” said Sharon. “I saw you sitting here thinking about making life-changing decisions. Just make sure they include your husband.” Sharon gave her a questionable look.
“By the way, how is Tom doing?” Sharon asked.
Susan replied, “Fine. Do you know my husband?”
“Honey,” placing her hand on Susan’s arm. “Every woman that has anything to do in this company knows who your husband is. I can still see him in that bathing suit from 15 years ago when we had that Top Performers getaway in Aruba.
Your husband is gorgeous. And what a body,” Sharon giggled. “When we had the volleyball tournament, he was the topic of discussion on the sidelines among all the wives. Tom Cruz and Val Kilmer didn’t have anything on your husband. Your man could make Mother Teresa, re-think her vows.
You did know that Richard offered him a job as a Sr. Vice President of Manufacturing?”
“Tom never told me that he was offered a job with us, ” Susan replied, with a surprised look on my face.
Sharon looked surprised, “Richard told me Tom said he had too many responsibilities, and with you traveling as much as you do, somebody had to stay near the home front and take care of the kids.”
“How did Richard hear about him?” I asked.
“The company had put out feelers to different recruiters, and he came back on the top of everyone’s list. Richard says he is CEO Material. You must be proud of a man that has given up so much for you?” Sharon, driving the point home to Susan. “Your husband’s background was looked into very carefully before Richard even talked to him. You might be happy to know he checked out.”
I thanked Sharon and made my decision on what I now want in my life.
Susan turned towards Tom and kissed him. I want to be a housewife stay home mom. And a future wife of a CEO, she added.
Tom laughed, “No pressure at all, huh.”
Later that evening, “Susan, Susan, Susan,” wake up yelled Tom. She came straight up screaming and crying as she turned to Tom.
“Please, hold me,” Susan cried. As she reached over, crying into his shoulders.
“Honey, calm down. I am right here,” he said quietly, stroking her hair back out of her face.
“I love you, Tom, I always will.” sniffling and shaking in his arms.
Tom lifted her chin and lightly kissed her lips with a smile said, “I will always be here for you.”
Four weeks later, at St. Mother Mary’s Cathedral.
Susan and Tom stood to walk towards the aisle to go up to take communion. Susan was face to face with Alana coming from the other pew. They both smiled. Alana mouthed, “Meet me out front after mass.”
Susan headed straight out the front door and to see Alana standing smiling. They ran and hugged each other and started rambling on to each other. Finally, after 5 minutes Susan and Alana heard.
“Excuse me, my name is Tom, and you are?” while extending his hand out to the man standing next to Alana.
“My name is Roger. Please forgive my wife’s manners. I thought I raised her better.” He chuckled and shook Tom’s hand.
Alana turned to Roger, “I am sorry, Honey, I have recently met Susan, and we have a lot in common.”
Susan was still holding Alana’s hands, “Tom, Honey, I know this is the last moment. Can they come over for a BBQ tonight?
“What can we bring?” asked Alana before Tom could answer.
Roger walked out to bring Tom an extra beer as he flipped the burgers. “Tom, I hope you don’t mind me asking, “Do you think there is something strange going here.” Tom could see the two women talking through the kitchen window, going at it 90 miles per hour.
Tom sighed, raised his eyebrow, then replied,” Susan’s been acting a little weird lately. She just quit he job and wants a baby.
“Same here,” replied Roger. “I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth, but she has been so happy lately.”
“Tom, honey,” yelled Susan. “Alana invited us to go out Friday with them. They want to take us to their club for dinner and dancing.”
Tom smiled and looked at Roger. He raised his beer to him, “I guess we’re going to be friends.”
A few minutes later Alana walked out of the kitchen with Susan with a big smile on her face, “Roger, guess what? This is the subdivision I was talking to you about moving to. That lot next door is available. We can build our new house right there.”
Susan looked at Tom, “Honey, wouldn’t that be great to have hour new friends living right next to us.” Tom raised his eyes and looked at Roger.
Friday night, after dinner at the club, both couples sat waiting for the band to start. Alana reached over and took Susan’s hand, “Guys, thanks for coming with Roger and me tonight. It will be the last time we will be using the club because we are moving back to your side of town. We are downsizing, so allow Roger to spend more time at home with us rather than spending it sitting in a car fighting traffic.”
After dinner, they moved to the lounge for drinks for an evening full of dancing. Tom finally asked Alana to dance. And Roger smiled and asked Susan to dance. “I am sorry, Tom,” replied Alana. “I’ll only dance with Roger.”
Susan grabbed Tom’s hands as she smiled and spoke to Roger, “I am sorry. I also only dance with my husband.”
Whispering in Alana’s ear, “Honey, what’s going on with you?” asked Roger. “You love to dance. If you are doing this because of what we are going through…..”
Alana, cut him off in mid-sentence. No honey, I’m only going to dance with you for now, maybe in the future but not now. So you better get ready to have blisters on your feet.” she giggled.
After returning to the table, Susan and Alana noticed a young lady and an older gentleman sitting across the room, getting a little handsy. The young lady had a large diamond ring on her left ring finger. The man had none.
After a few minutes, the young woman got up to head to the restroom to freshen up. The young lady stood in front of the mirror, prepping for her future lover. Alana and Susan stood next to her watching her intently,
She noticed both staring at her. “What are you looking at?” she asked.
“You honey,” Susan spoke in a soft voice. “You are about to destroy your life. And what for, a quick thrill. Or maybe for some new adventure. Trust me when I tell you this it is not worth it. They both touched the young lady at the same time. Alana laid her hand on the young lady’s shoulder, and Susan touched her hand.
All three women’s eyes widened, and their eyes blacked out. And the young women’s future raced through her mind. She saw the destruction of her marriage, the hurt of her husband. And the disappointment of her parents. The pain they all felt was as if it was actually happening in real-time. All three pulled away as they screamed. Susan and Alana were sobbing, and the young lady was throwing up into the sink.
As she finished getting rid of her dinner, the young woman turned and ran out of the bathroom. The young woman ran past the man in the booth and out the door. Susan and Alana came out following her. The man jumped up and confronted them. They touched his arm, and he pissed in his pants at the site of a 45 bullet going through his skull. He turned and ran out the door, yelling for the two women to get away from him.
Roger and Tom ran up to them and asked if the girls were ok. Susan replied, “Yes, we are fine, we had a little discussion with them about cheating on their spouses, and they seemed to agree.”
The two husbands looked at each other with suspicion for their wives.
To be continued.